Thursday, March 20, 2025

PF condemns formation of new political parties


Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) Kalulushi District Constituency Chairman Kenny Hachisumo has advised the leader of the newly formed political party Brown Kapita to consider joining existing political parties in order consolidate the opposition.

Mr. Hachisumo who is also a renowned Lufwanyama businessman and Commercial farmer told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that forming political parties is only weakening chances of the opposition defeating the ruling MMD during the 2011 polls.

“ Individuals forming political parties at this hour are doing so for selfish reasons and that they should not be taken seriously by the Zambian people,” he said.

He was reacting to Mr. Kapika who on Monday announced the formation of his political party called “Africa’s Democratic and Economic Development Organization (ADEDO)-Zambia Must Change Now (ZAMUCANO)” after making a dramatic return from the Netherlands on a self imposed exile during former president Frederick Chiluba’s reign.

He further said the existing political parties has good manifestoes adding that it is going to be paramount for those wishing to form political parties to join already existing parties in order to have a strong opposition in the country.

The PF District Chairman explained that the role of the opposition is to provide checks and balances to the ruling party which he said can only be possible with a strong opposition.

The new political party is set to be launched this Sunday.

Mr. Kapika told ZANIS in an interview yesterday that he has come back to Zambia to save the country from what he termed recycled leadership that has characterized the political scenario in Zambia. He added that the country needs a leader with wisdom.

He expressed confidence of scooping next year’s Tripartite elections bragging that there is no political party in the country with the vision to transform the country into a developed nation other than his party .



  1. You cant stop the guy from exercising his democratic right,azazionela.Am also coming back to form a political party next year for circumcised persons only.

  2. Please when are these pf kaponys going to learn that in demcracy you can even for a party for two people . U and your wife and when voting you can actually vote for someone else and ene uo getting zero votes. stupid kaponyas

  3. # 4 I have seen more Kaponya’s in MMD than in PF. Chalwe, Kadobi, William Banda, Chilambwe, Shikapwasha, Dora Siliya, Mike Mulongoti, Mumbi, Chimumbwa, Chifire, Lifwekelo, Chihana, Vera Chiluba, Lameck Managani,Machungwa,Faustina Simfukwe, Joseph Zulu, Chiluba. The list is endless

  4. # 4 I have seen more Kaponya’s in MMD than in PF. Chalwe, Kadobi, William Banda, Chilambwe, Shikapwasha, Dora Siliya, Mike Mulongoti, Mumbi, Chimumbwa, Chifire, Lifwekelo, Chihana, Vera Chiluba, Lameck Managani,Machungwa,Faustina Sinyangwe, Joseph Zulu, Chiluba. The list is endless

  5. How do people join a party that is allergic to democracy with its anti election spirit? Are they suppose to come in as escotees to another ballot defeat or coming to be life time cheerleaders of insults from Sata? Sata is PF and PF is Sata. The day Sata will fail to be rescillitated from his deathbed he comes from, that will be the end of PF. Can it be led by Gay Scott, Kabimba a man of lowest comprehension or Genocide childless vagabond Father Bwalya?

  6. If you have failed to accommodate credible and smart HH, what more some stranger of unfixed abode just dumping him on in the political arena from Sweden wherever he is coming from? Drop Sata and call for all inclusive democratic elections for all positions then others will join you for a critical mass maybe. As it is, no one wants to align with a madman who only offers insults.

  7. Pf is a wreck.LET ME BE THE FIRST 2 TELL YOU,michael chilufya sata WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT,HIS PRESIDENCY ENDS MU PF CHAPWA.Chilufya is a desperate man popular among desperate people who cant judge character,this 1 man party is a wreck with no clear structure or chain of command not forgetin imposed leadership.Zambia needs better leadership yes! Not a disorganised fellow.Chilufya has lost previous elections,he wont win this one.I d rather see bwezani with his inconsistency than chilufya and a dictator.

  8. Wanzelu
    u are mad my boy,these maniac exiled bafoons thnk zed is a place desperate 4 cheap political interest, u ìdíøts u thnk u can jst cum up en start adding the number of wud b loosers on the ballot. We have enough credible opposition leader than these niggaz. Am sure 4 them its all about makin money frm poor citizens. Mwajama bafikala

  9. Who complained when you formed PF? Why didn’t ba Shikulu join the then existing opposition parties rather than form PF? Tebu president alefwaya Shikulu, nalelo achili alelwisha? Rather than complain about the new party, you may also dissolve PF and join UPND, to reduce the number of opposition parties if that were the real issue.

  10. for once someone from PF as some brains to see the truth! its time that the opposition put thr hands together to get reed of the crap leaders that have legalized corruption. (MMD)

  11. I believe every zambian has the right to form a political party especially that the political stardands being exhitted by both the ruling and the opposition party leaders are too low and segregative to inspire a true Zambian.Most people have ended up supporting political parties like they do football teams which is detrimental to the aspirations and hopes of progressive Zambians who feel Zambia can do better.We honestly need the 1991 spirit not the fake headless PACT these comedians want us shoved down our throats.LETS BE SERIOUS THE TIME IS NOW OR RB WILL HAVE ANOTHER TRIP AROUND THE WORLD!!!!

  12. On “Mr. Hachisumo who is also a renowned Lufwanyama businessman and Commercial farmer told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that forming political parties is only weakening chances of the opposition defeating the ruling MMD during the 2011 polls.[..] “ Individuals forming political parties at this hour are doing so for selfish reasons and that they should not be taken seriously by the Zambian people,”” this clearly shows that PF is very undemocratic because Mr PF serpentine Sata MC formed an individual party PF in 2001 to split the votes of the Opposition when clearly the UPND as a mass party was ready to form GRZ Administration under the leadership of late AK Mazoka.

    I urge PF to strive to understand democracy as opposed to being selfish.

    Be blest all.

  13. Do most MMD KAPONYAS understand English. The key word in the first sentence (Preamble) of this article is ‘advised’, not condemned or castigates Mr. Kapika for forming his own party. PF is a practical party, they have enough perception to realise that MMD will encourage disunity among opposition political parties. Some of these will actually be sponsored by MMD. Hence what the PF chairman for Kalulushi is aiming at is extending a hand to those who are looking for a party to join. By the way most of the MMD symcophants on this blog have little or minimal formal education.

  14. Mr. Hachisumo is the Minister without PortFolio. And here are some of the members of the Cabininet

    Mr. Hachilima = The President
    Mr. Hampunda = Finance Minister
    Mr. Hamusakwa = Foreign Minister
    Mr. Hachsilima, = Defence Minister
    Mr. Hakainde = Education Minister
    Mr. Hangombe = Transport of Minister
    Mr. Hachitalu = Health Minister
    Mr. Hasinande, = Tourism Minister
    Mr. Hamponda = Agriculture Minister
    Mr. Hansulolo = Local Government Minister

    More appointments to be announced in the near future…

  15. Mr. Brown Kapika. I salute your courage to form aan alternative political party called ADEDO. Let those “divorrcees” in europe, still hiding under whitemens names swallow there own prides and remove their masks instead of talking rubbish insults. Let them remove their masks return to zambia and start contributing to the country’s economic growth. We ladies from Ghana and other african countries we did not hang around in europe to enjoy social security support from europe. After we got divorced we returned to our rural areas where we were picked up and re-married our fellow african men. We are now contributing to our booming economies. My advise is shut your mouths if you do not have anything to say.

  16. #6, and 15 I totally agree with you…. Zambians lets be serious the time is now and remove RB. Lets not have selfish motives (BA KANDILE) awe.

  17. Lets not dismiss this man’s ambition of going to plot 1. Who knows he may provide quality leadrship thatn has been eluding times ememorial. Mr. Kapika has every right to form his own Political as a platform to express his views of governing this country. There is no need to condem him and urge him to join existing political parties. This business of joing Personal to holder political parties is not the best way. Look at PF, its SATA, UPND(HH), MMD (RB). Its not long ago when Prof. CLive Chirwa tried to join MMD and the useless reactions from the Mangani’s and Mulongoti’s Willie “Tekere” Banda etc of this world. Its only a few brave guys like Shakas who acknowledged that he was a registred MMD member somewhere in Katuba. Joing any existing PP is as gud as trying to fill a bottomless…

  18. with more all less political parties the truth is movement for masive distruction is out (MMD)
    here is my obsarvation. western province is for mr milupi,southern pact, lusaka pact,noth western pact, eastern mmd, central sharing of votes, cooperbelt pact, luapula pact,northern sharing of votes

    note that any political party that remains with eastern province as thier strong hold they loose the election and mmd is the loosing.

  19. Mr Hachisumo is right 100 percent. we dont want these tuntemba pparies which has no vission. Viva Mr KH. PIPO in Kalulushi are behind you and they want you si to stand as MP for Kalulushi and i can assure you winning with a landslide

  20. Yes. That is what we want to hear. President Brown Kapika, from the newly formed ADEDO party is the most dynamic leader leading the most dynamic political party among all political parties in zambia. actually is the only leader touching all important issues. For example on taxation, nationalisation of mines, poverty reduction. This would result in defeating the presence unfair system whereby 3 percent of the countrys wealth is the hands of a few people. While 97 percent of zambians are still living in poverty, This is shmafull considering the fact that at the time of independence za,bia was 40 times richer than South Korea. Today Zambia is one poorest country in the world. yet zambia is blessed with all the riches. I urge newspapers like the POST also to cover up such dynamic leaders with

  21. Newspapers like the Post must also take courage to cover up other leaders. Instead of only wiring about leders trading insiults against each other. The Post has become a monotonous newspapers without any new news. Aftyer so many years of independence zambians are still being entertained to news fro UNIP veterans. If politicians have no ideas, they end up oinsulting each other. that is not what Zambians are waiting for. yes they want changes. Yes they can . but this can only be possioble through new leaders. I urge all sensible ointelligent Zambians to read Mr. Brown Kapikas political manifest, which i jst finished reading and VOTE FOR HIM AS THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA. AND SAVE THE NATION AND ITS PEOPLE FROM FURTHER SINKING..At the same time restore the legacy of Dr. KK

  22. I do agree with the comments from the above gentleman. In fact i was very excited when the Post came into publication. I have also come to realize that it is unrealistic newspapers where UNIP veterans have come a commotn appearance. I only read about Mpombo, Sata and the Rupiah Bandas. They all have one thing in common. They were staunt members to UNIP without any new idea. they only thing they have in common is that they are opportunitists who rebelled against their creator Dr. Kenneth kaunda who through their selfishness, they have confined along the Zambezi river. Forgotten for all what he did to make them what they are today. Build a statute for this leader. The whole world still remember him as a great leader, though i still get disturbed at the way he treated my grand. UPP was born.

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