Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Another New party formed


A new political party called “Africa’s Democratic and Economic Development Organization (ADEDO)-Zambia Must Change Now (ZAMUCANO)” has been formed and set to be launched this Sunday.

ADEDO-ZAMUCANO leader Brown Kapika announced the formation of the new party to ZANIS in Lusaka today. Mr. Kapika said he has come back to Zambia from the Netherlands where he is based to save the country from what he termed recycled leadership that has characterized the political scenario in Zambia. He added that the country needs a leader with wisdom.

He expressed confidence of scooping next year’s Tripartite elections bragging that there is no political party in the country with the vision to transform the country into a developed nation other than his party .

He said his party has formulated a 17 point manifesto which he said will develop the country and better the lives of its citizens. In the manifesto, the new political party has among other things pledged to offer free and quality healthcare, education up to University level and nationalize the mining sector .

The new party leader said his party has already been spread to Coppe belt and Eastern province saying the party has adopted the red card as its symbol.

Mr. Kapika said his party has come to form government and implement the good policies to make the country a better country for all Zambians.

ADEDO-ZAMUCANO political party has joined several other political parties that are vying to form government come 2011.

Zambia is one of the African countries with over 20 political parties most of which only come on the scene during election.




  2. This is right time Mr. Kapita to form a party. The best is to “buy” HH, Chipimo, Fr. Bwalya (before he is crucified by Shikapwasha), don’t forget Magande and get closer to humble Miyanda. AVOID Sata and BY… consider to simplify the party name.

  3. “““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““Time wasters

  4. i dont know whether to cry or laugh,come on,is that an organisation of african countires,the name itself tells you how a joke this is.

  5. RED CARD AS A PARTY SYMBOL…..interesting, where does this leave the $100,000 rich priest father Bwalya and his Red card too.

  6. ADEDO-ZAMUCANO, zambia is full of jokers, another party for what? why not join one of the existing parties!

  7. I like the political clowns. They are good to have around. Continue splitting votes while we continue to rule. There are three more parties coming up. Kekekeke

  8. Another sponsored party by Mwemwemudi (MMD). Interesting that they have adopted Red Card as their symbol. Well tailored by FTJ and VJ.

  9. On “ADEDO-ZAMUCANO leader Brown Kapika announced the formation of the new party to ZANIS in Lusaka today. Mr. Kapika said he has come back to Zambia from the Netherlands where he is based to save the country from what he termed recycled leadership that has characterized the political scenario in Zambia… The new party leader said his party has already been spread to copper belt and Eastern province saying the party has adopted the red card as its symbol, welcome back and please feel free to do whatever you can to form GRZ Administration in 2011 and I like the fact that you will ride on priest Frank Bwalya’s red card hard work already done in Copperbelt Province.

    On your Eastern Province spread, it is good that you will take MMD’s RB Banda votes so UPND wins nicely.

  10. The scary name says a lot about the mental health of its leaders. We probably need a comedian among the Political Parties, anyway and this ADEDO-ZAMUCANO sounds like the title of a comic book. No, the name actually sounds like a brand name of a photocopying machine.

  11. Please people, don’t worry about this new party because according to the report it will be ‘lunched’ and of course finished on Sunday. It is a non starter!

  12. ECZ MAKE SURE YOU CHARGE ANY POLITICAL PARTY PARTICIPATING IN THE GENERAL ELCTIONS NEXT YEAR 50million partcipation fee. batushupa na tuntemba parties.

  13. Another circus party! shikulu ba Kapita you better use your hard earned dollars from the Netherlands properly ‘don’t ukubeba’ Mwaiseni mukwai. You have all the constitutional rights to form your Adeco Zamcano what ever the name.

  14. #18, you have even felt pity for them, it must be K1billion per participating party for presidential nomination. This will deter time wasters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. im laughing so hard i cant even there are fools now emigrating from netherlands? yaba. can we please block this ho-mo-se-x-al from returning. mayo. naseka!

  16. welcome new party but you are a suspect why using red card already in use you have been suporsored by mmd to fight red card you are dead meat from your the start.

  17. Is that all Brown learned in The Netherlands? What a disgrace he is to that country!

    The name says it all – a big joke!

  18. ADEDO-ZAMUCANO, symbol RED CARD, kekeke…. Mr Brown Kapita can you get serious we tired of this kind of drama. You are a serious suspect am sure we need a pschiatrist to do a thorough assement of you before any serious comments can be advanced.

  19. It’s the killer skunk they have in the netherlands ! I understand it is legal over there. That’s what must be doing the talking.

  20. Yaba….other foo.l with adoda party.I heard Ma’gande is forming his too.I have one also u are to join me. Mine is(DEMOCRATE PEOPLE OF LIBERTY party)DPL party.

  21. Who is this dimwit again! Just go back to Netherlands and enjoying working, whoever told you or taught you that you can only save by being involved in politics is a failure like yourself! Please spare the people of Zambia with your rhetoric. Nimbanje nangu nichani kansi! Even if you have the right but I think people are now abusing this right!

  22. @ The Jackal they seriously have that umber haze hydrophonic green leaf in the Netherlands. He must have been high on a visit home flying air Holland. There weed can take two months from leaving your system. Exciting talk triggers the high, and as politics raises you adrenaline yes the jah rastafarai feels resumes hahahaha. This his forming of ADEDO-ZAMUCANO.

  23. Ubupuba pa zed, mwamona nomba na machona yalemona kwati kuti yateka. Brown is tired of mopping amafi ku hollard now he wants to venture into politics. anyway i understand how high he is, imagine the combination of hollard weed and human in old pipos homes where he has been mopping, it will take a year for him to b sober, jst the name ADEDO-ZAMUCANO tells t be right now.

  24. This is rubbish. Zed is full of jokers 4 real. even the name of the so called party or organisation speaks volumes of shit. sounds similar to Nevers Mumba’s dead vision of Zambia shall be saved

  25. He will surely get a vote if he brings himself to the polls. Kapika welcome to shi. t. zed politics. Entertain us we are tired of these recycled career politicians vuvuzelaling everyday in the PF vuvulela.

  26. LMFAO! At the rate things are going, might as well form my own party. This serves to inform ZANIS that I have now formed my own party, the ‘Every Friday & Saturday Night Party (EFaSNiP)’ and invite bloggers to join me in liberating the nation from boredom.

  27. Is’ nt kapika our own De javu behind ADEDO-ZAMUCANO.De javu was based in the EU area where Netherlands is.Good that LT bloggers are thinking big.

  28. Ba m’dala ba Kapika inda mweba! Ama Coffeeshops yapa Amsterdam teyakukonkelela. Mwamona nomba ifyo mwatampa ukusabaila! Ibange talyawama! Warning: Mixing dobo and booze may cause extreme hallucinations!

  29. Another clown on the scene. Which part of Zambia does this bearded muppet come from? Doesn’t he have relatives to check him into Chainama?

  30. There’s always a political clown near an election time. PF used to be one, look at how it has grown. Let him add some seasoning to the laugh!!! kekekekekekeke yaba!

  31. Please not another Chama Chakomboka joke, but atleast he told us that there is copper in North-western prvnce. batili likuba ali feli mwa Naha

  32. Kapita’s aim is to split votes in 2010. Ni DOUBLE TOBELA mambala. The true name of the party must be MMD-ADEDO-ZAMUCANO

  33. This zamcab kadononga whatever the name . could be another chinaima off shoot political clown.God help Zambia ooh

  34. Why are a lot of bloggers so hypocritical and in a hurry to comment without facts? Has there been an assessment as to the mental state of Mr Brown Kapita? If there hasn’t, why the rush to conclude and insult? Does it matter what he calls his party? Read his manifesto, listen to him, gather evidence about whatever you are alleging and then make your conclusions. You take a swipe at people in the diaspora for allegedly being armchair critics and not coming back home to make a contribution. When they try to participate in determining the destiny of their country, you call them jokers! People have a right to choose where to live, what to do, when to move, what to engage in, e.t.c. without being labelled baselessly. Try to make informed observations. Swallow your saliva first.

  35. Have you heard? About 15 small political parties are on sale. They came together and came up with one price. They realised they were a waste of time but thought maybe they can raise a little money for their efforts!

  36. *ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING* This is comedy, is this guy sane… the parties name cannot even fit on a ballot paper. Though what a smart move to adopt the redcard as its symbol… I would LOVE to see the look on Sata face if this guy won the election. they should replace declaring of assets by presidential candidates and replace it with mental stability scans

  37. The time when Obama announced his standing for the presidency to the united states of america, many people started making rare remarks even calling him such names as a kenyan mad boy. History can repeat itself. but this time on the other part of the ocean. Some people purely uit share arrogance and ignorance have taken this opportunity to extremely in a childish shameless manner start abusing ADEDO political party and ite leadership. Democracy goes about ideas and debates. It is very shamefull to everytime read insults against anyone who tries to champion for democracy with new ideas. Zambia may boast of having many political parties. Democracy can only be embraced if some zambians can at least be entrenched into primary schools. Just to learn the humany behaviour within democracy. Shame!

  38. If you want to be a leader, just register. It is very simple. Don’t insult people who do stand up for others. Each one has a talent. If your talent is to go to cafés every weekend, then that is your talent. But if you have a talent to be a leader, you should use it. And not sit back and let others do the hard work for you.

  39. Respect your friends views insults are long gone the votes will detemine,let the newly formed party do what it can do.fwebalemona ubuchushi nifwe fwe balanda Go ADEDO GO.

  40. Ba Zed ulupato nakaso, try to say something to build or Educate some one,what can some one learn from those comments?I saw something in that man when he was being interviewed he has the potential of doing something but i would rather encourage him join big parties like mmd or pf

  41. You can see that nibanicekeleko abalanda ama insults how can an ordinary person get concern over some one,Democracy is Good we are feed up of every thing let any one do what he or she can do,and i just love Red card mudala tukakwafwa kuno ku kasama nangu yaba ya ba PF wisakamana bambuli ababula amano uuteka taishibikwa.ADEDO

  42. @Harold Muna you are right indeed. Thats why pa zambia… what else do these people know about this man? Please give him a chance, listen to what he has to offer, you never know. -Obama-was- Mad- kenya- boy . Stop the negativity.. we all know that all professional politicians are all professionally dishonorable men. In order to get anywhere near high office they have to make so many compromises and submit to so many humiliations that they becomes indistinguishable from a streetwalker.”. Leave the man alone if u think u better than him as u are pretending to be while hidding in fake names…why dont you do what he is doing – Atleast he is exercising his rights without hiding behide fanny names on the net.@ Cecilia am with u on that point
    Shame on these people,

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