Thursday, March 20, 2025

Ronnie challenges Father Bwalya


Father Bwalya
Fr. Frank Bwalya

CHIEF Government spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha has challenged Change Life Zambia executive director Frank Bwalya to explain to the people what he knows about the $100,000 money laundering scam and not start raising baseless accusations against the State.

In a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday, Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha, who is Information and Broadcasting Services minister, said as a priest, Father Bwalya had a calling to tell the truth because God would punish liars.

Gen Shikapwasha said the Government and the Church had always enjoyed good relations and it was, therefore, highly irresponsible for Fr Bwalya to drag the Church into his personal agendas.

He was reacting to the Press briefing by Fr Bwalya where he said the MMD wanted to orchestrate hatred against Catholics as enemies of the State bent on causing confusion and genocide in Zambia so that when the Government provoked political strife, the public would rise against the Catholics and slaughter them.

“Zambia has been a united and peaceful country and the Government and people of Zambia are determined to keep it so. To allege, therefore, that the Government is orchestrating hatred against any section of the Zambian society is not only cheap but also irresponsible of the highest proportion,” Gen Shikapwasha.

The minister noted Zambia continued to be a shining example where multiparty democracy had flourished since the early 1990s when the country reverted to plural politics.

Zambia has held regular, credible and peaceful elections which have been acclaimed regionally and internationally.

He said the Government under the leadership President Rupiah Banda remained steadfast in as far as providing effective leadership for continued peace, unity and development in the country was concerned.

And former Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general Edward Mumbi has advised Fr Bwalya to desist from dragging the Catholic Church into his clandestine activities because the Catholic Church is an independent and credible institution.

Mr Mumbi said Fr Bwalya was on sabbatical leave and so he should not drag the Catholic Church into his clandestine activities that were aimed at bringing divisions in the country.

He challenged the Catholic Church to come out in the open regarding its relationship with Fr Bwalya who had clearly taken a partisan stance.

“It is clear that Fr Bwalya has taken a partisan stance and so we would like the Catholic Church to come out in the open regarding the activities of Fr Bwalya.’’ he said.

Fr Bwalya threatened to sue Mr Mumbi for defamation for alleging that he got $100,000 from PF leader Michael Sata.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Shikapwasha you are lost. Havent you got other things to sort out especially that Mumbi has commited a crime by obtaining another persons banking document?

  2. The General truly should find better things to do with his time after all he is on a salary from us – taxpayers… without proof these are just allegations by this Mumbi character. I sure do hope the general does not find himself in a government office next year and whats with the holier than thou attitude? God will punish liars just as he will punish all other wrong doers.

  3. fatherless bwalya is a mercenary and danger to himself. he is desparate thats why he has started eating bloody money from mathani. Edward mumbi has got you by your balls no amount of threats will set you free. you ate USD100000 iya mulopa

  4. Hee mr Big nose…..wy be concerned about a very small amount $100 000 when the chief of thieves (Chiluba) in the tune of $80 million is freely roaming the streets of Lusaka.

    Please show seriousness, Zambians cant listen to you any more. If at all that money was given to Fr Bwalya, it is genenuine money coming from Sata and not the Zambian tax.

    So instead of wasting Zambians time on this smallest amount which is not their tax, can you please get the $80 mllion chiluba stole from Zambians?

    Really these are kicks of a dying horse…hehe.

  5. iwe shikapwasha,we also challenge you to state your goverments position over the london tribunal especilly that your Govt insist that chiluba was innocent, and subsquently aquitted
    Give us a break from your ugly mouth! U mean you have nothing important to address apart from following Fr bwalya…?

  6. ###Kambongolo!!! be reminded that the Levy quoted very big figures than what you have quoted as stolen by FJT, but he only managed to take a meager US$500,000 to our Zambian courts. So why did he do that???? so whose fault is it (FJT or Levy)??? and why rush to London when we have courts here infact under Levy’s control at that time???? what happened to all those cases presented in Parliament??? Can you blame Chiluba or RB????

  7. Ba Shikapwasha na shininkisha eco bale mitukila. Are you one of the investigating wings in this matter? Why can’t you leave this issue to relevant authorities instead of you making noise. Don’t you think that you are undermining the works of those that carrying out the investigations. Shut up….weak soldier.

  8. Ba Shikapwasha na shininkisha eco abantu bale mitukila. Are you one of the investigating wings in this matter? Why can’t you leave this issue to relevant authorities instead of you making noise. Don’t you think that you are undermining the works of those that carrying out the investigations. Shut up….weak soldier.

  9. Ba Shikapwasha na shininkisha eco abantu bale mitukila. Are you one of the investigating wings in this matter? Why can’t you leave this issue to relevant authorities instead of you making noise. Don’t you think that you are undermining the works of those that are carrying out the investigations. Shut up….weak soldier.

  10. Ronnie is the one who should be ashamed of being a Reverend coz he is always puffing out lies as a govt mouth piece. MMD is up 2 destroying Fr Bwalya and Sata but that will be 2 no avail.
    Mumbi should be referred to as an MMD Sympathiser as the ‘Former PF Secretary General’ is too much. This guy is on the MMD payroll 2 discredit the opposition but tym will catch up with him!!
    Viva PF, Viva Pact, Viva Red Card


    My dear friends,

    Kambongolo, Twachula Pafula, Deja Vu & Kay i feel sorry for you guys. In 1991 Chiluba was a saint for you guys. Today u call him Satan mudyelekezi.This is all because of blind people like u. Ukwalola umwela eko mwalola. Analyze before you act, otherwise it will be another disaster IN 2011. Remember Your Sata was allover Chiluba when his friends were being mistreated. When Mwanawasa saw corruption in the Chiluba government, he resigned that is what real men do. Ba Sata was busy praising Chiluba. Ala bane Kapoli ni Kapoli. ITS NOW TIME FOR THE YOUNG MEN TO TAKE OVER LEADERSHIP. The colonial era is gone.

  12. Bana kapwasa, dont you trust your securit wings who claim are investigating the case? Why are u challenging Fr. Bwalya to explain about the money? Has your investigative wings yield nothing? Iwe ka Mumbi, why are you talkng about catholic coming in the open about your sily reasoning? Can someone tell me, why are these so called Mumbi and Chimumbwe stil using the title FORMER PF? Are they not proud of who they are now?

  13. Priest turned PF kaponya for the love of the green buck. Things indeed change. It is not enough for you Bwalya to threaten to sue. If you have any reputation left that is worthy defaming, the courts of law are open to all Zed citizens. I am sure we shall hear more of the rot in which some of these shameful and shameless priest have engaged.

  14. Iwe Ronniya shikapoli, u have to put in mine that Catholic Church te katemba.So know how u are playing the cards otherwise u are digging your tomb. Let that guy called Mumbwa make it more clear since he is the saw that fire on his gate and went to take petrol to put off.Unfortunitly the second time he thought to bring water since the fire was already on and going off with wrong stuff he thought it will him.Instead he met Cobra along charged with a head rised.And the man seem to have no weapon at all.Be smart man otherwise this is ur end.

  15. The MMD through RB, Dora, Shikapwasha etc threatened Mtembo Nchito, Mmembe and others to be taken to court for having “stolen” money through Zambian Airways and accussed Magande as an accomplice. Up to now failed to prove anything. This MMD is full of empty threats.

  16. Iwe Ronniya shikapoli, u have to put in mine that Catholic Church te katemba.So know how u are playing the cards otherwise u are digging your tomb. Let that guy called Mumbwa make it more clear since he is the saw that fire on his gate and went to take petrol to put off.Unfortunitly the second time he thought to bring water since the fire was already on and going off with wrong stuff he thought it will him.Instead he met Cobra along charged with a head rised.And the man seem to have no weapon at all.Be smart man otherwise this is ur end.Mumbi

  17. No matter how powerfull the Catholic Chuch is On this one they have to come out clean. Why associate themselves with this crookedness. If they sad for the poor as they claim, let them tell us how the us$ 100 000 and those new vehicles benefited the poor?????? What a chuch??? full of shame and scandles. We want peace for our Children These catholic fathers are fatherless they don t value our lives instead earn their living pretending they feel for us the poor

  18. Shikapwasha, you are a shameless liar, have you already forgotten what you said in parliament about the catholic church, accusing them of wanting to cause genocide in the country as was the case in Rwanda? Come clean and stop mocking God

  19. Iwe chi. color Muzee dont you read? MCS showed you were the money went and there is nowhere it says money was given to Fr. Bwalya. If MCS bought vehicles why should he show your dick? Grow up Mbo.lo mukamwa na RB wanu.

  20. #14 REAL PEOPLE- It is you who needs sympathy because your entire lively hood depends on peddling false praises for MMD. I dont support Sata or any party. My mission is to ensure your MMD comes to its senses. Like some one has said already WHY IS SHIKAPWASHA TALKING INSTAEDY OF LETTING THE DEC/ZP INVESTIGATE THAE CASE? Cant you see that Ronnie is politicking? How can Mumbi have access ton some body elses bank account? Cant you see the anomally? Of course not-if MMD tells you to identify FAECES as Sausage you will agree.

  21. But this so called reveland has realy nothing to do. Jst yesterday he was saying God has exposed Bwalya, and today he is asking him to explain himself. which of the two should come first? He is the same person who ruled out sucide in the death of Mateko (Mabenga’s daughter) while investigations were still going on! shameless!!!!! Aba bena baume abafyashi aba, he thinks thru his big nose! meanwhile MMD cadres are busy singing him praises while the poor gets poorer in the villages!!

  22. Ronnie Nose, what is mmd grz doing about all the irregularities contained in the Auditor General’s reports? What is mmd grz comment on your political consultant’s money laundering issues with his London laywer? What about Lucy Changwe bouncing of a cheque and your losing Chilanga candidate cheque bouncing issue. The US$100,000 which your mumbi is alleging MCS gave to Fr. FB is not tax payers money.Please stop implicating the Catholic Church in this issue. Your churches receive brown envelopes from mmd grz and you side with them. We cannot all be praise singers for RB and his houndlums, sorry.

  23. #24 DejaVu- Admit you agree Mazoka & Levy Mwanawasa were real heroes. U seem to be an intelligent soul except Kaponyas are confusing u. Sata is full of Rhetoric, very old fashioned politician. BUT REMEMBER WHERE THERE IS NO VISION PEOPLE PERISH. Devil thrives on peoples problems, even when he can not end them, he pretends to have a solution. Be careful my dear dejaVu. Lets be more objective in our debates. These old folks are up to no good at all. Besides we only need two political parties in Zambia only, then can we develop, other wise a waist of time. enjoy your SAUSAGES.

  24. Mumbi if it is true and you are a serious and clean man who does not tolerate money laundering and related dirty acts you would have revealed this whilst in the PF.I can assure you that you would have gotten ma lone vote if you stood as an independent presidential candidate.But to me this simply shows how a bootliker you are. I can say that there are so many bad things that are happening in MMD which you cant tell us now in fear of loosing your job.It is because you never had a chance of finding one in PF that is why you left and am now agreeing with what wynter said “your contributions to PF party where less than ZERO” hence you were a Liability,and because of there intelligence they fixed you by not giving you a job.In 2011,those red lipped,big nose and dimwits wont be there to defend…

  25. Mumbi’s claim that he found documents linking Fr. Bwalya to the US$100,000 Finance Bank transaction, smacks of a very clever trick by Sata’s camp to shame their adversaries.

    It appears a clear case of Mumbi, Shikapwasha and the MMD swallowing the bait line, hook and sinker, without checking carefully the authenticity of the documents.

    What a clever way to discredit the MMD and their biased Law Enforcement agencies, should DEC and the Police fail to professionally discharge their duties by arresting Mumbi for forgery and contravening Data Protection regulations.

  26. Mumbi you are a cheap politician you want to make something for your pocket are you so broke such that you sink so low to lie somehow you are crever this is the right time to make money from these desparate MMD government before the leave office next year after all they have miss used alot by trying to be in power by all mean enjoy while it last.

  27. Fatherless bwalya has clearly shown the same lack of judgement that some priests showed when they molested deaf and dumb children. If this father picked up US$100,000 for political purposes its high time the vatican was informed.

  28. Where was this stupid mumbi for him to wait for two solid years before telling the public about his lies and the ipuno yikulu man his just yapping without proof he cant even comment on the great thief we have in Zambia FTJ .

  29. Some *****s on this blog still believe that Fr. Bwalya received the US$100,000. Do you ever investigate your facts? Someone from Zed yesterday confirmed that the 2 vehicles are still being used by members of MCSs’ family!
    So all of you who are insulting Fr. Bwalya and the catholic church are just cursing yourselves. Stop insulting a priest who is simply interested in seeing a better Zambia. Some of you are so shallow in your support for MMD and I agree with Deja vu when she loses patience with you! Face facts this government is desperate and will do anything to destrtoyer their perceived enemies!

  30. Ronie should leave all these to investigating wings than asking the priest in public to tell us where he got the purported money…..The interest ba Minister leaves room for seriously one to wonder

  31. the circumstances in which mumbi got the statement is not clear can the police, DEC, ACC etc chase him also…. and find out properly …. there is noway somebody just live an important document at your doorstep instead of going to the police you rush to the media….. please God help us…. its like you found a big bundle of money out side…… without explanation ….. do you just rush into spending it or you report to the police…..

  32. #27 REAL PEOPLE- IT IS NOT A QUESTION OF BEING CONFUSE. I am in Zambia and am commenting from a physical position. What I say is what I see. Let me just ask you these questions: 1) What does the Zambian Law say about people who give out banking information to unauthorised individuals. 2)If a crime is committed is it for the MMD spokeperson to call a press confrence to announce it? Remember Dr. Matani’s case is high profile, but we only came to know about it when the DEC arrested him- not from some kangaroo Press Conference. If Sata indeed did what Ronnie is barking about, the DEC should have moved in and that is when we were going to know about the case.For record, even the MMD receives money from well wishers and sponsor some propaganda NGOs.

  33. Shikapwasha, WECHIPUBA WE. I feel very ASHAMED to be a Zambian especially in this time. Comeon guys, we deserve better Leadership. Now is Shikapwasha, the best MMD can offer as Information Minister, or is the whole Cabinet ANIMAL FARM? What a circus of a Cabinet!!

  34. Its funny to hear Shikapwasha defending the integrity of the Catholic Church. This is the same man who even suggested that Catholics want to cause genocide in Zambia. Just because his filth lies have been exposed, he wants to U-turn on his demonising of the Catholic Church.

    It is very clear that the MMD has a hidden agenda for the Catholics because you cannot separate the Church from its leaders who have spoken against this government and have been attacked left, right and centre. Only a mad person who is so out of touch with reality cannot see this attitude by the MMD. Have they not threatened Archbishop Mpundu, Bishop Duffy, Fr. Augustine Mwewa, Fr. Miha Drevensek for speaking on behalf of Zambians?

    Shikapwasha can fool Zambians sometime but he can’t fool us all the times!

  35. #36 DejaVu – You can never beat them, don’t even waist your time supporting them, they are all crooks.
    If you want to prove lets vote for Sata next year 2011, the same dirt tricks u are
    seing in
    the RB admininstration u shall see them in MCS. They are from the same old school.
    CHANGE IS IN THE AIR FOR YOUR PEOPLE its just a matter of grubbing it. Think
    positively. As for me I never believe in a human being whether priest or president they are all lairs.

  36. In the USA, the FBI planted their agents to sell fake weapons to suspected terror suspects and later arrested them with the planted evidence as proof of their intentions.

    I have no doubt that the Sata camp employed the same trick to trap Mumbi, Shikapwasha and his MMD sponsors into this disgraceful, humiliating hole they will find very difficult to wriggle out of.

    DEC, ACC, the Police and Intelligence should now move very quickly and arrest Mumbi and all those connected to the smear, to gracefully prove their neutrality and put this matter to rest, if they have any pride in their professionalism.

  37. This silly Rev should learn to keep his overshadowed mouth ( by the nose) quiet. he literally comments on anything even were he does not even qualify. Muleya still more. VIVA SATA!!! VIVA RED CARD. I wish Fr Bwalya would have made more high quality durable red cards e.g drivers license with that money so that they last till inauguration day when Vasco Da Banda will be hearding back to the farm.

  38. Its really sad that Zambia has a false prophet shikapwasha as a minister. The $100 000 is not tax payers money, why be concerned about who it went to?

    You have Chluba roaming the streats of Lusaka despite stealing $80 million of Zambian Tax. You aquit Chiluba but instead you want to crucify a person who received a ka $100 000 from a friends acount….not the Zambians tax???? Can you say Shikapwasha is normal? No people, this man is may be mad, only a mentally disturbed person can think like him.

    Shikapwasha is a disgrace to the Mwanawasa family and Zambians…..he is too petty to be a minister. What a useless false reverand…..dull creacture indeed.

  39. You know you dull MMD-thieves, you alwas, day in and day out make Sata popular and great in the eyes of Zambians. Sata has increased is rating on this one while yours has declined. Hehe Sata, Sata the political brain teaser.

    Sata who uses his enemies to campaign for him. Sata who was born under the Mpika tree and all the cobras worshiped him, from there he was crowned king cobra and since then, he has confounded the dull creaturs in the likes of false prophet shikapwasha and an insipid bootlicker Mumbi.

    Sata who has made the MMD-thieves look so foolish in the many false allegations they have imposed on him, He always come out clean.

    Sata, Sata such person Zambia needs to clean up the mess of the MMD-thieves.

    Sata Sata …I am now liking you and I know Zambians want you. SATA

  40. Shikapwasha are you telling us that Zambians can’t have this kind of money?There are people in mmd who have more than that, simple $100,000. This money is not GRZ money. Chiluba stole GRZ money and you are protecting him from facing the law. What kind of govt are you? Shame on you mmd.

  41. When a ruling party feels like they will be voted out of power,they tend to fabricate stories and resort to intimidation of political opponents. Fear of the unknown engulfs them. Remember even Unip didn’t just go quietly. There were threats and false acussations of all sorts. This is not new it has happened before. Those in power now should just prepare for the future, just in case kuyabebele.

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