Former president Frederick Chiluba’s press aide Emmanuel Mwamba’s case failed to take off at 10:00 hours today in the morning because the state was not ready with the prosecution.
According to sources close to the investigation, state prosecutors told the court that they were not ready to start the prosecution in the case in which Mr. Mwamba stands charged with contempt of court and asked the court to grant them more time to prepare.
The prosecution however informed Mr. Mwamba’s lawyers and the court that they would be in a position to commence prosecution in the matter this
afternoon at 15:00 hours.
Mr. Mwamba was arrested yesterday and detained at Woodlands police station in Lusaka on a charge of contempt of court.
This is a case in which High Court Judge Gregory Phiri ordered a thorough investigation into the identity of the author and publisher of contemptuous and scandalous articles published on Zambian Watchdog which was said to have bordered on an ongoing court case involving murder suspect Mathew Mohan.
Mr. Mwamba remained in detention at Woodlands Police station from about 11:00 to 15:00 hours yesterday.
When he arrived at court, Mr. Mwamba was whisked to the judges chambers were his matter was reviewed in camera.
Mr. Mwamba’s lawyer John Sangwa and other legal practitioners attended the ‘hearing’ and later announced that the accused would appear in
A source close to the investigation told LusakaTimes that Mr. Mwamba’s application for bail fell through yesterday as it was already late in the afternoon, causing Mr. Mwamba to spend a night in prison.
Achuche uyu muntu!
too bad for chiluba he has to speak for himself for a few more days!
Mwamba should have been arrested on Friday.
all the best!
we shall not comment much since the case is before the courts
Let justice be done
Why arrest him if you were not ready. Which cyber law are going to apply. You have failed to arrest meembe on contept charge and you want to vent you frustration on an inocent fellow. Shame on you.
Am not sure there is anything to celebrate another persons ills..but such is the hate culture in Zambia that we are slowly embracing as a norm…sad really
#7 This Mwamba stepped on a lot of toes. What do you expect? I’m just suprized and annoyed that the Chief Small Big Thief FTJ keeps away from Jail!!! Most of his accomplices are either behind bars or out on bail or served sentence while ka Chiluba is out.
1 -Richard Sakala
2-Regina Chiluba
3- Geojago Musengule
4- Francis kaunda
5 – Katele
6- Francis Musonda Zanaco MD
7 – Stella Chibanda
8 – Most of the Former Defence & Service Chiefs i.e. ZAF, ARMY, ZNS etc
9 – Mwamba Emmanuel
This Chiluba even dribbles his inner circle. Ata.
Well, mwaiche even if they arrest you, atleast you are handsome than Sata.
I could have sworn i saw a topic regarding the chinese nationals who shot zambians not being prosecuted and a settlement for zambians ilekwi?? I havent smoed akakali today so it must have been there!
Concentrate on not dropping the soap.. he he he he he
Azachucha Emma
This will teach him that while his ka little boss might avoid jail for a couple more years, he is not a as big so azachi ona. Styupiti boy!!
I could have sworn i saw a topic regarding the chinese nationals who shot zambians not being prosecuted and a settlement for zambians ilekwi?? I havent smoked akakali today so it must have been there!
Ghost rider ulenashako ibange lol
dickson @#7, you are right. It is called schadenfreude… the malicious enjoyment of another’s misfortunes. It is difficult to be human…
#9 the fact that Emmanuel is handsome is actually gonna land him in trouble cause mu jail guys appreciate a handsome guy. So as i am typing right now theres a hardcore prisoner with a massive hard-on enjoying his handsomeness from the rear!
# 9 I dont think you have met Mwamba Before,just get closer to him and ask him to smile at you-you will run!
Nolle. Waste of time.
This is the probably one of the first cases involving the internet, to be tried in Zed. I’m curious as to the IT forensics capabilities of our Police. Matters of this nature are very difficult to prosecute; even if you trace the ip address of the original sender of the e-mail, the chap can claim that someone esle accessed his laptop during that period! From the look of things, the prosecution team don’t even have their act together despite arresting the poor chap. Too much unnecessary drama pa Zed!
The Post is ever commenting on cases before the court. Calling ftj a thief before convicted. You fail to convict the post on cöntempt.
Watchdog; emanuel belongs to the camp of the ruling elite. These guys can do anything on earth to punish their ‘enemies’. The fact that they could not or can not take the post to court is because they know they have no case against them. So, do not drag the name of the post in the mud now that emanuel is in custody. By the way, Emanuel is a close friend of mine and I do not wish him any bad.
LATEST! Amos Malupenga had earlier this afternoon submitted to the Court the transcript of a 20 minute conversion he had with Emmanuel Mwamba. It’s in this same recording where Mwamba accepted having authored the said contemptous articles. Judge for yourselves!
#20, I do not know what you are talking about but the Post was right, Chiluba was a thief, he is a thief and shall always be a thief. If stealing, albeit by mistake, in your “kaca” is not stealing, them maybe you should go back ku Katanga. As for Mwamba, he should learn a lesson from the misfortune that befell the lumpens listed by #8. If you fratenise with a thief or liar, you will be caught up in the dracket. Chiluba’s teflon is wearing off and for all those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, run away from this radio active pygmy.
gud young man u are unluckly caughted and dont think ur boss and RB will intervene.Enjoy Chimbokaila Prison!
#25 bupuba, so if mmembe is having coffee with chilube means chiluba is innocent, to you? what a useless chap. mmembe dared chiluba to take him to court on many occasions for calling him a thief, the little big thief could not, have you ever wondered why? dont you know that its defamation of character to call someone a thief. chiluba is a shameless thief and a pathological liar, that is why he cannot take anyone to court for calling him a thief, that is his profession!1
#7 uichindike saana ulimukulu bad.Let justice prevail.
A good fix for FTJ chief ass licker. May the bruts in jail feast on his fat ass till its in shreds.