Thursday, March 13, 2025

Circumcision: A unifying factor


Boys waiting to be circumcised

By Gerald Nkisu Katayi

Jews regarded as a peculiar people by other nations for they circumcised their male children. But for an Israeli, it was the command of God. It was a sign of a covenant relationship with YAHWEH. Israelites took pride in circumcision and to be regarded as the uncircumcised was degrading.

Some tribes in Zambia observed this ordinance, may be not from a religious point of view, but out of tradition. The Lundas and the Luvales of the North Western province stands out. They were teased every cold season by their traditional cousins. It was believed the circumcised are prone to cold and can succumb to death easily. Circumcision carried stigma, but these humble people carried on their tradition. Their women were not allowed to marry uncircumcised men. The theory was the uncircumcised men were unclean. To the rest of Zambians circumcision was a nightmare, painful, a dream and not a reality[pullquote].Circumcision is not in itself 100 percent safe, the best way to stay safe is to abstain or remain faithful to one sexual partner. One poster reads, “Sex thrills, but Aids kills[/pullquote]

But that is in the past, circumcision is no longer a tribal matter. All roads lead to Mwinilunga. This is not to say a candidate have to travel to Mwinilunga or Kabompo to visit with the elders for a “jump start”. Many hospitals across the country are able to carry out this simple surgery. UTH is always fully booked when it comes to circumcision cases. An appointment is only available after a year. In some cases to a get quick admittance “Secret cuts are observed”.

Recently 150 boys were circumcised in Eastern province, several in Itezhi-tenzhi, Kafue and all over the country; Zambians are turning in large numbers to be circumcised. 2.5 million Males are targeted by the National male circumcision strategy and implementation by 2020. What is causing the excitement? What happened to the stigma? Are Zambians going back to the Lunda-Luba Empire, back to the roots and becoming Lundas?

This “new culture” however has become “good business” for those in the medical world. Some clinical officers make a “good kill” as they offer their services after work hours, while some seekers are left damaged; they were duped by con-men to part away with huge sums of money just to be left in pain and undone.

Despite the influx of many seeking to be circumcised, debates are going on; some critics think circumcision is brutal and some how it robs males sexual pleasure. To the careless circumcision is a gate-way to have unprotected sex, could this be a misconception to both sides? The circumcision boom is sparked by medical researchers that suggest that it reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS/HIV.

With AIDS/HIV claiming many lives in Zambia; the male majority have decided to save their lives by crossing cultural boundaries at any price. Even when it means losing tribal identity, these male fingers being “Sexual predictor” are willing to lose everything for sexual fulfillment. By 2020 all of us will be Lundas by circumcision. And the Lundas should be proud and smiling as they welcome their long lost sons from the Lunda Empire days. Through circumcision men from every tribe are standing united shoulder to shoulder, this is the first step in unifying our country, and the second step will be learning how to speak Lunda. This will realize the “One Zambia One Nation” motto. When the men of the society are persuaded the whole land is won.

Circumcision is not in itself 100 percent safe, the best way to stay safe is to abstain or remain faithful to one sexual partner. One poster reads, “Sex thrills, but Aids kills”.


  1. Awe bakamba why cutting off some items futi ? After all the highsensation is the most interesting part,i bet cutting off the top man reduces all that.Nizee as it is in the natural setting.

  2. GNK (author of the story), you would do well quote from the Bible where this circumcizion waz, “… for an Israeli, it waz a command of God”. And now you are calling it a “unifying factor”: in what sense?

  3. Its now clear to all that circumcision is not hygenic but good for the woman imagine the smell that those who uncircumcised imit if one does not bath for a couple of days. Lets us accept that this tradition from NorthWestern is better for males. Despite prositution being legal in Congo DR the rate of HIV/AIDS is not as high as in Zambia coz that side boys are done a few days after birth and by the time they get discharged all is done. I get impressed every other Saturday finding a que of guys waiting to be done at PPAZ oppoiste Fairview Hotel. Its done free of charge. Lets get the male weapons for our boys done. Its the inn thing for boys and for those who need extra leasons just drop your email on this blog and will help you with some skills.

  4. Well written. The message will go a long way in unifying our country. Imagine in the past Luvale’s and Lunda’s due to their practice of circumscision were maginalised leading them to settle for unfashionable jobs like Sanitary Officers (na masais). Now they can hold their heads high and unify with fellow nationals. Can we say in this regard that HIV/AIDS has played a part in the unification of the Zambian people!?

  5. A woman who has had s.e.x with a circumcised man, would never again want to have s.e.x with an uncircumcised chap.Ask the ladies guys…..

  6. I stronghly agree with No.4 .This circuscision is just a scape goat for prostituion. The prime factor for this campaign is to reduce HIV/AIDS pandemic and Cervical cancer of which the causes are prostituion and lack of hygien respectively.Its like having a prison for criminals since they cannot refrain from committing a crime. Therefore, those who cannot abstain/be faithful-cut their things…! SHAME..!

  7. No. 8 well said. Tribes against the practice are the so called Ngoni and Tonga bulls that need to be cut to reduce HIV infections and growing population.

  8. God must be crazy” to put extra skin on the penis, just to be removed by Aids infested societies! In western europe men are not circumcised, how come there is very few cases of HIV? I blame it on the women who insert stuff to dry out all the natural lubricants needed to have safe sex, when all the juices are drained out by herbal medicines, friction during intercourse will cause bruises, cuts and sores which makes HIV infection very easy for both male and female!!

  9. Imagine a doctor comes up to you and say “the best way to protect you from gingivitis is by cutting out your lips, expose your gumz. That way bacteria will not have a home to grow. Troops of excited uninformed philistines match to the operation room and get maimed for life. First class rubbish!

    Most of our kidz are not fully informed. They think it the cure all,

    Interestingly, Americanz are trying to find wayz of growing back the skin.

    Solution: Clean yourself up good on a daily basis and if you are going to engage in sex, always use protection.

  10. This is Cheap thinking how can a mare cutting of the foreskin unite people? This is a waste of time if you think in those lines.Yes it may be good for hygine and disease prevention but not a unifying factor let’s not be dreamers!

  11. Hey I love my circumcised man.I think an uncircumcised man would gross me out.You men dissing circumsized men are just chicken-admit it.What do other ladies say?

  12. The article is very well written. The author is neither imposing circumcision on anyone nor is he saying that it is the best alternative. He is simply analysing the matter from a Zambian’s perspective and presenting the facts for the reader to draw his own conclusion.

  13. No. 16 spot on. will you please elaborate more on how enjoyable your man is so that the anti circumcision cowards feel like crap.

  14. #18 whats up with you? anyway won’t waste my time talking to the likes of you.#19 lets just say the trip to the mountain is a slow pleasurable journey.its a marathon race as opposed to a 100metre dash.

  15. @# 16 viva circumsion
    Lovemaking has never been the same since my husband went under the chop.He now lasts upto 30 minutes and beyond, making me come in multiplicity.Ala try it ladies tell your men to get the chop.I cant wait to have him in me tonight.It is the best gift he has given me.

  16. @# 16 viva circumsion
    Sorry Bloggers I used my husbands blog name above.I was saying ati…………
    Lovemaking has never been the same since my husband went under the chop.He now lasts upto 30 minutes and beyond, making me come in multiplicity.Ala try it ladies tell your men to get the chop.I cant wait to have him in me tonight.It is the best gift he has given me.

  17. Viva #16 tell the Boys, On a serious note BROTHERS, consider getting circumcised. It is for your own good Health wise. Nothing to do with AIDS but Hygiene. Some of you brothers write in fear of the pain but Trust me you will really appreciate being circumcised. Don’t get cheated that the sense of feeling goes, not true, more over you perform better and have longer sessions as a man? Mmmm ok enough information youngmen.

  18. With us there are no rounds.Ati round 3 same night? fyakale, we just have one long, pleasurable journey like my sister above has put it.And we never go wrong.Not utuma 3 minutes atase.

  19. Good writing. Those who are still watching from a distance will be late. Time is now to jump on the band wangon. Men out there, like many in Zambia, try it for yourselves and then talk about it with your spouses. You will never go wrong. Best way to go…All those who have gone this way have no regrates, check them out.

  20. Tiyeni uko bamukukulu.Circumcision can`t change anything se.x is but all psychological.If you train your mind to last long, it will definately follow the master and so is the big guy down stairs.It is an art bane the secret is knowing when not to burst.Ala ifi fintu ni control mwikabepwa mwebepwa.The psychological boast circumcision gives to the guy is what keeps him running that extra split second(If at all it is there).

  21. ifi ma men fi le post as women nokwi lumbanya ati he lasts longer. Have you ever heard of foreplay? For me it works all the time. Ask around and you shall be told. Recommended by former users. Come and try me, you will think of that circumcised half of a man that you are calling your husband “an imitation of a man” especially iwe wine Bridget. Ala kwangasha uyo kalubale wateka mun’ganda. Ati I can’t wait. You have no clue, mwaice wandi.

  22. Circumcision is just the latest AID$ industry scam. *There is no sound scientific evidence* that circumcision prevents HIV infection. First they came with their $10 a piece ARV pills.Then, they spent hundreds of millions on condoms. Now, they are being paid $275 million to circumcise 1/3 of Zambian men.

    It is a scam, and they must be called out for it. There are 3 trials looking at circumcision and HIV infection in Africa (go to nih /gov). None of them have a large enough number of conversions to be statistically significant – there is no solid scientific evidence.

  23. Bring the pop-corns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Chaps are being chopped. Me!!! Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been trained to satisfy a woman.

  24. Just a thought, how’s the h.i.v. rate on tribes who circumcise in r.s.a? and is it just me or do regions with high circumcision rates have high violence problems e.g middle east?

  25. So is female circumcision, or “Sunat” a “unifying factor” too? We should not protest against female circumcision! It is what unifies a people. Clearly you cannot unify a people unless you cut off part of their genitals!

    Condoms and education help prevent AIDS. Circumcision cannot, does not prevent ANYTHING, and there is not a single doctor, researcher or “study” that can refute this fact.

    Demographic health surveys show that in at least six African countries, HIV transmission was more prevalent among the CIRCUMCISED. (Cameroon (4.1% v 1.1%), Ghana (1.6% v 1.4%), Lesotho (22.8% v 15.2%), Malawi (13.2% v 9.5%), Rwanda (3.5% v 2.1%), Swaziland (21.8% v 19.5%), Source: measuredhs dot com

    My dearest Africans, you are being raped.

  26. According to Malaysian AIDS Council vice-president Datuk Zaman Khan, more than 70% of the 87,710 HIV/AIDS sufferers in the country are Muslims (where all men are circumcised). In Malaysia, most, if not all Muslim men are circumcised, whereas circumcision is uncommon in the non-Muslim community. This means that HIV is spreading in the community where most men are circumcised at an even faster rate, than in the community where most men are intact.

    Hey Africans, did you know that Malaysia is where the TaraKlamp is from? That horribly faulted device that is leaving men with damaged penises in KwaZulu Natal? Not even the WHO approves of TaraKlamp, but they don’t want to own the fact that their “recommendation” is costing men their organs. Sick and disgusting.

  27. @#34 You left out that only 60% of Malaysians are Muslims, so why isn’t circumcision protecting them from HIV/AIDS?
    @#27 Not so. Many men who have been circumcised have regrets. Many are going to a lot of trouble to grow back something like their original foreskin.
    @#23 That’s all very well tonight, Bridget, but as he grows older he will take longer and longer till you get tired of it.
    @#22 Circumcision cuts off ~10,000 nerves, which reduces off his feedback, and hence his control.
    @#8: An old Jewish sage called Isaac ben Yediah said exactly the reverse: that a woman prefers a non-circumcised man. (He thought this meant circumcision was good because it freed men from “lascivious desires”)

  28. #35. I might not have room to go into details and challenge your writing. No one circumcised would wish otherwise, that my friend is the bottom line. Those going thru it in Zambia could have come out against it, but their children are following too. Circumcision in the past was a traditional thing, many people stayed a way, not now. Grown up men are lining up to go under the knife. They know it is better than to remain with a foreskin, and moreover it is unclean to remain uncircumcised. If you stayed away from water for a while, your body will begin to “protest.” But the circumcised are always dry and clean.

  29. The people commenting on Circumcision in relation sex are missing the point,sex is in the mind of people not because of being Circumcision.They have to learn about sex and sexulity.
    Research has tolds us that most lundas and Luvales do not even have an election

  30. My advice is to avoid circumcision if at all possible, it is rarely necessary. If you want to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, be faithful to your woman first and foremost, and definitely avoid prostitutes! If you must be promiscuous (and it is much better if you aren’t), then at the very least wear a condom (there is no shame in this; many in the west do and avoid infection this way.)

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