Thursday, March 13, 2025

Re-think your political future, RB advised


President Rupiah Banda

Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) presidential aspirant Nason Msoni has advised Republican President Rupiah Banda to re-think his political future.

Mr. Msoni says president Banda should seriously revisit his decision to contest 2011 presidential elections.

He said president Banda should reflect whether his decision to contest the 2011 presidential elections is in the interest of the party, or the nation.

Mr. Msoni added that the president has a unique opportunity to be a statesman by declaring that he will not contest the presidency in 2011.

He explained that it is clear that Zambia now needs someone with fresh ideas to run the affairs of the nation.

The presidential aspirant said Zambia’s tendency of falling back on the same leaders is retarding development.

And Mr. Msoni has advised politicians from UNIP who have joined the MMD to desist from politics of violence.

He said such members should realize that the MMD is a democratic party, and no party member should be intimidated.
[ QFM ]


  1. Nason Msoni, you must be insane by advising a stone!! You seriously need to have your brain checked.

    Admit you are just joking

  2. Just give way to Dora Siliya. She will do you wonders in ways you cant imagine. Forget RB and this Msoni. As he’s name suggests he’s already full of shame. No hope

  3. Mr Msoni, tell the old man, he seems to think he still has the vigour hed had when he was 60 years old. If I remember correctly this man told the Zambian people that he would not serve beyond the remaining term of this parliament. I think like Kafupi he’s realised that power is sweet and doesn’t want to let go. These senior citizens have to go we need young leaders with fresh ideas to move mother Zambia forward. 46 years on we still wallow in poverty, 20 years of the same Gov only little change has come about. There’s need (urgency) for Zambia to become self sustainable. One day these donor will completely forget about the third world. As there leaders change their perspective about third world changes too. Tell the old man to go back to his farm to leave happy ever after. Long live…

  4. Zambians are too sleepy. when a new leader realizes how sleepy Zambian are they would always think of changing the tide of wind. See how many people start kneeling down before him and no one says no to anything even when all people have seen the Emperor has no clothes. even when Zambian kids are shouting the emperor is naked they keeping denying it is a blue lie, the Emperor has a bright suite. When you put trust in people like Mwanga, Mulongoti, Shikapwasha where can you go. These change anytime like a chameleon to join the winning party.

  5. Who is this Msoni were has he come from???? I have a feeling he was picked to contest against AlaaBee by RB himself coz all those who were real threats to Alabe have been kicked out of the party!!! the known people who could have changed something in Zambia. sorry I for one do not belive that he is a competitor to Kamwendo munjila

  6. Mr. Msoni, thanks for showing us that personal interets for presindetial sit,,,, but I’m sorry i can’t give you a vote for 2 reasons:
    1: can you first identify yourself by dids as a zambian citizen. (are u a minister, teach, nurs or what?) I mean what are you doing now to win my trust.
    2: I’m not tired of RB but tired of the intire MMD.
    Three men have failed to bring up development and there you are you what us to trust you. you cann’t lie us any more you are just like other birds in that cage.

  7. Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Please welcome,
    The next President of the Republic of Zambia,
    The patriotic son of the land, King Cobra,
    His Excellency, Michael Chilufya Sata!

  8. I don’t think that’s genuine advise coming from Mr. Msoni. If you want to advise someone on how to catch fish, you don’t tell them to throw their fishing rods away. As an MMD member Mr Msoni should first give advice to improve the delivery of the MMD. Another time waster.

  9. to respond to nason msoni is to reduce yourselves to his insanity. the man is not normal just a piece of advice to you pipo in diaspora. take what he says with a pinch of salt

  10. #10 lady gaga they should not just take what Msoni says with a pinch of salt but hit it with a sledge hammer.

    The guy jhas resurfaced to add comedy to the 2011 campaign trail. Well whilst he is entitled to be a nuisance. We are also entiltled not to listen to his nuisence.

  11. Thank you all foe having put trust and voted for Micheal Chilufya Sata, Let us now move this Country to where it ought to be.
    Please welcome,
    The next President of the Republic of Zambia,
    The patriotic son of the land, King Cobra,
    His Excellency, Michael Chilufya Sata!

  12. May I let you know that it is not only Zambians in Diaspora who read and contribute to this column, but every one who can get hold of Lusaka Times.. for example Iam a Chambishi-Zambia resident.
    If we want a young man for President… we have H.H at our disposal. if we want an elderly man with Ideas we have Chilufya Michael Sata. The current crop of Leaders sound educated but they have no Ideas of how to develop the country..

  13. MSONI must have come from Over seas, we never head of him. I think he has a degree in some field and now wants to stand as a President. True MMD has been infested by UNIP bugs, sorry thugs hence the voilence. one thug at one time was deported by FTJ when he became president. this thug came again like a demon to perpetuate violence. RBB is himself a democrat. to stand as President when Levy died he was elected beating Chituo, Magande and I do not know who else. even at the the convention he can be elected President to stand for 2011.

  14. # 16 Yeah the MMD at the convention can elect themselves. Who cares. All what we are interested in is seeing them off in 2011.

  15. The would be President must think of Making the Zambian Kwacha be a store of Value. People to Trust the Banks that they will Keep their money and make it grow, not to finish it by cuting exorbitant Bank charges. The President to encourage Savings so that inflation goes down, (these days people are buying things like cartons of Soap, maize, etc, for sale at a later date to store value) The President to help create wealth by leting the People borrow from the banks to build Houses and businesses. The President who will not beg for donations. (like People from Chipata, (Thandizo))

  16. Imwe banthu???? Senior Citizen alikuti????…i want to know this time .oe else, I will suspect that he is the one in Chimbokaila for contempt.

  17. # 18 excellent contirbution, we really need economic managers to lead our country. This Msoni is appointed by RB and should just be ignored by all!!!

  18. ADEDO-ZAMBISTOS, are you going to be posting the same thing every time you get access to that borrowed computer? There are cheaper internet cafes around. You dont have to do a quick cut and paste anymore

  19. Hallå där, hur mår du? Är faktiskt inlägg från min iPhone. Michael blir nästa president i Zambia. Håll utkik här.

  20. Thank God! I didnt wast my vote on the current MPs and arabi in particular with his robbots.Can anyone tell us where Rb has gone today as he is always on the move.

  21. Ladies & Gentle the sick president pipo voted for Satan has died just a week in plot # 1 after suffered a heart attack so 3 months from now by election.

  22. What a load of nonsense!

    If people want RB, why stop him?

    He got 40% of the vote in 2008.

    How much did you get Msoni?

  23. Banda does not care about Zambia and its people all he cares about is that he and his sons can continue to r-a-p-e the country’s treasury.

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