Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Kabanda worried with Zambia’s political mood


Citizens Forum, Executive Secretary, Simon kabanda has described Zambia’s political mood ahead of the polls next year, as saddening.

Mr. kabanda said politicians have failed to base their campaigns on developmental issues as the people have called for.

“The political leaders have continued to engage in attacking each other at the expense of discussing issues as expected by the people of Zambia,” Mr Kabanda said.

Mr. kabanda noted that the political scenario entails that political violence would never be avoided.

He said challenged politicians to exercise restraint and engage in meaningful politics thereby set good grounds for the next years polls.

Mr Kabanda stated that it would not yield anything if politicians fail to deliberate issues efficiently and to inform Zambians what they have in store after next year’s poll than finding it more interesting to insult each other.
[ QFM ]


  1. No surprise here simon kabanda.Little minds discuss/attack other people,average minds dwell on events and great minds discuss ideas.Empty vessels make lots of noise.There’s the reason for so little to show for 46yrs of zed.

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