Tuesday, March 11, 2025

RB impresses KK


Presidential Affairs Minister Ronald Mukuma unveils a plaque at the Cavendish University ground breaking ceremony in Kafue - Copy

FORMER Zambian leader Kenneth Kaunda has said he is impressed with President Rupiah Banda’s achievements in the education sector.

Dr Kaunda, who is chancellor of Cavendish University, said this when he officiated at the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a modern campus in Kafue yesterday.

“In my humble view, this is a clear indication of the president’s support for the education sector in our country,” Dr Kaunda said.

He said about 4,000 students were currently studying at the university and the population had continued to grow. The university continues its bid to become a world-class institution.

Dr Kaunda said the institution intended to recruit students in the southern African region once the construction of the infrastructure was completed in Kafue.

The Kafue premises would have the capacity to accommodate 8,000 students. It has been constructed at the integrated centre that would have modern houses, a shopping mall and a mini-stadium. He hailed the Government for intensifying its efforts for the public-private artnership.

Meanwhile, Vice-President George Kunda has said the Government will continue with the provision of education to foster development in the country. In a speech read for him by Presidential Affairs Minister Ronald Mukuma, Mr Kunda said the Government intended to meet parameters set by the Vision 2030 which seeks to turn the country into a mid-income one.

Mr Kunda said the continued effort to improve education was a tribute to the late president Levy Mwanawasa.
He said the commercial centre would revive the economy of Kafue and expressed confidence that the institution had become a true partner of the Government.

Mr Kunda said the Government had given Cavendish University land and support to demonstrate its commitment towards the public-private partnership. He said the ideals of President Banda would remain timid because the infrastructure being constructed would stand for many years.

Mr Kunda urged management to avoid resting until the construction was completed to ensure that the project stood up within the set time. The construction of the new ultra-modern institution is expected to be completed in five years.
Also present at the ceremony was Education Permanent Secretary James Mulungushi and several other Government officials.

Cavendish University chairperson and vice-chancellor Ketrine Salati said the institution would remain a major player in the provision of education in the country.

The university was set up in Zambia in 2005 and offers various post-graduate, undergraduate, diploma and certificate courses in many disciplines, including law, project management, administration, public relations and man y others.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. watch out for the negative comments from the pact or no commants at all. most Zambians can see that the only time they hear from the pact is during insult exchanges and court cases. They are fed up with these power hungry thugs and their mouth piece the post. Devoid of all issues to do with development, much a do with insults and dragging Zambia back with the crooks they have following them. Well done RB, keep up the good work and on the path laid by PLM.

  2. University Campus in Kafue!! well done RB. In 2 years you have done a lot. Keep up the good work.
    On the other hand, sorry Sata, I dont think you have a clear mind to think about development. Please concentrate on vindicating yourself both inside and outside court. You are busy insulting and yet your opponent (RB) is busy developing the country. Sorry Sir.

  3. Marabishi. Cheap Politicking. Cavendish University (Originally from Australia) is a Private and not government sponsored Institution established in 2005, long before RB got into government. Just because that is where Thandiwe got her IT qualification does not make RB’s family any more “a clear indication of the president’s support for the education sector in our country”. I also almost took my son there. So I do not see how RB gets to be praised when there are many parents who sponsored their children to Cavendish Australia, before they even considered bringing their operations closer to their Zambian students. The private individuals have been managing the University since 2005.

  4. Cont. There have campuses in UK (Birmingham,London), Uganda, India, New Zealand, etc. Has RB been the force behind all these??

  5. Hey guys latest . RB will be going to brazil in weeks time. Mudala moves. I get tired on a plane for even two hours. Yaba please RB delegate. Dora and other business people are part of the team. Yaba twachula pa zed

  6. well KK is only thanking his long time friend now Govt. Lets not see the progress of a private university to be the Govt. success in education. UNZA is in shambooz and you tell me there is no one in Govt not thiinking of building a new one apart from adding new accomodation to the old one. when are we goning to wakeup and see eduacation as an investiment and can be marketed all around the globe to even bring the inflation level better than the 8% bullshit. more zambians are pumping alot of resources to send children abroad coz of the poor infrustructure and systems in Zambian education sector. why can we have a Govt that promises better education rather then just talk roads and manda-hill and the so called infestorz.


  8. Whats RB got to do with Cavendish building a campus. Is he donating government money for the construction? Campus is built using funds? Not just a person being a president. I bet I might as well have to thank RB for my neighbour’s acquisition of a brand new BMW!

  9. I haven’t seen anything in this story or on the ground that the president has done on this project. Zambia will never develop bcoz of such cheap politickig. u guys u deserve better than that. I also get suprised when i see people praising the president for finishing a road project, isnt that not what the govt is there for? do we realy read intl. news guys? which other president in the region or world is praised 4 ordinary projects such as a road project? Thats y we see the president everywhere commisioning such tuma projects, which is job of a minister (works en supply, in our cabinet). Lets encourage our politicians to b innovative by not overpraising them on ordinaly projects, lets put them to task. lets giv ba shikulu ba RB some homework, that would stop him 4rm travelling everyde

  10. This KK things he’s an Angel now! This is not a private or government University which started in 2005 by the way Ba Zinduma, You seem to be very ignorant about the history of Zambia. Everyone knows in KK’s day that he was another Mugabe in his own right. If you were there during his Presidency then you will appreciate how far we have come. Chiluba was even much better apart from his corruption. I hope one day we gona have this freedom of information where one can go and source for history and see how Kaunda who by then the Kwacha was powerful printed coupons for maize and cooking oil, commonly known as Salad. The new cabinet office in Kamwala area was meant to be UNIP HQ using funds meant for a Stadia even building more Universities. So Bane remember where we came from. Fonko Fonko was…

  11. Nshilandalada #13 apa pena yalasa because it buffles me as well seeing the Presido saying we’re building roads, schools etc as if it’s money from his pocket. This is tax payers money you’re talking about and the Tax Disc cars pay for is suppose to be used towards road development, strategic planning for the future traffic etc. So please Bane, demand for what you pay for and yes RB needs tuma homework to keep him at home unlike these merry making extravagant air trips he is making.

  12. #8 I can’t blame you getting tired when you’re on the plane because you use Economy being squeezed on the middle developing the economy syndrome known as thrombosis. RB uses his private jet, I mean government Zambia Private Jet with a King Size bed hahaha. Guess you get the picture.

  13. No 1. Kc2. Zinduma 4. Munthu5. Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth You chaps are wrong- this is not RB’s shits! This our PF man who is the next Minister of Education! And 7. Kasman and 13. Nshilandalanda you are right that this is neither RB’s money nor has he anything to do with Cavendish! The Vice Chancellor is our Education man in PF!

  14. Ba KK naimwe nkalani chabe! Y r u looking to score points 4 RB? Your University is not govt funded but u want to associate its prohress with Kanitundila. That’s politics. Stick to retirement George Bush doesn’t comment on Obama nor does Margaret Thatcher comment on Blair. That is democracy Nzelu zamu party and its govt zifunikosiya.

  15. #18. please no hating. All i was trying to say is that RB has managed the transition process very WELL from Levy. He deserves credit for managing the transition seamlessly to the point that there is investment at this rate (be it from external or internal interests). Pipo only invest when there is potential. This (potential) has been created by our manager RB. Further from this, we will be arguing in plain contexts like the $32,000 each.

  16. Stop living in the old ages. UNZA was the the only university for a long time. There was no competition. Things have changed now. UNZA is just another university. We have a lot of choices. Thanks to the new world government. Cavendish has grown in 5 years more than UNZA has grown in decades. Akantu ni management. VIVA MMD manifesto

  17. This plot of land in Kafue near or next to the cemetry was given to Cavendish a long time ago. They even put up a security gate and started making fence around the vast land. All this was done in LPM time. So it’s not an original RB project. But well done RB for ensuring this was not shelved. Ha ha this time he was scared of putting a plaque for the ground beaking ceremony. Reason????? He is scared dead stiff pipo will condemn him. Well RB on this one there was no plaque put up so dont get scared but go for it.

  18. Am confused, how does RB get credit on this one when its a private University? What is his crontribution? Bane jst as we would like to credit him on something but i feel this one you off the mark. He doesnt deserve any kudos.

  19. Fellow bloggers, I just bought a house on Kabulonga Road in Lusaka last week from money earned from my business in the DRC? SHOULD I PRAISE RB for my hard work. Come on MMD bafoons, grow up and give us some news worthy information. HUMPTY DUMPTY has failed to run UNZA and CBU, what’s he got to do with Cavendish.

  20. # 25 mukabe come 2011
    congratulations are in oder for your sucsess. Thank you GRZ lead by RB for providing an enviroment condusive to bussiness and stability with our neigbours like DRC, making it possible for our brothers like Mukabe to buy a house. Keep up the ggod work and lets reap the fruits of this GRZ instead of reading the post all day.
    God bless Zambia

  21. Kaunda also suprises me at times. The man is the father of the norm ‘ u have to know which side your bread is buttered’.Honestly, we are in this mess mostly because of Kaunda’s terrible policies and mistakes. I dont understand why this man has acclaimed hero status. He was equally useless, especially in the end. Young Zambians have gained nothing from his leadership. Except for LPM, fyonse fye ifimapresident pa zed fipuba!!!

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