Friday, July 5, 2024

Some festive pictures



Trolley dash...A woman leaves Shoprite Manda Hill during the Christmas shopping time


Some women providing a Christmas gift wrapping service at Arcades shopping centre in Lusaka


Some women entrepreneurs providing a Christmas gift wrapping service at Arcades shopping centre in Lusaka


Some Lusaka residents captured inside the new look Manda Hill shopping mall in Lusaka


Some Lusaka residents captured inside Spar Store during the Christmas shopping period


President Banda interacts with a mother and her baby at Chipata Clinic in Lusaka


People of Kaoma District are complaining over the poor drainage system that is now affecting buildings. The Council is said to be oblivious to this problem as they are not doing anything about it.(Sent by Kaoma resident)


Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao presents a gift to a mother and her baby at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka


Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao looks at one of the Christmas babies at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka


Defence Minister Kalombo Mwansa presents a Christmas gift to a patient at Maina Soko Military Hospital


An woman displays her Christmas gifts for sale at Arcades shopping centre in Lusaka


Bank of Zambia Zambia Governor Caleb Fundanga during the opening of the Indo Zambia Bank Manda Hill branch


An aerial view of the Lusaka central business district


President Banda congratulates new Sports deputy Minister Brian Sikazwe at State House


Ministry of Science and Technology Permanent Secretary Criticles Mwansa and Milenge Dictrict Commissioner Rosemary Malutu inspect a garden at Milenge Trades Training Institute.


Ministry of Science and Technology Permanent Secretary Criticles Mwansa about to present a computer to Milenge Trades Training Institute principal Dorothy Siame


(corrected)The women in Solwezi district removing Cassava from a drum in readiness for drying before its pounded into mealie-meal(ubunga bwa tute)


Stranded passengers along Chingola-Solwezi Road after the Minibus they were in had a tyre burst


Kisasa area along Solwezi -Mwinilunga road in Solwezi district


Christmas in the village, the youths are preparing meals in a hut in Jiwundu area


  1. pic 12, What the hell is Indo Zambia Banda Manda Hill Branch???? LT, so much of RB!
    pic 18, it is not “people in the bus”, but “people on the bus”
    pic 20, Nothing telling us about Christmas in the Village on this picture. It could as well be young girls preparing a meal after their classes in village weekly-border schools.

  2. What a disparity between city and rural pictures. We need to do more by taking development to the rural areas

  3. ba lsktimes ma jade too much you stop stop fwaka yamu mpuno. We all have a bad hangover but you must have been drinking some expired kachasu or 7 days to create the caption on picture 12

  4. pc 15, 16. Does CRITICLES still count as a ‘chipata name’ even when it is followed by a bemba surname?

  5. #15 Our research students did not find a garden. They only saw a bush and got some roots for stomach pains. #19, Amazing! At least it is cleaner than Lusaka CBD.

  6. While Zambia is doing so well with the good copper prices

    Our Development stays the same and 30 years later our CBD will still be looking the same and that

    chima concrete giant will still be standing along katondo street

    and look at Solwezi surely, i might be wrong but isnt that where Africas biggest copper mine is located..?

  7. That caption in pix 11 is hilarious. ‘An Woman’ sure? Now I ve concluded beyond reasonable doubt that LT is ‘A’ Easterner. not ‘An’ Easterner lol

  8. It is interesting that the MMD tends to draw its support from the rural areas, and yet these are the areas which are suffering the most

  9. How do people name names?

    I cant believe someone is called ‘criticles’ If someone called me that I would refuse when i grow up and have it changed
    Its regrettable that parents are giving names, which mean nothing, or after a spur of a monent.

    Names such as sunday, Friday, samson, toolbox, millenium should be condemned I am told there is a lot of names that would make one’s chin drop. especially people from where the president is from
    H New year

  10. #1 Tionge …dude when was the last time you were in Zed? You seem to be very much out of touch. I do not think you know what you are talking about. Where did you see a Bank of Zambia branch being opened? Lets think before we talk…LOL…

  11. #17 Criticles does not originate from RBs region, why are you trying to twist things. Do not turn obvious matters into hard jobs, you will end up breathing from the wrong end.
    Criticles might have been a blend between ‘cute’ and ‘testiclees’. If you had a child with two nice olives, it is definetly a good name to give. No offence intended.

  12. lol…# 20 tauwumfwa but boyi.I like that, “breathing from the wrong end” and two olives.It can`t get better than that.

  13. Mushota@17. The name Criticles has been on the scene for so long that you can only comment on it if you were born last night – which I suspect you were judging from your various postings.
    And what’s your problem problem with the name Samson, don’t you know about a book called ‘The Bible’ and the character whose hair was cut by his chick called Delilah to weaken him? Okay, sorry, you were born last night.

  14. Good evening

    I have noticed that when celebrating Christmas, a lot of people will spend a lot of money on gifts and
    paying for lavish meals. In Africa, this means that those who do not get a huge Christmas bonus (the majority) will have to work overtime, and this takes them away from the family. This melts down to neglected spouses and children that lack in parental attention. Broken homes is the sad ending.

    On the other hand, if you take every single day of your life and cherish it like it was Christmas, you will give (and receive) gifts from family and friends at any time. Such unexpected gifts, which are given out of a pure heart, are by far the best. How nice it is to be set free from the burden of consumption!

  15. #14 Bourne- yes pics13 & 19 say we are in company 47yrs after independence.Oh wait,Haiti and Liberia are the same 200yrs and 150+yrs after independence and our shared good copper prices with Chile seem to have much more positive effect on Chile than zed.Mmhh,i despair for our resource curse.

  16. I’m told he used be called Testacles Mwansa when he was young. He just changed to Criticles when he went to secondary school. kekekekekekekekekekekekeke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. bushe nibani bakalemba ba LT..this is ay out of hand..there are wrong spellings in every edition of LT..muletusebanya ba kolwe!!

  18. #24 Ba Chale, you sound like you never received any gift or you never gave anyone any present at Christmas. There might be something wrong with you. I think society has MOMENTS and EVENTS. Days are names Monday-Sunday, and some of you people celebrate certain days like Sabbath, and nobody complains. And if some people celebrate a day of GIVING and RECEIVING and you are up calling them names.

  19. # 17 Mushota mano, changing names is not as easy as you change your G-strings. What is wrong with name Chriticles does it some sound like something you like to play with?

  20. I agree with TKZee. please dont caption the pictures. the ichusungu is just embarassing. i wrote better english in g9. exhibit 1, picture #17. you dont pound cassava into mealie meal, you pound mealies (maize/corn) into mealie meal!! mealie-meal is not a general term for any ingredient you use to make nshima. thanks for the images from the motherland though.

  21. The stranded minibus travellers and the youth celebrating Xmas under that hut, are typical Zambian scenarios. The lucky few or is plenty few are the ones having it big at Manda Hill shopping centre.

    What a contrast!!!!!

  22. Pict.# 8 So that poor unattended to drainage in Kaoma iz az a rezult of the so called oppozition-run councils?

  23. I cant believe someone is called ‘criticles’ If someone called me that I would refuse when i grow up and have it changed
    Its regrettable that parents are giving names, which mean nothing, or after a spar of a moment.

    Names such as sunday, Friday, samson, toolbox, millenium should be condemned I am told there is a lot of names that would make one’s chin drop. especially people from where the president is from
    happy xmas chrismas to you all and may the good lord be with you all Gud by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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