Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) president Edith Nawakwi has charged that government’s decision not to hold a referendum on the contentious clauses in NCC draft constitution before the 2011 general elections will not prevent Zambians from voting out the MMD.
Ms Nawakwi told QFM in an interview in Lusaka that Zambians are eager for change of government adding that nothing will stop them.
She said even if the forthcoming 2011 tripartite elections are held under the current constitution, the government will not change people’s minds.
The FDD president says it is disappointing that the Rupiah Banda led administration has decided not to heed to people’s wishes for the enactment of the whole new constitution.
Last week Vice President George Kunda announced that government has started the process of enacting the new constitution starting with provisions that do require going to the referendum.
Mr. Kunda who is also Justice Minister however said government may not hold the referendum before the 2011 elections because of financial constraints.
[ QFM ]
What did you do nawakwi when you were in govt?
I tried to listen to Madame Nawakwi talk live on radio earlier today, unfortunately i could not follow the whole show due to interruptions, however, one male caller was quite rude to her, he was so out of it…. saying that women have no place in leadership’ and thats why none of them where calling to support her…. Anso ka gaii kalya, the kind that thinks all women are still sleeping, he better wake up and smell the coffee, even some of us fwebena maliketi natwishiba no kubonfya nakatabo kamalaiti! Nokwenda mufyalo muckuchita amakwebo……. bena baishiba fye ama talk time yaba celtel…. Anso!!
Is kunda not injustice miniter? which school of law did this guy attend?
As opposition you have no choice but to unite and be formidable like you you did in 1990 to get rid of UNIP. It will be extremely difficult to boot out MMD for as long as you remain a fragmented oppostion.
Put your personal interests aside and save the country from these MMD opportunists. 2011 is the only hope for rescue and begining of recovery for our country
is kunda not injustice minister? which school of law did he attend, kunda does not reflect logically.
notwistanding what this nawakwi is saying who put Banda though in the by-elections for Gods sake? Banda could not have won without the support of Nawakwi; sikota; miyanda etc. if she is sincere with her words let her join the pact- full stop. am afraid MMD can still win in 2011 even without rigging if you look at their campaign strategy
Ms Nawakwi is a politician who heads a failed party. What exactly are her party’s policies? She just opens her mouth to criticise. Madam, please give us ideas and alternatives and then we might vote for you. Finding fault is easy but offering solutions is more productive for the country. Tell us your the ideas you have for securing the country’s future – we are ready to listen.
Iwe Edith, should the country spend its meagre resources on a fruitless exercise just to make it possible for failed politicians to get into State House? As you have correctly put it, if you are popular (i.e. you and your fellow noise makers cum opposition leaders) you do not need a referendum to vote the MMD out of office. We true Zambians did not need one to vote out the mighty KK in 1991, fake Zambians do. So don’t give us crap.
Edith Nawakwi has no place in politics and not because she is a woman but because no one knows what she stands for. In my eyes, she lacks credibility because two years ago she was in the forefront of convincing Zambians to vote for Rupiah Banda and now she is back tracking with all this talk against him and his government. Zambians have been eager for change for a long time Ms. Nawakwi but the likes of you put a stop to it when you campaigned heavily for RB in 2008. So please spare us the drama of what you think the Zambian people want because you made it clear two years ago that our wishes as a people don’t really count. Thank you for your service and Good luck with your next job!!!
This confidence symbolic of a functional democracy is not only cheerished but more also a manifest of our dynamic democracy where everyone in the political space sees own realistic opportunity to emerge a winner in competitive elections. Congratulation madam Nawakwi for your confidence. Hope you are doing enough Ground works because elections are due anytime in 2011 at the discretion and stroke of RB’s executive Nkwazi pen.
Good luck!
#9 I agree with you Nawakwi is just lifting her mouth to be noticed that she is still there as a president of a dead party. Let her tell the nation who will be the president or party ruling in 2011. I don’t support MMD but I follow politics so let her stop lying. There is no strong opposition.
Nawakwi should not even complain about president Rupiah because they supported him to win the elections. This surprised me because the opposition should have come together to support fellow opposition parties. Maybe they supported MMD because they thought Rupiah would give them jobs after winning. What a directionless opposition we have!
Namaliketi you have made my day hahahahaha I am still laughing.
Question bloggers, what’s this I hear of UPND trying to form an alliance with MMD. Does HH really wants that plot 1 seat huh? SMH.
Ms Edith, that;s what u thought in 2001 as well. But the MMD rigging capability rose above democracy. Stay tuned`for MMD victory version 3. This time beware of William Banda;s panga boys.
:x Haggard, finished Nawakwi. Saw her in town the other week. I was shocked. Bushe efyo bapwa filya?
Its you who is a fake Zambian.can you compare 1991 KK organised elections and MMD s?
viva PF… come 2011
Every citizen has a right to criticise positively and contibute to the development of Zambia.Some criticism do not warrant any contibutions even a grade 5 pupil can figure that out. We as Zambians should allow all to contribute even flip-flopers. If the flip-flopper vive for the highest office it is within our right to ensure that they do not get there thru the ballot.
My fellow young men and women of the new generation I salute you. Without taking anything from what has been said I want to make a clarion call. Rise up and be heard, not just anonymously on this website but in the streets and in our communities as well. Vie as councilors and MP’s in the coming elections and later ones to come. The old guard needs to start taking advisory roles and we take the hot seats of power and progress, no wonder our country is not going forward. Join me in my quest to have forward thinking and progressive leadership right from our generation and see how Zambia shall prosper. We do not have to form new political parties but change the thinking of existing ones. The choice is yours. I have spoken.
That is the problem of people who thought that when they joined our president on the campaign trail , they they need to be given the post of first Zambian Woman Vice President. Sorry madam, we feel your pain and disappointment
Nawakwi relentlessly campaigned for Rb in 2008, She should follow her insticts and continue supporting RB. Why the change of heart now? If she thought RB was he best guy around, what advice did she give him? She was busy convincing Zambians that RB was the best of the best. If she has nothing to say as she is a finished politiican let her keep Quite.
#2 Chi Namaliketi taumfwa sana ati kapombasaladi lol, fifwaka. any way u my day! a laghter is far much better than listening to a politician, thanks for your funy posting!
deleted after 5 complaints
Just stand for the Munali ward 6 councillor elections under your defunct FDD madam.
FDD is still existing? Just how many members are still in this party bcoz Charles Banda has left for greener pastures (PF) and many others. So when she speaks does she speak as FDD preisdent or in her individual capacity. Just follow where others have gone otherwise you are embarrassing yourself or are you wondering how to approach bashikulu ba MCS? You need a united voice as opposition if you are boot out MMD in 2011.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please welcome,
The next President of the Republic of Zambia,
The patriotic son of the land, King Cobra,
His Excellency, Michael Chilufya Sata!
It appears this Nawakwi was promised something by mmd hence went flat out campaigning for them in 2008,now that the promise is not coming forth shes very bitter,shame on you madam don’t think we are dull.
Edith, we know your skeletons madam. Don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house. You used to open your legs wide for FJT’s big pipe and chewed money together yet you want to start talking cr-ap here? Can you explain how you built that apartment block in Roma and tomato/banana farms from the blues while you were Min of Finance? Problem with some of you clowns is you pretend to be saints once out from Govt, despite having enjoyed and chewed together with FJT! To hell with you; we need new blood and will not consider anymore riff-raff’s who slept in bed with Kafupi. Enjoy your retirement & ill gotten wealth quietly and shut your fckin pie hole!
madam..just concetrate on your farm…this politics thing iz not the way how are pigs and tomatoes at your farm?
nawakwi you need to reorganise your party FDD which is dead. the fact that you allowed HH a novice to represent you as UDA just goes to show your lack of confidence in yourself. we cannot vote for you bcos you will be grabbing our husbands at will. you grabbed hambulo from a roma lady without shame. you break homes how do we allow you to rule
Mulongoti tells Zambians:”You can only remove MMD from Government over my dead body”
Zambians:” Well that can be easily arranged”
Mulongoti: “How?”
Zambians: ” We will simply shoot you dead and walk over your miserable body”
This bitch again….maybe she expected to be rb’s mistress
nawakwi go to hell
Thank you all foe having put trust and voted for Micheal Chilufya Sata, Let us now move this Country to where it ought to be.
Please welcome,
The next President of the Republic of Zambia,
The patriotic son of the land, King Cobra,
His Excellency, Michael Chilufya Sata!
ba no#35 continue dreaming in bemba
#35, ibange yibi bakalamba! patriotic son of the land my a$$
Nawakwi the pro.sti.tute this country has ever produced. How is Mr. Hambulo by the way?
Nawakwi, the biggest prostitute Zambia has ever produced! Proper husband grabber. Shameless woman!. You belong to Addisababa Drive mumy. How is Mr. Hambulo by the way?
Thanks for the insults but they do not hurt I know those of you who spend your time online abusing others are spineless with limited intellectual gifts. Am always delighted to hear
Thanks for the insults but they do not hurt I know those of you who spend your time online abusing others are spineless with limited intellectual gifts. Am always delighted to hear from you