Sunday, March 9, 2025

Court acquits Regina Chiluba


The Lusaka high court has quashed the conviction of former president Dr Fredrick Chiluba’s wife Regina who was convicted by a lower court on five counts of receiving stolen property.

Among the stolen properties Mrs Chiluba was suspected to have received is a Toshiba television a property of State House.

A panel of three judges, Evans Hamaundu, Catherine Makungu and Eddie Sikazwe made the ruling this morning.

In overturning her three-and-a-half years prison sentence they said there was no proof that her goods and cash were stolen nor obtained illegally
The court also ordered the forfeiture of properties, mostly on the Copperbelt, and a Toshiba television set.

Regina was facing three counts of failing to account for properties involving US$188,000 suspected to have been stolen or unlawfully obtained, and one count of failing to account for a motor vehicle in her possession.

The other charges were receiving a Toshiba 61-inch colour television set suspected to have been feloniously stolen or obtained and failing to account for cash amounting to K474 million suspected to have been stolen.

On March 2, 2010, Chief resident magistrate, Charles Kafunda, jailed Regina after he found her guilty on five counts of failing to account for properties suspected to have been stolen.



  1. The court also ordered the forfeiture of properties, mostly on the Copperbelt, and a Toshiba television set.

  2. Zambia the land of free politicians and politicians friends of friends. If you want to be above the law just become a politician. Bafika11a finiio fienu

  3. What difference does it make? We knew that this vedict was coming. Why even announce it, the judges should have read that judgement at Chiluba’s house!

  4. # 7. Good point maybe L.T wanted 2 say the” courts ordered for the return of the forfeited goods”
    Otherwise it all Comedy pa zed if i fail to account for $ 10,000 dollars 2days, I ll be roting in Jail with no time wasted whilst others though pipo keep on denying it are above the Law.:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?

  5. This is exactly what I expected and actually saw it in one of the nightmares i had recently. It is the type of judicially we have to put up with all day long in my beloved zambia. Anyway congrates Regina. make the most while other thieves are ruling, coz they are afraid of setting a precedent by jailing fellow thieves.

  6. Pa Zed SUCKS big time… Does it mean If I dismember FTJ’s head and they found me with it. They will aquit me but the state will get FTJ’s head. This is a scandal. LAZ should give guidelines on this one. Do not wait for people’s OUTCRY. Mr. Sata is being harrassed for having a mere $100,000 dollars legally aquired. Here is a Thieving Former 1st Family found with money & Property aquired illegally they are aquitted.

    Is Zambia on Earth. Am I dreaming? Maybe after all we need Al-Bashir to rule US.

  7. The universe judges us and we must be ready to face the consequences of our actions. The consequences may not be immediate but they will appear………

  8. This is bull sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet i gues we nw being taken for granted by this admistration of rb and his CJ sakala. But anyway it does not come as a suprise with all those sweet adjournments we used to see. I forgot even ama dinner pa inters together naba Chief Justice which judge can convict u. Yaba

  9. this my friends is the justice system we have in our country….may God look upon zambia with a very watchful eye….enjoy yo freedom now bena regina, for you shall surely pay in future

  10. Ba Kolwe ama judges need to start being sorted out one by one. then they will realize that no power no law can protect their stupid behavior. power people have been imprisoned for 15, 25 year for very simple cases, and yet those in the upper echelon easily walk free for bigger cases. What sort of justice is this? How can courts be only for the power? If Banda can only save the rich and those scratching his back,then who will save the least of our society? If MMD will win the next year elections then there should be a coup. I am not saying this for play and that should be the only way out for Zambia. But who ever takes over power by coup should quickly clear and get rid of all old politicians before dawn so that Zambia will never return to old ways. Watch out a new day is coming!

  11. The problem with Zambians, the public is the law. U can’t hav politicians take matters to court. This is the result. They get freed by other politicians and the cycle continues.

  12. What do you expect to happen to Regina when the plunder (Chiluba) was acquited. With the removal of abuse of office now these polititians will steal a lot knowing that the law under RB will protect them. SHAME!!!!

  13. Ba Kolwe ama judges need to start being sorted out one by one. then they will realize that no power no law can protect their abhorrent behavior. Poor people have been imprisoned for 15, 25 year for very simple cases, and yet those in the upper echelon easily walk free for bigger cases. What sort of justice is this? How can courts be only for the power? If Banda can only save the rich and those scratching his back,then who will save the least of our society? If MMD will win the next year elections then there should be a coup. I am not saying this for play and that should be the only way out for Zambia. But who ever takes over power by coup should quickly clear and get rid of all old politicians before dawn so that Zambia will never return to old ways. Watch out a new day is coming!

  14. All so called news in 2day’s papers (no Post) is so revolting. I’ve stopped reading – I might do something foolish for now. We need to think clearly.

  15. To the Judges, make sure the money you have been paid is all there and use it wisely. This is Chiluba watchout!

  16. I told you my regiii, baice sana aba.Even if LPM did not die, I would have secured our freedom.They dont call me ‘Political Engineer’ for nothing.

  17. First the criminal master dribbler was acquitted. Another criminal has just been acquitted. Another criminal (murderer Al Basheer) has been invited into the country. This tells a story.

  18. You can win all the court cases and use the current govt to shield you beyond all the crimes but one thing am assured is that God knows what you did and God will vidicate you……….if you abert those who steal our blood and thoes who died because u stole is on you and family and your grand ……… bring curses upon ur self.

    The mighty lord be praised we know and he knows .

  19. Awe, there was no need to convict her because the main thieve was freed.arresting her would have been another blunder…

  20. you chaps are just plain mad and foolish. have respect. those three judges are eminent legal minds and do you really think its easy to bribe a supreme court judge? and are you saying a simple magistrate knows the law better than a supreme court judge? get a life fools and stop showing your ignorance here. mutembo simply used blackmail and donor money to get convictions in the magistrate court and thats why he did not want to face a high court judge. and when he did like in the case of Jones Chinyama he failed lamentably to get a conviction

  21. Cathrine Makungu failed to turn up last time. Was she coerced into agreeing with the other judges. I have known her ever she since was a kid being kept by her accountant brother in law. She went to Unza, then joined Mwanawasa who appointed her Kitwe High Court judge. Am sure she is not part to this comedy. There was a reason to have 3 Judges- they had to vote and am sure the other 2 were already on the side of evil. So the result is 2-1

  22. The Kenyan government defended its failure to arrest Sudan’s president while he was in Nairobi on Friday, citing strategic interest in the neighbouring country.

    Richard Onyonka, an assistant foreign minister, said today that arresting Omar al-Bashir may have risked adversely affected peace in Sudan.
    “Apart from being an immediate neighbour, Sudan’s stability is vitally linked to Kenya’s continued peace and well being,” he said. Kenya drew criticism for inviting Bashir to witness the signing of its new constitution. He is wanted by the international criminal court for allegedly masterminding the genocide in Darfur.

  23. #7 Deja Vu, I too am wondering as you are, Regina is aquitted and she must surrender to the state the items in question. The mind boggles. I’m glad I never chose to study law, it’s a conundrum!

  24. Now that I and ma sweet cherry are free,I should start sorting out fi enemy fyandi.Chi Matani, chi sata, chi maureen, chi mmembe, fi ma NGO fya tumpa etc.Try me now, you low lives.

  25. # 32 Its you who is plain foolish and mad. What makes you think that a magistrate can be bribed while a supreme court judge can’t be bribed. Give us the evidence that nchito used donor money to bribe secure that conviction.

  26. #33 Deja Vu
    Dont speculate ma brother.Even if Makungu voted against the acquittal, she is still part of the verdict.

  27. Sata should be happy. Isn’t this the completion of what he wanted in 2006? I know he changed his mind about Chiluba’s guilt but am sure he must have changed his mind again and then again and then now he must be glad that all the cases against the Chiluba’s have been dropped until he changes his mind again tomorrow and then back again – you know what he is like. So Luapula basenda?

  28. This is an interesting one. Honestly, how could the prosecution make claims of stolen items without having the said items reported to police or concrete evidence of them being stolen? Proving that an accused in guilty is entirely a duty of the prosecuting team and not the defense……. which is the reason why an accused is allowed to remain silent if s/he wishes. Looks like the so-called fight against corruption in the last 10yrs has mainly benefited lawyers (defense and prosecution alike) ……..

  29. …… you do not jail someone (where we like her or not) based on suspicion and when the prosecution has not proved its case BEYOND reasonable doubt. Sadly, more money has been lost in the process.

  30. It must be very discouraging for the prosecuters bringing these cases to court.Is there any politician in the ruling party or a friend of the ruling party who has been convicted of the crimes they have been prosecuted for?The Zambian justice system is a joke.Did someone mention about the Chief Justice having dinner with these people? How can anyone expect the judiciary to act impartial in cases like these? Who can set guidelines about these things? Can LAZ help us? And chi RB should pardon that man sentenced to 20 years for stealing a bicycle.

  31. :-? I am just left to wonder what kind of women are those so-called Regina’s sympathizers or is it her cadres. No wonder, they look like beggers just starting from their wigs.

  32. The big FIVE Sata, Maureen, M’membe, Magande & Pombo must be having diarrhea of the mouth.
    Ka chiluba is untouchable now. no more heart attack.

  33. Former president Frederick Chiluba says President Rupiah Banda has done extremely well at his duty of traveling around the region to build friendships with his colleagues and partners. He said the president did not have to explain to the citizen the purpose of his trips whenever he was traveling.

  34. The Judges here are not to blame. This case should NEVER have been tried BEFORE Dr Chiluba’s case. The Magistrate could not acquit Regina because there was potentially a prima fascie case that she received stolien goods. Once it was proven that the goods were stolen, the conviction would have stood ipso facto. Going by the numerous blunders in the prosecution of Dr Chiluba’s cases, I have a feeling that ‘lawyer wa ma lawyer’ had either lost his legal mind, or he did want Dr Chiluba to be acquitted because Chiluba’s alleged corruption extended very nicely to Levi’s first term. Res ipsa loquitur.

  35. Those of us who have long term memories remember that Levi said, ‘I have nothing against Dr Chiluba. He is my friend. I would be the happiest man if Dr Chiluba is found innocent.’ Now, that does not appear to be a man who was convinced of Dr Chiluba’s guilt. Later on he went on to say, ‘I will pardon Dr Chiluba if he can only bring back 50% of what he stole.’ This was just politics.

  36. CHI # 32 SATA IS A BIG LIAR, you are such a pitiful foolish cadre! Out of all these people who have debated this important subject you think you are the only one who has a life? What life are you boasting about? This acquittal just like the earlier one for the husband, STINKS and leaves a bitter after taste in the mouth. We all know that Vasco Da Banda is in cohorts with these mega kleptomaniacs and no court can convict them as at now. However, there time is coming.
    # 23 Donkey, calm down, we all feel very hurt by the way things are going in my mother land, however a coup should really be avoided at all cost. Let’s just register amass, we can beat this government and asher in a more humane and just government, if we can have a united front of UPND, PF, ADD and FDD. Someone…

  37. ala zambia is a circus these people knew the verdict before it was read out.what can you tell chiluba,s stepson will think he is untouchable aswell. go to school wechi pubawe

  38. But Sata was going to do exactly this if he had won in 2006 without the use of the courts so I dont understand why pf kaponyas especially her unladyship at #61 are foaming at the mouth and having palpitations. You have got what you voted for in 2006, so why all the noise?Muzangozikwezekela bp! Are you lot as inconsistent as that inconsistent snake in the grass-roots you support?

  39. President Chiluba stands on the rock and his Jesus Christ is that rock

    “The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15). The witchcraft of hatred is vainly consuming and has trapped many souls in Zambia. Victims to this vice are quickly killing themselves. President Chiluba is a man servant of the Lord, redeemed of him and anointed by him. Unless you change and turn away from the spirit of hatred which is witchcraft, in the eyes of the world we will keep seeing his haters being wiped away with impunity in their pestilences ranging from poverty, heart attacks, strokes, accidents and such.

  40. Hear it right here:

    Touch Not My anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm.’” (Ps 105:15, 1 Chronicles 16:22). You cannot win attacking the servants of the Lord, no matter who they are…if the anointing ever comes upon a man, don’t touch that man. Don’t touch him. You are in deep, serious danger.

    Genesis 20:7 Now return the man’s wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not return her, you may be sure that you and all yours will die.”

  41. Divine Promises For Protection

    “A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.”(Psalm 91:7)

  42. Everybody that was linked to chiluba’s theft should be acquitted now and all this nonsense buried and forgotten about and save us the embarrassment please

  43. Ba Senior Citizen @#69
    Are you insinuating that chiluba is a prophet?It is him who should return Regina to Mwanza in ndola.Dont misquote the bible, and leave God out of this nonsense lest a curse rests upon your head.

  44. Explicitly put here

    Touch Not My anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm.’” (Ps 105:15, 1 Chronicles 16:22). You cannot win attacking the servants of the Lord, no matter who they are…if the anointing ever comes upon a man, don’t touch that man. Don’t touch him. You are in deep, serious danger.

  45. Maybe i have lost my sight i can’t see well and i need some glass:-b. Let us pray[-o< for poor country pa Zed. Is this Zed University can do for the poor Zambians,

  46. Wat do u expect wen the main lazo is acquited,the earlier conviction by the lower court was just to blind us.Tuka mimona fikala, viva pact 2011

  47. Zambia has the most effective professional independent justice system to the envy of her fellow commonwealth member countries. This is why other countries are approaching Zambia for help with men and women from the bench. We have seen Zambian legal brains on the auxillary benches of IC, in Namibia, Cambodia, Kenya, Gambia, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Rwanda to mention but a few. We also see Zambians serving as some country law school Chairs, Deans and professors all because of who we are and the system developed on. It is justice when Minister Gladys Nyirongo is arrested and loses her appeal, it is when Emmanuel Mwamba is arrested, when Michael Sata is acquitted, when Kabwela is cleared, and all Generals are arrested but not professional when there is judicial victory of FJT haaah!

  48. We are in trouble.Unfortunately there is likeliness that the man in power will bounce back in the 2011 Tripartite elections.All judicial proceedings will be bent at winning the 2011 elections. Time will come when all will come out in the open.

    My Our judges be delivered. We have no judiciary independent in anyway.

    its a lie if anyone says so.

  49. This fight against corruption was like a chase after the wind! Mr Sata received some money from GBM,and DEC want to grab his vehicles and go after GBM! Ba Regina received property from Dr Chibula but nobody is questioning our former President!

  50. You hypocrites! Who has cast the evil spell of worthless self obliterating hate spirit on you? Before your very eyes FJT has been crucified lavishly at the expense of scarce public resources in a poor value for money historic goose chase. US $16 million stuffed in pockets of friendly attorneys in a scheme yet you want more wasted on the same baselessly.

  51. It is justice when Minister Gladys Nyirongo is arrested and loses her appeal, it is when Malupenga shoves on the judiciary to sabotage his post tabloid competitors by getting Emmanuel Mwamba and young Lyod Himaambo chased and arrested, when Kambalanje Kaunda is arrested and later released, when Michael Sata is acquitted, when Kabwela is cleared, and all Generals are arrested but not professional when there is judicial victory of FJT haaah!

  52. # 87 You are right my brother, its a sad story to read what is happening in Zambia, a nation with no direction.

  53. When is Chiluba to be awarded the $8 million dollars for plundering the nation? And how much will the current president be awarded?

  54. # 13 Walasa. Logic bloggers. If the hand that taketh did not stealeth, how come you want the one that receiveth to be convicted? I am with the High court justices on this one. She deserves her freedom. If it is the desire of most people that she gets convicted, then there is no justice. By this I mean let us get back to the core of this if you are able to read between the lines, then there shall be redemption.


  56. Empirically Zambia would not develop on a spirit of sissies and whinners who want to hold the nation in a ransom of expending wastefuly the excess of US $16 million endlessly without real value. For their incorrigible hatred they don’t like to see public resources being wasted on valueless case to buy medicine, build mores schools, roads, hospitals and equip school labs.For how long should Zambian resources be expended on such goose chases?

  57. With this behind us against uncaring insentive NGOs and titular failed opposition wankers in the political arena, lets focus on national development and landslide victory in the tripartite elections where Sata in a political cul-de-sac will be vainly rashing to the same courts he calls corrupt if not relegating on his vow to seek asylum to Taiwan.

  58. Going by the blogging here, I now understand that a jury system cannot work in Zambia. Is it any wonder that the British did not introduce Jury systems in their colonies because they knew that maBoyi do not have ‘current standards of ordinary decent folk.’

  59. Had she been convicted, It was going to confirm Sata’s remarks that Chiluba is a shameless thief. While personaly I was going to consider it as the joke of the year to learn that the then President stole a TV. If a President stole a TV, then nothing was safe from his hands in the country. A TV is usually stolen by these common thieves who may be in need of feeding their hungry stomachs. But a President!

  60. we knew from the beginning that this was just a waste of time and a sign of formality otherwise it was obvious. let ka chiluba and chi regina go to hell, thiefs of people.

  61. You either received stolen goods or u didn’t, which is it? Comedy of errors indeed and very sad. What’s hurts me is that when poor villagers grow marijuana to earn a few ngwees or when a hungry chap steals a chicken or few maize cobs, they’re sent to prison to do serious time! Yet white collar rich folks get away with a slap on the wrist. Animal farm indeed.

  62. This is a crazy country run by crazy selective laws and crazy people, why get suprised with anything in Zambians courts today. no wonder that guy who had his land taken near the Arcades complex went berseck and gave the suprem court a shout out loud they will never forget.

  63. of-course this was expected !!!!!!!! And they (Chiluba, Rupiah, judiciary etc ) think they are clever? There is a God up there.

  64. If Regina failed to explain the source of her money and has been acquitted, why question Sata who has revealed the source of the US dollars in his account? Am just observing.

  65. And how much does Hamaundu get in return for all this from FTJ, I hope all this shall not at one time backfire at his sight coz it will be a catastrophie.

  66. “The court also ordered the forfeiture of properties, mostly on the Copperbelt, and a Toshiba television set”

    I take it that this means the properties and the TV have been returned to her. That’s the only way it makes sense to me.

  67. My dear friends, this is a very sad development indeed. It was already written on the wall that Regina was going to be acquitted. I am now overwhelmed by anxiety with the forth coming elections, RB will retain his presidency position. This is the real Zambia, this really sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. Who said life is fair??? just wait, soon and very soon for that matter, ftj and regina will sneak out of the country and settle in some unknown resort island and enjoy themselves whilst everyone is presumably thinking that they will face justice after 2011 elections. :-?

  69. The judiciary in Zambia is a disgrace.Zambia is being ruled by vultures,scavengers of the worst order!!Thats why Captain Solo in 1997 said that Zambians were about to see a firing squad because they had not seen one.We being taken for a ride and as usual,Zambians are ndwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!Kupwalala!

  70. We are being taken advantage of because of the statement; “Zambians are peaceful” MY A$$!
    I would like to advise people supporting this acquittal to respectfully keep quiet and not provoke the many educated Zambians who can see what is really going on here.
    #121 i agree with you, Ise ma Zambians ndise opwalala. we talk, blog, insult but never do anything. I think its about time we showed our politicians who holds power in Zambia. Now i see why captain Solo said we will see a firing squad in Zambia. Our politicians are taking, the peace we Zambians love, for granted!

  71. i will go and ask rupiah to be my man friend so i can stand above the law, surely this is rubbish, why was she jailed in the first place? is it worthy having the judiciary in zambia where rules can be bent? RB I am coming see u!

  72. But you all why do realy complain so much as if you are perfect.No one is have got very tiny brains ,kwati tukonkote.
    Wake up.Why did you take Chiluba and Regina to court in the first place ,isnt that you wanted them to be tried .If you knew that they were guity why didnt you just burry them arraive.The fact is that you were in doubt and you wanted someone to help you interprate the law ,which they have done.Whats wrong with you people


  74. Judgement ruling: Munaba so letani then you are a free citizen. New approach to crime. Pipo can go ahead and steal if caught bring back the items; basi wasila mulandu.

  75. Let this be a lesson to all that had a benefit of doubt that our Judicial system is not biased. Its now war between ourselves, the Judiciary and these s’tupid thieves. Let’s see who laughs the last

  76. Let all young and well meaning Zambians stand up against this madness. Forget about Senior Citizen, the guy belongs to the archives. The war has been declared and I for one will not allow this madness to continue happening in my country of birth. I urge you all to say enough is enough, let’s put our efforts together and root out these corrupt elements

  77. Zebedia says May someone please give back what was grabbed from Vera Chiluba especially the House in Chamber Valley.Its only fair instead of Regina getting away with it.She actually caused the divorce in the Chiluba family. And according to the Bible that is not marriage btn FTj and Regina but adultery.

  78. this type of justice is the most useless we have.Can someone help Vera to get back what she lost? This Regina made Chiluba divorece his wife.I wonder what is going through Veras mind. People lets do something about our country. These people have taken us for granted.You can beat people sometimes but you cant beat people all the time. Shame.

  79. Bothers and Sisters no need to debate this was expected…first FTJ was acquited and that was the begining:

    REGINA WAS CONVICTED FOR OBTAINING STOLEN GOODS STOLEN BY AN INNOCENT THIEF….I say this course you can not jail someone for been in possession of stolen property that was stolen by a man you have is all confusing but it is common sense to note what is going on even a child in this one can not be cheated.

  80. There was nothing surprising about this verdict. It was written on the wall. With the acquittal of FTJ, there was no way they could jail her.

  81. It was a well known fact that ILIHULE will be released . The case became predictable after the husband was acquitted. It is just fair that all those convicted for corruption be released as there is no corruption in Zambia.

  82. If you are outside Zambia and you are surprised at this announcement, then you are a fool!

    Did you ever think she was going to go in? :d

  83. If you are outside Zambia and you are surprised at this announcement, then you are a f o o l!

    Did you ever think she was going to go in? :d

  84. The wrong doers are applauded and the ones who do right things are persecuted day and night…
    What is the difference between right and wrong in zambia???

  85. @137 zeus..

    my dear that is why I said “EVEN A CHILD CAN NOT BE CHEATED” we all know what has gone on and which number they are playing

  86. bakabwalala ba fula mumushi sana (why letting plunderers scout free) ati pa zed. i think our judiciary is the most corrupt in the whole world. very compromised judiciary system. Judges were is your integrity…………

  87. We knew that this ****ing nonsence will occure. after all who are those judges. These arer the same people who have made Zed stagnant at its economy. Chiluba is just a jacacy and his minions.


  89. Senior Citizen I compare you to Comical ally during the ousting of Saddam Hussein.You try to make abnormal happenings look normal.You will never convince me with such rhetoric.

  90. LT the High court never ordered forfeiture of properties but stated that it could not make an order to release because seizure was under a different statute (according to three local print media).

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