The son of late president Levy Mwanawasa, Patrick has said he is not part of the planned legal action by his sisters against their stepmother, Maureen.
Patrick has since advised his older sister Mirriam not to rush to court but consider resolving the matters at hand in an amicable manner.
In an interview in Lusaka yesterday, Patrick said: “I don’t know what is really happening because I just heard these issues in the media. While Mirriam has the right to go to court, I think that this matter is better sorted out in a family manner.”
He charged that bickering over the matter in public was not a good thing as doing so compromised the integrity of the family.
On Sunday, Mirriam called on the Registrar of Societies to de-register the recently launched Levy Mwanawasa Foundation (LMF) if former first lady Maureen did not explain its purpose.
Mirriam claimed she was not consulted when she was made one of the board members on the foundation, which was launched after this year’s second memorial anniversary for the late Dr Mwanawasa. Mirriam has since threatened to sue Mrs Mwanawasa over the issues.
And Levy Mwanawasa Foundation Chairperson Nelly Mutti has dismissed claims by late President Levy Mwanawasa’s first born daughter Miriam, that the foundation was formed to benefit former First Lady Maureen Mwanawasa and her biological children.
Mrs. Mutti said it was wrong and unfair for Miriam to insinuate that the foundation was meant to benefit selected individuals when the objects and purposes of the foundation have been clearly outlined.
She stated that one of the major objects of the foundation was enhance and uphold the legacy of the late president and his ideologies and vision for the country.
Mrs. Mutti also said the late president believed in the Rule of Law which should be respected in his absence adding that it will be very unfair for anyone to start making profit on issues he totally disagreed with. Mrs. Mutti said this in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka yesterday. She has since advised Miriam to remain calm and use the right channel in airing her grievances than rushing to the press.
[pullquote]And when asked on whether there are any provisions under the Zambian constitution where a deceased persons Will can be altered, Mrs. Mutti said there are such provisions as long as the applicant is aged 18 years and below.[/pullquote]
Meanwhile Mrs. Mutti, who is a lawyer by profession, has also advised Miriam and her sister Lona to engage the family on how best they can resolve their disputes regarding their late father’s estates than dragging each other to the courts.
And when asked on whether there are any provisions under the Zambian constitution where a deceased persons Will can be altered, Mrs. Mutti said there are such provisions as long as the applicant is aged 18 years and below.
She said the applicant should also prove under any reasonable doubt that he or she has not been well catered for in the Will.
Mrs. Mutti said it is from this background that the court can alter a will having fully studied the application and are convinced that the applicant has been deprived of what belongs to him or her.
Last week the late president’s daughters namely Miriam and Lona threatened to drag their step mother, Mrs. Maureen Mwanawasa to court over their late father’s estates.
The duo also called on the registrar of societies to deregister the Mwanawasa foundation on assertions that it was launched to benefit the former first lady and her biological children.
Good advice Mr. Patrick Mwanawasa. The advice you have given your siblings is most commendable.
What is the NEW NGO for?
what happened to MMCI?
Mrs 47Billion needs to sort out her burning family before trying to run for V.P.
Patrick is just acting like a dirty lawyer wanting to settle out of court.
Thought the best for this Levy would have been to sit down and reazon withe sisterz instead of issuing statements in the Times of Zambia that he iz not part of the court axion plan.
Blood is thicker than marriages!
Poor Kid. He should referred all such questions to the
the connection between step daughters and step mothers is not that strong in most cases…talk to them Pat…lol
Indeed what is exactly the new NGO for. I smell pure greed and ambition between the lines. This fight might end up opening a can of worms and drag the poor man’s name in the mud. MHSRIP
“…She stated that one of the major objects of the foundation was enhance and uphold the legacy of the late president and his ideologies and vision for the country…” What makes these people think Levy’s vision is the ultimate for this country. The man is not with us any more (MHSRIEP) let others from among the 12million people in this country also come up with visions for the country.
Patrick is now head of the family. Let him shephard his wayward sisters and convince them to see reason and get a life.
There iz a lot of “get a life” around; somebody show directionz where?
Although Miriam is a thug, Maureen’s lack of leadership in the family is very apparent. There is now a division between her biological siblings & step children. These are usually lifelong divisions & may have begun way before LPM died. She now needs to stop using Nelly Muti as spokesperson & handle these issues affecting her former husband’s children away from the press.
There is nothing honorable in Patrick & he is knee deep in all this scum. How do you advice your blood sister in the media? Patrick has not waited to mature. The world will certainly give him a lot of rope to hang.
Its encouraging to hear patrick utter sober words to his alcohol addicts sisters.Mirriam just wants to embarass maureen,she wants a cut from allowances given to Maureen & yet the chap is over 30 years old
Michael Chilufya Sata aka King Cobra forewarned us about the true nature of our First WIDOW we never listened now the chickens are coming home to roost….now theres even Lorna!!!
Isnt there any news we can be fed rather than this please
ine yanitinkha family iyi mweh,cant they just disappear,,,we had more than 7yrs of their dramas,this is just too much
Ya Ya Ya. But in all fairness Levy should have left much much more than the 15 & 20m Kwacha out of his Billions of fortunes he had. Whether Mirriam or Lona were wayward or not the truth is those are his biological Children Not Maureens. Hence whether grown up or toddlers the fortune he left is collosal to leave peanuts to the two. If I may ask. What business did Maureen do to have aquired all the wealth she is clinging to?????? Food for thought.
wisdom coming from a young man he is wiser than the stepmom. maureen is a shame before levy died she regarded those kids as her own but now that he is dead she refers to them as step kids. she wants to eat the cash alone with matolo and chipokola. property grabber of the decade maureen kakubo
This family is beginning to bore the crap out of me
wills wills wills..even late mazoka’s children had the same problem…please the mwanawasas..sit down and resolve..Maureen needs to play a motherly role in the whole issue..
# 13, Wanzelu,
Surely, how can Patrick embarass Maureen when herself (Maureen) is an embarrasment? She embarassed herself at her husband’s funeral MHSRIP when she threw tantrums at Sata openly.
I know this woman, she has a heart of a lioness. You can even tell just by her countenance.
coming back as Judge Dada to Judge this trivial matter.
I know Patric you want to use this situation to potray yourself as mature and thus gain political points for your presidential ambitions. Stop pretending that you didn’t know what was going on, you know what has been happening so deal with this situation once and for all. You have been appointed as a board member in the newly formed NGO and yet you are not a signatory but you step simbling is. Don’t you know that this will affect your psych and eventually develop an infiriority complex? I will to come pass the final verdict in the evening. Judge Dada out.
When u divorce your 1st wife whom u have children with and remarry, it is better to sit down your new wife and your children from another woman and tell them to accept each other. As a man u shud not listen to 1 side of the story when there is a problem. Do not show that u love your new wife more than your children and vise visa. U shud be able to discipline your wife or children if they are found wanting.It also happens when a woman comes into a marriage with her own children, she will always be reporting to the husband that your children have done this and that, her children never do wrong, the same goes for the man’s dependants. Some stepmothers will make sure that they drive out the step children and husband’s dependants from the house. Some stu.pid men will even shower more love on
can some one tell me about this lona mwanawasa, i dont know her, where has she been all along
stepchildren than their own. Some children are roaming the streets becos their stepmothers have chased them from their fathers homes.There are some homes whereby you cannot tell if the wife is a stepmother. The key to a good stepmother/stepchildren relationship is the husband/father. Mirriam and her siblings must have endured alot from Maureen becos Levy did not handle Maureen with a firm hand.
Am sorriy I have to go back to Mama Mokola (MHSRIP). If Maureen was a kind hearted woman, Levy’s mom cud not have died the way she did. Maureen should have seen to it that there was a driver and vehicle for the old lady to use at the farm seeing that LPM was busy running the country, that is what a good wife does, you don’t just take care of your own family.A woman shud be a unifier. Ladies do not cause enmity in the families you marry into.
#22 Judge Dada you’re right, wat patrick need to do was to sit down with the elder sister other than going to the press and claiming that he is not part of the legal action…if he was not aware of watever is happening in the family then hes very irresponsible member of the family…such an issue involving your sister and your step mother shud not passby without you knowing.i.e. if youre a factor in the family…
Please dont mix politics and family issues…waiting for verdict judge Dada…
Good afternoon
These are family issues which better be solved within. Patrick is right that the public bickering over the matter is deplorable. Most family feuds in our society are actually solved outside the courts, it’s not what you say, but how you say it. So a good alternative, for example, would be for the former first lady to reconcile with her step children. Then other things become easier.
this is why i hate step families they always think they children are better .let the kids get wat their father left for them i think the only child who was provided for was patrick he went to university in luton so wat happened to the girls !no matter wat you do in your life dont forget your first children this is now the outcome
Its Mirriam, not me. Ba mayo ba Maureen gave me a ka K200m to shut me. Iam smiling all tha way to de bank.
Patrick has shown higher levels of maturity than her emotionally… mother.
On “The son of late president Levy Mwanawasa, Patrick has said he is not part of the planned legal action by his sisters against their stepmother, Maureen” I commend Patrick for behaving above board. I also wish to advise lazy fellows by echoeing ba-Maureen Mwanawasa’s words to stop counting on inheriting their parent’s things but to work hard for themselves.
Have a blessed day all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Patrick keep it up. Wise advise indeed. Family matters belong to the family. Every family has someone wayward. So no courts plse.
It is clear that the widow Mrs Maureen Mwanawasa is not a unifying parents who will harmonize this fractured family. Since the children are old enough, with help of independended arbitrators they should form a family council as administrators and executioneers of their inheritance from their father. Anything involving Maureen will just get spelling badblood. Its fortunate that Levy left his children old enough. The worst will be when officially Maureen now dating remarries in the face of all these misgivings and miostrusts.
Situation was wrongly handled.Mirriam being the oldest is childish,is she educated?Theres a simple way 2 solve these issues,court! Unless u no ull lose or mwanawasy levy left dvds of his will as maureen says in which case tells us yo father thot of u as irresponsible or wants u 2 work hard.Bikiloni and diffikoti were ryt?Work hard,buy yours.
Has anyone heard about the newly formed Party? What is the name of this Party some funny name I cant remember. The name sounds like we are in Afganstan!!!.
There is always a better way to solve issues. Dr. Mwanawansa could never want this at all but i think the Children know what they are talking about as they have the true picture which we out here can not see. I feel the Widow needs to sit back and get her life back unlike trying to make money using the Late presidents Name. maybe she can stick to MMCI and not solicit for money in the way she wants to.
Interesting that Patrick has himself come to the press in order to “Speak to his sisters”; My, it seems this family has its work cut out!!
Lady Gaga I didn’t know cash was so tasty seeing that you are saying Mrs mwanawasa wants to eat the cash
1. Mirriam’s character (eg utu jilijili, etc) is a consequence of a terrible step mother.
2. By her behavior Maureen has not shown that she is any better than Mirrian in thinking capacity.
3. Guys, we should write proper wills. How can you leave $4 pin dollar as inheritance to your child when you made $4millions+. A house in Ndola may not be worth more than $50,000. While Maureen is getting late hubby’s pension, Mirriam will have nothing after 2 months of heavy boozing.
4. Guys, if you don’t treat your children properly, you might end up like Kafupi Sr. (Kafupi Jr’s real biological father). I hope the above makes a good case study for all of us.
How old is Maureen,i am might to believe Mirriam is 40 years.:-?Then u should know why they can’t see eye to eye.
The final Verdict.
Miriaam you said want the registra of societies to de-registar the Levy Mwanawasa Foundation (LMF), vengense is not yours it is the Lord’s the suprem Judge. Your little wrath can do little compared to the Almighty’s who is roasting people in Hell. Remember that he once destroyed cities by raining down fire and brimestone, not rain water. God is a terible God when angry. There is a saying that chickens always come to roost. If you have kept chickens before you will realise that if they sleep inside your house say in the kitchen, during the course of the day the chickens will ran away from you. But at night, when then need to come and sleep they will not be afraid of you but will come into the kitchen.
Ecclesiastes 1 : 5 The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down,…
Bunch of .i.d.i.o.t.s.
Ecclesiastes 1
5 The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.
6The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.
7All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.
What God is telling us is that what goes around comes around. A man reaps what he sows, God cannot be moked.
So Miriaam, Lona and Patrick withdrew from that LMP get what belongs to you through the court of Law and live your own lives. Not minding what your step mum is doing as long as it has nothing to with you. Abraham separated the children he had with Ketura from Isaac, the son he had with
The Final Verdict has been delivered.
ignore “Abraham separated the children he had with Ketura from Isaac, the son he had with.” as it is not the right quote.
patrick, ukabeye ko imishishi mwaiche!
When we’re about to marry,they teach us that as a man you look after your wife family and a woman does that to your family.But this is not the case to most woman.They want everything to go to their family.It’s so perfect and nice when you give her relatives and so bad and evil to give your own relatives.This is even complicated were stepchildren are concern.I don’t know Maureen personally but I see her to be such a woman.Selfish and greedy
It is written that the meek shall inherit the earth…why can’t the girls inherit their daddy’s world. Why do we work and strive? Is it not for our kids, both adults and infants? I heard of a married family man who wrote a Will, left all his property with elder sister…WTF? Is that fair. Some Wills suck, not all are written in a state of ‘sound mind’. Also, being in love is a state of insanity…men do crazy stuff when in amor.
katwishi eko tuleya
Mirriam and Lona are just lazy. Just find work and work! You should know that an inheritance is easily squandered by those who do not know the value of hard work and obviously you were quiet all this time and thinking what you got will last. Sha!