Former Patriotic Front secretary general Edward Mumbi has charged that Patriotic Front president Michael Sata’s intentions to sue him for criminal libel over the revelations that he gave Change Life Zambia executive director Father Frank Bwalya 100, 000 United States dollars to de-campaign the MMD government will reveal a lot of unknown things surrounding the same.
But the PF leader has charged that Mr. Mumbi has now realized the consequences of his unfounded rumors hence changing statements.
Mr Mumbi said the decision by Mr Sata to litigate through the courts of law the rumours that he revealed over the weekend is the best thing to think of, because the matters may border on suspected money laundering.
Mr. Mumbi said money laundering is an international offence, not only governed by domestic laws of the country but also governed by international law.
He said the court process will help to reveal a lot, and where the United States dollars came from stating what was banked was allegedly cash.
Mr. Mumbi told QFM this morning that Zambians should open their eyes and follow the issues that will be revealed in the courts of law closely.
He added that the timing is perfect before the 2011 elections so that he is not accused of politicking.
[pullquote]Mr Sata said it is only the bank that should ask him where he obtained the money and not the MMD.[/pullquote]
But the Patriotic Front president Michael Sata has observed that Mr Mumbi is now changing goal posts on the revelations he made. Mr. Sata said that Mr. Mumbi should understand laws governing money other than issuing statements he does not understand.
Mr Sata said it is only the bank that should ask him where he obtained the money and not the MMD. The PF leader in an interview with QFM said Mr. Mumbi is anxiously looking for a job from president Rupiah Banda hence making unfounded statements.
The trap is further unfolding. Soon, the humiliation will show and job prospects will dim. Accessing another person’s private banking information and documents is a criminal offence. period.
And fraudulently obtaining another person’s documents is even the worst crime.
What can stop such a person from unlawfully (stealing money using the Nigerian 419 way) accessing money from the bank in question under such circumstances???
Cant wait for court hearing,we want to see the hypocrites.Has he been served the summons yet?
sata,don’t just yap.tell your lawyers to speed up the process uleke tukayumfwile
Manking umbi seems to forget that he himself will have to disclose how HE obtained the private and personal documents relating to Sata’s bank documents and transactions. The plot thickens. And this man worked for Zambian intelligence! Sometimes it makes you wonder.
So the zambian courts are ok to dispense justice…..since when did this fool sata trust the courts . . .
Loox lyke this Mumbi missez hiz Secretary General job at PF, else why should he alwayz come up with one issue or the other when he left the party along tyme ago?
Turncoat Mumbi doesn’t seem to realize that he will also be called upon to state how he came into possession of Sata’s banking records – a criminal offence. And this man is a former intelligence officer? Makes you wonder. Let the show begin. Is it still a crime in Zambia to possess dollars?
Ba Father Bwalys (Ba Head Boy ba pa Kitwe Boys) bapwa!!!!!!!
His associations are now revealed. He is a “bought” priest. God have mercy. These are the Chaps that sold Jesus, with a kiss, for pieces of money. Just a free car puts an entire father to a “father christmas”. We know him for what he is now. A “cash pastor”
I wonder these guys behave like small kids…
total rubish
mumbi is just a worthless and disgraced chap !!
Again I ask. Can somebody help us with a detailed CV of Mumbi and Chimumbwa right on LT? Mumbi is threat to our national security. Let us check on him.
I dont think MUMBI has any more to reveal because he would have opened his mouth a long time ago more especially the time he was going round with Rb campaining.Just wait to defend yourself and whatever you have ,keep it to yourself as your last punch in court than telling us.
Mumbi’s kind are the people that have destroyed the MMD’s reputation. Criminality is detested by every Law Abiding citizen, world over, and if MMD have any credibility to defend, they should ensure Mumbi is ostracised and caged, before he harms them any further.
I also really want to see Mumbwe and Chiimbwa Cvs
LT this News is sooo Fing boring, there is nothing this chap ka Mumbi is saying but total rubbish
he is just the time waster
I think Mumbi has a lot to tell and i just hope Sata wont regret this. I cant wait for the court hearing.
MUMBI is a disgrunted chap.Do you think if he had such infomation he wod have not unleashed it in 2008 presidential elcetion?..having been campening for RB?
ba mumbi just continue bootlicking mayb RB might give U a job 2 work for 8 months b4 2011 elections which i very much doubt!.
I dont think MUMBI has any more arsenals remaining at his disposal cos he would have used them a long time ago more especially the time he was sharing platforms with RB during some by elections.Free advice to MUMBI “KEEP WHAT YOU HAVE TO YOURSELF AND USE IT IN COURT” Why warn your opponents that you will reveal more.Let it be your last punch in court.But be careful cos these cases might drag on till after next years elections and im very sure your protectors wont be there.
Mumbwe u can’t Cobra.Just wait u have stepped on a wrong way.It’s u who will be revealed for how foo.lish u are by following Chaps like ROTTEN BRAIN(RB),to distory Sata. Wapya iwe.
Elo lwanya. Cho…..chise……
”chimbwi pakulila
”Ninshi pali eko ashintilile
Mumbwe u can’t put fear into Cobra.Just wait u have stepped on a wrong way.It’s u who will be revealed for how foo.lish u are by following Chaps like ROTTEN BRAIN(RB),to distory Sata. Wapya iwe.
Church arranging Sata’s meetings with donors – Mumbi
HH has been reduced to Kabimba’s level – Mumbi
Sata to sue Edward Mumbi for libel
Mumbi challenges Sata to produce audited accounts of the party and his businesses
Sata betraying PF/UPND pact – Mumbi
Mumbi is mad and he is not ashamed … plizi take him 2 court..
This Mumbi thing is just a bitter ****inG fooool. This man is behaving this way because we have no law and order in the nation. Before he can be entertained by any media, the law would have done its job for the crime he committed of fraudulently obtaining and defacing someone’s documents – thats a CRIME. He is just a bitter thing, and he is let to do what he is doing because its what MMd loves, anything, anyone who can discredit the opposition is a darling to them and their law enforcement bootlickers. Just remember that nothings remains the same, change teaches.
first MUMBI left PF after being bribed money not to say n thng on ringing of election wch hpnd in SA. and PF dscavd his dids.
8#woz a hired man between Fr.bwalya en MUMBI. b factual i d i o t..
13# u r 100% correct keep it up.
Woz invlvd in money loundering between SATA and CHILUBA and 1 ov the courts have proved him guilt out ZAMBIA…
Ba Sata, ba Lunatic, now more dirty is goona come out splash your Fatherless Bwalya. What most pipo dont know is that Ba Lunatic has got other money related cases to answer abroad. Does anyone know that this Great leader of kaponyas party had 100pin dollar confiscated pa Oliver Tambo International Airport? He says he will get it whenever he feels like.-What a joke! The old madala is a crook to the bone.
Our state institutions ve been relagated to ZERO by the MMD government coz i feel the bank documents were obtained with the help of govenment and then given to Mumbwe instead of giving to DEC. SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!
Mumbi i think you are a Chit
Atase kwati ni ka Mohani, you will end up joining him where he is!
Mumbi, hold your breath for court, why are you panicking? I suppose you will be asking for Sata’s Bank statements again? What a joker!
Ba Sata, how can the Zambian corrupt courts dispense justice in your favour? Your inconsistece over years is what has made you a perpetual election loser. Hopefully this time after the impending massacre next year, you will retire from our political scene and try farming. Mwakota a mudala a Sata. We dont want another bye election in State House please. Nkoyani kumunzi.
Mumbi ma ru bbish!! traitor, i do i t, big head kawalala number 1.Chimoneni umutwe kwati lisabi.If you have nothing to do, go and sleep and we shall wake you up when the bakateka baleteka. Sh ut up your mouth.
This is all MMD and Mumbi is the mad slinger! Let him reveal what ever it is he has been tod 2 reveal by the MMD. Sata would already have been in jail this tym if this rubbish is true.
Shame on Mumbi and MMD. Trying to weaken the opposition will not work n we know the likes of political harlots like Mumbi and Chimumbwa
We are fed up with MUMBI always trying to impress his paymaster.Mumbi you have become monotonous and very irrelevavant to our political dipensation be objective,we dont want Tummy Politics,If you are not qualified in any field take a hoe and start farming,you are have become a time waster and an MMD VUVUZELA respect yourself you have no intergrity shme on you VIVA PACT FOR 2011.
It’s good to take a back seat and let other people Judge Mumbi. The majory have spoken??? Need not add more. Mumbi has negligible supporters on this fora going by the bloggers comments.
Ha Ha Ha lelo Mumbi.
Mumbwe mumbwe always backing! one day your sins will find you out for concealing this secret for a long time. ubufi bweka bweka twanaka naiwe Mumbwe.
Wasn’t there something similar on MUmbi himself having recieved a sum of K500 million and a Mercedes Benz from an unknown source? This old man is like an excited puppy…..wagging its tail for all and sundry….
Chimumbwa grew up in Chingola where he was involved in business, both legal and illegal. He was once deregistered by KCM for trying to bribe a mine official inorder to procure supply contracts. He was arrested for obtaining money by false pretences after he got money from a China man and promised to supply him copper. He is involved in dubious vehicle procurements and at one time had vehicles impounded by the ACC. He has commonalities with Chiluba like going after married women and sometimes sleeps with both mothers and daughters like the wife and daughter of one mine official he was caught with in a hotel.
Why wait? Just say it now Kabwa
Eddie Moko Moko
There are100 reasons why SATA should not be a pact presidential candidate. A lot will be revealed in the coming days.this the reason why the MMD droped the Degree cluase.The old man has alot of skeleton in the cupboard.Allow HH with a clean record. The MMD will have nothing to pin HH on. VIVA HH! VIVA PACT!
We want more we want more we want more of the same nonsense so that we judges these phools masquarading as our leaders for what they really are. Ifipube fi they think we are so dull at we can just elect them to the presidency just like that? No wonder they have hired Satanic priests into their camps with the hope of being prayed into State House. It doesn’t work like that baPF. You can hire the whole Catholic Church if you please but as long as other people also vote and individual Catholics vote with their heads, your cadre priests and bishops will remain looking like the phools that they are.
This is Shit!!! Mumbi you are an I.D.O.T Can you stop this ****!!!
In this country, if you just arrived from the state of nature and are therefore unfamiliar with the Civilised World, there is what we call Freedom of Speech. That is what Mumbi is expressing and exercising ba kaponya. Get that into your thick heads. You can sue him if you are aggrieved. There is a price to pay for democracy.
So Father Bwalya turned Father Christmas Bwalya for receiving gifts from Mr. Sata to discredit a legitimate elected govt. Has he sold himself to Sata-PF/Mmembe for silver. This genocide priest Father Christmas has the potential to put our peaceful nation to flames.
Mr. Mumbi please spill more beans. I’ll be following the case closely as pertaining to your advice and I quote “Zambians should open their eyes and follow the issues that will be revealed in the courts of law closely.” end quote. As usual, let me stock-pile on bags of popcorn so I can watch closely the drama that will unfold.
Sata is hiding a lot, we shouldn’t forget that he is the same guy who left $27 000 at the airport in South Africa ( which South Africans assumed was drug money) and he is behind the Avondale housing scandal. Sata is a crook than we think.
You pro-Shikulu bloggers, were you sleeping? Are you not aware that Zambia recently passed an Act of Parliament to protect whistle blowers? If you are too ignorant to know its implications, sorry I will not waste my time advising you since you claim to know it all and you don’t listen to advice. Ba Shikulu had better be clean on this one.
This is becoming interesting. No wonder Shoprite has run out of popcorns.
Flip flop, flip flop, flip flop…..You guys, have you forgotten who started this kind of alien politics?
None other than ba Shikulu and his vuvuzela the Post. They would not stop at anything to get into power…….90 days economic miracles……..mysterious sums of money $27,000, $100,000……….Chinese waiters and missing passports…………….lies, innuendos, half truths, baseless allegations, brown envelopes, Chawama pangas, smear creams, you name it – it is all part of the PF arsenal.
no one can take mumbi seriously.anything or anyone associated with mmd is a joke and jokes cannot be taken seriously
Flip flop, flip flop, flip flop…….have I received a brown envelope? Can’t tell, I am colour blind, but what if I picked it from the boat, would that amount to a bribe too?
Pabwato, the boat that floats on wheels…. the boat that uses RB’s roads. On water it is a Titanic.
sata,sata,sata,sata,sata mmmm! zambia’s role model of a leader.it even goes to describe what sort of a country we live.
Mumbi ni katyetye mwenda mwalimwa.
Watching from a distance, its like the game is in semi-finals with 90 seconds left before a win is declared, and the heart bit for who is about to loose the game is damn high. Mumbi you are playing with the toughest on this one.Sata has more and accurate info than you have on this one, so you better be ready to bear any court consqueses.This is what i call good start but poor finishing by Mumbi.
Traitors in life never succed but always end up in miserable life.As old as Mr Mumbi he should not show the world that he is need of a job. No my brother you will never make it.Cool down. Being a secretary general of a party is an entrusted job that requires maturity in and out of the party. When are u going to be mature Mr Mumbi.
What was Mumbi’s role? What was his expectation, did he want a certain share of the money (if there is substance in his alegation)?
The I hope Nyamasoya is no teling Mumbi any of his juicy secrets!
In Zambia i think we have a very bad way of selecting leaders at a very stage. During FAZ election the most sensible candidate who could have won was HANIF ADAMS but what did we have in the end (great Galu in administration and Great Kalu on the pitch). In 2011 General Elections some fellowers are thinking Recycled Mata or Sata should be given chance? What is wrong with us kashi? We have smart and credible leadership within the opposition but not Sata. The same way that Kalu has failed to run soccer in Zambia that is how Sata can mess up terribly. Lets not make another mistake these are pipo we know very much and they can not **** us. We also need to put in place sensible pipo in FAZ. We must learn to value the quality of pipo we entrust with leadership at any level that way we shall dvlp.
Frank Bwalaya, Geofry Mwamba Bwalya, Kalusha Bwalya. Is Bwalya a demonic name? Is there a demon of some sort that is attracted to this name and attaches itself to the individual?
Mumbi is in trouble….I think he is not sleeping but mourning over night. Mumbi has a lot of problems at home. There is no food, acrued rentals,…his wife and children are bearly surviving. Mmm for sure he can do anything to put bread on the table for his children and wife to eat.
Ala nisebana wikute bane….the Mumbis way.. hehe !!!!!
Hehe Sata for presidency men ,
Zambia needs a leader like Sata coz the country is too much messed up by thieves.
Who can match Sata in Zambian political arena?
Lekeni Sata ateke bane….
The sentiments of. # 62 are very tribal and unfortunate RB aka Nyamasoya is busy mutilating the law in a way that’s clearly demonic! Can we then say the banda name is demonic?!
Mumbi is a job seeker. Epela.
The current crisis at FAZ should be an eye opener for all those blind followers who cannot understand the motives behind the championing of certain canditates for Leadership postions. Ati kuyabebele.Nindani wamen uyo wamene akamba kuti Ayenda RB mu 2011? Mind you the Leader we having after 2011 elections is God Chosen RB. The Almighty has said so. Mulungu akamba kuti Rupiya Bwezani Banda ndiye musogoreli wamene na sankha ku chaka cha 2008 kufika kwa 2016.
The sentiments of. # 62 are very tribal and
unfortunate RB aka Nyamasoya is busy mutilating the law in a way that’s clearly demonic!
Can we then say the banda name is
68, read the abuse of office clause in it’s entirety before you make uninformed conclutions. Did you read what Mr Fee said, the Leader of the EU delegation that recently came to Zambia? He said there were goin to study the the abuse office clause before they can make any comments. That is what wise people do.
69 I have not only read the act in question I have also read our constitution and come to a conclusion that nyamasoya is wrong. Tell me what would you do if your maid abused her powers in your house with you impotent to punish her? What kind of hell would that be?!
When someone can have unlawful access to another person’s private bank statements, it is enough evidence to prove that such a person can also plant falsified incriminating evidence against that person.
That’s why DEC and Police should immediately cage this criminal Mumbi, whose actions will not only discredit Zambia’s Banking system to those wishing to bring their money into the country, but also incite mistrust in the banks by foreign investors, who will fear to have their Bank Details and their hard earned money stolen.
I do agree with Serengeti, the endless plains that certain names are demonic. It is imperative to ascertain whether a name is demonic or not. This will help one determine what kind of behaviours to expect from an individual. It is important that such individuals are indentified and have their names sanitized, if they are willing so they become good citizens.
37. (1) The Director-General, the Deputy Director-General or any officer of the Commission
authorised in writing by the Director-General may investigate any public officer where there
are reasonable grounds to believe that such public officer- Possession of unexplained property
(a)has abused or misused his office position or authority to obtain property, wealth,
advantage or profit directly or indirectly for himself or any other person;
(b)maintains a standard of living above that which is commensurate with his present or
past official emoluments;
(c)is in control or possession of pecuniary resources or property disproportionate to his
present or past official emoluments; or
(d)is in receipt of the benefit of any services which he may reasonably be suspected of
I*d*y*o*t you Mumbwe Mumbi what will stop you from washing MMD dirty linen in public when you fall apart, remember “he who talks to you about others will also talk about you to other people” thats how MMD is looking at you mistrusted goat!
Alah Zondwe nobe uleke this habit of threatening legal suits only to withdraw them. You threatened to sue Kafupi and what happened, you chickened out. You are just a pathetic fool, just how many people are you going to sue? Maybe KK should sue you for claiming he was stock piling “tuliloze” kwa Sindamisale.
#40 timbalife, your data is interesting, we need more of it
I cant wait to see these two dimwits destroy each other in the courts!!!!
Now Shikapwasha calls this thing a ‘debate’ i don’t understand him. Crime has and will never be a debate so if they have facts let them present them in the courts of law. i strongly doubt if they will go anywhere. remember the other chap who came to the screens (ZNBC news) that he was hired by Sata to kill Mumbi, where is that chap? Mumbi is another bankrupt guy who keeps on releasing the so called information in pieces. its like he is paid pama briefing so when he runs out of miney he will bring up another issue. Courts please bring sanity to our beloved Zambia
what do you expect of a guy that worked for sata? this mumbi guy is just as useless as sata. And most of you bloggers could have been defending this guy had he been in sata’s camp. this land must be cursed. One can almost see it in its people. Am out.
Uyu Mumbi na Chimumbwa baba ama to……bo first start by arresting RAPISTS turned husbands, VIVA President Sata VIVA PF/UPND, bafikamba namubakafya imitwe baleingisha nefipuba finabo imilimo ****!!!!
k 500 000 000.00 ba Sata should have donated this money to Mpulungu General Hospital
:)>- hypocrites
Guess we’ve got better things to talk about than Sata’s money. It honestly shouldn’t bother us who Sata gives his money to. Come on MMD is busy stealing, the MIGLET thief is not yet in Jail. These are the issues we should focus on not who Sata gives his money to.
I totally agree with no83. There is just no need for mmd to be wasting our time.The chief thief is there, no debate, removal of abuse clause from Acc act no debate.Why should gvt be debating Sata’s money. These double standrards mmd is practising will soon catch up with them.Don’t waste our time pls. Mmd just go in peace.You can start farming even if you leave power.
Zambian politics never cease to amase me,Mumbi is spilling the beans on Sata,Mpombo on RB…..i wonder when these guys actually talk about real issues like poverty in the country and health,personally i think that is more important than old people acting like kids.I fear to think what can happen if Shikapwasha was fired am sure sure he would spill all the dirty dealings of RB and claim that as a Rev he should tell the truth.pipo let us not waste the courts time and get serious with real issues pliz.
poverty! ba mumbi should learn not quit things before he knows he can stand on his own feet.ninsala fye yo nomba let him not waste our time we thinking of chucking out of his boss nyama soya out of office come 2011.amapolitics temwakulila iyo! kubombela abantu.shame on you mumbwe! nd and chimbwiii! mutubepe!
I realy wounder:-?:-? wat the children of these elderly people like mumbi continue emberancing themselves. This is the same guy who was in this party. I agree with # 22.
Mumbi is broke period. ZAWA must also visit him for unleashing tortoises to deliver envelopes to his house.