Thursday, March 20, 2025

Don’t involve me in politics, FJT advises Sata


Second Republican President Dr Fredrick Chiluba

Second Republican President Fredrick Chiluba has advised Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata to stop involving him in his political talks.

Dr Chiluba’s spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba has said that the former president has noted with dismay the unnecessary continued attacks on him by Mr Sata.

He said the PF leader should concentrate more on his opponents and not Dr. Chiluba. Patriotic Front President Michael Sata recently accused second republican President Frederick Chiluba of inciting some NGOs to twist his meetings with donors.

Mr. Sata also accused Dr. Chiluba of interfering in FAZ administration by always pushing his relatives into the FAZ leadership. He accused Dr Chiluba of pushing current FAZ President Kalusha Bwalya into the top job at Football house who he says is not fit to lead the country’s football governing body.

This is in the wake of dispute surrounding the legality of the Kalusha Bwalya led FAZ executive following the resignation of four executive committee members.

Mr Mwamba has advised the PF leader to desist from always pushing the second republican President back in politics. Mr. Mwamba told QFM that Mr. Sata should always know that he has never been republican president while Dr. Chiluba has been.



  1. What about the London tribunal? You have left that layer jobless.
    Chiluba must never come anywhere near the presidential office again.
    He was a disgrace

  2. I agree with #2. He also failed to mobilise Luapula and Copperbelt provinces after dupping RB. Ya ya ya aka kamunthu ni njoka!

  3. IWE kakafupi..when it suits you,U want 2 politic and when you’re left in the open U dont want 2 be draged into politics.U are such a disgraced short not proud 2 have U as a fomer head of one involved wit FTJ has not had his carrer cut short..the london tribunal is 1 case 2 site..

    kakafupi you brought this on yourself !..i have no marcy 4 you small devil!..u will burn n hell!

  4. 1,2,3,4 &#5,u are spot on,kakafupi has stolen to much for zed in the name of pravatisation leaving the country in to a big chintemba.God will dearly punish this ka pigmy of a former repablican thief president.leavin a lawyer jobless jus coz of being close with u means u are a criminal.they say birds of the same feather flock together,i guess his friendship renders Rb nothing but a criminal.he cudnt mix with sata coz sata knos wat kind of thief Ftj is.

  5. #1 and others, don’t be in self denial. Chiluba was Republican President and ruled us for 10 years. Additionally the people of Zambia elected him into that office with an overwhelming majority in 1991. No matter how much you hate the guy (I am not taking any sides), you cannot erase history. The fact remains that he is a former President of Zambia who carries the title of Second Republican President.

  6. republican thief indeed $8million still in Zamtroop and no money laundering case? Justice in Zambia. $100,000 for father Bwalya attracts money laundering with big nose sikapwanya making loud noise.

  7. FTJ is indeed a disgrace…..I am sure even he himself has no idea what he wants….one day he’s a self proclaimed political engineer and consultant, the next he does not want to have anything to do with politics….one day he is a devout christian, the next he is singing ubushimbe and running around with peoples wives….

  8. kwena ka chiluba is the most worthless n useless president the world has ever had ! the man is jus 2pathetic ! 1. he stole from poor Zambians 2. he stole someones wife 3. he is a fake christian 4. he is a a DISGRACE !!

  9. ba chiluba what dragging into politics are you talking about.
    you have being in politics, you campaign for bwezani in copperbelt and luapula
    what are you talking about. just go and hang yourself you are disgrace to this
    nation. your London lawyer’s licence has been taken away from him, this shows
    that indeed you stole from us Zambians. everything has time one day you will
    pay for what you have done. I believe what our next president is talking about
    sata is very very right. Viva President Sata 2011

  10. Are Regina and Chiluba’s children proudly calling these people mum and or Dad respectively?Please let me know if one has witnessed that.

  11. # read the last part of what mwamba said””Mr Mwamba has advised the PF leader to desist from always pushing the second republican President back in politics. Mr. Mwamba told QFM that Mr. Sata should always know that he has never been republican president while Dr. Chiluba has been.”

  12. # 12 read the last part of what mwamba said””Mr Mwamba has advised the PF leader to desist from always pushing the second republican President back in politics. Mr. Mwamba told QFM that Mr. Sata should always know that he has never been republican president while Dr. Chiluba has been.”

  13. HIM #25 i hear u, no wonder the chap is very much heartless ! he does not care about other people to the extent of grabbing someones wife !

  14. dear bloggers,

    i think we need to start reasoning just a bit. what has chiluba got to do with kalu being the head of FAZ? shud we blame everything on chiluba? I know pipo dont like this man but lets be sensible even in our speech, shud everything bad be related to chiluba? this i think is now hatred and all u niggaz who r sayin things here are not makins sense. the topic of involvin chiluba in FAZ wrangles is just mere stupidity n i will not share in that.

    u claim this man stole, u had 8 yrs to prove n u failed, u post sympathisers can go to hell, we want people who can talk issues n reason not just utterin because u have to say sumthin. IF U DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY JUST SHUT THE **** UP, IT DONT MEAN THAT U SHUD COMMENT ON EVERY TOPIC……. THE FACT THAT U HAV AN OPINION DOESNT M

  15. i hope emmanuel mwamba reads this blog..he has 2 advise that kafupi to stay away from our presdo…SATA…2011 donchi kubeba,SATA aleteka!

  16. Well if you didn’t want to be involved you should never have joined politics. Accept that politics will always involve you even after you’ve long left us. You kafupi decided to move away from what the MMD was all about for self gain. You used your position to intimidate others who disagreed with you. You are very lucky that you’re a freeman (well I don’t really know about that) but what goes around comes around.

  17. ZEDIAN #27 Just to remind you his(chiluba) solicitor in London has been charged with “spectacularly stupid” and the lincence has been revolked,the(stolen) wife is facing charges of receiving stolen properties from him(chiluba),his closest friends who held high ministrial posts during his reign are facing cases of office abuse.So wether it takes 8 years or more and the courts under the current regime have proven him innocent,come 2011,we will get back to the books and start afresh.
    People are maybe affiliating what is happening in FAZ to him because of the similarity of arrogance and stubbornness of kaka Fupi to so-called great kalu (or Galu).

  18. I PITTY U ZEDIAN..WAKE UP FROM YOUR NIGHTMARE!….u dont need 2 have a PHD 2 now that chiluba is a thief,what do you have to say about his lawyer in london?..convection of all his generals even his other rib,the wife has been convicted!…\:d/

  19. Point of correction it takes two to tangle,madme also grabbed somones hubby.
    The two agreed so don’t put blame on one guys come on! Birds of the same feathers flock together.

  20. I like this:’Mr. Mwamba told QFM that Mr. Sata should always know that he has never been republican president while Dr. Chiluba has been’.
    And he will NEVER be,as long as we have rational rural voters!!



  23. The most useless human being I have ever known- ka chiluba! this little man should just keep extremely zii! what happened to your heart condition?

  24. #33 and #32, what has this got to do with FAZ, the topic here is that sata is linking chiluba to kalusha which i think is absurd. U dont need to have a phd to know that this is illogical, the problem with u chaps u have stopped reasoning bout anything, the moment you hear chiluba’s name you get all worked up and start going out of context.

    Im not FTJ’s fan, but i think i for one have ahd a lot of this bullshit, we were all very happy that they have taken ftj to court n we would recover millions, what have they recovered and where is the money? how much did we spend trying to recover that money? these are the things i want pipo to answer not just insuniating things without evidence.
    so if u cant do those simple things, and do just a bit of reasoning, im afraid that this forumn then…

  25. Dr Chiluba yes duped everyone, we expected so much from this man but what can we remember him for, shoes,clothes,wife grabbing,failure to account for ”earnings”,crooked lawyers,crooked doctors,crooked professors,crooked generals and selling houses(bribe)…..Sata at least was paraded before the courts and he defended himself whatever came his way! But ba Dr Chiluba become ”gravely” ill when it was his time to account.

  26. FTJ is still waiting for the dismantling of the ACC law – Section 37 which will free his fat wife and cement his legacy. Got all corrupt lawyers supporting the removal of this law, which i highly engineered by FTJ.

  27. Some of you are worse than chiluba. What has chiluba got to do with FAZ issues. No wonder PF won’t go any where. Instead of finding the real problem and solution to FAZ sata goes for shadow boxing. As usual shallow minded people praise him. This is the same mistake chiluba made. He kept on harassing KK for 10 years instead of directing such efforts where it was need. I fear Sata will also focus his energies on an imaginary opponent. Day in the fello keeps talking about Chiluba for nothing. Those who are wise and intelligent can tell this baseless hatred. Sata and your supporters kuleni.

  28. i dont blame sata but his leader(chiluba) and followers(pf). the man is not normal at all. he cant reason but just speak. yes chiluba was president but sata simply never ever will rule zed. he knows it himself.

  29. Most of you calling for FJTs scalp 2day unashamedly supported this guy until he truned on PF and supported RB. He was alwas a thief and shall remain a thief.

  30. What Mwamba and his boss (Chiluba) should know is that you can do 9 things excellently and do just 1 thing wrong. You will be remebered by that 1 wrong thing. Now imagine someone like Chiluba who does 2 things excellently and 8 things gravely, maybe extremely wrong! I personally will remember Chiluba as a president who ruined current and future generations. If he managed himself well with all the local and donor support that he had, probably we would have been moving in giant steps towards what we are dreaming of in 2030 (Vision 2030). But his actions took us far back. I will remember him as the Father of Grand Corruption in Zambia. Shame!

  31. Kwena Mwamba really attracts scorn onto his boss! How did he end up brewing this one? Why should he always answer back MC Sata. All Sata stated is that, ‘FTJ pushed Teddy Mulonga out of FAZ.’ This is factual and is what is haunting Kalu at FAZ.
    Whatever, Chiluba touched has worms by now. Second Republican Thief indeed! Better never to have been president than end up like Augusto Pinochet and Chiluba.

  32. As much as chiluba was a republican thief please Sata stop talking about everything, why do you want to talk about faz do you even know what is offside on this one ba sata please for a change shishi and chiluba should not cry now he started it and he must finish it he behaves has if he does’nt know sata,please mr chiluba don’t start what you can’t finish the only thing you managed to finish is zambian money shame on you and sata please stop openning your mouth all the time sometimes behave like a presidential material good presidents don’t talk anyhow that’s wisdom.

  33. No. 11 what did Sata steal? Levy tried and your RB has tried to pin him on false charges but they have both failed. The latest on chiluba’s London lawyer simply confirms that he stole from us Zambians. Shikapwasha please move at supersonic speed to have Kafupi investigated for your mmd grz to show us that you are fighting corruption.

  34. people of zed why you only talk this short guy cant be treated ones and 4 all how many people did kafupi clear 1 paul tembo etc what are u waiting for guys romanian president ask him what happened ceasecu its people themselves not waiting for questionable judiciary.

  35. @Zedian…We where going to recover from Kafupi but what did your RB and your corrupt judges do to the london judgement?

  36. i think people need to have respect for their rulers; former or otherwise. this man you calling all sorts of names was elected overwhelmingly by yourselves. the only people who saw something wrong with the new party were us people from the east; do you remember all the deragatory names you called us? even threatening to block development projects in eastern province. 20 years down the road we hold no gripe with the former president unlike you the very people who worshipped the very ground he walked on? is it the disappointment of having been duped?

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