Thursday, March 20, 2025

MP denies shooting cadre


Dr. Solomon Musonda, Former Deputy Minister of Health

MMD Chitambo Member of Parliament (MP) Solomon Musonda, who allegedly shot a Patriotic Front (PF) cadre, yesterday pleaded not guilty to a charge of causing bodily harm with intent to maim, disfigure or disable.

Appearing for plea before Justice Mugeni Siwale Mulenga at Kabwe High Court yesterday, Musonda, 34, denied causing bodily harm with intent to maim, disfigure or disable Jackson Musaka on June 1, this year.

Justice Mulenga set November 29 as date for commencement of trial after lawyer Mulilo Kabesha said Mr Sunday Nkonde, who is Musonda’s lawyer, was undergoing a medical review and could not travel to Kabwe yesterday.

Musonda’s bail was extended.

And State advocate Chipola Bako had earlier objected for trial to begin on November 29 because the State was ready to proceed with the matter and witnesses were on their way to Kabwe from Serenje.

Meanwhile, the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) intends to join the case in which Lusaka lawyer John Sangwa and business executive Rajan Mahtani are charged with forgery and uttering a false document.

Defence lawyer Steven Malama told Lusaka chief resident magistrate Charles Kafunda that LAZ had indicated it wanted to be part of the proceedings.

This is in a matter in which former Finance Bank chairperson, Mahtani and Lusaka lawyer Sangwa are facing five counts of forgery, uttering a false document and fabricating evidence.

Mr Malama asked for an adjournment to allow him and his co-defence lawyer Robert Simeza organise a meeting with LAZ on the association’s intention to play a role in the proceedings.

Mahtani and Sangwa are on count one charged with forgery contrary to sections 342 and 347 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

In response, the State reluctantly accepted an adjournment but asked the court for guidance on LAZ’s intention to be part of the proceedings because this was not the first matter Mr Simeza and Mr Malama were handling.

State prosecutor Mwewa Musonda said the other reason was that LAZ was not on record in these proceedings.

But in his ruling, Mr Kafunda said the nature of LAZ’s intended role was not clear and he believed that was the source of concern expressed by the State.

He also found difficulties appreciating the actual purpose of the meetings alluded to but said LAZ president Steven Lungu had earlier applied to be part of the proceedings as amicus curiae.

“If there is need to look at other options open to the association regarding the case, it ought to have been made before the proceeding against the foregoing, I will also reluctantly grant the defence this application to enable them meet with LAZ,” he said.

The matter continues today

[Times of Zambia]


  1. The penal code is now unconstitutional and should be removed..ask Prof Mvunga. Bullcrap, the ***** pulled the trigger and should be be found giulty.

  2. Vj,
    please be civil in your language and try to have a heart for the victim.we know u can even eat f.e.a.c..e.s for your survival but that does not warant you to use such language.Dont get excited for nothing.Governments come and go!

  3. #3 I hear you, but honestly this PF thug, un educated and basically worth nothing apart from being called a Human being wants to destroy Dr Musonda’s well invested and planned life. Just because this thugs never planned their lives they want to destroy others. no ways infact he should have died !diot

  4. This Doc Musonda is not 34 years old, give us a break. He too long to finish his medical school because he failed a couple of times. Honestly does that face look like a 34 year old chap?

  5. Gentlemen,let us learn to be civil as # 3 has correctly put it.A life could have been lost.Whether Musonda planned his life well does not warrant him shooting at poor people.Since when did social stratification become a justification of committing crimes againt paupers?

  6. Chintu chakwe mambala #5 put yoself in the cadre,s shoes ! r,u normal ? u,r the same chaps who claim to be Christians n yet u,r full of evil ! its bcoz of ths government which has failed to provide education to its citizens that we end up having some people not educated ! please people lets try to think before we write/say or do something !! However VIVA PF

  7. @ Chintu chakwe mambala: you ignorance and lack of heart for the less fortunate amazes me. Does it meen that anyone who is doing better than you in their lives have the right to shoot or maim just because they are better planners? You do not know this Dr. Muzo and his lack of manners. Take time to ask people in chingola who interacted with him and they will tell what sort of an a.s.s.hole he is. and from your contribution, i can tell that you are also a major league a.s.s.hole too!

  8. #9 Sir G-Mwana I m very normal and a very committed christian. However, My problem is that I work so hard for my life as at now I have safely secured the life of my kids. Why should I be turned in to an enermy for my hard earned wealth and confort?? Why? if u check whats happening now is that some chaps who have been lasy want to blame the wealthy ones for their situation. Its true that some of our citisens would have been better had they got the needed support but most of them its because of not wanting to sucrifice.
    Please get my Point, u are PF thats not an issue to me but lets not provoc people to a point where they are left with no choice but to defend themselves like Dr Musonda. Witnesses from the same PF group will soon tell the Court how Dr musonda’s life was threatened.Just…

  9. #11Chintu chakwe mambala, the debate here is not about who is the hardest working and who is not, it’s about people who think they get away with anything and the leadership that does little to provide for their poor. When we get back to working hard, it does not mean that when you have more you are the hardest working. the people who wrok the hardest and the longest usually get the least. may be we need to remind you that when this i.d.i.o.t dr shot the PF cadre, the cadres were repairing the road fro free and they did not want him to use because he was part of the govt that left roads to disintegrate. ask yourself, when did you anything for the community for free? From your contribution one can tell that you are one of those that think you have achieved thing because of your own efforts.

  10. now if our leaders have become IFIPONDO, kupitana fye ne mfuti, what more us citizens? i think the country is turning into a military camp. if it’s not investors shooting, then it’s government! SHAME!!!! WE WANT CHANGE!!!

  11. Musonda is MMD so he will probably get off so easy in this case.Already, his charges are so minimized.RB will see 2 it that the judicial process for the MMD thugs is applied

  12. @ chintu,U sound educated from your postings but one thing i have noticed is the head is empty!..U’re a shame,how cod you justify shootn a simple cadre who is defensless in the head.
    the Dr chap shoud be jailed..that attempetd muder! full stop!..Why are we even wastn time!

  13. CHINTU CHAKWE MAMBALA – I gues you are an engineer and not a social scientist like me. this is coz a social scientists can not generalise and say o those that ar poor are lazy

  14. “chintu” chap above, can you tell us how many “well-to-do” chaps have done it the honest way in zambia? I suppose Muzo’s rise is one way, & hence the MMD are clean bed fellows of yours!!
    The old adage, “Education enlightens minds, but wisdom can’t be instilled, it grows on you!” As for you, the former ,to be safe, may apply, unfortunately, the latter eludes you, & will for a very longtime for crying out loud!!! It is no wonder Zambia is on its knees with people like you!!

  15. “Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea.” Lord Hailsham (in Haughton v. Smith, 1975)
    ‘An act does not make a man guilty of a crime unless his mind is also guilty.’

  16. # 21 the Saint, Musonda’s Mind is Guilty, he had the whole time to bring out the pistol ,aim and Shoot he knew wat he was doing u know its not like the gun was attached to his eyes that he just fired upon seeing the PF Guy.

  17. @#16 Anne, #18 TWACHULA PAFULA!, #19 CHIGUNTA and #20 kamwendo, thank you guys for your wise contributions, you have just helped make another zambian a little wiser.

  18. #11, 1 you guys you are devils, how can you think like that. If musonda slapped that guy it could be understood, now a gun! supposed that guy was your son how would you treat musond can you say the same thing. Am shocked zambia is not a Christian nation! even the judge must be demoted and his licence evocked like Thaker.:-?:-?:-?

  19. # 11 Chintu chakwe mambala you are a narcissist and need serious psychiatric conselling and treatment. Any normal person would not write such insensitive things about someone who has suffered an injury. I am medically qualified to tell you that Dr. Musonda and people like you are narcissits and dangerous to my country.
    This young man who was shot was working on the road as part of community service, which action narcissits like you can never comprehend. Dr. Musonda in a normal society should be found quilty and should serve a custodial sentence with an early parole since he is a first offender, however in Zambia with LAW ACCORDING TO BWEZANI AND MMD STOOGES this Doctor narcissit is a hero. SHAME ON ALL MMD STOOGES AND #’ 11 ON THIS DEBATE.

  20. Law and order. I don’t if this guy wich doc Musonda used his to shot by denying the case.Just becoz those chinse f.ools have been granted a bill by stu.ped leaders who uses amatole by reasoning in what there do. Man either u are a doctor law must work on u.

  21. It is mmd’s policy to shoot at poor pipo. Remember what their RB said about the 11 miners who were shot by th chinese.

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