Thursday, March 13, 2025

Last week in Pictures



A DAF truck ferrying 350 bags of maize overturned in Kabwe near Chibombo after the driver lost control.


A Chibombo villager helping move the bags of maize


Zain officials waiting for Central Province permanent secretary Mr Denny Lumbama to officially commission the new Zain site in Kapiri Mposhi


Kapiri Mposhi DC cutting the ribbon on the gate to the new Zain site in Kapiri Mposhi during the commissioning of a transmitter in Central Province.


A notice at the daily mail offices


Zambian Boxer Hastings Bwalya with Fomer Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World Mike Tyson(courtesy of Ibn casson )


Hasting Bwalya with former two-division world champion Zab Juda(courtesy of Ibn casson )


St Magarets UCZ church in Kitwe


A ZAIN mast at one of the houses in a compound in Lusaka.Word on the street has it that the owner is paid K1million monthly to have the mast on his property.


A ZAIN mast at one of the houses in a compound in Lusaka.Word on the street has it that the owner is paid K1million monthly to have the mast on his property.


President Banda inspects a guard of honor when he arrived in Brazil


President Banda signs the visitors book when he arrived in Brazil


President Rupiah Banda ando Brazilian Ambassador to Zambia Josal Pellegrino during the Zambia-Brazil Business Forum held at Federation of Industries of the State of Sao Paulo headquarters.


President Rupiah Banda conferring with Joao Guilherme Sabino Ometto, vice president of Federation of Industries of the State of Sao Paulo after the Zambia-Brazil Business Forum.


President Rupiah Banda conferring with Joao Guilherme Sabino Ometto (l), vice president of Federation of Industries of the State of Sao Paulo after the Zambia-Brazil Business Forum


President Banda with his Brazilian counterpart Lula Inacio Da Silva pose for a photograph after official talks


President Banda and his delegation during his State visit to Brazil


President Banda and his Brazilian counterpart Lula Inacio Da Silva during official talks


President Rupiah Banda when he arrived from Brazil


  1. Nice pictures.It good to see the President working.I’m sure its exhausting attending so many meetings in so many countries.Lets give the old man credit,he is doing it for the good of Zambia.
    pic 9 and 10 are phone companies suposed to put transmitters in someones yard.What of all the radiation being exposed to that family? I don’t know but I sure think that family is at a high cancer risk hope Zain will foot the hospital bills.


    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Please welcome,
    The next President of the Republic of Zambia,
    The patriotic son of the land, King Cobra,
    His Excellency, Michael Chilufya Sata!

  3. Pic 4 – Daily mail, what a shame!! No wonder they are classified as Shikapwasha’s dogs! SAVER is not the same as SERVER!

  4. We’ve seen enough errors on this platform, let us not pretend to be saints but indeed let’s strive for a bit perfection. The error rate is quite high.

  5. Our President is always global trotting, i wonder if at all he sits in his office. # 1 Liam……I agree with you that family is at a very high risk of suffering from cancer few years from now. That one million kwacha that they are being paid will be nothing compared to the effects and sufferings that the family will go through. I though Zain was professional but then poor pipo will always be taken for granted if they cannot stand their ground.

  6. SAVER ROOM – RESTRICTED FOR I.T PERSONNEL ONLY. The problem is failure by the author of this notice to appreciate the difference in pronunciation between saver and server. If you pronounce both words the same way, you’re likely to interchange the spelling as well.

  7. The pics on hastings are the bomb and make me proud to be Zedian. When you hang out with losers they rub off some of their loserness onto you but if you hang with winners and champs guess what rubs off onto you. Do us proud and oneday beat Pac man and the ever noisy Floyd money in the bank Mayweather Jr.

    @ Njobvu Kazi there is no scientific proof that cell phones or the masts used for them cause cancer. Until such a time that there is proof lets stop the rumours and scaring people. Imagine if this guy getting a coupleof million listened to your advise, he would be a couple of millions poorer and for what, an unproven rumour!!

  8. saver room server room hahahaha!!!!!! what about all the other people who walk into the room has not a single one of them picked up the wrong wording??

  9. #9 – Please you are overreacting, just make your own comment just like number 6 has. We all have our opinions. Pic #2 – Are you sure he is helping?? Home is nearby!

  10. All our visitors have complained about the old uncomfortable airport terminal at Lusaka International Airport. Is anyone doing something about it? I mean really doing something – not worsening the situation as what happened during Chiluba time of constructing a tunnel-like structure at departure, comparable only to shanty compound buildings or the recent superficial stuff like those plastic tubes towards carpark! If we can’t tax the mines, at least negotiate for them to help on improving infrastructure.

  11. # 18 Its nothing to do with journalists not being able to spell properly, that is waht is written on the door, they simply printed the picture, whats the matter with you?

  12. I miss Marta Paynter (MHSRIP); she used to whip the journalists’ behind over their poor constructs. Now I see we have added to the confusion of stationary/stationery; compliment/complement; now ridiculously, saver/server… pathetic!

  13. #19 come on even if its not a journalist who made that mistake at least the journalists should have spotted it and urged a correction. Remember, Charity begins at home

  14. # 23 True charity begins at home so was the journalist supposed to go and buy a new sign,saying server room? lol anyway I think in this case the journalist was simply pointing out the spelling mistake so go easy on him

  15. I have always loved to see zambian boxers exiling but there is poor response from the government. VIVA Bwalya wesu, ukosefye and God bless you.

  16. Where is Environmental council of zambia?Cell phone masts should not be near homes mwee.These things are cancerous.Cell phone companies world over have oiled scientists so as not to blow their trumpets on the cancerous effects of these masts.Documentaries have been produced by investigative journalists blowing this coverup.

  17. lol how can a ”national news paper” make such a foolish error, surely they knew it was wrong when they first put it on the door,

  18. @ Njobvu Kazi and VJ Rigger – How about you guys getting cancer from your cell phones? Is there a difference between the radiation emitted from the masts and that received by your cell phones?

  19. Hallo bane!

    Nice and well-balanced collection of last-week-in-mid-week pictures LT.

    #2 that lean man looks kinda “overloaded” with that huge sack of maize meal on his head. And yet he’s smiling like he has the stamina to carry it miles along.

    Is Hastings the new hope of Zambian Boxing or do we have other talents? I’ve never seen him fight… the problem with some African Boxers is that they like to party a lot. They enter the ring after a having a ball and then hit the canvas like a slab of concrete falling off a truck!

    Those laughing their heads off at that spelling error in pic #5 have never seen the way English is broken in the far East. Just visit a Chinese or Indian web site…

  20. #10 actually the opposite is true,Those who snub “losers” rub onto themselves loserness.Mother teresa.Bono,bill gates,Diana & George clooney mix with refugees,aids victims,slum dwellers & other “unremarkable people.You tell a persons character on how they react to “losers not when they hang with the mighty.
    In usa those who treat see us africans as coming from “loser countries” are always those poor themselves.Those who treated slaves as “losers” ended up being poorer southern southern states.Those who didn’t vote for Obama due to race came from poor,blue collar and less educated backgrounds.Countries that help poor “loser” countries the most are those nordic countries that end up high on HDI index.If you just see a person instead of loser, life rubs off good things onto you.

  21. A Mast does not produce radioactive substances for it to me harmful. Its a BTS – Base transceiver Station which comes in 3 forms – Macro – Micro and Pico. The one you see in the pic is a Macro and I think most of you have seen something like a small white box hanging on top corners inside big buildings, malls and airport terminals. These are controlled by BSC – Station Controllers – they provide routing to and from and looks after BTS. There Job is to supply network signal in a particular area so you are able to use your mobile phone from 1 place to another, they make you not to loose the signal while you are driving coz the call gets past on from one site to the other

  22. The BSC is also controlled by the MSC – Mobile Switching Centre and then to the GMSC – Gateway Mobile switching Centre then to the HLR – Home location Registar Which stores the numbers and determines info regarding active services and continues to the PAM- Pre- Payment Account Manager – Which determines if you have enuff balance to make a call on not then passes the call back to the Mast then to the Number you are calling and the Mast keeps the signal in order for you to talk, none of these are powerred by nuclear, even now if you had network issues in your house, You can buy a Sure Signal device which boosts the coverage in your house so long you have internet connection. Don’t let anyone lie to you if that was the case even Phone Users then can develop cancer. I work for a telecom…

  23. I work for a telecom company and I know how these things work, I’m a wireless officer and no where in my studies did I learn that BTS s are harmful

  24. @35 Ricky Bobby, check out: innocentenglish dot com (without spaces and with the dot as a sign)

    In fact there’s even a warning for kids & parents because the accidental language is just too strong! Have a good laugh.

  25. The word “saver” does exist so why not “saver room” ? Things are not always what they appear to be so perhaps the photographer should have gone a step further to check if what’s in that room looks like a “server room” before exposing his ‘knowledge’ of words.

  26. Those two men in pic#3 are not gentlemen. They take up both chairs and let the poor lady trying to cling on to the arm-rest. The big fat guy even seems unconcerned & irritated as if she is bothering him. Shame on these chauvenists, the give us guys a bad name. My apologies my sisters, not us all Zed men were raised with poor manners.

  27. picture 19- Kunda needs to go and rest he will drop dead at the airport one of these days, hope his personal Doctor is always near.

  28. pic #9 &10, Where is ECZ?Look at the Installation of two masts honestly with ZESCO poles near by,supose there is an accedent?who is to bleme? NIPA ZED ZOWONA

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