Wednesday, March 12, 2025

ADEDO-ZAMUCANO political party launched


A new political party called Africa’s Democratic and Economic Development Organization -Zambia Must Change Now ADEDO – ZAMUCANO which was formed last week, has officially been launched in Lusaka.

The party has adopted Change Life Zambia’s Red Card symbol as its official party symbol.

Party President Brown Kapita said he consulted widely and made an agreement with Fr. Frank Bwalya and Change Life Zambia team to use their symbol.

He said this when he launched the party.

Mr. Kapita has also promised to bring about a different kind of politics.


  1. This Zam kabbudula Zako zinunka party is serious than i thot. Cud be wiser for him to have identified a party with the ideolelogy he stands for and simply join than waste his time forming this Zam kabbu party. Mabvuto sana pa Zed.Any good luck mr clown.

  2. #2 Real Patriot
    He has every right to form a political party.You want to drive us back to one party?just form your own party too.

  3. Very welcome – I will await their policy statements and leanings. I only wish we could have more purposeful parties and less of presidential ones; we have enough parties being formed with one agenda item to get to State House… let’s move to having parties that will view presidency as a functional ambition and not a dogmatic goal…

  4. This is madness of the highest order 4 real. Is this an international organisation or what now? ama rubbish pa zed yachilamo zoona.

  5. This new party that sounds quite like our name is really serious than I thought. The only difference is that Brown Kapita’s group/name is a political party while ours is the dance group based in chitulika village. We need to give Brown and company (if he has one) a chance. This could be the party and the guy we have been waiting for. Lets not be quick to critise and write him off soon especially that we have not even heard his policy statements, manifesto and ideologies. “THE HOUR IS HERE” ” VIVA ADEDO” “TIYENDE PAMODZI-ZAMUCANO”

  6. chainama hospital should be filled to full capacity…how do you let such a lunatic roam the streets freely and get media coverage from the govt dogs..?is he a paid up chap?what party is this now?

  7. Finaly we have a admission that it is plot one he was after. He tried to drag the church with him throu the back door to state hse until GRZ put a stop to that. Do or die Zambia.

  8. Which one here is the name of the party? ADEDO or ZAMUCANO?If it’s both the names then I wonder if they will fit on those ballot papers.This is time for the registrar of societies to make money by introducing monthly renewals of all political parties.Make the fees atleast K100m per party per month!

  9. The name sounds like a chemical formular or medication for lunacy…. chalila pa zed, am booking the next flight to zed and launch a party too. it will be called ZAFUSHI ie Zed full of s.h.i.t

  10. ADEDO-ZAMUCANO Uko elo lwanya tata mayo icalo capwa! what ever the name Kapita has all the right to form his party. We will wait and see as the drama unfolds pa Zed ciladiba.

  11. Perhaps if we had political parties that were very serious and clearly stated the vision for Zambia then may be, may be we would not have these shenenigans. Give them a chance to say what they stand for and what they intend to do in the social, economic, scientific development for mother Zambia. May be it is me but our current parties dont give me the confidence in terms of direction, development and what difference they want to make to Zambia. Lots of educated people on paper but the utilisation of ideas to make Zambia better for its citizens is not there. We need a Zambia of people who are proud of who we are, can dream and be convinced a better Zambia is in our grasp. 11 million for te resources we have, we can do a 1000% better.
    Convince me you have ideas, then I might be conviced.

  12. #19, hahahaha! U’ve made me so curious. I can’t wait to see him.

    Ati “He promised to bring about a different kind of politics”. No doubt about that! We can tell from the name of the party that he is crazy

  13. Some of us who knows Brown Kapita are 50/50 to believe that he an create a firewall from NEGATIVE Zambians. He is a wise man, but not as brunt as Sata. As far as some are saying is that he is hooking up with Magande, Mrs.Inonge Lewanika and Junior Chipimo. Trick part is whom they will field to challenge Sata. ADECO might end up the strong opposition to PF-Government next year.

  14. the americans and the britsh the pioneers of democracy have got less that five political parties in there countries.democracy has failed us lets try other forms of governance its not two late may be we try the cuban or the chines way

  15. the americans and the britsh the pioneers of democracy have got less that five political parties in there countries.democracy has failed us lets try other forms of governance its not two late may be we try the cuban or the chines way of governance.

  16. @28 osama bin ladin .. there are a lot of political parties in the USA.In fact much fun political parties such as “THE RENT ARE TOO DAMN HIGH” party.It’s only at the presidential election when only two or three parties participate.

  17. Indeed this is zambia the real africa. pliz LT save us from some nonsense. I have no room for any optimism and hope for this guys.If formidable parties continue to lick their wounds – UPND, PF – what the hell is this.

  18. Zambia the Real Africa in deed. A land of vernomous snakes, crocodiles, massive sun heat, no rains in rainy season & rigged elections.

  19. LT Bloggers, you have really made me laugh! Anyway, I agree with all those who think forming a political party with an archaic name is unreasonable. We do not need this confusion right now and this ‘funny named party’ will be ignored with the contempt it deserves and it does not matter who joins it! No wonder some bloggers showered the commentary with insults!

  20. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Mawe ndate,what sort of rediculous lunacy is this?Your Friend Chipimo Junior ‘r party is already forgotten,.Do you remember that character who led poor peoples party,he could not make 200 people required for a nomination at high court,and now with this great lunacy you want to waste the learned and yet corrupt judicial system’s time on nomonation day by going round taverns conning drunks to stand with you on nomination.Come on ………..ya

  22. It has come to my attention that one of my critically ill patients named Brown Kapita has gone missing from the psychiatry ward P55. He is known to have psychotic hallucinations, suicidal ideational tendencies and strongly believes he is president to a party called ADEDOZAMUCANO..If seen, kindly restrain and bring him back.

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