Thursday, March 13, 2025

Andrew Kamanga elected as FAZ Interim President


By Lusaka Times

Petitioners at the on going first of the two emergency council meetings (ECM), have elected Andrew Kamanga as the interim FAZ president to act for 90 days. Mr Kamanga, together with his Vice President, Kephas Katongo and the Treasurer, Rix Mweemba, have been elected unopposed.

At the time of this writing, the elections of six committee members from 17 candidates was underway and Lusakatimes will update you as soon as that information is made available.

Today’s agenda for the ECM was the election of chairperson, confirmation of dissolution of the executive led by Kalusha Bwalya. According to the delegates meeting today, FAZ dissolved itself according to the findings of the National Sports Council of Zambia after the resignation of committee members Henschel Chitembeya, Pivoty Simwanza, Violet Bwalya and vice-president Emmanuel Munaile.

But FAZ communications manager Erick Mwanza has maintaned that the petitioners meeting today are unconstitutionally threatening Zambian football.

He sais the holding of today’s meeting by the group lacked the basis as the right procedure has not been followed.Mwanza regretted that the petitioners had failed to follow the guidance given by FIFA over the perceived wrangles that have befallen FAZ.

[pullquote]Today’s meeting has had enough affiliates in attendance to form a quorum and it remains to be seen if tomorrow’s meeting recognized by FIFA will have enough attendees to form the required quorum to transact[/pullquote].

FIFA has said it will not recognize today’s emergency council meeting called by some Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) members being led by Simataa Simataa.

The world soccer governing body was responding to recent correspondence from FAZ over the parallel meetings scheduled for Lusaka today and Kabwe tomorrow.

Today’s meeting has had enough affiliates in attendance to form a quorum and it remains to be seen if tomorrow’s meeting recognized by FIFA will have enough attendees to form the required quorum to transact.


  1. This is a clear manifestation on how poverty rules in Zambia. Great Kalu’s achievements cannot be compared to any of these petitioners. They are all failures. It is Kalu’s personality and above all connections which have put Zambia on the map of football since he joined FAZ. The Simataa team is simply a failed cause and a cancer of failure to our country.

    This is similar to the politics of our land. What can Andrew Kamanga do let alone Katongo whose law career is just on paper.

    People, lets be serious with our issues in Zambia.

  2. These guy should have waited for tomorrows meeting if they have Zambian footbal at heart. Believe it or not they have just wasted their monies booking at Inters. Which soccer governing body will recognised them? The problem we have in Zambia is that we take everything like politics. Simata Simata has a personal grudge against Kalu. He is selfish thats why where here comes, they want their province to be independent from Zambia.

  3. Lets be ready to be banned by FIFA, and Am sure thats what Simata and the group want. But be assured that we will never 4give u – petitioners should our game suffers due to your selfishness. By the way who is this Andrew Kamanga anyway? another small team proprietor or something

  4. Well FIFA didn’t write the FAZ constitution, so they have no choice, they have to go by the will of the football fraternity – remember, there has been no Govt interference, so they can’t just change goalposts. The interim committee should just show them the middle finger!!

  5. We are slowly heading towards a ban from FIFA. Who is lose out if this happens. The silent majority. These loud mouths so called petitioners wont even get a little crumb of bread from the table.

    Sad. Simataa and K Mwewa you are the worst enemies to Zambian football.

  6. more drum these guys are behaving like pf post HALLUCINATION the post SAYS…..The only way of survival for UPND is through alliances or pacts with the MMD or PF. Without an alliance with either MMD or PF-UPND will not be a factor in next year’s elections. This leaves this country with two serious contenders for the presidency in next year’s elections – Rupiah of the MMD and Michael Sata of PF. And there is no way, even if there was to be an alliance between UPND and MMD, Hakainde Hichilema is going to be a presidential candidate. Equally, if the PF/UPND pact is to succeed there is no way Hakainde is going to be the presidential candidate of that pact.

    There is no sensible criteria one will use to adopt Hakainde as a presidential candidate over Rupiah or Michael. Of course many…

  7. Kalu thought people still worship him, he thought the petitioners would not attain the 2/3 majority. He thought the petitioners would tremble once he flirted with FIFA. And yes they just gave him and FIFA a middle finger. Now it’s time for Kalu to vacate football house.

    What next for King Galu. The FAZ job was his stepping stone into CAF and FIFA but now he has been dribbled at his own game.

  8. Someone please update me, what is so sweet at Football house tha almost every Executive is hounded out, and everyone who is involved with football wants to have a share of the cake? ushilelyako starts making noise. Will we ever change!

  9. This total madness! If great Kalu has stolen report the matter to the Police than bringing confusion.Soon they will invade football house and these quarrells will not cease!

  10. @ Shi Philipo

    Kalu does not live in Zambia, he lives in SA. It will just be a coup.

    He has called FIFA and very few clubs will attend his meeting and FIFA will be very disappointed as Kalu assured them that his ECM will have the 2/3 majority. With this new FAZ executive. Many people will not even bother attending his meaningless meeting.

  11. am finished,but to buy time i will enffluence friends in FIFA to ban zambia from participating in international football games.all the petitioners will be blamed.After investigations into my illegal dealings then everyone will know that i am a crook.Everyone will blame me then and i hope i wont end up in court.Maybe i should start by resisting to leave the football house,what do you thing Kasengele?Kasengele you must answer this,we used to chew together.As for tomorows ECM,I,my minions and FIFA know that it will flop,but we still have to pretend that the quorum will be met.EYES OFF THE BALL

  12. David Mulenga, you MUST have your facts right before making yourself look like an uneducated fool. Kalu, achived as a player and not as an adminstrator. Zambian football has become a joke in southern and central Africa. Gents lets be more enlighted before making comments.

  13. Quiet alright Kalu has realy done a lot for the Zambian football but my advice to him would be to hang up and let others continue running football instead of fighting. He has made a name to himself and he will do good by following what the majority wants.

  14. We now await how many pipo will attend 2moro’s ntemba meeting in Kabwe. hehehehehehehehehehehe. Kalusha will b alone with Erick Mwanza. Oh, and Marcha Chilemena

  15. Congratulations Mr. Kamanga and the newly elected FAZ. As a matter of fact Mr. Kamanga is a reknown business man who owns an empire of very successful companies, he is not a job seeker like Kalusha who lives and survives on FAZ. I’m very confident that Mr. Kamanga’s rich academic and professional education back ground and vast experience in management will help bring back the lost credibility at football house

  16. The Kabwe meeting I’m told will be filled to capacity. The Question is who will attend since Soccer teams more than 2/3 do not recognise the FAZ Executive? MMD Cadres will attend!!!!

  17. Kalu has not achieved anything as a Faz president – i can credit as a footballer Not as a couch or FAZ president he has done nothing. David Mulenga Tell one thing that Kalu has achieved as a couch or FAZ president

  18. Number 4 and 6,please leave Simataa alone.why personalise when sports council of zambia which he did not form said the Kalu execuctive stood disolved following resignations. Whether one likes Kalu or not the fact is that many senior sports administrators and lawyers have confirmed that FAZ execuctive fell short of the required quorum. why have found so difficulty to appreciate this straight matter. No wonder third termers almost had it had it not be for few people like Simataa who opposed it.

  19. :-?whatever is going on here SUCKS! The question is how legitimate is this FAZ and is it recognized by FIFA? Am hoping FIFA bans us from soccer then this FAZ executive can stay i dont care!

  20. Ba Kalu i think league yakosa. You now playing the spanish la liga. Boss get out while you still have some dignity. The boat is sinking its either you jump out or sink with it.

  21. ‘Uzakolola zomwe unabyala’ It is as simple as that. Great Kalu is now reaping what he sowed. So lets allow the new executive to sow and see what they will reap

  22. #31 Jeffaits if u dont care why trouble urself? FIFA must respect Zambian football constitution. FIFA is corrupt and must clean itself before cleaning FAZ. Mr Kalu has become Mr Galu. Now its go for audit and see how this fool called Kalu used the money. He mistreated mulonga and now its on him. The problem is Kalu thought he is worshed. We need Charles Musonda and his sons now to come and help Zambian football and not forgetting Johnson Bwalya whom Kalu was against. Kalu = Galu

  23. Well, if FIFA bans Zambia, we will see them in court in Zurich. This is a very simple matter and Sepp Blatter ought to declare interest because Great Galu is his chola boy, he even attended the chap’s wedding in South Africa to that Mafiosa! We all know very few will turn up at his meeting tomorrow, then what will Mamelodi and others say to FIFA? The first thing Andrew Kamanga should do is withdraw Great Galu’s application to contest for a seat at CAF. This was submitted by an illegal executive, IT IS A NULLITEEEE.

  24. foolish *****s. who is simataa …ban the *****s until they recognize kalu’s executive. who the **** care if the country is banned…..

  25. Simata Simata has grown big headed. Its time to airlock his nonsensical schemes.Seemingly he thinks FAZ is another subsidiary of Rajan Mahtani to be functioning at his discretion.

  26. rb… just accept reality. kalusha is a failure. you cannever put down majority rule. Zambia is a country not personal property. it is kalusha whgo will lose in the end. the opportunity for him to have done the right thing hasd passed and now he will go down in history as the worst coach and worst faz president that zambia has ever had. what a way to go. for kalusha, he has tumbled from hero to zero… sad movie!!!

  27. Just the name itself tells u that Kamanga is a the way am Tumbuka as well.To hell with Simata,To hell with this illegal entity.Viva Kalu,Viva FAZ!

  28. Typical of mediocre minds. Always trying 2 stop others so that they can take over and fail. Mediocrity will never see what Kalu has done 4 this country and 4 faz. Am sure if this is left 2 stand, we’ll go back 2 shirt deals with mediocre L-sporto and the like.

  29. For those who don’t know Andrew kamanga he is the managing director of Efin soluttions and is the owner of north western Energy corporation and hold more and more companies. The chap is well educated and we expect him to deliver professionally. Awishi Natasha congratulations.

  30. Lets be real people…Kalu is leading an illegal executive and that is a notorious FACT. FIFA will soon be discredited because of corruption and double standards. Just watch the Dec 2 world cup 2012 2018 nomination.
    But Kalu had an opportunity to come clean but we all know he has his fingers in a sticky place…Lets watch the drama unfold.
    PS: Am told he hails from the same village as FJT….Musangu village. (Just an interesting footnote.)

  31. its not Kalu whi is going to influence FIFA to ban Zambia, its the statutes of FIFA. The world soccer governing stated categorically that they will not recognise todays meeting, so for these frustrated petitioners to go ahead to elect their own interim president is sad for mother zambia. we are dead! u will believe me in the few coming days. its a shame!

  32. its not about simaata u id-iots. its the 2/3 of counsellors, NSCZ, plus all soccer loving zambians including the sports minister, plus the sports ps who have all rejected this galu. so its not about simaata okay? why do u want 2 pretend when u know the truth? Id-iots

  33. These guys are jokers and cowards, why couldnt they wait for tomorrow’s meeting. All because of one guy who has been making alot of noise, but he himself failed to run football. I hope they dont get recognised

  34. This makes me sick, When will zambia move forward with this PHD system? Am tired of the same pipo and fat pipo like Chi Simataa Simataa full of nothing but pride. Thats the main reason why pipo dont want to come back home coz of things like this. No football in zambia for the next 2 years, we need new leadership in zambia to manage football and not the same old pipo and the same goes to the govt. Bad times pa Zed indeed.

  35. OCTOPUS PAUL BWALYA@11. Are you okay? Methinks you need to see a doctor, maybe some ‘paracetamol’ might help. Everybody’s talking about FAZ here and their meetings and you’re off at a tangent. Sorry mate.
    David Mulenga@4. Nobody’s disputing ‘The Great’ Kalu’s contribution as a player, but his coaching and managerial skills are non-existent. The quarrel here is with his managerial – or lack of – skills.
    However, I think Simaata Simaata ( – I didn’t invent the meaning) has made a strategic blunder by holding the meeting today rather than attending the FIFA-sanctioned meeting for tomorrow. They could’ve equally torpedoed ‘The Greadt’ Kalu tomorrow without going against FIFA as they have evidently done.

  36. This is a bloodless coup. If we could have such kind of people with hot blood in politics, I think we could be making serious progress.

  37. U îdíöts in support of this crazy Galù. Wat gud has this niga contribute 2 footbal apart frm fartening his pocket at the expence of zambian soccer. Infact this fööl shud be dragd out of footbal house usin armed AK47 riffle. Simata ure welcome to borrow my riffle.

  38. Yaba kweni power is really sweet huh. Can someone surely explain to me how this ECM Simata convened good for football in our country. The shouts about following the FAZ constitution is completely bull shit. How could you dissolve an executive before they could even present their reports especially the financial one. This action the way i see it amounts to coup. Anyway lets wait and see what happens tomorrow.\:d/:)>-

  39. Congrats Mr Andrew Kamanga and the entire team, We are behind you all. Simata I salute you for tirelessly diffending the constitution.

  40. Ignorance is a sin . Fifa’s position on this matter will always prevail , no matter how wide these petioners will try to open their mouth. Be reminded that this has happened in alot of countries and the position of FAZ has always prevailed .Its foolish to expected fifa to bac down. You can only suport the petioners if you little about fifa'[s stance on government intervention. It has happened Zimbabwe, Ghana ,Nigeria ,Kenya ..the list is endless

  41. andrew kamanga as introduced by many here seems to be the right man for the job. FAZ is in desperate need of people with quality management skills and experience in other words people seen to produce results and i think this man fits that description. for kalu he should seriously consider moving on but thanx for his contribution and he can still continue to participate if he truely wants zambia to get back to its old glorious days. using fifa to blackmail everyone will just add on his growing unpopularity.

  42. It is a well known fact that Kalu has lamentably failed FAZ. and according to the expert at NSCZ, the FAZ excective dissolved itself following the 4 resignations. But I think this well meaning petitioners could have raised this issue at 2morow’s meeting and procceded with thier elecctions, they could’v acheived the same goal. Or let them attend 2morow’s meeting and confirm the elections. This is a very sad ending Mr Kalu, you cud’v resigned, than causing this embarrssment upon yourself!!!!! Shame

  43. All this is happening because Kalu can not discuss issues and build consensus. He thinks everything ends and begins and ends with him. I doubt that FIFA will ban Zambia,

  44. Constitution ni constitution, it has to followed. People take time and read it, Kalu has not followed it and is now causing an uprise, if he had followe all this would been resolved ameekably.

  45. YES YES WE CAN Let KALU go, he brought this for himself, not a Leader to admire?? GOODBYE weakest Link KALU????? See you in JOZI..

  46. I was just checking the selected photos on Qfm Facebook page of the Faz ECM in Kabwe.Dennis Liwewe is there,FIFA member association manager Privo corvaro is also in attendance and seated next to Great Kalu and ofcourse a multitude of delegates.You see haters!!! Continue choking with hatred!!!

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