Tuesday, March 11, 2025

ZPL Sets Conditions To End League Boycott


The Zambia Premier League (ZPL) has said it is willing to end its match boycott if Faz meets three conditions.

ZPL chairman Kephas Katongo has said the Super Division clubs, who are boycotting league games against the Kalusha Bwalya-led Faz executive which they term as illegal after four executive members quit on October 1, are willing to resume action on November 17.

“We wish to state that in the national interest the Super league clubs are prepared to resume the playing of matches, league and cup effective Wednesday, 17 November under the following conditions: 1. That we revert to the status quo with regard to the league standings prior to the boycott which commenced on 10 November, 2010 involving the rescheduled match Zanaco versus Green Buffaloes,” Katongo said in a statement.

Katongo added that Faz should nullify all disciplinary matters and that those pending be stopped and should also unconditionally allow all Super Division teams to fulfill their league and cup obligations.

“All disciplinary matters heard should be nullified and all impending disciplinary matters in relation to the boycott should be stopped henceforth,” Katongo said

“…that all Super Division team must be allowed unconditionally to fulfill their remaining league fixtures.

“The decision to resume the league has been taken in the spirit of give and take and we trust that the Football Association of Zambia will respond in the same spirit.”

The Super Division boycotted Week 29 games and a rescheduled Week 20 game involving Zanaco and Buffaloes that has seen all teams that failed to travel or host or both staying away docked points.

The teams were due to play their final round of Week 30 games this weekend.


  1. this great god should fall from grace. he has taken back football since he joined management. one thing I agree with the post on is their stance on kalusha. he is a glatton and wants to eat alone. he lost his chance to make money as a footballer. kalusha cant survive without faz

  2. The hundget amongst our so called football administrators is shocking. there are too may entities and charactors all trying to feed from the same FAZ pot. there are petitioners, counter petitioners, ZPL, amakumbi, nkhosi and God knows who else. my advice is that all these people should grow up and find proper jobs

  3. ZPL are very selfish and all they are trying to achieve is fulfil there interest.Gentlemen,patient pays,your time to reign as Faz officials will come.Kalu and his team have recorded success that has never been archieved.Teams never got the kind of spondorship they have now,25000 dollars on dstv.please zambians lets learn to apprecuiate and look forward to the better zambia.Munaile and his collegues are cowards.leave kalu to finish his term successfully.Simaata Simaata whats your problem,you have never succeded in football,leave the game alone

  4. Bunch of COWARDS, the biggest ever to be found in one place! Kalu has bitten you to your game using common sense. What happens to your pronounced ECM? Leave football to those who were born with it in the blood stream, not after failing to run a mini bus fleet you ran to football. If you are a lawyer please talk to Mohan, he is still bucksed-up he can hook you up!

    VIVA Great Kalu and sensibleness!

  5. I know Cephas Katongo trading as Chembe transport and an MMD cadre despite him being a lawyer & a very wealth man in Ndola.
    Kalu does not stand a chance,Cephas is one of the biggest financiers of MMD.

  6. all these are the tactics of simataa,the chap is power hungry and hes a bad administrator.
    disclipline must be upheld for those who are found wanting.

  7. For once let us be proud of our own heroes.Kalusha is the only and one Zambian who has played football at the highest level and brought honour to our Zambian football.Among all our great playing footballers,kalu has choosen to use his influence for the benefit of Zambian football while others have choosen to do so outside this country.i guess because of persons like Katongo who think they own Zambia.Kalu today is highly appreciated and respected in South Africa and yet here we are busy working towards bringing his name down.its so so sad.The Gentleman is a true leader,and he raerly responds to all the peoples allegations.No wonder there is a saying that AN EMPTY TIN MAKES ALOT OF NOISE,that explains why Katongo,Simaata Simaata and there team are always talking.Shld Kalusha pipo will regret

  8. Goverment should check on this Jewz-they are a disgarce people are working on the building where the construction is done at the same time-and they are terminating conttracts pr-mature after they moved people from Kabwe-and salaries are poor

  9. #2 Komboni Lyrics

    The group you have lumped differently belong to the same group “Pertitioners”. So it is not different groups but different people under one group that are complaining of Kalusha’s mis-rule or the lack of Manners and turning FAZ into a personal to holder thing with no transperency. It is Kalusha who should look for a Job. Not them. You have seen Kalu now busy disclosing contents of Supersport deal because in trouble when he has been hidding it. To make matters worse he has ommitted to mention that he single sourced just like RB and was alone from FAZ using his wifes company to cut the deal at hefty commission to raise money for his CAF post campaign. Thats where the problem lie.

  10. Cephas or “ZPL”, who told you to boycott the games in the first place? How FAZ reacts is their liberty but if I were FAZ, I would teach all you indisciplined lot a lesson so that you learn manners and behave yourselves in future. Obviously you have seen that FIFA will put you in the doldrumsfor a few years, so it is not an honest case of give and take.

    #6, Please leave MMD out of this. They are not in the same cheap league as PF, and they have made it very clear that FAZ can and should handle their own affairs.

  11. Would urge ZPL to play the remaining fixtures unconditionally since this should not be about fixing anybody, while the so called illegal FAZ also rescindz thoze point dockig decizionz in the spirit of give an take.

  12. This is getting interesting everyday – One day ZPL will claim Faz disolved itself- meaning theres leadership vaccum in place, then the following day they will claim that they are giving Faz conditions to end the boycott. I am going to get more popcorns in readiness for more drama. Anyone joining me seating in the front row?

  13. Mr.Katongo I’m sorry 2 say u shouldn’t have gone on boycott when the petition was going on and FIFA was still looking into the issue
    While its as if the Katongo team have never been to school


  15. FAZ should keep to the punishment remitted. The ZPL is a fallacy. ZPL is not independent from FAZ by any means. ZPL is a committee under FAZ. Let them pay for their illegal actions…………Katongo and your minions………have a life

  16. #15 Am sitting next to you to enjoy the popcorns as this dull punk Katongo keeps on saying thiings he can’t even understand himself ZLP my foot useless bunch of kachasu drinkers.

  17. In the first place Katongo blundered to go on boycott. Now they are asking FAZ not to punish the teams. Is this not the same team saying FAZ is illegal? They are contradicting themselves by recognising the FAZ. FIFA has spoken. Where has this ZPL resurfaced from? As far as I know the Chisamba declaration has not yet been implemented. So ZPL is also illegal. Let them form their own league if they want and we will see who will have the last laugh. Clubs have sensed that ZPL and pressuer group have no direction. You will see very soon they will call of the parallel ECM. Who is going to chair this meeting? Shame on you. Just respect the constitution that you are preaching. Write to FAZ on letterheads for clubs and meet 2/3 or better still wait for the AGM to table your concerns.

  18. katongo can claim to be a lawyer but he has never practiced before. it is so shameful that pipo can listen to tinypot simata simata who is a failure in life and because of jealous for kalusha’s success, everytime he is thinking of kalusha. grow up and find a job to do and thats why you were fired by finance bank. as for mwewa let him concentrate on defending himself in court over the money himself and the administrator have chewed. shame on you pipo. when did zpl come into being. this is a bunch of frustrated pipo. let katongo concetrate on getting customers from euro. leave kalu alone eyes on the ball

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