Patriotic Front President Michael Sata has charged that the dispute surrounding the legality of the Football Association of Zambia FAZ executive will only be resolved if President Kalusha Bwalya accepts that he is not an expert in football administration.
Sata said with the current situation surrounding the country’s football governing body, it will be hard for the country to produce a strong national football team ahead of the 2012 Africa cup of nations.
He charged that the wrangles at Football house shows that Kalusha is not capable of leading FAZ.
Sata has also accused Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba of interfering in FAZ administration by always pushing his alleged relatives into the FAZ leadership.
Sata told QFM that former President Chiluba pushed current FAZ president Kalusha Bwalya into the top job at Football house adding that the country’s football legend is not fit to lead FAZ.
[pullquote]Sata has also accused Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba of interfering in FAZ administration by always pushing his alleged relatives into the FAZ leadership.[/pullquote]
He has called on the Minister of Sport, Youth and Child Development, Kenneth Chipungu to intervene in the matter before it gets out of hand.
The PF leader said Zambia risks being suspended from international competitions if FAZ does not put its house in order.
Atleast someone has said something. Kalu so this is the man you have always been? Shame. So Charles Musonda was right when he accused you of being a very Greedy and a Jealous person….
Ok,this now confirms the Simata-PF links having something some beef with Kalu.Is there a shortage of political issues for Sata to comment on?FTJ is not my man but what the hell has FTJ got to do with the current wrangles in FAZ?When losers regroup, the game becomes a bit dangerous.
It is not only FTJ involved but RB. If you may recall, RB sold Kalu to Cercle Brugge FC. These two have a strong relationship so much that Kalu does not fear anyone. Levy disciplined Kalu when he asked him to curtail his stay at Pamodzi. Kalu had continued milking the Zambian Taxpayer’s money despite being paid $10,000 per month. By the way, what cup has Kalu won for Zambia apart the 1984 East & Central African championship that was also won on spot kicks? This guy will destroy Zambian Football if not stopped.
It is good to hear this coming from an opposition party and not Govt. If it were from Govt FIFA would have been hysterical calling it interference and they would have threatened to ban Zambia from paricipating in all FIFA fixtures. Whatever the wrangles at FAZ it has been shown that playing soccer well is not synonymous with good administration. FAZ needs a “good” adminstrator and not necessarily a former popular player. It is rumoured that the Zambian FAZ president resides outside of Zambia whist administering a FAZ office in Zambia??. The only problem with SATA is that he uses every opportunity to attack his adversaries. FTJ may be related to Kalusha but that has nothing to do with failure or success to administer the FAZ office properly.
There are hidden forces against Kalusha bringing the entire FAZ into disrepute. Sata is just a new entrant in this whole saga alongside the post which has long demonized Kalu because of his straight life. PF itself is in intensive care unit with Mr. know it all handling all appointments.
The chief person in the day today running of FAZ is the general secretary not Kalusha the president. In Kalu’s presidency, we have seen preparatory matches in Belgium, France, Greece, Saud Arabia, Chile etc in contrast to times when KK11 would prepare with Zim, Green buffaloes, Botswana etc.
As usual the man is displaying his ignorance and desperation by politicising everything and showing a total lack of understanding of the issues…and throwing in total fabrication for good measure. If government intervenes, then we risk very serious censure from FIFA…the VEEP was spot on when he declared that GRZ would not intervene.
We need real leaders like Sata, who have mettle and balls to speak out. How can sily VP Kunda say the government is not going to intervene when he uses our money to fund the organisation. It is silly. Right now I have more reasons for voting RB and his *****s out than I have the reasons to keep them in. Sata should come in and shake this silly nation a little bit.
Right now, FIFA has no moral right to suspend any country BECAUSE FIFA itself is mirred in serious corruption scandal of selling votes to bidders for world cup hosting. FIFA needs to put its house in order instead of trying to play big like IMF or World Bank. If FIFA wants respect, it should respect tax payers who set up the national associations. We are not going to be sub-servient to a body whose leaders we do not even participate in electing. FIFA is corrupt, it is proven and therefore has no moral right to direct national asociations. A global movement to cut FIFA down to size is gathering momentum…
Tribalists ,you booted out Teddy Mulonga who was a better manager than this finished soccer player.He failed as a coach what else do you want him to fail?adminstration is not about scoring goals it is about managing,planning,excuting programmes,monitoring and evaluating .In other words one has to be a professional person in the field of management .Ba Kalu you indeed entained us in your days but alas to say times have have changed we have to move on ,so please get out that sinking ship now ,you have failed miserably.Satana live FTJ alone.
We are aware of the sunctions that FIFA slaps on any government interfering in football administration. However, what boggles my mind is that FAZ has no financial capacity to run itself without government’s assistance. If the government has been putting so much money in FAZ, why can’t it have a say? Kalu has shown us the letter from FIFA, why hasn’t he produced the letter he wrote to FIFA?
FTJ cannot be left alone in the falling football standards in Zambia. Prior to the FTJ Presidential meddling in our nation’s much loved sport, Zambia was a force to reckon with on the Continent. KK did leave us a formidable football force; sadly as with most things, FTJ came on and demolished everything “KK”.
The best that can happen is to let football be run without the kind of political adulteration we have seen in Zambia for many years.
Big Mule, we always have had preparaory training abroad even before Galu’s reign. Remember Poulsen taking the team to belgium et al? Galu is a non-starter for footbal into the future.
Gring gring: elo..who is this?
Kasengele: bena kalu, this is K
Kalu: ah K nauchinja fone number?
K: Ndimundoti abena Great! fone taileleka ukulila. Mufwile mwabwela pa lusaka
Kalu: ahaaa is everything ok?..what now
K: abena king cobra baingilamo mu wrangle nabo and I cant argue with this man..you know him well also
Kalu: Abena K not ukubaposako amano abena sata..Ba vice president ba kunda na ba RB has assured me ati all will be fine. Blatter nao ebele ati FIFA wont act so we are safe mudala.
K: That’s great news bena Kalu
Kalu: I almost forgot. Tell the nation on Monday that we are planning to host the world cup also apart from AFCON Cup. That will distract them. Let me know how the response goes.
K: Great idea! I will call the press conference on monday then.
Kalu: Great job K
#14 its so early in the morning 4:38 am and you have really made me almost break my libs with laughter. LOL! indeed. I have never laughed this much so early in the morning. You guys are really funny. I can’t even comment but just laugh even more. This circus indeed is turning out to be great comedy
Galu your time is up just resign to avoid more problems shame on you
# 14 Nkalanda uli wa comedy! hahahaha another funny one
@ # 14 super funny i think nomba kula fisekafye kuti wa penenamo pa Zed waya nempanga bena bashala…
# 14 ulinshimbi Dobo over, anyway too much jealous pa zambia kalu jut leave thta FAZ, moreover Zed football won’t go anywhere
Mr. Sata naimwe avoid throwing stones because you are still in a glass house. Your Pact yalisabana, even worse than FAZ, yet no one tells you that you are not a good leader. Kalusha has attracted more sponsors than you have attracted investors/donors. Mupepela pamo na # 14.
@14. LMFAO!
#14 You have been appointed to lead the new FAZ interim executive committee, until after the emergency council meeting but you are not eligible to contest any pozition.
Sata just shut up, you dont know even how to play chidunu!
#10 yaya i think i agree with you it was a big blunder to vote out teddy mulonga and bring in this little tubulu thief ati natolafye money from nike and supersport. zambian soca is harvesting what it planted in this little dog called great galu
Great galu thought administration was as simple or easy as taking free kicks no! It is so complicated. It’s not a talent so you need some knowledge
#14 Great sense of humor: We salute. Best joke of the Day. Kalusha should just resign, he cannot manage the affairs of FAZ: Leadership is not about goals. Sorry fellow Zambians as much as he contributed to Zambian Football, He does not make a good FAZ president. Kalusha lacks leadership skills and there is nothing tangible he has done
Someone needs to discipline FIFA! Who controls FIFA, is it Jehovah?
pipo remember that nigeria was suspended for govt interference……….so VP kunda was ryt when he said govt wont intervene………..faz has a constitution use it to boot kalu out if he is so bad………….as for SATA he can say all he wants since as fifa and the rest of the world knows he is just another old man with an opinion…………but the accusation that Chiluba put Kalu in power is a really desperate attempt by him……….i remember when kalu won…everyone was happy even him
#2 and #29 well said. i will not dilute your good views. Sata has not issues any more. The Economy is doing well so he has to find something else to talk about hence his comment
Jehova God Almighty cannot be brought into such rubbish az FIFA.
Never realised zambians can be this jealous of their own.1st they forced Kalu to resign his coaching post on the grounds that the FAZ constitution doesn’t allow holding of 2 posts by one person, now they’re saying Kalu failed as a coach! It seems like in Zambia you’re cursed if you live among the under-achievers.They will try by all means to give u a tag of “failure” similar to theirs, only then will they feel comfortable with you dwelling among them.The moment they hear of one among them approaching the status of a hero they quickly cook up a vigorous plan to make him a zero.What kind of people are these?Is this kind of behaviour any different from the wizards in villages who bewitch their neighbours out of jealous?Anyway,do we have what we can call “the spirit of Zambia”?
It was just yesterday when I stated on LT that the happenings in Zambian football bear a striking resemblance to the political scene. I could not understand why the FAZ affiliates did not have the patience to wait for the AGM which is just around the corner, or respect their own constitutional requirement by submitting individual petitions to add up to two thirds. Now it’s clear as daylight. The opposition, ba Shikulu to be specific, has been pulling the strings behind the scenes. What will the man not do to get into State House?????? Really his insatiable appetite for State House has reached frightening levels. The only consolation is that he is exposing himself in the process.
FIFA normally deals with government interference in soccer. Nothing will ever prepare Sepp Blatter and his team for this new political dimension (a Zambian first for the wrong reasons) where they have to contend with the opposition (ba Shikulu ba Sata). I bet it’s not written in the FIFA statutes.
Or maybe ba Shikulu is trying to distract our attention from the $100,000 saga?
The sad thing is that whereas he is quick to notice Kalu’s “failures”, he does not see his own failures, including lack of democracy and elections within his own party for ten years.
Surely cant you people see that someone is buying time while sorting out their mess? Cant you see ati ama guyz balekolopa indoti shabo before ukuposamo itaulo?
ACC must move in manje manje. And so what if Zambia is banned by a FIFA that actually needs to be banned? It may even help Chipolopolo reorganise itself. Tuposafye amahafu petimu. And now here is the new National Team list:
In goal, Kasengele, defenders; Ku 2 Erick Mwanza, pa 3 erick Mwanza, Pa 4 Erick Mwanza na pa 5 Erick Mwanza….Midi: Marsha Chilemena enamba 6, 8 na 10, ba Kalu muma wings elo Mwamelo pa 9 na pa bench……kabili balibulila!
its the only solution we have to qualify ku Africa Cup since ama
clubs are deciding to stop players from National team duty. Awe nafizanda!!!
But then I had forgotten that under PF “manifesto” all leadership positions in the country’s organisations will be filled by PF card carrying members, same as under UNIP.
In with Number 4- Administration is an Art of managing issues & people. Kalu has failed us. Why is he hanging on ? Give FAZ another chance. Kalu let go, Zambians will respect you that of admitting you did your best but things didnt work out.Real Men know when to let GO.
Sata you are the failure,King Kalu was legimate voted into top most job…………Viva FTJ
Big Mule i think you are behind in thinking preparing for a game with far countries like Chile, France has not helped our National teams the idea of such trips is to make allowances on the FAZ offals or i mean officials sometimes u can even judge by the game itself there is no way u are playing Ghana u go and train with spain no..the game Ghana and spain Plays are different so better train with nigeria or camerron
Nkalanda i am enjoying your postings (Kalu-k conversations). Please post more! Good night.
Kalu has breached the FAZ constitution and the sooner he resigns, the better. We know he is trying 2 find some backing from uncle RB but he has to fight this battle alone n face the constitution. He better step down to save wat ever little integrity he has left of him. Kalu the footballer is a Legend but Kalu the Administrator is pathetic!!!!
Ba Sata. There is dignity in keeping quiet on issues that one has less knowledge on. Your comments appear totally off side.
just account for zale dollors mweba kote mwee…alah
It is fine if individuals like Sata speak their mind, but if he was in government and interferes like this, FIFA would act and suspend Zambia from international football. FIFA doesn’t take kindly to state interference in football matters. Mr Sata here is once again cheaply politicking. This man is shameless in his politics. Thank God that RB a former football administrator knows exactly what to do about FAZ woes. Keep quiet, otherwise we can kiss Maramba stadium and School of excellence goodbye.
It is a pity that there are some Zambians who want such a busy body like Mr Sata to become President! This is a man who will pock his nose into everything in the name of governing. I can see him bursting into a UTH operating room to demand that a surgeon works according to Sata’s instructions!
Its only that Kalu had a wrong up bringing, Micheal Platinni is managing well. Kalu has failed in marriage, children up bringing, Technical Director, Coach player, Penalty taker and now FAZ presido.
I hope his wife will not fire him, from her house in RSA.
How can a person who has failed to organise and run a team of under-fives(the PACT) comment on National issues .Ba Sata just keep Quiet and concentrate on your under fives.
Mr. Sata, you are no different from Kalu. Just because you have overstayed in a certain field doesn’t entail you can head it. You think by being an old timer politician you can make a better president than any one else. This has been the problem with Kalu. And please Mr. Sata why it is that you want to link FTJ to everything? Sometimes, you make a fool of youself, we know the dark side of Kafupi but we also know his better side. One day we may not get surprised when you accuse him of screwing Dr. Kaseba and the rest of your concubines. Grow up old man. I thought being a presidential aspirant you should be the last to take sides. What if Kalu is right?
No. 14 that even more funny. Imaging SATA playing Chidunu? Muleponta bwino ni bakalamba.
No. 24 that even more funny. Imaging SATA playing Chidunu? Muleponta bwino ni bakalamba.
#47 Zambiano
Galu is also a failure in bed.Ask ka Maureen Nkandu.
First of all people make comments and opinions on issues such as the FAZ when asked by a reporter when doing a news item. Secondly VP Kunda is right to say that Govt cannot intervene but only did so knowing very well that Kalu and RB sons are close friends and probably business partners. Kalu should save face before he is unceremoniously kicked out of FAZ.
Kalushya is just human and he will make mistakes. But, there is no one who should doubt his patriotism and desire to see Zambia excell in soccer. I believe he means well, but he has a bit of a temper. That is what made him such a good player and a fighter. You cannot get there with allowing anybody to walk all over you. The late Ucar Godfrey Chitalu was just as prickly. BUT one thing is certain, let football people sort football matters. There is no room for politics here.
Tell me who is doing his job well pa Zed? Not even minbus drivers who cant be in one lane.
# 52 VJ Rigger, Lol, No wounder Maureen couldn’t entertain Kalu coz of foolishness.
Character is like smoke, it cannot be hidden. To the president of the Patriotic Front I think before you pinch one, pinch yourself first. In as much as you are entitled to your own views, I strongly feel we ought to leave politics out of our football. Coz this is beyond politics, at least for the football family it’s awake, while in politics we have a lot of puppets who are not awake even if the top leaders are abrogating the constitution. I think Kalu and Sata have a few things in common. Though Kalu is not an Adminstrator. Sata is yet to be tested but I doubt if he can resign to pave way for majority intrest if he was in such situation???????????????????
# Nkalanda uli mwaume weeee …. yayayaya nafilwa nokubelenga fimbi!!!!!
On “He [Mr serpentine PF unelected leader Micheal Chilufya SATA] charged that the wrangles at Football house shows that Kalusha is not capable of leading FAZ.[..].Sata has also accused Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba of interfering in FAZ administration by always pushing his alleged relatives into the FAZ leadership” it is sad that Sata who has no moral right to attack Great kalu Bwalya has decided to vomit nonsense on Kalu.
Great Kalu is elected FAZ president while PF Sata MC has never been elected as PF leader while PF has had terrible wrangles in comparison to what is happening at FAZ. Hypocrisy has crept into Sata.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33
On this one i agree with satan.Great Zambian Galu should concentrate on his conjugal rights with his new wife so that he gives others chance to reorganise our football, otherwise he has become a pain in the A.SS
IF I was Sata (am glad I will never be) I would have just told the journalist that Faz has a constitution that guide them on how to resolve internal problems. Than to vomit all rubbish he mentioned. Me I get embarrassed with my fellow bembas WHY any bad thing going on a Bemba is the culprit. Fr.bwalya.kalusha.mumbi .kapata etc. Mumbi if u had an ssue with ba Sata why didn’t u call yo brother and advise him. You are now making HH to prove as a man ofintergrity and mmd are partying now
#63 Octopus Paul, I hate to say that I have to agree with u on this one, including yo ka tribalist tone. But u think Sata considers anything like a constitution?
Ba Sata what is it that you are talking about Kalu and FTJ. Lucky Dube once sang that ,’IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SOMETHING GOOD TO SAY ABOUT SOMEBODY,JUST SHUT UP”. Stop losing votes cheaply,why do you talk about anything. Ba Simata Simata why did you also resign as a FAZ President,and why are you back.
I can not wait for a time when we Zambians will start debating/discussing issues with facts. Name calling or insults will not help us. The issue at hand is to do with the Faz constitution and Governance issues. Let each one of us go thru all that has transpired at FAZ and relate it to what the constitution says. It should guide us other wise if it can’t then we are just wasting our time.
Yes FIFA controls football in a totalitarian way but history will tell us that it has been wrong on certain issues. FIFA is not infallible.
The pepo of zambia must allow kalu to finish her term of office if the are issues vote him out
having a pallar excecutive wil not help solve problems. it pays to be patient
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