Thursday, March 20, 2025

Banda expected in Namibia


President Rupiah Banda shakes hands with Namibian President Ipukefinye Pohamba at Teratona Hotel in Angola
FLASHBACK: President Rupiah Banda shakes hands with Namibian President Ipukefinye Pohamba

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda is today expected to travel to Namibia on the invitation of that country’s President Hifikepunya Pohamba for the commissioning of a power line that will connect the two countries.

The president travels to Katima Mulilo town in Namibia near the border with Zambia where he would officially commission the Caprivi link inter-connector, which would link the electricity transmission lines between the State-run power utility companies of Zambia and Namibia.

The two companies are NAMPOWER of Namibia and Zesco of Zambia. This is according to a media release by special assistant to the president for Press and public relations, Dickson Jere.

“This line will facilitate exchanges of power between the two utilities for trade purposes as well as during emergencies where there are deficits on either side,” President Banda said.

The transmission line to be launched on Saturday has an optic fibre installed on it, which would enhance the availability of broadband communication of Internet and data services for the two countries.

President Banda would be accompanied to Namibia by Energy and Water Development Minister Kenneth Konga and other senior Government officials. He returns home after the ceremony.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. kamwendo munjila, the people are loosing jobs country wide due to his fake investors he corruptly brought to our country and he is just busy moving his empty scrotum from country to country without any plan. SHAME !!

  2. global village you can be in namibia today for lunch and supper in zambia thats the beauty of science and technology. obama is in india pakistan indonesia doing the same visits

  3. This president acts homeless. I’m sure the other presidents are beginning to wonder if he has accomodation back home. Maybe he shud have been born during the vasco da gama era… He was going to outdo them all with his travels

  4. RB is workaholic. Mr. President please continue doing more and more for mother zambia. Let arm chair critics like Bob Sichinga and his psychophant cadres such as HH and Satana continue gnashing their impaired dental formulae. All those who think the presidency is to watch events from state house to hell with their myopic thinking. Bob Sichinga please tell the bloggers which country on earth has windfall tax on mines. Australia tried and every mining company threatened to pull out. What fallowed? the labour Govt of Kevin Ludd fell due to pressure from the public who feared job losses in anticipation. But today Sata wants windfall tax after having been against this kind of tax, HH wants it Windfall tax proponents want RB to reintroduce it so that it triggers job losses. the results ar clear

  5. #6, Dont wish a plane crush. the Bible says that the tongue has the power of lif and death. What you wish to happen to someone else will happen to you. whatever a man or woman sows that is is what the person will reap. Repent and turn to the Lord. with so many blackouts per Zed, this is a welcome news.

  6. # 10 & 11 continue getting irritated and getting unnecessary PB. you expect the president to sit down in state house and do what. God knows why now it is RB and not Sata, HH, Magande, Tilyenji, Miyanda.
    Come 2011 RB will trounce the whole lot of the opposition. RB or ‘alabi’ has made his case and many Zambian will vote for him enmass

  7. Zambians you like complaining, our President needs some time to inspect our airspace too. Remember he is president of the people, land and airspace. Nothing wrong with sleeping on the land and spending a few hours in the sky. Statistics shows he has more hours on the land than in the sky, which is not bad. Viva RB wish you safe flights

  8. #8, News flash! Windfall tax or not, haven’t u heard that 800 miners’ jobs are at risk at this very moment, while your “workaholic” goes on a trip to Namibia. He’s taken over all the Minister’s jobs to ensure he travels weekly

  9. #8,13. You seem to have alot of issues in ur head (or whatever ur using to think). Firstly how can reduce Obama’s objective vist to Asia to our own RB’s vist to Botswana to witness da commisioning of ‘a power line’? and how many vists do Obama make per week, month, compared to ours? Secondly, its not God who decides who goes 2 plot 1, God doesnt need elections (which are charecterised by coruption and violence etc) to instal a leader. Its ur votes, after being cheated by these politicians. And I dont suggest that we have Sata, HH or whoever is there in place of RB (I dont trust ANY politician), its jst an observation which only cadres like u may think its political. peace.

  10. The president of Zambia there he goes again. Please learn to delegate. What is conga and his deputy plus his permanent secretary for? Now iwe wantenga konga plus other so called officials when in actual sense they are cadres. Buulll shiit

  11. Chipanta Matako “An Insultant” There is no job losses as a result of replacing underground machinery which was installed before Zed became independent. During this period we are going to have an industrial break which will be prudently used so as to safeguard the lives of our miners. This is the beauty of privatising companies. The mines are modernising and hence the reason to go on recess. Your big mouthed president intends to renationalise these mines. Shame on you

  12. # 16 I know you cannot bear the fact that Rupiah does not inspire the hard working people of Zambia. I see nothing in him and his cronies that is good for mother Zambia. I repeat with emphasis…May our Good Lord cage this devil

  13. This RB has wasted enough of our money thru his travels. Honestly this is too much. How much does he spend on travels per month? Can someone care to tell me. Its either international or domestic travels all the time. Awe chachilamo mwe bantu. Lord please save from RB please Lord we are tired. Mwe Lesa twapapata twafweni

  14. Yaba RB is a hard working President. The other he was in Chipata and Mfuwe. He does want to be cheated on this and that by his ministers and other GRZ officials. He is always at the centre of action. Whether he stays put at Plot 1 or not it does not matter. Normaly the HOS works thru his many advisors and ministers, with improved commuincation he is updated on important matters and can make decisions at a glance. Lts us not blame the man he did not vote for himself President but Zambians inclusive. As we prepare for next year lets reflect on who is going to be best leader for us. Its not justn a question of complaining. Most of these things we condem or complain about are self inflicting. We are gud at TALKING. Wednesday night HH talked alot of sense on TVZ but how ma

  15. # 8 on line 2, the word you want to use is SYCHOPHANT = meaning, ‘self seeking flatterer’. By the way, that is not what we are. Some us will not be affected whoever you put into state house, however, Zambia is my country and I want to see it progress. Further, it is not windfall tax as such that lost Kevin Ludd elections of 21/08/2010. It was mostly the labours economic and social policies.
    #13 it is not PB, but BP, you are carried away with RB praise singing, you are actually the real sycophant. By the way this president has travelled more than all his predecessors in relation to time he has been president. We have emphasised again and again that it is very costly to move a presidential entourage! Alas Vasco da Banda is determined to earn his allowances!!!

  16. #9 @ Zamcab, the said powerline in terms of supply of power will benefit Namibia and not Zambia. So the issue of loadsheding and blackouts they will not end as a result. They may only escallate if this is not propery managed. We are however, likely to benefit in terms of revenue though.

  17. #3. Lady Gaga
    Obama is not doing the same thing as banda , in India alone Obama drumed up business contracts for the USA of over 10 billion USA dollars , solid contracts that will see Boeing delivering billions of dollars worth of aircraft to india . Then you have Pakistan , and so on ..
    Please do not disrespect real presidents who work and are accountable to the people of his nation , with a joker like Banda whose trip will cost billions of kwatcha .
    Granted the power link is a good thing but the vice president or minister could hundle that official trip at a fraction of the cost and yet yield the same results .
    It’s all about economics

  18. HERB is attending the commissioning at the invitation of his Namibian counterpart Hifikepunye Pohamba. I wonder whether Namibians are suggesting that their President should have sent one of his his Ministers. By the way if my memory serves me right, the launch of the project a few years ago was attended by Levy and Pohamba.

  19. We should be serious about some issues – especially in the context of a country like Zambia. It is clear to see that most of RB’s trips are unnecessary, yet some bloggers defend them inexplicably. We have a right to question extravagance and lamentable political leadership. RB was in mfuwe on ‘a working holiday’ and Tanzania a few days ago. He has gone to Namibia to commission a powerline! – for goodness sake! Even when we learn that he has made some ‘reshuffles, we have to question at what time he makes assessments of his ministers and govt. officials work to warrant the changes. He can’t solely relie on advise. Whats on his desk and at what time does he look at it? Presidents work at their desks and are constantly in touch with local and foreign officials sorting out a nations…

  20. Travelling is always a costly execise,Ba R.B should realise that this culture of travelling he has brought about is killing this economy.All Ministries and Parrastal bodies are following suite as it is follow the leader syndrome! Please let be prudent with the way we using the limited resources we have.

  21. I will support this one only if to bring our homeland (barotseland) on par with central,lusaka area and eastern provinces in development.We need the electricity to make self determination a reality.

  22. LOL,Ati Namibian president “Ipukefinye” on the photo then it is “Hifikepunya” in the first paragraph.LT,drop this “poo” you so often show in poor spelling.It is HIFIKEPUNYE .To be treated as a respected and authoritative paper you have to do better articles,spellchecking and retraining or retrenching poor writers.

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