The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) says it will not investigate Former President Dr. Frederick Chiluba’s money laundering activities because it would contravene the laws of Zambia.
DEC Public Relations Manager John Nyawali has said article 18 of the constitution of Zambia does not allow prosecuting an individual for an act which did not constitute an offence at the time it was alleged to have been committed.
Mr Nyawali in a statement to ZNBC in Lusaka today said Dr Chiluba allegedly committed money laundering activities before the Prohibition and Prevention of money laundering law was enacted.
His remarks follows a letter written by the Patriotic Front demanding that the DEC investigate Dr. Chiluba’s money laundering activities.
Mr. Nyawali also said some of the alleged activities which constitute offences for money laundering were investigated and prosecuted by the then Task Force on Corruption for which Dr. Chiluba was acquitted.
these i.dio.ts don’t stop to amaze me? yesterday they were investigating the crime Sata commited in rhodesian government to day they can’t investigate this pigmey for crime he commited yesterday. this is bul.l shi.t.
how many times do you want to prosecute FTJ. he has been tried by competent courts with mmembes best friend mutembo as juror. sata at the time he alleges committed those crimes was right hand man for ftj meaning they stole together. FTJ brought you democracy, enterprenuership house ownership. Zambians like me can now boast of owning houses thanks to FTJ. all these big buses you see ati zambia bostwana for nsanda mark motorways for mushili gbm its ftj. live the old man alone as he enjoys with beatiful and leggy regina
You see where the removal of abuse clause is being removed??? Same reason given above!! Its now free for all to steal because you wont be prosecuted for a crime committed when the law was sent to sleep. There is no sicereity in Zambia – period!!
# 3. I agree with u. Now we see everything clearly!
#3 lady gaga you are dull. if you commit different crimes more than 100 times you will be arrested more than 100 times. we took chiluba to court on corruption but now its money laudering. you cant compare these two cases. if he committed murder while in office we shall take him back to court again. come one think like someone who is been to school.
No. 1 U have a soul. Congrats to pipo like U.
This is what makes me hate what Chiluba did. 1st term Chiluba was an angle. He did the correct things because he was surrounded by think tanks Dean, Penza, Depak Katele (when he was that time thinking properly), Guy Scott, ba Sata etc. Now the 2nd term he surrounded with 75% wrong advisers like Pule, Katele (when he had lost his head), Chitalu Sampa, Newstead Zimba. Chiluba is a Short Little Big thief.
Now with the Removal of Abuse of Office Country men george & Rupiah wont be jailed because it is NO Longer a case to abuse Office. They are calling it Office enjoyment.
viva kafupi, abash jealous PF. PF cadres, you will never reach Chilubas levels. You will forever be economically stunted
sorry number 2
Selective justice at work. This was started in the Mwanawasa govt. Therefore those crying for the continuation of his governance style are not disappointed since a bigger chunk of Mwanawasa legacy is still being perpetuated.
Bwezani is vindicated
#7 Umodzi_Kumawa
Better be economically stunted than steal from a poor neighbor.
so stealing is pemited from now on wards. Poor sickly Zambians will ever be dieing in their sick beds.
One day ikazanda bane !!!
But ka FTJ is in heaven zoona.
When was the US$100,000.00 which Mr. Sata is being accussed of having laundered committed?
You all backed RB for president, deal with the consequences.. lets see if you all will vote him back in, come 2011.
When RB and his bands of crooks are done with Zambia it will take this country a thousand year to get back on its feet… These animals have no conscience, no morale, no inhibition whatsoever when it comes to stealing. Since they have now succeeded in rigged the laws, it is now legal to plunder the treasury. I wonder if these scalawags even have souls?
#5 i agree with you LADY GAGA IS TOO DULL
Chiluba Kafupi sold us houses cheaply,how many people benefited or owns those houses?Where has the money gone which was realised from those transactions?How many companies were and are being sold or privatised without paying off workers?Yes he brought big buses,how many people are owning and benefiting from those buses?How many people are managing to pay fares when want to use these same big buses as a mode of transport?
If sata stole by virtue of him being the former right hand man to kafupi why has rb failed to pin him down since he (sata)is the most prominent opposition leader who creates sleepless nights for him(RB) that is why he is ever flying. I think LADY GAGA is one of the people who rejoice over the coming in of MANDA HILL for…
and only a few zambians can afford shopping from there.
Let us all make a point to not vote for Rupiah in 2011. Please tell your relatives in the villages. This so called president has to go. Its such a pity that we Zambians are so docile, because people like this John Nyawali how does he leave his home pass though those street kids and has the audacity to say such a comment.