In a bid to deliver a contender for knockout of the decade, embattled Faz president Kalusha Bwalya on Sunday daring into the ring his former boss at Football House and now sports permanent secretary Teddy Mulonga.
Kalusha has alleged that Mulonga is backing the opposition being having a part in the current impasse.
Kalusha said on ZNBC Radio Talking Football program on Sunday that Mulonga was using the National Sports Council of Zambia through its spokesman Smart Mwitwa to destroy Faz.
“..Mulonga because he has been able to call and instruct (NSCZ spokesman) Smart Mwitwa and people to misled the people,” Kalusha told the weekly Sunday football show.
“And that for me is.. he himself know there shouldn’t be government interference. So they should not use the word in vain of the President, of State House, of Government and of the ministry of Sport.”
However, despite his attack on Mulonga and Fifa’s earlier warning over the weekend that only the November 27 emergency council meeting is the one they recognize while the November 26 ECM is illegal, the petitioners have also delivered a counter punch.
They have vowed they will ignore the prospect of a Fifa ban and go ahead with their congress at Intercontinental hotel in Lusaka on the eve of the parallel ECM to be held in Kabwe on November 27.
And should a Fifa ban take effect when the petitioners congregate at Intercontinental on Friday, Zambia’s participation in this year’s Cecafa Senior Challenge Cup that kicks off on Saturday in Tanzania will be in doubt with sanctions fom Zurich looming over the horizon.
FiFa is also not clean in such matters. The whole mess at Football house will only end when the RB government pulls the plug on funding FAZ. We all know that RB is a former manager of Kalu. RB was part of ISP, an organization that sold Galu to Europe in the 1980s. Why is RB silent in the Galu mess?
#1 But zowona ukukulila ku mushi leaves a scar. Why do you also expect RB to get involved in your uncle’s accusation of witchcraft? Great Kalu is professional enough to gather his own defense, let him take the fight, he played soccer enough to be honored for.
What goes around comes around Galu.
Great Galu knows nothing about management. He is too arrogant to admit it. He must know that chasing the skin of an animal you never ate and managing people are different games altogether. He was good at chasing the skin of an animal he never ate but management should be left to people managers and not animal skin chasers like great Galu.
Kalu is man of strong principles.I admire him.There is too much politicking and Pul him down (Phd) sydrome in zambia.sorting out personal grauge using nistitution machinery won’t make any improvement at FAZ.Wat is it tat Kalusha has errored which cannot be discussed in house through normal channels.
No human being is perfect.Even those whose who ar pushing FAZ could be worse off than Kalu.
Zambia needs a FAZ leader to be based in Zambia and have a grip on Zambian football grassroots and all.
The bunch of people against Great Kalu are the worst failures football administration has ever seen.They have no record to talk about.Just the usual PHD.Zambian mentality sucks!!!
kalu should not give in to these fools . . .prepare for a FIFA two years ban until you come to your senses.
PHD syndrome will never end in Zambia wrong characters sorrounding FAZ and football house are the one’s destroying Great Kalu’s name, why is it that they cant sitdown and talk over issues, rather then running to government machinary so that they can threaten Kalu’s character. Give respect the guy did alot to bring Zambian name on football scene and we are all happy about that.
Kalu can not speak correct english
Are there no other people with brains in Zambia to sort out this football mess. Just because of a couple of individuals the whole country is on the verge of being banned & embarrassed the world over. Is it because everything in Zambia can only be resolved by the President? We need solid institutions to ensure we’re not held at ransom by a handfull of chaps while our President is enjoying his travelling.
mulonga shud just take his pink pills
Now Kalu is just shooting in the air. He is just attacking anyone and everyone
He should ask himself just one question: Why is everyone against me?
If I had to make a choice between Kalusha and Pivoty Simwanza, I would certainly go for Kalu. Bena Pivoty ma crooks, for them Faz kalilo and am sure Kalu has sealed all the holes they would have used to make money out of Faz and now they are bitter. Twalisbeshiba ba grade 2. why is it that he is in every adminstration that comes into office at Football House
Ted Mulonga is not the one flouting the FAZ constitution but you and your arrogance. For once accept responsibility and do the right thing.You have lost all the respect and adoration that we have for you for your accomplishments on the pitch.
You failed as a national team coach and you have also appallingly failed as FAZ president.
You have declared yourself as an impediment and irrelevant to Zambian football. FAZ is not your personal property please
Please, save face by stepping aside and concentrate on your new marriage before it breaks down as well
A FIFA ban is much better than having a greedy, self centerd FAZ president, after all the perfomance of the so called chipolopolo boys is rather pathetic. Why is Kalu forcing himself to preside over the people that have outrightly rejected him? Shame indeed pa Zambia yalikosa.
Why is there so much controversy, all we read about and hear are quarrels, disputes, name-calling, betrayals and hostilities. At this rate our country will forever lag behind other nations. Do we really expect the president to intervene and mediate in every issue? I don’t think so. What we need is level headedness and embrace each other as Zambians.
RB # 9 let’s get serious, why should we limit FAZ to Kalusha? Leadership is not about Football. Kalusha has always failed short of leadership, his management style lacks maturity. He should get serious and resolve these issues as a leader not Footballer. We would rather have a FAZ president with no Football back ground than KALU who thinks he has a PHD in Sports management. The dude is just so arrogant and takes no responsibility. His claims are Kicks of a dying Horse.
KALU’s days are over let him go.
Kalu, pls leave uncle Teddy out of this nonsense. Surely, why would the whole Zambian football fraternity hate you? Pls take a deep honest look at yourself and get your head out of your a$$! Foolish pride will not help.
FAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 Year Ban? Who Cares. Government wastes too much money on these unproductive people. what has FAZ achieved in Zambian Fools ball? Football house is a donation….
Two years ban to me is welcome. need to clean our house first then we contribute positively to the worlds number 1 game.
Can someone please enlight me what Kalusha has done to provoke such hostility amongst his piers please? What is the connection with Kalu and Supersport?
FIFA cannot ban FAZ just because it doesn’t like the leadership FAZ has put in place. FIFA cannot ban FAZ just because a corrupt FAZ president is being kicked out. Kalusha’s days are over. To me he has never been Great Kalu – we have never won anything as a country. SO he is great kalu for what? Kalusha’s name only became more prominent after the death of the national team in 1993. There were a lot of guys who were more talented than Kalusha in that tragic team. So to me he is miserable failure: he failed to manage the national team and missed a costly penalty, and now he has failed to manage FAZ. He knows now that the source of his livelihood to support his family is about to go, that is why he is panicking – his white wife will leave him now. I hear that Bonetti is infact his mulamu.
##21………………How many times is Zambia going to clean the mess at FAZ?? Just to remind you, only less than 5 executives have manageged to finish their terms successfully at FAZ, becoz they are found with faults,eg
Evaristo Kasunga, Teddy Mulonga’s first term, etc.
As for Simataa Simataa, we can not afford to have such at football house with a ladies heart who resigned when Zambia needed him most. Pls dont give him another chance.
Zambian are a bunch of ifitutu, a civilised person like Kalusha cant fit in. Filandalandafye anyhow. The re used nefitutu finabo fibena Teddy Mulonga. Mwandi Kalusha just fileke, get urself a south african passport. This country is way tooooooo low for you. U have humbled urself enough pafula for the sake of people who dont even appreciate.
I think it is very wrong for Kalusha to bring in the name of Teddy Mulonga in this mess the best he could do is to just step down in an hourable manner like what his former vice president did very quiet, this talking will not take any were!
Kalu should quit out of integrity. I think he may not lose anything.on the other side its because of illegality that people are calling for the head of Kalu. remember when the boy coached zambia – sturbon and too proud like anything. we dont deny he is still great in the history of our bealtiful game.
I think its not really the pull him down syndrome at play- though its possible some people have it.
Bloggers, some are talking about Kalu being principled, what do you use to measure principles? knowing someone from a distance is sometimes deceiving. I guess a leader must be honoured and liked by those around him if he is a truly good leader. Its just like in a home, neighbours can know you as a good man while your wife may know you as a devil… so its the wife’s testimony that is likely to say multitudes. Kalu needs leadership skills. EVERYTHING RISES AND FALLS ON A LEADER. There has been quiet a lot of wrongs things at FAZ during Kalu’s term, e.g. Mbola, Singuluma saga. A leader must influence those around him and drive them with patience to the goals.Kalu has failed to influence…
Great Kalu stay put. These fools think we must listern to them no ways. Mulonga We shall soon deal with you
Bushe kasnhi what has Kalusha done which cannot be resolved by the whole nation imwe bantu? I need to hear the full content of the petition please.
Lwisha, I suspect in your glorious days as a great soccer star, you must have created enemies, filya wale nyunya ama olilo, no ku filonga sana and made a sweet name (and money) for yourself, these should be the ones hitting back.
Kalu, you once told me that football is your life, but at this point, just resign you post like you resigned as a coach. Zambians talk too much and don’t even appreciate. Just go and settle in RSA, Belgium, Netherlands, Mexico where they will value you more. A prophet is never honoured in his own country…
Kalu, you have failed and please do the honourable thing, step aside and let someone with the skill and experience of leading at a higher level. Running a football association is no joking matter, and we as Zambans should be very careful, with who we decide to elect. Kalu has been running the fooball house, as a personal business.
Apart from the Nike kit deal, which by the way was already in the pipeline when Kalu took up the presidency and the Supersport deal, which has not been done openly, Kalu has not done much to called a great. Compared to Mr Mulonga, who was more concerned about grassroots football, and discipline at Faz and was by far more experienced of running affairs at a higher level.
Kalu stop pointing fingers and sort out your house.
Zedians, everything ends up in a crisis, there is no conflict mgmt whatsoever, pulling each other’s names into disrepute. eventually it is difficult to distinguish between a noble person and an imposter. Lwenu, with this kind of outlook on issues we are headed for doom. I think democracy came too soon to you, what you need is an amini dada who would put you in a room and tell you if you dont resolve your issues by midnight and make peace i will cut off your genitals then i am sure something sensible will come out.
Regardless of the veracity of the contents of this report, my GOD who in hell wrote this report??? I know Kalusha Bwalya, and he speaks the English language better than what the author of this report is trying to tell us!! LT, why do you even publish this type of stuff? Don’t you ever check the stuff you publish? For goodness sake it lowers your standards!! I can’t seem to make any sense of what the writer is trying to say at all.
This form five boy Kalu, he can’t even speak English properly.
This is the life of a footballer, once off the pitch, totally hopeless. Look at Wawa Chongo. Mulimbwa ba kaponya!!
Kalu for life!!. I have one question? What did Mulonga do for Zambian football? Tell me his achivements?
No 35 u r a fool
Simataa knows he cant win a Faz election for having resigned when things were tough so he has to come through the back door. Kalu if you resign you will carry the tag of this guy. You were voted for a period of 4 years until 2012. If you dont perfom you will be removed in 2012.
Simataa knows he cant win a Faz election for having resigned when things were tough so he has to come through the back door. Kalu if you resign you will carry the tag of this guy. You were voted for a period of 4 years until 2012. If you dont perfom you will be removed in 2012. I woud rther have a FIFA ban that allows Jackals remove a democratically elected executive.
Tiyeni nayo nkani,, the heat is on . Zambia belongs to all of us.
Simataa knows he cant win a Faz election for having resigned when things were tough so he has to come through the back door. Kalu if you resign you will carry the tag of this guy. You were voted for a period of 4 years until 2012. If you dont perfom you will be removed in 2012. I woud rther have a FIFA ban than allows Jackals remove a democratically elected executive.
Tiyeni nayo nkhani,, the heat is on . Zambia belongs to all of us.
No matter how hard you wash your dirty linen in public it will never be clean.
Let him finish his term.Ca shupa shani pa zed.Kamo nga ebo