Thursday, March 13, 2025

Post declares Mwamba its enemy


POST Managing Editor Amos Malupenga says his publication has officially declared former President Fredrick Chiluba”s Spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba as its enemy.

Mr. Malupenga said Mr. Mwamba was declared an enemy of the POST Newspapers a few days after its Editor-in-Chief Fred M’membe was released from custody on bail in a contempt case.

Mr. Malupenga told the Lusaka High Court that this is because of Mr. Mwamba’s alleged activities against the newspaper.

He was testifying this during cross examination in a matter where Mr. Mwamba is charged with contempt.

It is alleged that Mr. Mwamba authored two contemptuous and scandalous articles on the Zambian Watchdog website analyzing Mathew Mohan’s evidence in the murder of Lusaka businessman Sajid Itowala.

Mr. Malupenga said the publication regards anyone who plans to cause complete destruction of its establishment as an enemy.

He also told the court that members of staff at the POST who dealt with Mr. Mwamba at a personal level have been told to do so cautiously.

Mr. Malupenga further said the online publication is an alternative source of news.

Another witness Lloyd Musonda testified that the Zambian Watchdog was duly registered with the office of the Registrar of Companies.

Mr. Musonda, an Assistant Inspector of Companies at the Patents and Companies Registrations Agents-PACRA, testified that a Mr. Lloyd Himambo is the sole proprietor of the online publication.
[ ZNBC ]


  1. Malupenga you can’t declare a person as an enermy. We know you are a evil man, and who are you to think The Post is your company? You better start looking for another job my friend, Lesa ni malyotola.

  2. It’s very disappointing for a newspaper of repute (seemingly) to declare an individual as an enemy. What would they do if they received newsworthy items from such an individual, would they publish them? This is how they have ended up as the PF vuvuzela – after declaring ‘peace’ with MCS just before the last presidential election, they have never publish any negative news about him regardless of how newsworthy it’s been. As a newspaper, they need to understand that they need to have permanent interests but no permanent friends (or enemies) in order to be credible.

  3. I used to respect THE POST alas, its so useless. How can 1 man in the name of Mwamba threaten its existence? And how can da source of news to the public have individual enemies (shamelessly declaring so), no doubt they have so many other enermies, no wonder their reporting is so biased and pathetic just like their sister publication (gvt controlled). Bushe mu Zambia ninshi ifintu fyabela so primitive!

  4. Woop! This guys just confirmed my fears that the Post I knew no longer exists. This is the result of letting an organisation that have had so much influence on the opinions of the nation to be run by one person like his kantemba!

  5. Its true HH is never covered postively by this paper.They only cover adulterers like Given Lubinda.No wonder he is now on ARVs, thats what has made him look puffed up.He thougt picking other peoples wives was the smart thing to do.He jumped into a lake of concentrared sulphuric acid and very soon he will start melting. Nurse give him the chamber!

  6. I have always said that Post has no place in our development agenda. The paper is petty, divisive, neptotic, tribal, subjective, power hungry etc. The attributes are supposed to be characteristics of natural person and not an artificial person like post. The paper is supposed to be impartial at all times without exposing their hatred for defenseless individuals, like HH, Mwamba to mention but a few. It is for this reason that some of us have supported wasting our money on doctored and subjective information coming from the swallow minds of some of these individuals who run such institutions. Zambia will surely going to have a good, objective and independent newspaper one day not this Post. There are papers that are moving in this direction

  7. Declaring somebody or individual as an emeny of an organisation is equivalent to blacklist and develop a hostile position towards an individual. This is not right and is wrong. What would happen if these pipo where given power to rule through their party PF. What mess would this beauty country of ours find it self in. Am happy GOD will always have mercy over Zambians and such a thing ( PF Ruling) will never befall the country.

  8. Sata is their best friend and RB+FTJ are their No.1 enemies. We will sort you out now! mwamba is planning to petrol bomb your printing press you fools

  9. i support mr Malupenga n the post’s stance 2 declare mwamba their enemy.i hop the courts find him guilty n lock him up behind concentrated iron bars 4gud! that boy is beta off caged!:d

  10. Blind followers of the post must wake up. The paper is getting on the wrong side of history. I always read the post and analyse.

  11. :d Bama shina, if you have ears, please hear. Dont be like Kaunda who refused to heed advise when the tide had changed under his feet! You can dismiss these coments as coming from your “public enemies” (whatever that means) but lobe. Ba PK balimba ati “umwaume wa kulututu, nebo sha pipe”. Listen Amos!

    The post is no longer a moral barometer anymore for anything!

  12. It is shameful that a paper should declare an individual its enemy. Surely with the power they have, they will destroy this man. I hope for them this will be a great achievement.

    They cry for press freedom, but how could they report Mwamba the way they did?

    Once again, can you imagine Zambia Daily Mail reporting The Post to the Supreme court, the Inspector of police and name it for contempt of court? Can you hear the cry of The Post and insults to the “government controlled newspaper” and the government?

    It is obvious M’membe is CONTROLLING this paper and he has an agenda.

    The Post is also against competition – it sees, The Zambian Watchdog and Lusaka Times as enemies!!! Why, because they think they own knowledge and wisdom of the press.


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