Thursday, March 13, 2025

Fifa Officials For Nov 27 ECM-Kalusha


Faz president Kalusha Bwalya has said two Fifa observers will grace Saturdays emergency council meeting in Kabwe.

Kalusha revealed today at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka where he had paid a courtesy call on the Zambia national team in training that Fifa regional development Officer Ashford Mamelodi from Botswana will be one of the official from the games mother body in attendance.

The 1988 Africa footballer of the year also repeated that there will be one ECM this weekend.

“There is only going to be one meeting, one official meeting on the 27th of November and we have FIFA representative coming,” Kalusha said.

“We have two people coming (Ashford) Mamelodi and another person coming from Zurich to this meeting on the 27th and there have given guidance.”

Kalusha also took a swipe at the media for allegedly championing the parallel ECM on November 26 that will be held in Lusaka.

“I think that we should also be correct when we report on these things because the procedure that has to be taken has to be correct that is the procedure that has been taken on the 27th meeting,” Kalusha said.


  1. Um…Kalu still trying to hold on to the reigns ? High time you came to your senses ,the clock is clicking.Theoretically you can continue wielding and holding on to ,that power but practically your house is in a disarray my friend.

  2. The Friday Meeting will be used to sharpen the weapons to be used on the Saturday Slaughtering of his handpicked Exe.
    I’m just hoping there are no political backers in all this..
    Keep on training boys,these are Boardroom matters.

  3. Kalu should just come to the party on 26th and smell the coffee! The fifa bla bla bla bla is becoming monotonous and annoying to some extent!

  4. Whether one agrees with Kalusha or not, only the Kabwe meeting should be used to sort out this matter. Anyone in power can become unpopular during the tenure of their office. The democratic way is to hold elections using recognised institutions.
    Simataa is setting a very unhelpful precedence: Next people will be calling for PF to organise its own presidential elections because the MMD is ‘very unpopular.’

  5. Great kalu is fighting the chaos that Shimata Shimata wants to prevail. FIFA will certainly see who has got the interests of Zambian football at heart at this 27th November meeting. Ifyakufwayo kwingisha nelyo nawibila is cheating. Shimata Shimata the publicly noted failure should fail alone. He must not pull any others down with him. Viva Great Kalu!

  6. While Kalu may have a lot of deficiencies in administration, let us not allow Simataa Simataa’s failures destroy Zambian soccer, by urging affiliates to attend Kabwe meeting. If i may ask! what is Simataa’s achievements at Finance Bank, Faz president (resigned on his own), Amakumbi stars, under 17 coach?????

  7. This Shimataa Shimataa, isn’t he the chap who instigated an insurection among the national team by claiming that kalu took the best room for himself in a hotel they were staying at while on camp while the rest of the players had to share, then he went on to have a fist cuff with Poulsen? could be wrong, but if so this shows a pattern of behaviors consistent with at best a borderline personality disorder and at worst a narcissitic personality disorder

  8. FIFA is truly MAFIA. It is the most corrupt institution. FIFA is backing Kalu because he is one of the chola boys for Blatter in Africa.

    It is shameful that instead of condeming Kalu for his many failures, some of which border on crime, he is being supportedn and perceived to be Mr Clean.

    Simata Simata has done nothing wrong – other than pointing out serious errors committed by Kalu.

    The problem is that we have set ourselves very low standards such that what is wrong is put under the carpet.

    In civilised worlds, Kalu would have resigned A LONGTIME AGO.

    Why is clinging to that post? What is he hiding?

  9. #10 True dat. This Simataa lumpen is trouble all right and he has it in his twisted thick mind that he is a pillar of soccer Zambia. Go back in time and you will discover that he’s been in the thick of all squabbles in FAZ.

  10. CV- amakumbi stars boss , 4 months FAZ President, Resigned on his own, opposes whoever comes to Faz, Joined National Citizens coalition (NCC) under Nevers Mumba and resigned after 3 months, Chased from UNZA stars for causing continous team squables. Aspiring FAZ Secretary General because he cannot win a properly organised election. Leader in PHD.

  11. he he he he he,…. Someone needs to be reminded that a FAZ term of office is 4 years before he continues to misguide himself that KALU is clinging to power. He got a 4 year mandate by polling 166 votes followed by someone i know who got 60. You like it or not, the guy won and that hatred in your hearts is roasting you alive all the way to 2012. He wont resign like what your coward did. Dont force your opinion on everyone as each of us is entitled to his own. If you hate the guy, some like him and his works,,,,,…
    ha ha ha ha ha ha the beaty of life and democracy,,,,no monopoly of thought.

  12. why are u holding on to the power when the people u claim to represent don’t need you..?kalu..go and live in SA with ur muzungu wife..

  13. I do not understand the logic of kalu to this point. it appears his personal integrity is now top priority thatn the integrity of the zed football. Even more this FIFA seems not to be of this earth.

  14. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha someone needs to be reminded before he misguides others that Kalu was elected for 4 years until 2012, does clinging to power arise here?. He got 166 votes followed by someone with 60 votes. He wont resign until he completes his tenure of office, umh um um how does that feel haters. your hatred for the guy is roasting you alive,,,
    To be happy in life, Dont force your opinions on others. if you hate him, some like him thats how life goes, No monopoly of thought.. so who suffers,, the heat is on,, nayo nkhani

  15. Mawe mawe mawe mawe,,,Zambia belongs to all of us,, you cant ask him where to live and with who. He doesnt claim to lead people, he leads them, we need him, again if you dont speak for yourself,,, and iam enjoying some reasoning that someone can be deciding for others where on earth. 4 RESIGNED 5 REMAIN It ends there, the majority rule,,, each one decided to go in FAZ on their own. If you claim to have a well paying job why try to come into faz thru the backdoor. Kalu teach them that Faz presido is not a full time job, come for meetings only, live where you want to, enjoy yourself while they burn with hatred.

  16. I don’t care what you all Kalusha-philes say. Kalusha is now a flat battery on the way to the scrapyard. All you supporting him cannot even tell an off-side from an own-goal – you think they are the same. We don’t care what FIFA says. FIFA is embroiled in a serious corruption scandal in recent history and has no moral right to tell Zambia what to do. Mamelodi is Kalusha’s friend. Bonetti is Kalusha’s brother-in-law. What more do you guys need to smell the coffee. STOP bashing Simataa. You are making Simataa into somebody big and powerful. SIMATAA IS NOT BIG AND POWERFUL. It is all the 2/3 teams that collectively together are big and powerful, because the FAZ constitution is on their side. If you are still in denial, just wait: that is how you will keep denying when God comes to judge…

  17. phd, that’s what the so-called faz affiliates r busy doing 2 kalu. When u ask them what wrong has Kalu done they tell u he’s stubborn, he’s boastful, he lives in SA, he’s married 2 a muzungu, he missed a penalty… Oh, u can get sick in the stomach! I hv not heard anything of substance. At the centre of this nonsense is the Post, trying 2 tell us and influencing other media houses 2 believe that Kalu has failed. And their jealousy, with simata looking like an angel here. High time we flushed out anti-football chaps like simataa and katongo.

  18. Football adminstrators and FAZ executives ( those who resigned and those still serving ) know Kalu better than ourselves. The way you interact on a personal basis is very important in leadership. This should serve as a lesson to all of us. Its not about our CVs and what we can achieve or have achieved. Lets always remember to have good PR with people. As a leader is possible to say NO in a good way so that there are no grudges. The truth is the our soccer Icon has failed to organise his house and seems to be leaning all the time on FIFA this FIFA that. Yes FIFA is the world body but he seems to be using it as a weep. Its like telling a young boy ‘ batata balaisa kuma, batata balaisa’

  19. We can all fall in the trap that Kalu has found himself. Lets pick and learn from him. remember its important to learn from history. It may not be FAZ for us it may be Your work place, at a college, University, construction firm. What we do to people builds up slowly until they reach the limits. So fellow bloggers lets draw lessons from this and let the adminsttrators decide since its only them who have power to elect. Cheers

  20. Kalusha thinks we fear Fifa so much? this is tax payers money involved i’m surprised that some people are even supporting him on some thing that is very wrong all he wants is to have Zambia suspended i can asure you, this guy seems not to have respect for no one he needs to be reminded that he is just a former football.

  21. Whether its 26th or 12th, Great Galu is going to be booted out, right in front of his FIFA masters. As for those rooting for Kalu and insulting Simata, you have proven yourselves to be the custodians of our darkest ritual as Africans, a tribalistically bigoted mindset wedded to underdevelopment and failure to reason logically.

  22. # 21 EP, You must be the only stranger in Jerusalem who doesn’t know Kalu’s failures. To start with, how can you run FAZ from South Africa? How could four executives resign at the same time citing maladministration and yet Kalu and you still think only him is right? The national team London fiasco was most insulting and with all the secrecy surrounding illegal sale of players and the dubious NIKE deal, the chap is grossly incompetent and he should pack and go. You same Luapulans claimed Chiluba needed a third term even when he was completely useless. And when others want to secede from this masalamusi of yours, you claim its treason, bakaboke imwe!

  23. @ Kulekwamyo 26
    Where is the Luapula thing coming from? Sort out tribalism in your persuations. Its not health and retrogrssive. People need deliverance! Any brother apologise because its not every person from Luapula who is supporting Kalu

  24. To you all Kalu haters just know that FAZ presidency is not a full time job and by signing a Nike deal FAZ did not pay nothing but gained in a way of sponsorship.And thank you # 6 you said it loud to these so called ECM members from Kachasu united.

  25. Tubulus we are tired of you. Whenever you touch goes wrong & you know it reason been that you first want to fill your pockets & lie the pipo

  26. Ba # 28, how does signing a Nike deal come into the illegality of the FAZ executive? We all know how FAZ will benefit from the deal, but that doesn’t mean people should just fold their hand arms when a lot of bad things are going on.

  27. No sane football official will GO to Kabwe. All the premier teams officials will be at Intercontinental Hotel on Friday 26th. The Kalu meeting will flop. They have managed to entice a few amature teams to attend. WEll it wont work. Kalu has been protraying an accomodating stance because he is in trouble. Visiting as far as Solwezi for the 1st time. Lelo Great Galu must be booted out. Even if FIFA intervens. WE shall invert our own soccer away from FIFA. moreover Zambia has achieved very little from the FIFA organised Type of Soccer. The 2/3 majority convernor kindly GO on with your 26th Nov. meeting and boot out Kalu. You have rejected him, why is he still clinging ON!!! Galu find other things to DO. We all know u want to rise to CAF using FAZ. Dont blame Mulonga, it’s who is a…

  28. The FIFA officialz should also attend the 26th meeting and then draw their own balanced and informed concluzionz after the 27th gathering. Else they won’t help matterz by just going to one indaba.

  29. Ba # 31 continue dreaming ,,,,you forged signatures, clubs realise , you are calling them amatures, Invert your your own football away from the FIFA supported Football house after all you will have your own executive born on 26 nov which you will be removing whenever you want. Who told you that rising to CAF using Faz is wrong,,, tell us which other way apart from through a member association,,, your jealous and hatred is scorching your heart. Amakumbi (clouds) can be a good secretariate for FAZ rebels ,,,, what about that hehehe

  30. Interesting!
    It appears like the game is over for Kalu.
    Simataa is certainly not a factor here. We should salute people like him who can not be cowed by things like FIFA.

  31. Helo zambia. fifa is for nov 27 mtng. nov 26 mtng shd be uzd to prepare for nov 27 mtng so simataa & team can present their case to fifa. Yes, kalu & team were too slow to resolve this issue and petitioners are also too fast with their intentions to kill off faz. faz has suport of fifa while petitoners have nscz, past faz presidents and some lawyers. who wins at the wkend? faz of course. Going to arbitration court for sport could neither be here nor there. Fifa will see that member assciations didnt use headed leters to request for ECM…if true, sad indeed. seems every1 is abrogating the constitution. kalu messed up, we have oso messed up. fifa my neva bring correspondence btwn them & faz to prove their current stand. bwana simataa, pse slow down. the grass will surely suffer.

  32. May in some way consider #36’z logic. But then would wonder why FAZ were just too quick to “check” the petitionerz list and off course “find forged signaturez”. If indeed each affiliate should use individual headed paper to petition FAZ and amount to 2/3 majority, then am afraid that can never be a happen, and it meanz the FAZ constitution iz very pot-holed.

  33. I would like someone to tell me why FAZ has failed to show us there correspondence with FIFA other than what has come back from FIFA! You pipo are busy attacking each other and insulting others when the we all know that the FAZ constitution is clear on this matter. What did FIFA say on the 2/3 majority? Who has got the right to call for the meeting? Please lets not forget and just say things for the sake of it. What has the big man, ba Teddy Mulonga got to do with this mess? Tell your Kalusha to respect elders.

  34. Ba simata simata you are useless.Your thinking capability if low.bushe bwalilwalapo ichipumputu?You failed on your own to run football in zambia.What else do you need?you are stupid mwana stop bothering kalusha.

  35. Kalu invites his friends masquerading as official reps of FIFA for the meeting, for all we know, FIFA may not have sanctioned their visit in that capacity. Why doesn’t he name the person from Zurich?? Mostly likely last minute apology on the day, “missed flight!”

    Football fraternity, attend Friday’s meeting & resurrect Zambian Football administration, “too much water has passed under the bridge!” Once the four exec members had resigned, the process became irrevocable; can’t be reversed, can only proceed direction of ECM called by the members, coz FAZ self dissolved, Kalu & friends are now just caretakers till ECM is held, they can’t dictate, they can only acquiesce!!

  36. #10 u got it right.I’ve been saying it again and again please check the history life of Simaata .He is ever fighting
    Thanks a million #10 for reminding us of Simaata

  37. Call it anything you want, arrogance, half hearted or your mother’s foolish name Simaata simaata, he is not gona resign till 2012. And you will not be FAZ President cause you are a non perform going by your CV.

  38. #26 you re out of line, Your need more education in these modern times, i think you re a BLOCKHEAD!!!
    Shut your GOB when you have nothing to write about coz you re an embarassment other bloggers, Shame on you!

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