Thursday, March 13, 2025

‘Sata fanning tribalism on Barotse Agreement’


Former Kasenengwa Member of Parliament Timothy Nyirenda has said Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata is allegedly promoting tribalism by raising people’s emotions over the Barotse Agreement.

And former PF secretary general Edward Mumbi has said Mr Sata’s championing of the Barotse Agreement is one of his several methods to seek popularity in the media.

Mr Nyirenda said it was disheartening for the PF president to continue exciting Zambians with his “wild” views on the long-discarded Barotse Agreement.

He said such acts amounted to promoting tribalism and advised Mr Sata to unite the citizens under the popularly agreed motto of ‘One Zambia, One nation’.

In yesterday edition of The Post, Mr Sata was quoted as having said the Barotse agreement was real and nobody could gloss over it.

Mr Sata said the people of Western Province had the right to demand what belonged to them.

But Mr Mumbi said the opposition leader’s populist views were a clear demonstration of his desperation to get to State House at any cost.

He said it was irresponsible for any leader to seek to divide the people of Zambia as a means of achieving his political goals.

Mr Mumbi said it was strange that Mr Sata was raising issues about the Barotseland Agreement, which he did not do when he served under former presidents Kenneth Kaunda and Frederick Chiluba.

“It is irresponsible for Mr Sata to start inciting Zambians to these levels. In the first place, he could not defend the Barotse Agreement when he served under Dr Kaunda.

“In the Chiluba administration, Mr Sata was in the Cabinet but could not defend the agreement. Now that he is in the opposition, he is defending it and making populist statements in the media,” Mr Mumbi said.

And a political activist in Chipata, Gideon Zulu has said it is sad that Mr Sata is working to divide the Zambian people.

Mr Zulu, who is managing director of Sawaza Investments, said in an interview yesterday that Mr Sata should allow the country to enjoy the peace it was known for worldwide.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. MCS knows what is contained in the agreement but surely is not the right person to champion it’s cause. He has been part of successive governments that have suppressed the agreement but now that he’s looking for votes, he changes his tune. MCS is one guy who can cut off his nose to spite his face.

  2. The Barotse Agreement (BA) in the form it was signed has no relevance in the modern day Zambia and our brothers and sisters in Western province have no choice but to forget about it.
    Implementing the BA will no doubt be a source of comflict in the country. No Zambian govt, past, present or future will ever agree to its contents. They are just too divisive for the nation.
    Much as I support Sata on so many other things and believe that he can change the country for the better, I must admit that he has gotten this one wrong andshould not excite the Lozis with things he cannot do.

    I refuse to be a blind follower and will speak out if the leader or govt I support does something wrong. That is what patriotism calls for

  3. Sata is clearly lost. How does he think like that? Feeding on tribalism just to get to state house? Dear westerners do NOT listen to this snake and cameleon. When he gets to state house he will for sure send troops to come and bury the Barotse Agreement. For now he is just looking for votes

  4. Some pipo will never learn anything because of their unbridled opportunistic thirst for Plot One. Alas, only a blessed few will find their way to that acursed house. For MCS, the writing has been on the wall for sometime now that he is not among the chosen. But again he chooses to fool himself and his many blind followers.

  5. #4 u are a man indeed,can someone sit down this cobra and give him a piece of advice , Zambians are very intelligent people he shouldn’t play on their minds

  6. The Baroste Agreement is already being honored.
    The agreement, in all its closes, and I repeat, in all its closes, clearly states and emphasizes thate need for people of Barotse to have equal rights and opportunities as any other Zambian citizen from any other part of Zambia.
    This is already happening; Kaunda honored it, Chiluba honored it, Mwanawasa honored it, and Banda is Honoring it.
    Unless someone says that people from Barotseland should be preferred differently from the rest of Zambian, which is not what the Barotseland Agreement spells out. Instead it stands for one Zambia One Nation and equality of all Zambians.
    Which Barotseland Agreement do people read? and could anyone state any (even just one) close in the agreement that has ever been dishonored?

  7. Sata should listen to the radio talk of Pastor Godwin Kaluwe the USA based Barotseland Patriotic Front leader on Mwape’s Diaspora radio held on Saturday November 20, 2010. It was interesting to hear how Zambians took Pastor Kaluwe head on with facts and patriotism. Kaluwe drifted in bluffs and clueless distress. It was interesting to hear most tough and intellectual views of Dr. Kaela Mulenga, Musaba Chailunga, Ms Ngoza Simwanza of Canada, Harrison Musonda, Rabson Lungu, Patricia Kamanga, Mrs Mary (NY) of US and Prof Richard Mbewe of Poland. Just wondering why no caller came out pro secessional. It is no secret that Dr.Mulenga, Prof Mbewe, Rabson Lungu and Mr.Harrison Musonda came out with overwhelming questions maybe Sata should answer as a new champion of treasonous secessional acts.

  8. Very careless and irresponsible statement from a person aspiring to be president of the republic of Zambia. Think of tomorrow, how will you govern and unite the 72+ tribes of Zambia sbould you be elected president?

  9. Old and cheap politics at play. I believe we are all Zambians and we belong to one Zambia, as such we don’t need each part of Zambia to sign an agreement so that people in that particular part are treated in a more preferred manner. As Zambians all we need to fight for is to see to it that where there is suppposed to be a school, hospital, road this is provided. Let us fight to end poverty collectively as Zambians and not as Tumbukas, Lambas, Bembas, Tongas, Ngonis, Lozis. Please do not divide us, campaigns should be based on achieving these things then we will all be happy. I thank Kaunda for promoting intermarriages so that we truly reflect our oneness.

  10. Is Sata sure on his pro Barotseland secession? Does he know that it involves surrenter of the entire line of rail from North-western, copperbelt, Lusaka to Livingstone seceeding from Zambia? He must be insane to say the least. I quit supporting him blindly. Its time father Bwalya and his Africa Democratic and Economic Organization, Zambia Must Change Now (ADEDO-ZAMUCANO) took over the pact.

  11. You people, let the Lozis explain what is contained in this agreement and who they signed it with.Other wise we are all not compitent to discuss for or against.

  12. I do not know about the agreement being “long-discarded Barotse Agreement”. You bet almost all the people terming it as such have never even read it before, they are just parroting the line of their ancient political masters. Africa today is pregnant with political woes of all manner and its because of reptiles like these above and their political masters saturated with tribal bigotry to retain the status quo whence power even when all indications point to the failure of Zambia as a unitary state. No one, not even Christ himself can preside over such a lousy patchwork to development. What we need is federalisation on similar lines as the BA agreement. Of course we all know certain provisions cannot work today but it provides a system where provinces are allowed to develop.

  13. Sata is so opportunistic, he could sell his own child! KK passed the Local Govt Act of 1965 and essentially stripped the Litunga of some of his independent powers. By 1969, the agreement was void. Chilufya Sata was a senior comrade in KK’s UNIP Govt, not to mention FJT’s right hand man for 10 yrs. It’s disingenuous for Sata to pretend he cares about the restoration of this agreement (which I believe is a dead issue). Let’s let sleeping dogs lie and unite as a people for the benefit of future generations.

  14. :)>-President Sata’s careless statements are danger to Zambia’s long standing Peace and Stability. How on earth does President Sata

  15. Thank you #16. This is one of the main problems we have in Zambia people just talk, they get a few MBA’s MA’s ACCA’s and think they know everything. Federalisation is the way forward, for selfish reasons KK did not fancy that, he wanted Zambia to himself (One Zambia, One Nation, One Nation, One Leader and that Leader KK). His idiology was that he will rule forever and that he fought for Zambia til his death and to do that he had to get reed of the BA. People have to realise that there’s always been a group seeking restoration of the BA but was always met with an iron fist. We as Zambian have to sit down and rethink and devise a development plan that is in the interest of all Zambians. No supporter of the BA wants to break away from Zambia thats just nonse. Long live Zambia

  16. King Cobra has lost it. I will not support him any more. Our chiefs and elderes were not consulted over the Barostland by the Bristish and the Litunga. We are not foolish not demanding compasation from the Litungu for the loyaties he got from the british. We are one Zambia, one Nation. We want developmental autonomy in each province but not Barostland. sorry king cobra, you have lost me

  17. To be honest with you who insult us as lozis or whatever you call us this issue will never be over as long as it is not dealt with now. Remember next year we have elections and this can be a serious source of problems. We no why RB be is telling the soldiers to be arlet next it is because of what happen in Mongu where the police failed to control the youths now he wants to use the army. we have seen solders visiting Limulunga and moving arround town to intimidate people but this is not the solution. Rodger Chongwe advised Gvnt talk about this issue, Induna mubonda apologised for telling lies about BRE’s stance and the Litunga distancing himself on both local radio stations ( Lyambai and Liseli) the best is to talk about it and see the way forward not what is happening. Let KK talk

  18. For those who are opposed to this remember that without this Agreement zambia would have not got the political independent we are enjoying today I know many will insult me but this the truth LEAVE OR TAKE IT

  19. Lozi’s must never trust SATA on this one….Sata’s Satanic versus at play. Can someone shut that old man’s ugly mouth?????

  20. To all our Lozi country men and women, if you fell you aint Zambian enough like you have always felt since you are a bunch of selfish people who feel the need to be ; shutup.

  21. #26…It best to be honest when discussing important issues like the BA. Its not the BA that paved way for Zambia’s independence. It was the collective effort and sacrifice of the people of Zambia that made it possible.

    Zambia was going to be independent even without tha BA. Lets stop peddling cheap lies so as to justify the relevance of the BA to the country

  22. The truth will remain the Truth whether people like or not. Hitosry can never be re-writen and it shall remain so. # 29 just do yourself a favour by asking youself why the Agreement was signed before Independence. the agreement was signed on 18th may then proceeded to independence on 24th october 1964 so is there lies bo Ndate.

  23. I note that most people relate the BA to Secession or some kind of war.
    What i have read about the agreement can in present day be closer to having a federal state in Zambia.
    It is simply the same reason that UPND is very strong in some areas,PF in other areas.etc
    A federal system will ensure that central Govt. Controls Defence,Home land Affairs,Foreign, etc and Ministries like Agric.,Tourism etc can be determined at a Federal level with local management and Knowledge.
    I believe too that Sata is seeing votes in this but he as well would be regarded as a political survivor who can change his stance overnight (China/Taiwan).
    Any leader aspiring for presidency in Zambia must clearly state their stance on Federalism.
    Zambia in its present state including intermarriages is unbreakable..

  24. With or without BA Zambia was ripe for independence. But it is nice to want to sound important based on some piece of paper which was never respected even by the people who signed it. No wonder Nyerere banned tuma chiefdoms immediately after independence. So did Samora Marcel in Mozambique. Fierfdoms or is it thiefdoms are too divisive.

  25. The Balotse Agreement should not be condoned by any sensible person.That agreement was the waste document in the history of Zambia.If emplemented, it will bring colossal division in the nation.The agreement,though supported by poor people,only benifited Litunga and his children.It was so nepotic and self centred document.That’s why one finds that those who were close to the King could benefit more than those who were afar.If one looks at the king’s children,one will find that they got best education than anyone else.There was too much egoism in implementation of the agreement.Sata should refrain from issues that will make him unpopular like the Balotse Agreement.It is a document which will forment tribalism and selfishness among citizenry.Why have prospective governments discarded?

  26. All zambians crave for development first and formost and peace. have you ever heard Sata discussing or putting forward Ideas to develop Zambia ????

  27. The only benefits in the BA agreement is for the Litunga and his Kuta not a common Lozi citizen. Sata should hold his tongue even if he wants votes from Western he may just cause unnecessarily tension in Western Province. After all he will not stand as Pact President.

  28. When MC Sata stated that the barotse agreement should not be glossed over, he was not saying Lozis should secede. Sata is encouraging the current government to find time to talk about this issue with the Litunga and the barotse royal establishment. There is need to find an emicable understanding on what parts of this agreement have been honoured and what other parts can be honoured and agree that certain clauses in this agreement are out of time. Any person who suggests this approach is not mad, satanic or unpatriotic, but is more patriotic than most of you who want to bury your heads in sand and prepare the military to go and crash the Lozis like KK did to Aleshina and her followers in Chinsali. A statesman must have courage to handle even the most contraversial issues!

  29. Nobody wants Zambia to be torn apart on tribal lines, but we cannot pretend that the BA is a non-issue!
    Sata is actually being brave by challeging us to freely debate this issue for KK was not arm twisted to sign!

  30. Mr Sata, pls be honest in your political dealings. Why didn’t you guys restore the BA when you were in UNIP and MMD? You want to appear as a hero all of a sudden by giving Inonge Wina a lame-duck position in your party but I think you’re pushing your luck. Our Lozi brothers and sisters are not that naive to believe that a scheming shrewd goon like you can be trusted. Your days are numbered; life has a way of humbling the proud and that maybe the reason why the presidency has eluded you for so long.

  31. Sata is a fool so is the pipo who follow him!!! Stupid ****ing statement from someone who want to lead the country. This fool will never be a president.

  32. Her Ladyship you are spot on. I like what you have said if all were honest including Sata who held senior Gvnt potifolios in the previous regimes I think this issue would have been dealt with a long time ago. Like I said ealier this Issue if not solved will keep on coming until it is looked. KK tried to kill it but failed, Chiluba did the same but could not stand the heat, Levy did not try touch it because he knew that it was going to burn his fingers. The debate is until one things will be fine for the people of Barotseland. Bulozi ki bwa luna mi luka bulwanela, ki nakooo lineki, (mufa nasahe ni muteba). which means one who dies for what belongs to him is a blessed one

  33. SHI PHILIPO NA HER LADYSHIP ,kabiyeni fye mukunyengana.amano can do all sorts of rubbish to defend that wonder the tongas are moving on

  34. I did not know at any given time that even former MPs were so naive, ignorant and lacking the political backbone like ka- Timothy Nirenda. Nyirenda, let me advise you that if you do not know law especially international law, then SHUT UP and concentrate at your ka TINA school where you swindle parents. Who discarded the Barotse Agreement? Even your marriage – if you have to divorce today, you have to go to the local court otherwise your wife would sue you for flirting with other women if you tried that before you resolve your marriage issues in court. The Barotse Agreement is very much alive for your information ka-timothy. It will take Kaunda, the British Government and the Northern Rhodesia government to dissolve it. Who says the ‘ONE ZAMBIA, ONE NATION’ slogan discarded the BA? Wake…

  35. up. If you know that Tumbukas signed a similar Agreement, bring it up man instead of yapping nonsense here. SHUT, SHUT, SHUT IT UP.

  36. Number 37, you are right. MCS should not be judged unfairly on this one. You have helped shed more light on King Cobra’s position. Those that know Sata would agree that he is too intelligent, wise, clever, sly,— to issue a statement as careless as the interpretations by LT seem to suggest.

  37. Hehehe you MMD-thugs, has Sata said he would give the Barotseland to Lozis? Mmm guys , dont put words into Satas mouth. Thats why we always say that MMD is full of dull people.

    Sata has said that the barotse issue should not be brushed off like that but that there shuld be some talks about it. Govnt and the Barotse people should sit and talk about it and find a lasting solution to it. If it means compasention, let the Litunga be compensated or be given some royalties of some kind.

    But since we have so dull creatures in Govnt they see no sense in the suggestion of Sata. Since there was an agreement at indepence, let the talks resume so that a lasting solution is found.

    Given that the Litunga has said he hs no issue with Zambia and barotse agreement, lozis must be quiet now.

  38. #17 the Barotse story was reported in the Post. Times of Zambia is only quoting the Post and getting comments on it. Time to accept that MCS is now wasting away, the symptoms are clear for those who have eyes and ears. He will completely finish himself before 2011.

  39. Yes here is your would be president, People of Zambia you are in deep sh*t voting for this man in 2011. I know you want change, but not change for the worse. You still have time to look about and find a better leader before 2011. Because to be very honest, none of these three possible candidates gratify me.

  40. What is in this agreement that so agitates these (few) people. The claim/fact of underdevelopment is one shared by all the nine provinces. What is it that they now want to share more equally which is produced in western province.Do they want the mines and factories to be moved from the rest of the country to Mongu? Stop dreaming and being lazy! Get up and do something for yourselves and country. It was good to sign in 1964 because the pastures looked green in the rest of the country! Selfish!

  41. Mr.Sata has the right to speak out his mind, equally the people of Barotseland are free to speak. It is undemocratic to use One Zambia One Nation for trespassing on innocent citizens’ rights and freedoms. Let there be change in African Political Systems. Zambians I beg, be honest and truthful if you desire to build a nation and do not undermine democracy. I wonder what christian nation Zambia is?

  42. Glad that people on LT can say whatever they want for or against an individual in the story. The Post, is truly a PF Magazine. Try and comment against Sata in the most polite and sensible way and ur comment will not see the light of day….Anyway, aba ba Sata chiwelewele. But as the saying goes luck favours f00ls…

  43. These are some of the problems that the whites created and want us to dance too.many a nations were duped in the same ways and the Lozis fell into this pit.You may talk of Lobengula and Rhodes, The lands agreements of Zimbabwe and that of south Africa are tainted with similar tricks that when hatched create resentments.Let us as Zambians agree that we were all cheated into this agreement so that the British gtv would not abide to their duties towards the Lozi people.Zimbabwe’s land agreement is the same. lets put our heads together and see were to put the blame and to see what the way forward is.

  44. # 58 Where are you from, I think you suit that name you are using. if u see all my comments we speak the same language unlike these other brothers who only know how to insult and I think some chaps are just using Bemba to insult.

  45. Deja 61// -The MMD removed One Zambia One Nation just from the start of Chiluba’s government because they noticed it was a Kaunda slogan to deceive Zambians, in his skimirshes to undermine the very ligitimate foundation of the Zambian State. Notice that, Kaunda cannot comment on the Barotse Agreement issues probably as it proves his dishonestness. The undermining of the BA started by David was the birth of “Governance Systems Failure”. A nation without a foundation can not stand. So Zambians be brave by doing the right thing, recognize your foundation (BA). No need for intimidation or name calling. Learn to sit and discuss issues of national building. Barotseans by nature are principled pipo who respect the rule of law. They hate corruption.

  46. Zambians be realistic and notice that, Barotseland is unique from the rest of Zambia topographically, culturally and in many other aspects. And the other fact being that the BRE has more experience in managing Barotseland than Lusaka, therefore it is suicidal for Lusaka to sideline the BRE in governance. Kindly read Professor Gulluckmen’s book: “The Root Causes of Poverty in Southern and Central Africa” you will have a clear understanding of the Barotse Economic Developement Process and the cardinality BRE Governance Systems Approach.

  47. This BA issue is hot & needs to be handled in a mature still studying the whole subject before i can comment.But let peace continue to preavil in our mother land zambia.

  48. Worried Red Card

    I also listened to that show where a grouop of those intellectuals based overseas were trying to fire Pastor Kaluwe with so many questions. I thought the pastor would not make it. But boy, was I not wrong. The many knew what he was talking about. Very well informed, authoritative and calm. He had facts. I have never heard anyone give such answers to the issue before. What followed was a real learning experience. People are still learning today. It looks like there is such a thing as Barotseland Agreement 1964. Zambian independence would not have happened without it, otherwise only half of Zambia would have been free without WP and without Copper-belt mineral rights which were still binding in the old treaties signed in 1890s that were to expire after 100 years.

  49. And because Zambia needed the copperbelt mines which were signed by Barotseland and the BSC, and Britain needed to hand over the treaty obligations to Zambia, while Barotseland needed a new guardian, and the young Lozi elite and militants wanted their own share of the promised politically free Zambia, the only satisfactory arrangement that would cover all these special interests was to sign something, a legal document which involved three different governments; BL, NR, and Brit. Hence Barotseland Agreement 1964. Shotly after indep. KK dishonored the BA64 without consulting Litunga. Therefore ruling BL illegally. Those who spoke he arrested, to this day we still force the Lozi to shut up. But they have self-determination rights to question. No treason. Pastor Kaluwe made this very clear.

  50. After pastor Kaluwe made that profound explanation of the events as they unfolded, no one in diaspora still asks ignorant questins. Only here back home. I wish pastor Kaluwe can now focus his attention to help the people at home to understand the truth about this Agreement of freedom and unity, especially the politicians, they are the most miserable ignorant embeciles making threatening remarks. Why are we being threatened by the Lozi’s rights to self-determination. Zambia is guilty of breach of contract, and now to cover that sin, we are committing another crime to humanity against Inernational law, Holding BL in perpetual captivity. Why not give them their freedom. Nkoya this, Luvale that, is not our concern, that is their domestic issue to deal with after independence.

  51. Zambia wesu, I do not agree with your submission. The way the Agreement was signed was to stay that way for as long as Zambia needed to be unitary independent nation. The way it was signed is the only way that made Litunga agree to join hands with NR to form Zambia. If you take it away, there is a price, you lose Barotseland. You cannot eat your katapa and have it. You cannot sign a contract then go behind the other part’s back and change the contents of the Agreement and say this does not work today it will cause division. By your very act you are causing division as there is no more uniting agreement. Unitary state is gone with the abrogation. We need to repaire the Agreement.

  52. i wonder  how  a  king  sir  mwanawina  can  sell  our  land  to  kaunda   .we  have  to  use  guns  to  claim  our land.south  sudan did it .


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