Wednesday, March 19, 2025

LAZ impressed by RB’s two years in office


LAZ President Steven Lungu

The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) President Stephen Lungu has described Republican President Rupiah Banda’s two year in office as impressive.

Mr. Lungu said that although the president has received quite a number of criticisms from different stakeholders, they are number of achievements that have been recorded.

In an interview with QFM, Mr. Lungu said that the current administration has achieved a lot in a lot of economic sectors.

He cited the balancing of the dollar and the Kwacha as some of the achievements that have been made.

He also said that one of the achievements that the current administration has made is the bumper harvest that has been recorded in the 2009/2010 farming season.



  1. Now LAZ you have touched a raw nerve. Tell us if all you lawyers have received brown envelopes before the “experts start blogging.

  2. Follow a well researched with details article on UKZambians page its titled:

    Presidential Elections 2011, Who will Win?

    By Dr. By Mulenga Kaela

  3. Meanwhile Magande said he would form a political party next year before the elections.“Yes I am standing. I am forming one (political party) before the elections. I want the people of Zambia to judge for me under my party.”

  4. The balancing of the dollar and the kwacha as an achievement???? Clearly the learned lawyer never took or understood any basic economic course @ YUNZA. The USA just de-valued its currency as a means to deal with its economic woes and you cite that as one of RB’s successes? How many graduates have found jobs in the last 2yrs without nepotism influencing that. Maybe you should have cited something in your field of experience Mr Lungu, eg the ‘Abuse of Authority of office law’ and how that affects the economy after the plunderers are allowed to externalize funds without consequence!

  5. Shame on you LAZ I wish the other guy won the LAZ election IN lIVINGSTONE and not you brown envelop recievers. We need an impartial LAZ. How can justice reign with lawyer of your caliber in office. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!!!!!!!!!

  6. Am I the only one who feels that LAZ is a judicial organ which should judge the government’s performance on principles of law enforcement and not economic achievement? What matters to me is whether the people of Zambia are equally impressed and if they also feel these achievements Mr. Lungu is talking about? Let’s hear it from the ground.

    Other questions Mr. Lungu needs to ask himself are:

    1. Are these achievements permanent or fleeting?
    2. Are things getting better for the majority of Zambians or just for a small fraction?
    3. Would there have been a bumper harvest without good rains and hard working farmers?
    4. Will Zambia still have the resources it now has in the next 10 years?

  7. This is how it should be Mr Lungu, atleast give credit where it’s due so that even when you critise people will be interested to read what you’re criticising on.When u object everything people will not appreciate you even when u raise a genuine objection and this is where some of our political leaders have lost it.

  8. #7, those r very unfair qns u want Lungu 2 answer.Striking an achievement is good in itself whether it’s permanent or fleeting.If u want an achievement 2 last then u hav 2 do sumethin 2 safeguard it bt it has 2b understood that no achievement can last if it’s not achieved in the first place.Is Lungu or you yourself in a position 2 tel how things are with the “majority” of zambians?Only the records from the CSC can tel us hw the majority of Zambians r fairing bt how often does the CSC conduct it’s surveys?I therefore find that demand of stating hw the “majority Zambians” r affected unrealistic from any1.Good rains & hard working people hav always been there so why the bumber harvest only this time esp in northern zambia?What Zambian resources do u think will vanish after 10yrs?

  9. Interesting statement from LAZ. Now we wait for armchair “experts” who know everything there is to know to come and post their rubbish. It’s going to be a long day.

  10. It’s really amazimg how a learned lawyer like Steven Lungu can make such a careless statement without facts baking up that statement.You can’t say that Banda has done a good job of balancing the kwacha and the dollar without stating how RB has manged to do so or what measures he has used to balance the budget.Sometomes in life when you reach a certain level of influence in society, it’s better to coment only on issues within your area of expertise other wise you end up degrading yourself and sounding like RB cheerleder.Steven lungu should leave comments on the stability of kwacha to the economists who have the depth understanding on the mechanism of how the economy works and with facts to back up their arguments.Steven Lungu should instead try to evaluate the president on iaw…

  11. I feel very let down by the laz presidents shower of praise on RB. I should remind Mr Lungu that the bumper harvest is thanks to Levys policies that RB has copied. I am yet to be reminded of any positive policy changes or innovations that RB has made in the last 2 yrs of his rule. Talking about the dollar, every one knows that the kwacha was stronger under Levy. l also remind him that in the 2 yrs the country has seen loss of public confidence in the judiciary due to questionable acquitals of plundrerers.Its sad that when the law society of England is being firm on wrong doings in Zambia our Laz is showering praise on the same.This man is not fit to be Laz president the whole justice and legal system in Zed needs purging to bring in men and women of integrity.Shame on you job seeker

  12. Continues from#11. Law related issues which is the area of his expertise .He can comment for example on the merit of the removal the abuse of office clause and the merits of the government not to appeal Chilubas acquital and the impact of his lawyer in the UK subquently losing his lecence.I live overseas and send lots of dollas to Zambia monthly for my projects.I will tell you that it is very difficulty to plan because the kwacha always has wild swings.It is always at the mess of the dollar.I am sure many Zambians involved international trade can testify to that.If you see an expert running away from comenting on areas of his expertise and instead coment on areas were he has little understanding then you know the government is doing a louse job because he can not find anything…

  13. As predicted, the reactions have come but there is nothing new or original. Just the same tired, old cliches that we read in every blog on LT, the same language that those who read the vuvuzela finds in every copy. Come on guys be innovative.

  14. This blogger is deflated and has resorted to insults. My friend, whatever biological names you use nothing will help you, if anything the more you insult the more undecided voters and some PF supporters flock away from PF to MMD. You see if you want to rule, voters want decency. Don’t be misled by the crowds at your rallies, they come not to look for entertainment as we erroneously thought at one time but to come see for themselves and judge who is decent enough to be given the vote.

  15. But all Zambians know how RBhas ruled Zambia for the past two years, you dont have to tell us we know he is corrupt, all the corrupt friends he has brought in his leadership what a shame

  16. Mr Lungu thanks together with your wealthy lawyers for saying the truth its nothing but the truth. its painful to some blind kaponyas to be told the truth

  17. Who says Lawyers are holy and free of sin. Lungu is just an ***** froim the east and Simeza is a gangsta, Mvunga is just another old fool and it goes on and on..

  18. LAZ, please stick to legal matters as your analysis on economic issues is very warped and narrow minded. It lacks depth of analysis and is plainly bull.

  19. Stephen Lungu kutumpafye mukwai don’t think that we don’t know you guys ba Pombwe, RB is donig nothing but representing himself insteady of the poor Zambian. Mayb Ba Lungu you want akafulo so that mukeneko, we need pipo 2 call a spade a spade not ati :
    Although the president has received quite a number of criticisms from different stakeholders, they are number of achievements that have been recorded. Where? pamwenu na bakashibo ataaa ka faaaake lawyer.

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