Wednesday, March 12, 2025

RB is a president in transit-UPND


The United Party for National Development (UPND) general secretary, Winstone Chibwe has challenged republican President, Rupiah Banda to ensure that resources meant for the operations of the food reserves agency (FRA) serve the intended purpose and not his world tourism ventures.

And Mr. Chibwe has described president Banda as a transit president who never comes back home but just passes through and proceeds to the next point.

Mr. chibwe said that president Banda does not have time to stay in the country long enough to hear for himself what people are crying for because he wants to use the little time left to tour every corner of the world.

He also observed that there are too many costs to his delegation that he does not realize that if well spent, he would record more growth than what is currently happening to the nation’s economy and the well-being of the people.

Meanwhile, Mr. Chibwe said that it is critical that the new FRA board is fully supported by government because the task before them is huge.

Mr. Chibwe has also urged the new board member to double up their effort in addressing the various challenges facing the FRA in crop marketing and especially storage.

[ QFM ]


  1. RB. boss plz u shud sit down dont be 2 mobile. Indid ur breaking the world record of most travelin president. 4 sure utilise this chance its yo last as zed presido. HH is on his way to state house in 2011

  2. Vasco dagma on his tour of duty, RB. I hear tomorrow u have an invitation to Kaoma for a mukuyo. Hope they haven’t added edusha yawena.

  3. Please advise what the budget is for presidential trips local and international. How well in advance are these trips planned? why is there no trasparency as long as it does not border on national security issues?

  4. Our president does not listern to advice. In the Bible such people are called stiffnecked. As an old man one would expect him to have enough wisdom to avoid so many trips. To me it seems he does not care how much money he blows in his trips. There must be something driving him to make all these trips.

  5. The cost implications of the president’s trip both locally and internationally are extremely huge. The presidency is an institution which is very powerful. Meaning for the president to visit an area loaclly for instant, the OP needs to do security inspection, the police needs to accompany the president as security personal, government officials name it. All these civil servants will be entitled to allowances from the period of preparation for the visit until the president leaves an area. You will see that even before you consider the allowances that will accrue to the president and the accompanying ministers the cost implication is so huge for the country which is dare need of resources for development.

  6. So the President only needs to move when it is necessary and it should be in circumstances where the Country will benefit. Currently, the moves of the president seems to be aimless and costly for the country. They are not accompanied by meaningful returns. I therefore urge UPND to continue being vigilant of these resource wasters. Please also continue explaining how you are going to serve these resources so that it can be allocated to meaninful areas/sectors of development. Well observed and said Mr. Winstone Chibwe. Go UPND, Real change is coming to Zambia, COME 2011.

  7. I wish someone from the the UPND could do analysis of how many trips our kamwendo munjira presido has made and how much it such trips have cost the country from the time he took office.

  8. This is the problem of Zambia. We have had presidents that have 1st generation roots from other countries and have very little welfare for Zambia. FTJ & RB the worst. Now I blame Zambians collectively. We have a president that we OUT-SOURCED, President who is a Mobile institution. No wonder as # 6 has said a Mobile Presido.

  9. The post has done it again..!!! I have seen huge rally addressed by SATA making as if he has more support in western province…!!! The post must stop this useless coverage of this old man. He is finnished politician who want to cause problems in the country by bringing in barotseland agreement…!! He want to bribe the people of western province…!!!! Western province, you have suffered alot ..!! Look how many presidents came from the region where SATA comes from..? Have they done something for you..? and you think SATA musholi can help you..? he just want your votes.!!!! I know you will not vote for him even where he comes from, he is loosing elections and you, western province you want to make him win elections come on people not another musholi again.and make you suffer more..!!!

  10. I agree with Mukabe come 2011: Everything in Zambia is mobile just because the head of state is just 2 mobile. For example this month alone he has traveled to 7 different places; Namibia, Livingstone, Brazil, Mozambique, Mpongwe, Mfuwe, Chipata and now he is heading to Kaoma. How much money is being spent on his trips? Its sad. That money can buy linen and beds at Mbala and Mpulungu District Hospitals.

  11. Kizito the post says he was adressing a rally in mpulungu and not in barotseland. Sata knows for sure that he can not make it in this part of the country, first he opposed anything that was to do with barotseland but now he has seen the need to work with the people of Barotseland. For RB trips I don’t know who is advising him. I thank Situmbeko should one day show the country how much the country spends on this man’s trips

  12. continue thinking along those lines Mr Mukabe, by the time you realise your misguided statements RB would have earned himself accolades from both the internationally and locally.RB’s are beneficial, ask the bussiness entourage that accompanied him to Nigeria,china and recently Brazil.Locally his trips means well coz he has proved not to be a president of comfort who should just be lazzying around in state house.RB continue with yo trips while Mr Mukabe and his team are busy lazzying around thinking elections are still far away, while you sensistize people of your developmental projects.Moreover,you never travel alone but with professionals from different sectors of the economy.^:)^^:)^

  13. Someone should work out the cost to the country of this President’s trips. It can’t be difficult to come up with a sound estimate just by digging around a bit. For each trip find out the accompanying team including advance party, categorize the entourage & apply daily per diem (by the way, Zambian govt daily rate is higher than that of financial institutions like African Development Bank and World Bank where we go to borrow the money). Add to that the cost of the flights and other representational costs. We need to know before 2011.

  14. The post newspapers have lost it again. Their continued “personal favour “kind of reporting will not bring unity in the country. In 2006,they even boosted that even in America newspapers cover their favorites but this is Zambia where we have more than 73 tribes. Do they mean Nwakwi, HH, miyanda, Tilyenji no longer talk for them to be following sata everywhere he goes?…No wonder they are making the old man unpopular. They lost with sata in 2006, tried again in 2008 lost,in mpulungu with Sata BIG LOSS!!!!

  15. @11, Kizito. Warm greetings.

    Am happy you have brought this topic. You see, Sata is as suttle as the bibilical snake/serpent. He is a deceiver. He now wants to appear as an angle of peace for the people of Western Province. He wants to win their votes with his dirty tactics. He tells them that the Barotse Agreement is very important. The truth is that he doesn’t mean any of these words. Sata is a trick star, a hoodwinker, a deceiver, a swindler and a lier, just to say but a bit of who he is. Let the people of western province open their eyes and tell off this mangwanu! Litumezi ahulu.

  16. # 11 & 17, the comments should be about Mr. Chibwe of UPND and his assertions about RB being an ‘in transit’ president. The 2 of you had to blog about hatred for MC Sata, are you normal or your hatred for this man is causing you dementia? Stop blogging blindly like illiterates!
    This RB is gallavanting aimlessly, while hospitals in your so called Barotse land has no medicines and you are blind to your hatred! The Barotse agreement can be used easily as a platform for planning and budgeting to develop the Barotseland, but only if we have a practical government of thinkers ready to sacrifice for the Zambians. This implies a president who stays in the country and address shooting of citizens, amendment of contentious bills of the ACC act & seccesionist propagation by discontent Lozis! WAKE…

  17. #18, are you sure Sata can provide a government of thinkers? Can he scarifice for Zambia or for himself? #11 & 17 are right, we can not debate RB’s wastefullness in isolation without considering the alternative to his (RB) leadership. Otherwise your loyalty to Sata will not be different from that of MMD chief bootlicker.

  18. #18, Her Ladyship,

    Thanks for your blindness on Sata and your good sight on RB.

    You should have realized by now that RB is not as deceitful as Sata. RB’s trips are a drain on national coffers and are open for all to see, but Sata’s bahavoiur is worser than that. I hate no one, but I have come to deslike the behaviour of Sata.
    If you think Barotse Agreement is all about development you are mistaken. As matter of fact, the Barotse Agreement has not component of development on it. So it is not affected by development as you want us to believe.

    If you believe Sata, you are still asleep my dear!

  19. Wel wel wel..the freedom of speech in zambia is a very ggod long term investment.atleat pipo are opening up on the evils of selfishness which is killing africa. I salute u all…!

  20. There goes king cobra again. I dont know what tactic he is trying to use this time around. Bane staying for two months in western province is not a joke. Long live K.C.

  21. These are the consequences of electing old men. He doesn’t know the power of internet and video conferencing. He is used to the days of mail runners. There is no relation ship between age and wisdom. My advice is, don’t make another mistake of voting for old men. Be it SATA or RB they don’t bring chance

  22. RB has two young kids that he needs to financially secure their futures by earning allowances through unnecessary trips.

  23. Sata takatekepo, elyo HH lost it a long time ago when he was ushered in the platform of only a Tonga can be presido of UPND. These are bitter truths and come 2011 RB will win with landslide 50%+++0.000000000000000000000000000000000001

  24. I’m impressed with contribution coming from this article. We have mobile President who is on auto piloting. My worry is the plane is using may have taken more millage which may cause problem in near future if it wont be replaced.

  25. I have reduced the stake RB will get 49.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% , Sata always second best at 31.99% then perenial third finishers HH 17.2333% UTWASHALA peniko ba nawakwi nabamilupi at 2.00001% napwa epompelele

  26. # 29 that plane is tiptop. it also threw Levy and baby Chipo to watch Sumo Wrestlers in Japan. So wishing RB to crash land mukafwa na BP Panthu come 2011 we shall buy two more challengers to accommodate the perenial poll losers. We shall factor that in the budget

  27. There is nothing under the sun that one can hide forever, i thot sata knew very well wen he served under chilube govt the contents of the BRA, he never championed it the, then why is he doing that now, this is bullshit. No one should be fooled here, all we have in zed now is a bunch of thieves. MUKAISE…

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