Chief Government spokesperson, Ronnie Shikapwasha has charged that God has finally exposed Father Frank Bwalya’s true character following revelations that he received US$100,000 from Patriotic Front president Michael Sata, for anti-Government campaigns.
Lieutenant General Shikapwasha has promised that the law will not be lenient on anyone found wanting following the allegations made by former PF secretary general Edward Mumbi.
General Shikapwasha stated that government is very disappointed with the Fr Bwalya who he said pretended to be championing change on behalf of the people when in fact he was doing it for his own benefit through his alleged money laundering deals with Mr. Sata.
He reiterated that the law will take its course and that everyone found to have engaged in illegal acts will face the law. He said government has appropriate laws in place to deal with such cases.
General Shikapwasha added that government will use this particular case to show how serious the MMD government is in fighting corruption and money laundering. He was speaking in an interview with QFM.
Over the weekend, former PF secretary general, Edward Mumbi told a media briefing that that the PF leader, Michael Sata paid Change Life Zambia CLZ executive director, Father Frank Bwalya $100,000 to de-campaign the current government.
And The Forum for Progressive Politics (FPP) has joined in calls for the prosecution of Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata for sponsoring an organization with the view of destabilizing the country. FPP Secretary General Charles Kafumbo said what Mr. Sata did is treacherous and amount to treason.
[pullquote]General Shikapwasha added that government will use this particular case to show how serious the MMD government is in fighting corruption and money laundering.[/pullquote]
He has charged that it was unreasonable for a person of Mr. Sata’s caliber who is aspiring for the highest position in the country to involve himself in such an act. Mr. Kafumbo said this in a press statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today.
He accused Mr. Sata of trying to destabilize the country by sponsoring Change Life Zambia Executive Director Father Frank Bwalya through the red card campaign.
Former PF Secretary General Edward Mumbi last week disclosed at press briefing that Mr. Sata gave US$ 100,000 to Fr. Bwalya to campaign against the government through the red card campaign.
Mr. Sata has since refuted the allegation leveled against him. Government has ,yesterday,asked security wings to investigate reports that Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata gave former Catholic priest Frank Bwalya US$100,000 for anti-Government campaigns.
Mr Sata on the other hand has denied the allegations and described former secretaries general Edward Mumbi and Charles Chimumbwa as mercenaries who should be ignored by Zambians.
Hon. Shikapwasha, what law has Mr Sata broken by funding an ex –priest to campaign against your government? Doesn’t you party also fund all sorts of shady characters to decampaign the opposition?
fatherless frank bwalya is a mercenary who should be caged. this man with the help of bakatolika and sata can set zambia on fire. were is the cash coming from if not fromblood money minter rajhani mathani. now you know the intentions of this bustard called father bwalya his agenda is to bring riots and mehem in zambia. how much more has he recieved
smoked priest….. this one
Mr. Shikapwasha (sorry Reverend Shikapwasha) how has God exposed Fr. Bwalya? I thought someone who is highly placed in government like you can appreciate the difference between “allegations” and “facts”. Fr. Bwalya has not been found guilt and if I were you, I would be careful with Edward Mumbi because since he left PF, he has been trying to make ends meet by dreaming of all sorts of allegations. Besides Shikapwasha, don’t rush to involve God into all this. God is not MMD. We know how the MMD has tried to destroy Fr. Bwalya for speaking out the truth. A man of God like you should be ashamed to mention God’s name in vain. This has nothing to do with God but with the MMD’s corrupt regime.
Zambians dont be fooled all these are just lies.
Sata Viva you be the next President. MMD is just scared of Him
#2 ALEJANDRO Your outlandish statements merely expose your hatred for the Catholic Church. Has this ex-priest being engaged in any subversive activities to incite war and genocide in Zambia? Do not be blinded by party loyalty to such an extent that you can not distinguish fact from fiction.
Comedy at its best pa Zambia
“Mr. Sata has since refuted the allegation leveled against him. Government has ,yesterday,asked security wings to investigate reports that Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata gave former Catholic priest Frank Bwalya US$100,000 for anti-Government campaigns”.
FYABUFI BAMAMBALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMWE KUYA BEBELE. whether you like it or not.
A point of correction ba LT. Fr. Bwalya is still a Catholic priest.
What kind of man of God is shikapwasha? A few minutes ago he said Govt will investigate those claims by Mumbi,before the investigation has started he starts involvivg God in petty issues, Guilty untill proven Innocent,thought thats the reason your Govt is removing the abuse of office clause from the ACC act.
So what if he got the money from Sata. In fact He needs more than he got to continue with his red card campaign.
Who wants this Vasco Da Banda govt to continue in power any way?
Can we mobilise more resources for this noble campaign…Please
Start the prosecution with Changwe who bounced a chk but is walking scot free. What about the loosing candidate for the Chilanga elections,he too bounced a chk. How u humiliated Mpombo, I can’t believe Mumbi coz he is am MMD stooge.
#9 wanzelu I am still trying to figure out what laws have been broken.
Fake Reverend Shikapwasha honestly how can you make such conclusions as if you are DEC, ACC, ZP and the court. Anyway excitement imo you would fail to understand. A big man like you honestly. Teka bola panshi.
#6afromood I dont hate catholics bcos my wife and kids are catholics. I hate some fathers bcos of their deeds. its not fiction but a fact catholic bishops are the worst abusers of children in the world. the pope is on record of being ashamed of this shameful hobby by bakatolika. genocide in rwanda came about bcos of catholics like fatherless frank bwalya
Shikapwasha, there is no problem to de-campaign government. Did you follow how Obama’s government was de-campaigned in just ended “parliamentarian” elections? You can’t crucify Fr. Bwalya for receiving a donation from his fellow Catholic.
HH for PACT President, kutekanya, fileisova
“Fr Bwalya who he said pretended to be championing change on behalf of the people when in fact he was doing it for his own benefit through his alleged money laundering deals with Mr. Sata”. Ba Father Y accepting money when u r supposed to protect Zambia our motherland by proclaiming the truth to the nation. It seems u r companining for PF, u r a one sided priest who does not deserve to tell the whole nation about true leadership, if PF dissapoints u when in power I dont know what your reaction would be. Be non patisan Father!!!
Shikapwasha ala Lesa ni malyotola
The only crime Fr. Frank Bwalya has caused is to speak for the voiceless. I think this man deserves a nobel prize because even when he speaks, he doesn’t do it for selfish interests. The man is not even seeking political office. Even if he was found guilt of receiving that amount of money, well and good because we know he’ll use it to speak against the ills of the MMD regime. “Reverend” Shikapwasha instead receives his salary for supporting and working for a corrupt regime. I pity his church members because this man doesn’t even deserve to stand on the pulpit.
Its quite disgusting how Mumbi and Chimumbwa have been given a mouth piece to air their lies.I hope the two of them have no children..personally I’d be ashamed of such a father…its like the other one who sang ‘Ubushimbe bwa mpesha amano’ in 2001…..not fit to be called daddy….
we were told that this man of god only had the wellfare of the Zambian pipo at heart, that is why he was organising civic disruptions.Only the wise not blinded by tribal supriority saw that this was the devil in a priests robe working in front of a Mr Sata. This guy was organising uprisings of koponyas and rabid tribalists to bring down a GRZ seen by many to be functioning ok. This must spell the end for this dangerous thug called Sata who would stop at nothing to grap power. Instead of showing of the development in PF areas he is perfecting the use of violence to grap power and hold on to the leadership of PF, which is only possible because PF is made up of a bewildering array of thievs, drug dealers and frankly pipo who will be a danger to Zambia. Most of PF can not travel to the EC.
There was no offence commited by Finance Bank for giving money to Fr Bwalya as the bank is a legal entity in Zambia. Fr Bwalya can receive money from anyone to fund his campaign as there is no Zambian law against individual or Party funding.
The MMD is sponsored by unknown sources and this has never questioned by anybody so why the fuss.
The country will never develop with such type of leaders who just discuss non-issues.
Can you also institute investigations on FTJ Chiluba, whose lawyer Bimal Bhupendra Thaker has been stripped of his legal practising licence for money laundering involving the former head of state.
no.21 Chi Colour dont tell lies who in pf can not travel to the EC? Ba.noko ku.mweshi
I also want to fund Father Bwalya. Any crime for me? Or should i fund MMD then no crime. Camon shikapwasha, get some life.
Shikapwasha you are so dull that u want us to believe those ex PF guys, why dind they not speak while in the party? SO, sata cannot give anyone money out of is free will? what about George Kunda who distributed money in Mpulungu what case do you give him? What makes Fr. Bwalya pretending, if what he is speaking reflect the wrecked acts of MMD. What about changwe and Musonda killer are they above the low.
I knew that Father Bwalya was a gold digger. anyway, who wouldnt want that kind of money just to talk rubbish about the ruling party. Pls give me, I shall do the same and will be sure that my children have a future ha! ha! selfish indeed but thats Zambian politics at its best
#14 ALEJANDRO “genocide in rwanda came about bcos of catholics like fatherless frank bwalya”..Your account of the cause of the genocide is completely false. Whoever shot down Habyarimana’s plane lit the fuse. In Kigali, after Habyarimana’s death, the presidential guard immediately initiated a campaign of retribution against the Tutsis and moderate Hutus. There many parties who are culpable in the genocide and singling out the Catholic Church because of the actions of a few is not fair. How about the French who sold arms to both sides of the conflict? Besides, do you know the stats of Rabbis who also abuse kids?
I think even though it’s not legally wrong to receive donations it is morally wrong to receive donations and not declare them. It makes you wonder was he campaigning out of the good of his heart or because he has a nice lump sum tucked somewhere. If the money was publicly declared then maybe it could be easily accounted but for all we know that 100K went straight into his account for personal spending.
When did the allegations become factual,I always get surprised with the way the so called leaders cause confusion with rumour…these are only allegations and before the investigators do their work someone is saying they will use this case as an example…no need for investigations Shikapwasha has already declared someone guilty……the investigations are already undermined.
I for one does not tolerate corruption despite who has done it but professionalism is good even in speech, cival societies are also political- they do’nt wait to see if it is true or not..what of if this cadre and thug Mr Mumbi just wants a job from MMD. Brothers and sisters let us wait for the findings by the bank and ACC,DEC and ZP
#14 ALEJANDRO, go to school and get educated! Otherwise, you can be enlarge your little knowledge by reading about the Rwanda Genocide before you embarass yourself with your unfounded claims. We all know the reasons for the Genocide. The Catholic Church never endorsed the genocide. The genocide was purely tribal. If some Catholics were caught in it, it was because they had tribal influence. So where many people from different walks of life. Singling out one group is being very shallow in your thinking.
Besides, speaking against a government that has failed to manage the country will never amount to the reasons for the genocide. What Fr. Bwalya has stood for is very clear. The MMD doesn’t want to be reminded of its duties that’s why they are ready to cook up all these stories. Grow up…
I, for one don’t know the zamban law that has been broken by SATA giving the US$ 100,000, the relevant Zambian departments will determine that. However, what I do know for now, is that the “Father” by the name of Frank Bwalya received money from Mr SATA to give the red card to the Heard of State (Zambian) by using in some instances drunk people to boo president Rupiah Banda. One can safely assume that the priest also bought red suits and leather shoes to much his red suit(s) from the same cash. The motive behind the funding of a priest to appear as though it was a God sent man, is in the pudding.
Ba shikapwasha is dull!
(a) These are just allegations;
(b) In progressive countries, a man is innocent until proven guilty;
(c) God is not vengeful and so is in the business of embarassing people. Reverend which God do you serve? I thought only the devil is a ‘kasebanya’!
(d) Fr. Bwalya is an ordinanry man and requires funding to continue the noble work he is doing on our behalf.
RED CARD to Ala B and Rev. Wabufi Shikapwasha . . .kuya bebele..
# 14 Fr. Bwalya runs an NGO that is separate from the catholic church. Chiluba did alot of evil in this country but nobody talks about his church despite several pentecostal bishops and pastors having benefitted from his plunder and praising him. But the moment someone who is catholic is seen to do something wrong people like you always talk about catholics and not the person. Talk about Frank Bwalya as a person. For your Information he is on a leave that has separated him from performing his priestly function. And I dont understand what the problem is with Sata giving him money to run his NGO. Do you think the NGO will be run using Frank Bwalya’s urine? Mulebako serious. Is it because the money came from Sata?? Which organisation operates without financing?? Whats wrong with donations??
#2 ALEJANDRO – If you dont know, MMD has been funding some NGO and the so called Independent Churches? So it is a case of not wanting others out do your party.And which God has exposed who? MMD God? I dont think it is the Creator- No.
You can see the dullness on Shikapwasha’s ugly monkey face.
kwena ths big noz muwelewele, echo takwatila amatole….. we shall still vote for SATA
#30 SPEAKING TIME This nonissue is only gaining traction amongst MMD cadres. If you’re objective, you’ll quickly see that no crime has been committed here. Unfortunately for us, ZP and other investigative agencies have been politicised to such an extent that they are unable to conduct independent investigations. The outcome of the investigations will be shaped by the fait accompli announcements emanating Plot 1.
Rev. Ronnie is very short sighted and he seems so excited about the MMD revelations. Fr Bwalya says he will reveal all there is at a Red Card rally in Kitwe at 14hrs. Dont trust or believe wat you hear from some failed Reverend and bootlickers in the form of Mumbi n Chimumbwa!!
I bet MMD will exercise speedy justice on Fr Bwalya coz he is a critic of RB wen they av failed 2 deal with Willaim Banda and Chilambwe n o the other jokers
Catholic agenda is to usher in a New World Order, through the illuminati and the freemasons.They are behind all these wars.They were behind Hitler, and it is actually a Jesuit priest who authored his autobiography,’Mein Kampf’.I wont mention the ‘Dark Ages’ atrocities unless a ‘Goyen’ on this blog disputes my post.
Fighting corruption? Well, how much was Mumbi given for his lies or the rebel MPs for their allianation to MMD? You arrest a man of God on allegations not even adultery-you are digging your own grave and mind you the Roman catholic church has a huge following, well -dig it for yourself. PEACE.The money that Tandi dishes out ant corruption at all, the dubious deals done on Zamtel ant corrutpion anf for one Sata though a blue lie, if he had to give people money to campain for him is the worst sin in zambia according to the Rev’s understanding? He will meet his maker this man!
We also know that Reverand Masupa is being funded by MMD since inception of NCC. I wish RB had good advisors to help him know that this direction they are taking is just leading them into an Abyss. If they were wise, they would just ignore Sata and Fr Bwalya and continue lying to the electrorate as they did in the recent elctions in which they picked up one seat! However,they are running out of ideas and want to invlove the catholic church-a party is too small for such a huge world wide organisation in the name of a church. Watch out! PEACE
The issue should be money laundering not the cra.p about campaigning against the govt because that is what the opposition is supposed to do.
For some time have been thinking there was very little difference between SATA and the man who has abandoned his carreer in search of the Green currency (US$). It is a very big coincidence that they say birds of the “same feathers flock together” by the way, has any one noticed that the shirt that SATA is wearing on the front page of Fred M’Membes’ controlled Post news paper is actually the same shirt or design to that which Frank Bwalya is wearing on the fron page of Lusaka Times.?? just inquisitive!!!.
You mean people in Zed have this kind of cash to play around with ??? Dumn ….
Hogwash!! Shikapwasha (ne shina line!) you are full of ****! Give us a break. We know yours is selective justice and you shout the loudest when the opposition seems to be on the wrong side of the law (emphasis on “seems”). So please spare our ears, and do first things first, investigate and see if a wrong has been committed and let the law take its course. When one of you is in trouble e.g Dr. Musonda for shooting, Changwe and the guy in Chilanga for boucing checques, first you say we are investigating. So what has changed the procedure now? Even in Solwezi, the MP there was chased liked a wanted criminal before any investigations when an MMD cadre who had killed people in Mumfumbwe was still being investigated!! What crap and double standards
# 4 Zedian Excellent, i wish we had more reasoning people like you on the blog,unlike A.S.S lickers like Bootlicker and his clowns.well said.
Sometime u can even worried how there so shallow in reason. Shikapwashi,please if u are talking about MMD god,use the small (g).Otherwise u are fire on u.And don’t play with Catholic Church.Ask Kaunda he will narrate to u well.Catholice Church is not a KATEMBA church.Just wait in that office of yours to see your fall.Catholics have money and not this st.upid amount u are mentioning here.
This NGO has been asking for donations from well wishers, I have also at one time contributed something to it, though it was small. Did I commit a a crime also? MMD gets donations also from its supporters, its that a crime Reverand. Lets be real. We have alot of crimes around the country you can use the police on. You set a precedent on Mpombo, go for Keith and Lucy as well. Go for junior doctor Musonda also. You can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t fool all the people all the time, so says the bible. In short, SHUT UP Ronnie and repent. Viva Frank, we will be with you in prayers, may God continue blessing you with more of such donations.
This man SATA will do anything to get to plot 1.the best man is HH without a dent. Zambia needs HH and not HERB or SATA
The central bank anti money laundering laws are very clear for Sata & his childless Father Bwalya as a hired gun to float the existing law with impunity. Actually the real source of the undeclared laundered funds being used in subversive pro genocide schemes are some gay societies using Mathani as a conduit to Sata. The end user are subversive moles like Fr.Bwalya, Muchombo and the now incarcirratedd Barotseland secessionists. As the sun rises from the east and settles in the west, we here declare by that surely all these pro Genocide mercinaries floating the law will be exposed, chocked, sized and perish. The gnash their teeth in hell before they realise their dream of triggering mayhem on the Zambian people they hate.Our national patriotic spirit will never brink against subverts.
Does giving money to someone amount to corruption or money laundering? Zambia what laws are being applied to the citizen?
Viva,viva Sata and Franke we are behind u guys.
Is Shikapwasha the only best man who honestly can come from Chibombo as MP all these years? This man is too dull,who can not differeciant facts and allegation. What about all those brown evelops MMD passout in every election. And this is the general who went into hiding when catp Solo wanted to overflow the government, muleshipa ba shikapwasha dont run away and hide as a General.
Frank Bwalya and Miles Sampa at finance Bank with their subversive schemes have not only been exposed as partners in money laundering crime with Sata, but are actually terrorists against the people of Zambia. For his complicity and floating the anti- money laundering laws and Finance Bank code of conduct, Sampa must be fired by his employers right now. There after DEC pursue him to the finish line. Grab his passport and free his accounts being used to launder dirty money. Put him on a detailed screening process to the finish line. How many more assignments has he undertaken against the people of Zambia as an agent of of subversion to trigger genocide.He is a part of the terrorist cell exposed.
Every organisation i know in Zambia ask for funding from somewhere to run its activities,including
political parties,NGO’s, CBO’s Churches and government it self. So honorable chimona shikapwasha what is wrong for Fr Bwalya and his organisation been funded by PF?
Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
Job 4:8
As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.
Ala lesa ni malyotola he can never be mocked. The wrath of God is against Frank Bwalya born fatherless, abused by Sata and now turned subversive element to terrorise the people and republic of Zambia with his genocidal schemes.
Brood if vipers! Do not use God’s name in vain.
Decampaigning is not breaking the Z’s Law. Ni strategy which all political parties do. Imwe ni brown enveope.
Money laundering na corruption yaisa fye pali ‘Red card’.
Looks like the Red card has had an effect on MMD.
Let all political parties open their book for Anna Chifungula etc to check their sources of funds.
Anna Chifungula ulikwi? Chinja matairo :-w
The anti money laundering laws are very clear. No intelligent person can fail to observe banking protocol in transfer and receipt of money to that tune. Miles Sampa must be be ruthlessly panished for concealment and playing a conduit role in covert operations meant to trigger bloodbath in the country.He evaded all banking protocols to conceal this crime against humanity.
Sata li.to.le sana
Change life to money laundering or die Zambia is actually a front of terrorists in Zambia. Its flawed mission statement has been to trigger Genocide. It should be deregistered and its agents squared in a ruthless frontier head on.
Fr Bwalya has never impressed many with his NGO. He has been finally caught.
This Fatherless Frank Bwalya….
BUT you guys, what is wrong about funding Bwalya to decampaign the government? Isn’t that what politics is all about? Did Shikapwasha expect Sata to raise money and use it to promote MMD? What sort of nonsense is that? Sata did nothing wrong. It is what the government is doind that is wrong. Shikapwasha should not use government machinery to do MMD errands. This is an MMD problem, not a government problem. Who do they think they are duping? What was wrong with the Red Card Campaign? AND IT IS NOW BORING THAT EVERYTHING PEOPLE SAY THEY HAVE TO INCLUDE GOD, EVEN WHEN GOING TO THE TOILET LIKE SHIPWASHA IS DOING IN THIS ARTICLE, HE HAS TO TALK ABOUT GOD.
All the Bembas are out in force to insult Shikapwasha today. This Bemba/Catholic church conspiracy to put Sata in office is scary. Will they stop at nothing. I wonder what Genocide Bwalya is going to say after Sata insulted him last week. As for the sick old man, another legal case for him to be destructed by. Anyway, lets see what will happen.
it is disappointing to note that the Current Govt. is qick to investigate oppposition party members well there is an issuel at ministy of health involving the 2billion scandal which Govt. kept quiet until someone exposed it. what report has come out of that to tell the zambian people what had actually transpired. the Chiluba case, the katele kalumba still saving in Govt as humber servant after being convicted. what sort of fighting corruption is Shikapwasha talking of? his also recieving money to keep talking Rubbish for the Govt. what has shakapwasha as a minister done to put his name to it apart from theatenning ordinary Zambians struggling to earn a leaving well his enjoying tax payers money
At the moment it is all allegations, rumour and immuendo. When are we going to mature to the point where we wait for evidnece to be scrutinised by our able courts of law and facts to be separated from fiction? I am disappointed by all the bloggers here from both sides of the divide. The allegation of funding Father Bwalya in itself is not a crime because CLZ is not an illegal organisation. CLZ has every right to solicit for funds from any quarter, but there should be a declaration and audit of the funds at the year end whether it is a charity or not. So far, we haven’t heard the material facts.
# 65 The Jackal
there is nothing wrong with Bwalya decampaining GRZ, what was wrong was the way he was advocating an uprising like the whole country was behind him, it was not, Zambia is made up of 72 tribes, not only bwalyas and satas lunatic followers. Why should he and sata insigate a violent GRZ removal when many other tribes are happy with GRZ. We are saying if you are not happy with GRZ, express your self at the election booth. No tribe is above the rest in Zambia. If you are not happy with RB for what ever reasons lets vote democratically in 2011 and save mother zambia from bloodshed.
I am even further surprised that someone is even insinuating that CLZ has committed treason. Ours is a democracy and in as much as I am happy with what the MMD is doing at the present time, I will defend Father Bwalya’s right to speak and air his views on the state of the country. I am happy to debate ideas with ideas. I would urge the President to ignore these things and stick to the programme of developing Zambia. Come November 2011, there should be irrefutable evidence of a govt that is working. Right now, Obama is in India and Cameron in China, but our forward thinking President was laughed to scorn when he courted these China and India! Obama has also been to Turkey! Watch RB, a most seasoned and experienced politician at work!
This Sata guy is very corrupt. How many times shall we hear about his dubious money deals even when he is just a common citizem. I shudder to think what can become of Zambian Coffers if this man was by mistake given a chance to rule the country. WOOOOO, God knows why this man shall never be president no matter how hard some pipo/newspapers etc try to build his image. the man will never change. Very sad indeed. I pity his supporters who out of blindness follow without knowing where this guy is driving them. Unfortunately they do not even question him for his can spit venom on whoever questions.
#70, you are one of those impulse respose characters like shikapwasha. be constructive n stop talking genocide which you don’t know how to explain. it’s just an allegation n should not be investigated by Govt ministers as we have the police and Acc tho both bodies are complomised
What about someone who is connected to State House who had US$300m seized from him in Brussels, cilishani kanshi? Leave Father Bwalya alone. In multiparty democracy, the whole idea is for someone to decampaign the ruling party. Ngabalya abena ICoZ mupela money baMMD tatutalandako.
Money laundering is defined as ‘the process by which the proceedes of crime are converted into assets which appear to have legitimate origin, so that they can be retained permanently, or recycled into further criminal enterprises.’ The law works on 3 fronts: 1. Criminalises money laundering. 2. whistle blowing and avoid tipping off and 3. Banks etc should not allow their services to be used for this purpose. The first thing that MUST be proved is that the money is criminally obtained. It is the origin and not the destination of the money that must be criminal.
Since when did it become a crime to receive money from a fellow Zambian. See just how misaced these monkeys are. The real thieve are Chiluba and Regina, they haven’t been arrested. Now listen and listen carefully, no amount of blackmail to derail change coming next year. Come 2011, ni RED CARD bakolwe.
From the article of yesterday, it doesn’t show that the money was stolen or it’s government money. Arrest the real thieves, Maureen Mwanawasa and all that were connected to the MOH (Kapoko) saga. Arrest Chiluba, Regina and his cronies since they stole Zambian peoples money. Stop dwelling on non issues, since when did it become a crime to get money from a colleague.
yaba..can anything good come out of these catholics..very soon it will be the national sunday law..!!
This reminds me of the time when lameck mangani went on the offensive against sata . There was all manner of petty accusations .
The MMD should be serious with all types of financial impropriety , especially government money because they appear to sheild too many govt officials from proper , or even more importantly , speedy investigation. Take the case of the IG for example. I don’t know what’s happened after the warn & caution , but i haven’t seen them pursuing that case with much fervour lately . Maybe it’s already concluded and i just haven’t read about it . Such cases( like the IG’s) are the ones that should define the ethical standards of governance of our society .
# 34 .Zedian..,..you’ve explained well .
checking one two one two
hahaha am back bane! eya! mayo!!!! hahaha am back! va makaka imwe! how has everyone being?
When are Zambians going to wake up and vote these losers out of office? I am now beginning to think that the only hope this country has is HH – young and not a recycled ma rubish.
Shikapwasha there is nothing wrong to give money to someone unless you can prove that the money was stolen. Leave SATA and the FATHER ALONE!
MMD have greatly degraded our great nation, PLEASE do not listen to them (MMD) at all. How can you havee a president launch an MRI scanner in a hospital? These are the things these MMD people have access to abroad, but not the real zambian.
Ndalya Live; How are you? What happened to you mate? Walila or wadyela?
Bembas cannot be trusted. These chaps. Why cant Sata go and get his money which was confiscated in South Africa. Corrupt Bemba chaps. HH here we go.
What de-campaigns are you morons talking about. Everyone in MMD is doing just that. Why dish out $100 000 when there are so many MMD De- campaigners in the Govt
The All Time Classical Military Thicko Chief Government Spokesperson, Ronnie Shikapwasha. Not even pretending to be a Christian can a boofhead of this magnitude can get disguised. A mistreated hard working Zambia was shot by some investors but what attention did that situation get…this is the Boofhead era.
All those of you been anti-catholics here, dont forget or maybe you dont know much development catholic church have brought in Zambia,some of you here you went to catholic schools or your family members worked for catholic schools or hospitals. In case you chaps dont know, catholic is the only church in Zambia strongly fighting for social justice, good governance and leadership, besides Catholic church has been spearheading the fight against HIV/AIDS after nga mwatomba elo mwalwala AIDS thats where some of your folks run for help. So mwipontela ba catholic if you know how much they have done in Zambia, just becouse of Fr bwalya.
What is the source of the money? MMD has on record received money from mathani. Mathani is a player he funds both sides and mmd is scared he will bankroll the satana
Soseni guys ichalo chileufwa. Sata ena nififine, one scandal after another, thats why ine nalimubwelamo. chi.ka.la ni makaka nga alaB. Viva progressive zambians, abashi criminals like satan, AlaB and the the tonga dog HH. The chaps cant take zambia anywhere apart from HELL. So if you want to follow them then you can go to Hell.
this man doesn`t like the catholics at all.shame on him as matter of fact up to day he hasn`t apologised to the catholic church.i hope more pipo will come up and fund father bwalya coz am one of them who would do so.
Deal with Chiluba first before you talk about others *****.
What can one expect when Shikapolo opens his wide mouth. You will surely be judged harshly by the almighty for what you have done to the Zambian people. Chi myona kwati ni Buffalo.
WYNTER Kabimba yesterday said Frederick Chiluba must be investigated for money laundering activities. DEC should take interest in the Thaker case and have Chiluba investigated for money laundering activities
has any-one seen 2days post front page? kekekekekeke the whole lot of the so-called president sleeping in public !
Iwe chi shikapwasha, why should you feel bad for Sata giving money to Fr. Frank Bwalya. You MMD’s you dont buy vitenge and you dish out brown envalopes to people. Has any one prosecuted you. Chiwamila galu kuluma mbuzi. I will also so fund the red card campaign, whats the charge vipuba imwe. Kuya bebele what ever tricks you will bring against the Pact Imwe kuya bebele twamitendwa no bupuba bwenu
They say Zambians are docile and will never resort to civil war but this hatred for Bembas is scary and we are getting very close to xenophobic violence judging by some comments like #85.
#28 Afromode My dear, you must be very poor at spreading propaganda. The Rwanda Civil War was not sparked by the Catholic Church, but by the current President. In fact even now is harbouring Tutsis who are wanted by the International Court in connection of the same genocide you blaming the Catholics for. Kagame shot down the plane that was carrying two Hutu Presidents (Rwanda and Burundi). This sparked the war and Catholics could have been involved if they belonged to the aggrieved Hutus, bearing in mind that they also a lot of Catholics among Tutsis. Rwanda is not like Zambia which has 72 tribes who also ethically connected; Rwanda has only 2 tribes who are completely different and will never agree on anything.
We need on LT a detailed CV for Mumbi and Chimumbwa for all to make informed decisions. I smell a rotten rat in Mumbi and Chimumbwa. So much speculations can damage our reputation as a country.
Shikapwasha and your mmd grz since you hate the catholics so much, can you ask them to withdraw all the help they give you to supplement your mmd grz i.e. education, health, etc.It makes no nonsense when you hate someone but you continue receiving help from that same person. Some pentecoastal churches are receiving money from mmd to decampaign opposition, Thandie gives money and various items to women, is that not a crime. Investigate chiluba on money laundering involving his British lawyer also, the list is endless.
I will only say the liar will be exposed and God will deal with him in his time
No. 20, I have been very busy today 2 hours time difference, but NAULASA. This government think we are goons to be fed on a menu of garbage and lies. Distraction us while they rob us, travel aimlessly and enact very archaic laws. We the people need to see this government work, by reinstating the abuse of office to the ACC act, prosecute Chiluba, you are making us look like arse holes by refusing when even solicitors in the UK are getting their licenses withdrawn and tell your Vasco Da Banda to stay in the country and visit the victims of the Maamba Collumn mine shooting.
At least if it is true we know who funded Fr. Bwalya. MMD who funds you and Thandiwe? It will soon be election time and we will see you coming to companies demanding for donations. You are so shameless that you go from company to company demanding for donations without bothering to find out how your pipo are being treated by the same companies you demand donations from. Thats why some companies do not pay their workers well because of you mmd and your demands.Stup.id fools.
# 34 ZEDIAN, these people are hypocrites, it is only Ok, if it is Ka Kafupi Kadoli Chiluba who receives US$8 million from well wishers. This is because he will use part of it to fund these Movement for Mads Dogs. Zambians the whole of this US$100,000 is just pure political propaganda!
# 45 stop being paranoid, the front page of The Post has RB either yawning or worst fast asleep with mouth wide open. You people are starting to incense everyone with your paranoiua.
Father Bwalya has attacked the government using the soapbox of morality. With this revelation, it is clear he is a tribalist championing the presidency of Sata. Yes his funding must discussed in the public domain.
I have decided I will definately come back to Zambia to vote in 2011, because being a Bemba I am worried some of these xenophobic pathological liars on this blog may start exterminating my family and members of my catholic church.
These US$100,000 I can bait with most of you will end like the US$32 million that The Post is allerged to have received from Zambian Airways. The MMD, especially Shikapwasha heard that Chilubas solicitor in UK was unlicensed for being involved in money laundering activity of the MMD consultant Chiluba. They decided to quickly divert the concentration of most Zambians to this lie about US$100,000 given to Fr. Frank Bwalya by MC Sata. This whole story is hogwash by the MMDs chief spin doctor Shikapwasha. He is of course no reverend in the biblical sense. SHAME!!
So what if sata has given him $ , Father Bwalya has refuted all the allegations… shame on Min of INFORMATION
pipo pliz let us wait for the facts and then we can make conclussive statements.Mr Shikapwasha shud not be too excited to react to anything as long as it involves the opposition.Changwe shud be in cells right now but she is not simply because she is in MMD so what kind of law is the minister talking about.if at all fr.Bwalya has committed a crime of decampaigning the govt.if at all there is such a crime let him be jailed but let the same law apply to dora,ftj, lucy and all other MMD simpathisers.Ba number 14 grow up and number 105 not everything has to do with tribe
bembas are thieves period.its time we dealt with this catholic tribe
Ka voteni fye mwe mbushi mwe.
In 1990 FTJ Vernon Mwanga, Arthur Wina (late), Ronald Penza (late), Shamwana (late) went to Europe to canvass and raise funds to defeat KK. They called themselves the incoming cabinet. (Too many are late Why?). No one complained. They used the same money to denounce KK and same money enabled FTJ fly around Zambia in a hired plane (remember FTJ being recieved in Mongu by a huge crowd). Now the CHIPS are down they cry foul. If PF is funding anybody to peacefully denounce the MMD Govt., what is wrong with that???? MMD is equally funding the two former Sec Generals of PF to denounce Mr. Sata, we are not minding because they have no following just like William Banda.
Mr SATA must be a very rich man to afford that kind of money…..And Fr Bwalya must be crazy to be communting in mini buses when he has so much money in the bank…Mumbi is a fake whistle blower
wachepa- Yes I have seen FB at the Cheers Bus Stop in a red shirt dishing out red cards, and then board a mini bus to Mindolo/Miseshi.
Shikapwasha please show zambians how the mmd government is serious about corruption by starting with chiluba don’t talk like you are not staying in zambia your laws only work when when it is the opposition or someone not supporting mmd shame you senseless soldier i thought in the barracks the teach you good manners i don’t even understand how you became a general you should understand that you will not be in government forever your time will come that’s when you are going to see how zambian laws work,SHAME ON YOU FAKE SOLDIER
Blogegrs abash this bemba/catholic nonsense tribal remarks coming out. Can we put positive contribution on the subject matter.This tribal bemba talk stinks people. Who gives the f.uck whether one is tonga or bemba. m****** mwe, agulu imwe, nobabwa nye!!!.
Kwaliba, wanyela bakabale then later you ask for food on the same plate? This is myopic thinking unfit for leadership.Sata has been defaming and framing the justice system but now he running for cover from the same courts he claims are corrupt MMD branches. What a retarded bum he is proving.
Shipakwasha also behaves like a little boy. He over acts on mere rumours. I wonder how he used to manage the Airforce with that panicy mentality. Thank God he never kept keys to the armoury, otherwise we’d all be hidding in the bush by now. Zambia has law enforcement bodies that persue such matters. Why can’t he for once shut his tiny mouth and use the grey matter in his skull to learn to keep quiet and let the law take it’s course than keep ranting like a deranged maniac? Be sensible old man, don’t inflame people’s tempers for nothing. We love peace, and Zambia is all we have.
I am confused! How can a Government Spokesperson make such irresponsible statements on the basis of rumours by cadres? It seems to add to the notion that these cadres when they threaten to rape innocent mothers have the blessings of the top leadership.
It is ok to make noise about $100,000 in a leader who can clearly can afford a misery K460mil but we should accept that one FTJ has $8mil in a Government intelligence account?
Can the Courts cite Ronnie for contempt for accusing them of curtailing debate! I thought Court is open ground and Mumbi can defend his allegations? Where does this put Finance Bank in leaking client transactions?
Why must this case be used by Government as an example? Why does Ronnie think Red Card campaign is against Government? Government is not MMD!!