The opposition Patriotic Front ( PF ) says it is grateful to its pact partner United Party for National Development (UPND) for helping the party to become popular in Southern province.
And at the same launch, 30 MMD members defected to PF citing corruption and other irregularities in the MMD, as reason for their defection.
PF Provincial chairman Joseph Akafumba said today that the cordial relationship with the pact partner UPND has helped his party to grow in the province.
“ PF ‘s popularity in the province has grown massively, now. We ( PF ) have become a major talk of the day in the province, “ Mr. Akufuna said .
The provincial chairman said this at the launch of PF campaigns in the province yesterday in, Mbabala constituency in Choma .
He claimed the MMD has failed the people of Zambia lamentably especially in Southern province hence the need for them to join the PF.
He cited the recent burning down of people ‘s houses in Macha Chiefdom of Choma district and the shooting of miners at column coal mine in Sinazongwe District were the major indicators of government ‘s failure to protect its people.
He accused government of siding with foreigners.
He explained that the journey to change Zambia, which has began in Mbabala constituency, will spread to other districts in the province.
The PF provincial chairman further charged that there is need for the people to vote the MMD out, accusing government of being corrupt and visionless.
Mr. Akafumba also pointed out that the MMD is deceiving people by claiming things they did not initiate adding that it is high time people should say bye to it.
He advised people of Mbabala not to be deceived by the tarring of Choma Namwala road stating that is a duty of any government of the day to develop the country.
Mr. Akafumba said the PF has been always ready to address the challenges facing people hence the need to give it chance in this year s tripartite elections.
The PF provincial chairman said president Banda is spending much time commissioning small projects insteady of addressing serious challenges the country is facing.
He also refuted claims made by some people that PF is tribal and has challenged those claiming to came out in open .
And at the same launch, 30 MMD members defected to PF citing corruption and other irregularities in the MMD.
“We have been neglected by MMD hence the reason why we have decided to join PF because it seem to be focused,” they said.
Among those who claimed to have defected include Maxwell Muchimba who is former MMD Kabimba ward chairman,George Sikabanze former MMD Kabimba youth chairman and senior MMD member in Mbabala constituency Stanley Moyo .
One Zambia One Nation
Good move
Dont kubeba … VIVA PACT
This coming from ZANIS? Ah multiply the 30 by 100 to make it 3000 defections to PF. I cant believe the report is by ZANIS. I bet you the editor is fired.
Ukubeba iyoo, let them continue thinking it is a bed of roses
It will be a great revolution for the PF to become popular in southern province where their leader Sata is usually beaten by General Miyanda. Despite massive investments in campaigns for five years and Miyanda being quiet, the name Miyanda is enough to beat Sata in southern province. Before talking big, try to understand the electorate very well and how he/she votes. PF is non existence in the south and west. I think the true picture is that MMD has grown in popularity in southern province and they are playing the province in their 2011 election strategy. I know PF bloggers live in denial of this fact.
#4 your calculations make sense.i ll advise the PF-UPND PACTto use the same calculations in the general elections this year during the voting and counting process.RB will fail to rig this time.Well thought…
Oh….I get it. You are thanking the UPND for allowing themselves to be used by the PF. Now you are getting ready to finish them off and throw them out. UPND should be careful with PF.
As for the defections, well it is their democratic right. Just know that PF is tribal as well as highly dictatorial. You should have defected to UPND IMO.
In the abasungu english ‘thanks’ does not fit in that headline. But who cares, i am sure we all understand what is meant, te?
Ku southern province. Elo lwanya. Report nayena yafumina ku ZANIS? PF Nai kalipa! I now understand why MMD top leadership are obsessed with Sata! Kanshi they know he is becoming popular everyday in every part of the country. They have the intelligence info, wapya munzi!!!!!!!! The bot has entered southern waters……….
Keneth Kaunda when he was removed from power said and I qoute ” MMD will not rule for 27 years.” end of qoute. No one replied to what KK said. therefore the words will be fulfilled soon. At least three over four the population of southern province will vote for the Pact. Whoever will be PACT Prsident we shall Vote for him or her. Kakoma, Lubinda, Hikainde, Nkombo, Scot, Sata, Wina etc
baf!kala mulaibepa Sata ukuwina Ifisushi fyenu mukapwisha, kale naposamo itawelo muli heart patient wenu.
Viva Chipimo and RB they speak sense and matual politics
#7 objective indeed you are objective. I go by your blog nothing to add on.
How do you gauge popularity without an opinion poll or election?Can someone please help me.
Some bloggers have nothing to offer. They are like one students who masters answers without realising that questions may come in any order. They engage a negative gear the moment Sata and PF are mentioned. Let us be progressive and encourage the opposition. Imagine what would have become of Zambian politics without PF and UPND.
Chipimo ninani kanshi. Ndomfwa fye ati Chipimo, e Siulapwa or babafye related. nangu lishina lya party ya new?
YAYA…now the boat has entered the south waters….slow but steadfast and sure.
Nowander RB and the MMD minions are spending sleepless nights over Sata and PF. Ala all Zambians are geared to vote for the PACT Haka Sata.
MMD is going out whether they like it or not. The boat heare it comes.
MMD now are sick with shikipolomia ..hehe.
Yeah, I agree with #10! Actually the message I got from the headline, even before reading the article, was that the PF is thanking the UPND for allowing itself to be used by the PF for Satana to gain popularity in the Province. UPND play your own game and be careful with PF!!
The alleged defections from PF/UPND by CBU students if figment of MMD wild imagination for the following reasons:
1) There is no party identity for the PACT so how does one confirm that the defector is coming from the PACT. After Lifwekelo has just told us the PACT is only imaginary.
2) The PF has no membership cards and just as above what proof is there.
3) The CBU Students Union has issued a statement to distance itself from the faked defections adding that those purported defectors are actually dependants of CBU workers.
The leadership of MMD must realize that any body will accept to be paraded as a defector from the opposition as long as there is monetary gain as was the case on Saturday in Kitwe. Who ever is advising Mr. Rupiah Bwezani is just there to line his pocket. It…
Thanks PF for being honest. Also UPND is known in Northen & Luapula thanks to PF. The pact should kick MMD out of power.
Don’t be hoodwinked. MMD is currently using every opportunity to destabilise the pact and sometimes it uses people within PF or UPND to create fights between the two parties. They are aiming to kill the pact. Everyone should know that dislodging UPND from the summit in SP is next to impossible. Let’s see the bigger picture.
The news that PF is growing in popularity may not go well with those that have a problem of Sata-phobia. However this is the reality. Just analyse the Milanzi and Mpulungu by-elections. And if this is not enough compare the 2006 with the 2008 genral elections and see for yourselves how PF has been closing in. I sympathize with those who play God and hold firm to this myth that Sata will never rule Zambia like its a dogma. The earlier people came to terms with this possibility the the better
Wel,wat a nightmare..! SP is not a province for a token.this’s province of pipo who ar ready to hold a bull by its politics hoondwinking the public wil embarass PF in SP.
i thot thez foz ar 1 watz diz now of thanking da other insteady da statement should hav bn as pact we are thankful for the support we are receiving from southern province
Atleast they mentioned the defctors names, did MMD mention the Student defectors they claimmed in the other artical. What a shame on the MMD, i have a feeling that MMD is in great panic, no wonder they cant sleep when they hear Sata, Remember they were talking a lot of shiki polomia when Sata was in SA tenshaling his wife, where is GK redlips zee, bcoz bamwine balisa.
Viva Pact??? But the man is campaigning for PF and NOT UPND or Pact in the heartland of UPND, does he need to be more clear than that?
wishful thinking!!!! how do you measure porpularity? by backing the Barose Royal Agreement you pretend not to understand? right thinking Zambians will never vote for leaders who is not objective…
I am a Lozi Youth but I am appalled by other youth sentiments that wanted a Young person to lead this country. Where have you been all this time to start campaigning now? My favourite man is Miyanda but he is sleeping and will only wake up the moment Govt announces the election date. If we want change, it’s time to be realistic. PF has gained a lot of ground throughout the country. My work involves a lot of travel within the country and I like assessing including asking locals the political landscape. My survey indicates PF has penetrated a lot in areas where it was unknown such as western province (apart from Kaoma area and Shang’ombo); about 70% in North Western province; 80% in rural Copperbelt, 50% in Eastern province and 90% in Central (apart from Chibombo and Kapiri East). Southern…
eeeshi!!!!dot make me laugh PF winning in western province its a non start coz the party is not liked by Litunga himself,am a pure lozi kwangwa for that,its milupi,MMD and UPND not PF who cheated you,Sata will have to pay for his sins in the past we cant forget too that he said ill meet westerners at a battle field,you met us who cried the loudest,ask Milupi why is he not forming an alliance with him,ADD knows Sata cant deliever in that province assist Sikota when they made a pack what happened he continued with his zeros in that province,this year auntie wina,i mean the man is unsalable in that area,he cant its just that noise from post otherwise he is no near victory,we want real change from UPND team