Friday, September 27, 2024
Home Holding elections under current constitution is a mockery – FODEP

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  1. Whatever happened to the promises made earlier that a new constitution would be ready by 2011 and to think of all the money that has already been spent on the same!

  2. MMD as usual. Ever making promises but never able to deliver! Why should the issue of cost come in now? Democracy is expensive. One cant choose democracy and want to keep elements of dictatorship.

  3. This simple majority win will not help opposition. It will even make things hard for the opposition. Banda won election because of western, North-western and central provinces. So we need somebody who is popular in these provinces to deny Lupiya victory. If you put somebody who will loose in these provinces then, the pact must start crying now..!!!! We all know coperbelt and Lusaka provnces will still vote for the pact ad some pocket of supporters in Northern provinces but Luapula and Eastern provinces are for MMD, No question about…!!!

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