Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Mumbi threatens to sue Fr. Bwalya


Father Bwalya
Fr. Frank Bwalya

Former Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Edward Mumbi has threatened to sue change Life Zambia Executive Director Father Bwalya for libel.

Father Bwalya is said to have referred to Mr. Mumbi as a crook who has been using his late brothers name as his.

Featuring on Monday Nite Live programme on QFM, Father Bwalya stated that Edward is not Mr. Mumbi’s first name, as he is Kangwa Mumbi.

The Change Life Zambia Executive Director further called on Zambians not to believe Mr. Mumbi because of his unknown identity.

Father Bwalya on the same programme challenged Mr. Mumbi to sue him on the accusations that he was making.

He added that once he is sued, it will be an opportunity to show Zambians who the former secretary general of the PF is.

Mr. Mumbi has, however, charged that the opportunity to know who Father Bwalya is has finally come, and that would be in the courts of law.

Mr. Mumbi said that he has informed his lawyers on the cause of action he is about to make.

He said that father Bwalya is now trapped and his sponsors will not be there to save him.

The Former PF Secretary General noted that father Bwalya’s sentiments lack truth as he has no dead brother by the name of Edward Mumbi.

He said that in his family, he is the only one who is known with the name of Edward Kangwa Mumbi and it is not another person’s name.

Mr. Mumbi availed his Curriculum Vitae to QFM in Lusaka today bearing the name Edward Kangwa Mumbi from the time he was at school, until his professional life.
[ QFM ]


  1. Hahahaha….More Drama in our Zambian courts. The courts must be buzzing with cases and lawyers are laughing all the way to the bank. Clearly I’m in the wrong profession.

    In fact this is an economic boom for the popcorn industry because with this drama, Shoprite, Pick n Pay, Spar, etc must be sold out. It’s a good thing my supplier is on course with my shipment.

    Too much drama in Zambia. All I can do is get my bowl of popcorn and watch from a distance.

  2. I definitely need a large consignment of popcorns to last me all the drama that are unfolding. Lets see what we have here now: Sata vs Mumbi (Zali), Maureen vs. Abana (Greed), Mohan vs. Fimofimo ( This one kuba careful bane kuti bakulonga, Mwamba asakambila kusogolo) Faz vs 2/3, ZPL, Simata (10 days before ECM- I would be disappointed ngatakwakabe amakofi uku. New in theater -Four UTH accountants vs patients (Ilyashi lyatululu), Patrick vs sister ( Pat imya sando mwaiche) Nelly Mutti vs sisters (The new mediator). Mumbi vs Fr. Bwalya ( what goes around..) Well only two seats left in the front row if you need to join me and watch all these dramas for free. just make sure you bring your own popcorns since my next order is coming from Brazil on 20th.Iam still a zambian,just dont want to share

  3. Ba Mumbi, your target has been Ba Sata now you seem to be fighting from so many fronts..soon you will be defending yourself on yourself how you got access to someone bank statements which you where proudly displaying alleging treason! You cannot win a fight with Father Bwalya….just concentrate on milking the ruling party!

  4. useless father Bwalya why drag catholics into politics.This shows how desperate Michael chipuba Sata is to go to state house.

  5. honestly how can a grown rational man avail his CV as proof. the n.i.g.g.a should have used his NRC, Drivers Licence, Passport or some sensible proof of I.D. and not his CV.

    And father frank should get serious with life, he had a good start in life as champion of the masses, somewhere along the way he became a Zambian politician who just talks and talks

  6. Is this the same Mumbi who left Zamtel when he discovered that his identity and documents where being investigated/probed?. Wapya munzi Ta. Interesting development. There is no smoke without fire.We have an imposter here. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Enjoy your popcorns Nkalanda. Father Bwalya has too many witnesses will to testify including some for human resource chaps at Zamtel.

  7. This iz like the circus by that Egyptian just near the fly over bridge at Kamwala in Lusaka, over a decade ago. Word went round that dogz in the neighborhood were fetching big bucks az feed for the lionz. There were even alleged boxing contests with some chimpanzee.

  8. They say if you can’t beat them, join them. So I’m joining Nkalanda by ordering 25 kg of popcorns from Brazil because it looks like the drama is only just beginning and the end to it is nowhere near. I hope the bloggers will restrain themselves and not think of suing each other.

  9. This is yet the lowest of contemporary catholicism faith. A priest is being dragged to court for being malicious and incorrigible hatred as a mercenary. I’m sure Cardinal Amardando Mazobwe must be scratching his head with the kind of mess he has at hand to sanitize the damaged catholicism at the hand of failed leadership Telesphore Mpundu provided.

  10. katolika is this all you preach about hatred enmity insults no wonder i have never stepped the inside of their mosques. fatherless bwalya is an arse hole eating blood money from mathani group of companies like finance bank

  11. He he he he he! It is becoming very interesting! Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. I am sure this has come from some chaps who worked with Mumbi at Zamtel. So tell us more # 7 Real Patriot! It seems if you talk too much about others you anger other bystanders who start revealing what they know about you. I have learnt my lesson! Ba Mumbi, mwailetelela!

  12. Bloggers!!!! When is SATA suing Mumbi?, when is he petitioning Mpulungu? When is he suing fjt for xposing his extramarital affair with bishop’s daughters? when is he suing Finnce Bank? when is he apologising for having exposed Levy bank statement from Finance bank?

    Can someone advise!!!!

  13. People’s propensity to bucks, atleasht ine nalibeula kale, can even buy the entire government notuma church after all am a prophet. Mumbi mwaiche cenjela ukapwa nga doormat ukwabula bucks, just ask for a big chunk from RB to serve your asss!!!!!

  14. #12 Distant Drums – I hope you can share your 25 kg of your special order popcorns from Brazil with the rest of the bloggers.I can see some of the them nabamba ukupeta ama shati, looks like they are ready to jump on each others throat over ma politicians na ma change of life fimomo executives fights. As for Mumbi- Uwalyambile ulubuli ewalulwile. While in the high school, my friend aliya obola his 2 elder brothers after he started a fight. The 2 brothers were clobbered nolusengu by this one dude who beat my friend earlier such that their imilomo looked like nibatombolilo. I caught up with one of them in the bathroom mirror checking out how far his imilomo and a bump on his forehead will go. I didnt know wether to laugh but what I knew was laughing will render him a reason ukuntoba ulupi

  15. #6, i agree with you, since when did a CV become an identity card. But zoona mumbi chikopo. I cant help laughing at this one.

  16. whats wrong with the katolika to involve in politics now when it was fine in 1990/91 when MMD used the same Icengelo magazine and the weekly post.
    Kaund even depoted Father umberto to italy and told all katolikas that Mukendela pali kolona.

    why do you forget so easly naimwe…..
    chiwamina galu awe twakana let them be involved even this time arround

  17. No 18 Uli T.ole sana. Have we ever stolen your dick before. Stanyoko Mother Faka…mapolo ya uso! why do you pick on Bembas? machende yobe pamo naba wiso chitole chabo!!

  18. Nkalanda exposed! Ba Guy imwe you’re very dull? You should have used Great Galu’s Adviser says to complain to Nkalanda for your words.Dull chap. So your alias is Great Galu’s Adviser says?

  19. #27Nkalanda exposed! Ba Guy imwe you’re very dull ya? You should have used Great Galu’s Adviser says to complain to Nkalanda for your words. Dull chap. So your alias is Great Galu’s Adviser says?

  20. I would be shocked if this Mumbi guy will even step a foot in court over this matter. If he does then bloggers get ready for the real data about him from his childhood up to where he is and who he is. We know this guy in and out.Watch the space.

  21. ati uli nkhani izi zapakitsa i think our courts dont have the capacity to handle o these cases.but again these cases will enable the goverment raise revanue therefore i suggest tharefore am suggesting that courts should now start opereting 24hrs judges should be on shift i can be a volunteer as judge osama bin landin

  22. Mumbi’s reaction sell him out…why run like a sweating rat to QFM with a ka CV..I can imagin the EDUCATION section starts with 1972: Succefully Completed Holofeya (Nursery School)

    SUCCESS: Bought first mercedes benz on 28th October 2008 (Election day..source of funds???)

    MARITAL STATUS: Married but with a full time girfriend at NIPA College


  23. The country on our continent that will first realise that the modus operandi needs to change will be the first to free itself from these harsh economic progress inhibiting shackles. In the bigger scheme of things,we need everybody on board. Specifically, those of you in the media should take an active role in promoting important issues on the agenda. 90% of you space should be devoted to issues affecting the majority of Zambians. Zambia can’t afford to pattern its operations after countries that are already developed. We should have no space for non-value adding issues. Everything & all we do should be adding value if we are to stand a chance to see better . Give space to that lone individual pushing for accountability, transparency,resource wastage reduction.U shld be partners in…

  24. I knew it that Mubi was a crook. He likes free things …reaping where he did not sow bane.

    For sure he uses his dead brother’s documents. thats why he showed a civil instead of an identity.

    I think is identity card has a name Edward Kangwa not Edward Mumbi. hehe this dull creature has been exposed. hehe dull Mumbi ….

  25. Mumbi is very dull, otherwise how could he produce a CV (Curriculum Vitae) as a form of identification.
    He should go ahead with his “libel” case in court so that we know who he really is. These are the chaps who have been using other people’s documents as their own so as to get on in life. He has been living a lie and the police should move in and flash out this imposter.
    Thankyou Father Bwalya, you are the man.

  26. #30,32 Devil- bika bola panshi. There’s too much anger, and character assasination out there. You dont need that mani.

  27. This father Bwalya is fighting to correct the mistakes that have been made in Zambia. Every self-respecting Bemba should be behind him as he is fighting for our rightful place in this country. Myself, I always make sure that I wear something red every day as well as flashing my red card when I hear somebody not speaking our national language Bemba in Lusaka.

  28. Why is Mumbi rushing to court after being scratched. Did he expect his opponents to keep quiet while he scandalises them? Father Bwalya is not God, neither is he the pope, nor the most senior cleric in the catholic church. His actions should therefore not be translated to be the opinion of the catholic church. Do not therefore include the church in your efforts to discredit Father Bwalya. By the way, I am not a catholic, in case you think I am defending my church.

  29. If this drama is anything to go by, I wonder how much more we have to learn about this PF-CLZ alliance?
    Now the ghosts are being exorcised.

    Regarding the Sata-Mumbi-Finance Bank saga, it has been reported that Mumbi has challenged Sata that a bank transfer does not know as a cash deposit on a bank statement, now we are waiting for ba Shikulu to react, more drama more popcorn bane. H.E.R.B. please sign the deal for Brazilian popcorn before you leave Brasilia.

  30. Its basic knowledge that presidential candidates have alot of money towards elections especially if they have a good chance if winning..well wishers chase after them with donations and trust was the case with Sata, RB and only a fool would think Sata could not afford to buy two brand new cars at the time. so ka Mumbi should just explain this forging of his names that has made rounds for some time now..If you live in a glass house..dont throw stone…

  31. What goes up must come down. Mumbi u went too high thinking no one can get u down. No u see, u will like this boy Chalwe. That’s how Mad Mind Deals(MMD). U are finished iwe Mumbwa.

  32. What goes up must come down. Mumbi u went too high thinking no one can get u down. Now u see, u will like this boy Chalwe. That’s how Mad Mind Deals(MMD). U are finished iwe Mumbwa.

  33. yes.. who is arguin…..these bemba kawalala’s are CROOKS., never ever trust these *****s. they stink like Nigerians. thhey hav destroyed our Lusaka and zambian in general. ba makaka iwe…There 2 presidents have a lot to defend themselves everyday..

  34. #18 and 52 mind your language. This is not a media where you can utter insults or pour out all your frastrations, please behave like abakalamba. We need sensible people and educative contributions. Not childish comments

  35. And Zambians actually think the opposition can run the affairs of the country properly.

    Lord save the Zambian people!

  36. iwe # 52 pumbafu lyobe why insulting innocent Bembas? if you failed to satisfy a beautiful Bemba woman and she ditched you dont blame or insult us just work on your useless miscile so that it starts functioning mwanamalayambi iwe.

  37. Like everyone else here, i ve gotten my porpcorns but i cant finish ’em, the news coming from down south Zed is chocking my eyes, and i cant hold my breath but continue reading these crazy things. I think zambians are generally jockers! Let me advise Mumbi, it looks so clear he has some explaining to do with his names and i would judge him so unwise that he stil goes on top of his voice in parading other innocent and well meaning patriots like ba father na ba Sata who helped him be were he is. Its a pity. They say winyela oko ulefuma, or else it will end up back in your stomarch and you will cry foul. PEACE.

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