Wednesday, March 12, 2025

UPND questions Speaker’s decision


United Party for National Development (UPND) has questioned Speaker of the Nassembly Amusa Mwanamwambwa’s decision to curtail debate in parliament over fake national registration cards allegedly given to 12,000 voters.

Mr. Mwanamwambwa cutailed debate on the ministerial statement by home affairs Minister Mkondo Lungu on the fake national registration card that has purportedly been used to register 12,000 fake voters.

UPND vice president Richard Kapita said Mwanamwambwa’s decision to stop Members of Parliament (MP) from asking follow up questions on the statement by the minister is unprecedented.

Mr. Kapita wondered what the MMD government in conjunction with the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) and the speaker were trying to hide.

He added that information reaching his party is that the voters roll the ECZ used in the 2008 presidential elections has more than one million fake voters.

Mr Kapita wondered why the speaker of the national assembly could not allow questions from elected members of parliament who are representing the interests of the Zambians.
[ QFM ]


  1. The decision to allow thousands of refugees to stay in Zambia is ploy by the MMD to manupilate 2011 elections. These foreigners are easy meat for the MMD intimatory tricks. We have such people in Lufwanyama and each time there is an election, they are told that if they vote for the oppostion, MMD will know and flush them back to Angola/Zaire.One case is that of a Mr. Mumba who was MMD councilor in Kalumbwa St Joseph. The man suddenly became Congolese when he switched to Upnd. He was detained at Kamfinsa on orders of the area MP.

  2. No.#2 Burning Spear,

    Your comment makes intresting reading. However, YOUR 1st part is very VALID. The 2nd Part……Which Military? Am I dreaming, do we have a Military in Zambia???

    I mean the Military bolted during Captain Solo drunken stage uprising. Shikapwasha ran away until his aid de camp and other lower junior officers fished him out from Munali Hills that uprising over. SAFETEC & MUKUBA Security are the ones that quenched the uprising. The military ran away.

  3. Fake NRC are the reason why no recount of votes has ever taen place in the Banana republic called Zed. I wonder why no one has ever asked why the president is sworn in at the speed of light so that no petition against the presidencial election will ever have a fair chance to succeed.

  4. On “United Party for National Development (UPND) has questioned Speaker of the Nassembly Amusa Mwanamwambwa’s decision to curtail debate in parliament over fake national registration cards allegedly given to 12,000 voters… Mr. Kapita wondered what the MMD government in conjunction with the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) and the speaker were trying to hide… added that information reaching his party is that the voters roll the ECZ used in the 2008 presidential elections has more than one million fake voters” it is sad that the Speaker of our national assembly behaved in that manner and interestingly the 12 000 now registered voters in Northern province’s upper north Mbala and others could just deprive PF of winning NP in full in 2011.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But…

  5. No.3. You may be right. I should have probably said relevant security wings if we have any left to investigate the matter. Honestly how do we all of a sudden have 12 thousand new Zambians just because of votes. This is what breeds anarchy.

  6. Zambia is indeed a fraud. Even simple things like Voter Registration becomes complicated. Zambians please grow up and start doing things right.

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