Tuesday, March 11, 2025

FIFA disagree with NSCZ over FAZ


The world football governing body FIFA has disagreed with the findings of the National Sports Council of Zambia into the investigations carried out by the sub-committee appointed to look into the dispute surrounding the legality of the FAZ executive led by Kalusha Bawalya.

In a letter addressed to National Sports Council of Zambia Chairman Chifumu Banda dated 10th November, 2010, in response to a letter by the NSCZ dated 26th October 2010 on the situation at FAZ, FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke said for FIFA, the replacement of the four FAZ executive committee members who resigned has been done in compliance with the FAZ statues.

He explained that the purpose to have provisions with regard to an emergency committee in member associations statutes is meant to allow them function and take urgent decisions, in this case the co-option of the new executive committee members to fill the vacancies.

Valcke said while FIFA understands that some FAZ members might not be happy, the FAZ constitution gives the possibility to FAZ to convene an extraordinary council should two thirds of its members request so. He said in the present situation, FIFA feels that there is no reason for it to intervene.

Valcke in his letter obtained by QFM however said FIFA is following closely the current situation and are in regular contact with the FAZ leadership in order to make sure that procedures are properly applied.

The NSCZ had requested FIFA to intervene in the FAZ impasse.



  1. FIFA is just a bunch of Mafias. What do they know about FAZ constitution? FAZ Executive dissolved itself. Kalu is a Mafioso; that’s why he is being supported FIFA even for wrong things!

  2. VIVA Kalu; always GREAT!!!!!!!!!! Pa ZED always politics even on straight forward. Munaile and his tanderm of cowards resigned on their own, so why should they not be replaced?

  3. 4get fifa they have plunged our game into hell. two thirds by affiliates have been met and meeting set for 26 nov and dissolved faz in trying to pre empty this sets its on for 27 nov. greed and selfishness on part of that dog. go to hell fifa na kalu makandi yenu

  4. #1 you are just as dull as the haters of Kalu,you think FIFA can favour FAZ with all the experience they have in the running of world soccer.

  5. #1. FIFA is right. Surely can failure to form a quorum consitute a dissolution? Many company Boards would be dissolved “daily” if that was the case.

  6. Tkzee,
    U are very right.Munaile and his useless coward friends resigned on their own! Its gud that FIFA has not allowed itself to be petty.VIVA KALU.We love u always.Shame on petitioners,Shame on sports council.

  7. The route to calling for ECM is clearly defined. Kalu also clearly explained what clauses he/they used to coopt. Not wahy can’t th petitioners write to FAZ on letter heads instead of petitioning. Who knows if the signatures are authentic. After all one of the petitioners is in court over forgery. So now they have called for a parralel ECM by Simataa in Lusaka ai Inters. Who will fund this? Surely no one can imaqgine a man of Simataa Simataa’s(I respect him!) calibre to think like a cadre. This is a wrong wrong. remove Kalu from office in the manner you put him in …DEMOCRATIC WAY NOT JUNGLE LAWS.

  8. We Shall stand by Kalu not this tribalist called Simataa Simataa.The Guy has never liked Kalu all his life.Musiye Mufana akuchita chani kansi?Nansoni chilibe pakamufana.Go Kalu Go.

  9. Who doesn’t understand the hatred simaata has against kalu.its good FIFA knew about the pettiness and jealous of Zambian administrators like simaata.These people want us to go back to begging for camping and players allowances from govt,paying bailiffs instead of players.What footbal; standards is simaata talking about when his makumbi has been stuck in amateur league for decadess dispite him being president for coaches ass.(what irony).Abash PHD propagators


  11. Gentlemen,forget the FIFA/FAZ nonsense,Laliga or Barclays premiership are available.The 2/3
    majority was met this week.This aint about Simaata & Kalu but Zed football

  12. #12 start supporting cricket or net ball dont u understand the mess these failures has caused to our beloved sport just because of their jealous.From the begining no specific charges were laid against Kalu they kept us guessing and when the 4 executive members resigned of course on their on -all the Jackals saw the oppotunity to remove Kalu despite them knowing that they are using a faulty constitution which supported both their actions and Kalus position-hence the stalemate.FIFA being wise they opted for the status quo SIMPLE!!!


  14. The distruction of Kalu led executive has been ochestrated by one tabloid for a long time now because of Kalu’s strait private ### orientation. What has Kalu not done that a president of FAZ should do? What have those calling on Kalu’s blood done to or for the sport that Kalu has not done? A bunch of useless gangsters led by Simataa and Sata are playing to the galary. Forsake confusionists.

  15. in my view FIFA supports ECM provided 2THIRDS is met. But who should call 4 this ECM, FAZ secretariat or affiliates? The affiliates hold the power to this crises.They either endorse Kalu’s executive or replace it with an interim commitee until March 2012 when AGM is due.

  16. simata resigned at city,went on to resign at faz all becoz of lack of spine and now he wants to smear kalu with feaces.

  17. Iwe,
    u are very useless yourselff,Like no. 18 has put it what has Kalu not done for Zambian football.from being our great footballer to a very good administrator.Yes good administrator.When has FAZ ever reached this level before?be honest in your hearts and you will realise that its just petty jealous at play here.By the way,FAZ has signed a new contract with Suppersport.Wina azalila.ABash tribalists,Abash opposition politics in the game.Bakabolala,Indoshi,Bapushi!

  18. 1
    #1 Lupila ka Nyambe- I had the same thought MAFIASO is FIFA. Blatter wants to favour corrupt FA leaders so that they can continue voting for him. It is time another association was formed to compete with FIFA just as boxing has WBA, WBC, WBF.

  19. We have read the FAZ constitution Kalusha has not respected it any way this not about Simaata genglemen lawyers who drew up that FAZ constitution have spoken and advsed Kalusha but he has no repsect for any one he will do any just to get that CAF position remember if he is not at FAZ he can not get it, his blind supporters careful with this greedy boy he has been feeding FIFA with very wrong information Government should stop funding FAZ if they can not be repsected and what more NSCZ. Petitioners do not be bullied by FIFA do the right thing so that this kind of nonsence does not happen again now we don’t care even if FIFA suspends Zambia then we will deal with that Kalusha his movements on the streets of Lusaka will not be very safe i promise you!

  20. Those guys are FIFA are mafias. If you follow closely their actions leaves much to be desired. Look a Togolese go keeper player suffered gunshot wounds in Kabinda , Angola during this years CAF 2010 Games and has been given over US$100,000 yet our perished National Team enroute to Senegal non of the victims families has ever bin given such amount of money. Those guys at FIFA are Kalusha’s friends. FIFA will not forever going to prop up Kalu.The chap is very pompus. The statement from FIFA leaves much to be desired. In fact I call FIFA the BIGGEST MAFIA ORGANISATION OF MODERN TIME. Each time a coutry hosts a tournament Billions of dollars are pumped in end of game FIFA Pokets Billions without paying even a cent as TAX to the host country.ITS ALL MAFIA BUSINESS

  21. Zambians perish coz of luck of knowledge, read and analyse FIFA’s response to NSCZ. Valcke said while FIFA understands that some FAZ members might not be happy, the FAZ constitution gives the possibility to FAZ to convene an extraordinary council should two thirds of its members request so. Fifa sees no reason for it to intervene. However FIFA is following closely the current situation that is happening. So just continue with the bouycot until you bring order to football. Viva ZPL

  22. In fact lets continue to abandon the game so that we are suspended by FIFA, maybe we can concentrate to building our stadiums and local league.

  23. simataa the tribalist,mulonga,mazimba,mumba,chaipa,mwewa the forgery and tandem of corrupt hyenas.fifa is jst giving you simple dyonko,leave kalu alone you bunch of failures

  24. #25 LONDON
    Don’t be like Chris Chalwe. Stop threatening violence. It’s not Kalu’s faulty but pipo who belong to those nonentity clubs like Makumbi stars and Nkosi warriors – I don’t even know which league they play. Simata, get it in your head, you ll never be FAZ President again coz you know nothing about football as for Nkosi Warriors guy – dont be used, ask Savour Chishimba……. like toilet paper


  26. #30 SMITH

    You are dumb. Go back to school. It is people like you who are retarding development in Zambia. Don’t display your ignorance on matters you don’t understand. If you wipe Kalusha’s backside every morning it doesn’t mean everybody else does. It just means you are the only retard capable of doing that.

  27. NSCZ is not just a bunch of non-starterz or indeed against Kalu for FIFA trash their findingz and recommendations. This now givez more impetus to the alleged illegal FAZ executive to plunge our good game into more serious problemz. FIFA should taken a fatherly role and sought to harmonize the factions.

  28. FIFA can not offer any meaningful solution apart from banning or suspending…As for Kalu let him just resign coz he has lamentably failed period.

  29. Some people’z(both for & against) loyalty iz very dangerous and scaring. Let’s all put the eyez on the ball and not Kalu and Simata, else tuzaitaya az a nation.

  30. yes when our team perished off the coast of Gabon, FIFA did not send anybody to mourn with us nor give money to the fallen soccer players families (I stand to be corrected if wrong). So FIFA is not a concerned & Helpful Organisation and Kalu cannot hold us to Ransom just because he want to aspire for a post at CAF through FAZ. He is losing anyway to Danny Jordan for CAF Post.

  31. Sorry guys, FIFA does not subscribe to our local politics.
    They don’t know HH, FJT, CM, MCS or any such, they just know soccer. And talking about how they run their affairs is a different matter and will not help us resolve the matter at hand.
    The undisputable fact is that we may be heading for a long exile from international soccer.

  32. #33, 34 the Jackal, cool down. Its pure hatred and emotions of people like you that have been dragging the reputation of football through the mud. Tone down and be objective, not subjective. Listen, can you remember that last time a FAZ president served without being petitioned be over-zealous football cadres? Well, I can’t and that is why the constitution allows for what FIFA has just said. It allows the Executive to co-opt members, even if a quorum can not be met. This so as to allow for the smooth running of the game. Unlike you and me, for some people its a matter of livelihood. Thats how they feed and educate their families. Its more than just football at stake.

  33. #38 Son of a Dog..The same Kalu whose blood u are demanding for today was there to bring Zambia back on track.
    Why this silly “PHD”?? Why??? So many failurers in Zambia no wondre too much hatred. What did Simata contribut to Zambioan football for him demand Kalu’s blood??? even in politics the !diot is a failure!!!!!!!
    Viva Kalu!!!!!!!!! Fifa will soon suspend Zambia because of some of u haters

  34. Yes if affiliated convene their ECM at inters, who will legitimately chair the meeting becoz from my knowledge, the remaining elected official
    (Kalu) is supposed to chair and then, hand over the chair as deliberations dectate. This simataa process is futile, if any thing, simatta shud be the last person to say a nything about faz becoz he resigned when people needed him much. Let procedure be observed (cadreism has crept in football).

  35. Besides, the same constitution is very clear on what is needed in order for an ECM to take place. It does not say “2 thirds of signatures shall be collected on a paper” but that 2/3 of its members shall request for the meeting “IN WRITING” to the Secretariat on each member’s headed paper. So one by one, write and request. As of yesterday, only two clubs had written. We know soccer and knowing how to write do not usually mix but this is a must. You can’t be champions of the same constitution that you are ready not follow!

  36. Making a choice between Kalu Dan Jordan for CAF position I would vote for the later coz he is mature and transparent in public matters. Kalu has not learnt a lesson when he tried a go for COSAFA position. Time is not ripe for Kalu for such big positions besides he has a lot of hot soup to sort out locally how and what makes him think the delegates will vote for him. At present Kalu should cool down his head and sort his problems or else others will use that as campaign tool against him. Dany is smarting with confidence after South Africa successfully hosted the FIFA 2010 World Cup. The many has got his name written all over the globe. Kalu should weigh his chances at CAF already his friend Abed Ayaw Pele is facing strong opposition from GFA despite being a Govt choice. Take it or leave it

  37. Haters leave the great kalu alone.atleast am able 2 watch zambian football league on super sport smthng i nvr saw in the past.

  38. These tribalists and haters will suffocate with envy.MULEKENI KALU ATEKE!Hes the best FAZ president we have ever had!VIVA KALU.TULEBACHISA BAMBULI!

  39. Kalu has been the worst president FAZ has ever had. Kill me if you want but thats the truth. The guy has no brains and to him collective agreement doesnt exist. The problem is, he is too pompous and thinks he knows it all. FAZ is not an extension of his bedroom where only two people make decisions. He is so losing the CAF position. Anyone in their right frame of mind can never vote for him. I would vote for Danny even with a gun held to my head to pick Kalu. Its nothing personal, I just think the guy lacks most of the qualities of a good leader or manager.

  40. What the hell is wrong with these D.O.G.S at FIFA? It seems there are a bunch of Mafias and criminals, no wonder fifa is full of scandals like Great Galu’s Faz. What do they know about FAZ constitution? These Pure breed D.O.Gs should go to Hell together with Kalu coz we are getting tired of their sh.it. always supporting Kalu while our futbol gets worse by the day.

  41. Thats my Great Kalu.As always being supported by BIG GUNS and sending the haters choking to death and others on the verge of committing suicide!!.Please after the ECM,of which you will be confirmed as a legal FAZ President as per FAZ statutes,don’t hesitate to crack the whip!!!!!!!

  42. As for FIFA, I wonder if they took time to read the constitution or they are busy selling world cup bids to the highest bidder! Let them clean their mess first, its a scandal worse than the FAZ crisis and then they can take time to get all the details of the mess at FAZ Sepp Blatter and his crew have lost my confidence. Patriotic or not, I have the Premier League and La Liga to keep me busy, now that is what I call football. Have you seen the Zambian stadiums on Supersport? Extremely pathetic!!

  43. what i simply hate is government and its agents getting involve with FAZ issues. let the pipo involve battle it out

  44. #49 remember this is about our football and how it is suffering. One day Kalu will leave because change is inevitable and people come and go. What will we remember him by? An ***** who messed up our game? Thank God I went to school, ignorance costs one a lifetime!

  45. PHD syndrome. I have straggled to understand how Kalu changed from being a hero to being called a dog. It pains to be Zambian. Even people in Europe have not seen a thing wrong with FAZ but these clowns and dreamers see everything wrong with him, even using his hard earned dollars to live in SA is a sin. Simata Simata rest in peace! You blew your chance buddy. Don’t hate the player…katwishi uko! Nalaba!

  46. Please discuss issues and not tribes. I have the same roots (Mbereshi-Kawambwa) with Kalu and I knew the father and yet I feel he is wrong on this one. FIFA itself has been plunged into corrupt practices in the recent past. Its ability on how to handle contentious issues such such as a fake goal against England leaves much to be desired. What makes you think everything FIFA says is gospel truth. Just dig deeper on how FIFA is run. It is one of the most corrupt institutions.

  47. Iyeee, awe you can really shoot each other over soccer. Anyway Zambians have a very healthy football culture, insults and all not withstanding. Leave FAZ alone without any political interference to run their own affairs. It is the politics that will mess up soccer through FAZ in Zambia.

  48. Galu give us break please.I think we should take out this galu guy.Bloggers pa Joburg, organise tsotsis’ to take him out mwe.

  49. O.M.G! Another weekend without Zambian football, what history we are making!
    Pleaze stop insulting or calling each other this and that, soccer iz one of the few platformz which unite people.

  50. No. 55 eAnalyst, if you begin to follow theories of corruption in multico-operations, you end up a perpetual good for nothing bigot. Many conspiracies have been written about the IMF, World Bank, UN and all its agencies, the govt of USA etc. Read the book on 100 people who screwed the USA & you see the world is not short of doom nay sayers. What matters is this case where FIFA has rightly differed from NSCZ not theories that could even end you in court for libel. Simataa is a failure who resigned from FAZ shortly before KK11 flew to Ouagadougou fearing the unknown. Don’t follow homos.

  51. By the way your analysis is very hollow. You haven’t even said where Kalu is wrong. You began by telling us his tribe and then roots and end up saying he is wrong on this one! Which one? The tribe? Come on man don’t join suckers!

  52. Ba Mtima, just like you would not want anyone to call you a bigot, so I am. I don’t know how far you have gone researching on corruption but what I do know is that corruption is everywhere. You critically look in your own house, you will find it, but that does not stop people from talking about it. Probably, you do not even know why the Catholics stopped fathers from marrying..food for thought for you. Let us look at the issues objectively rather than calling your friends homos and the like. Who knows, maybe you might have crashed with Simata hence your hate for him.

  53. To conclude that FIFA’s difference of opinion with NSCZ is because of corruption is highly speculative. To tell us Kalus’ tribe and roots and offer no serious connection to the issue at hand truly is aimless bigotry. It is an open secrete that Kalu has differed with Simataa and even Nkonde SC on many occasions in highly controversial circumstances usually in one tabloid. Constitutions are made to curtail chaos. How can we develop the sport or country if we have media houses and eAnalysts promoting chaos?

  54. Great Kalu has the interests of Zambian football at heart. The man never missed an international game and used to pay for his own air ticket! We have seen how nowadays pipo like Andrew Tembo, Emmanuel Zulu Sakala etc etc dont want to play for Zambia unless we papatila them. I now see that plenty of Zambians appreciate this great man’s patriotism and football brains. Great Kalu just convene this meeting you will pull thru!

  55. Kalu who have added to his greatness by simply resigning, but the man has lost all the respect he had gained all those years. What a lament! Now he is goin to compete with Dany Jordan at CAF, is this another joke, in addtion to the joke we read that Zambia is bidding to host the Africa Cup of Nations?
    As for FIFA it is so supprising to learn that they know more about the FAZ constition than NSCZ. I think if Kalu is wrong then drastic measures should be taken and if that entails Zambia being suspended as nation so be it. I think CAF should just withdrew from FIFA and let’s see if FIFA will dictate to European nations. The French goverment acted against their players for their behaviour at the recent world cup. FIFA did nothing about it. But Zambia like many African countries is country to

  56. Kalu would have added to his greatness by simply resigning, but the man has lost all the respect he had gained all those years. What a lament! Now he is goin to compete with Dany Jordan at CAF, is this another joke, in addtion to the joke we read that Zambia is bidding to host the Africa Cup of Nations?
    As for FIFA it is so supprising to learn that they know more about the FAZ constition than NSCZ. I think if Kalu is wrong then drastic measures should be taken and if that entails Zambia being suspended as nation so be it. I think CAF should just withdrew from FIFA and let’s see if FIFA will dictate to European nations. The French goverment acted against their players for their behaviour at the recent world cup. FIFA did nothing about it. But Zambia like many African countries is country…

  57. Kalusha is the Best FAZ President i eer known , he has brought development Zambian Football.Keep It up ! but got to be care , Your friends are the worse enemies and they will bring you down .Simata Simata why is that your so called Amakumbi Stars is not improving , i think you do have enough cash to your club , keep quite and look for cash to support your called AMAKUMBI.

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