Monday, March 3, 2025

Calm returns to Mongu


Kobil filling station in Mongu

Several government properties were yesterday destroyed in Mongu following the fracas that broke out between Police Officers and activists of the Barotse agreement of 1964.

A check this morning found that council offices and vehicles were destroyed by the violent riotous youth, who went ahead removing flags on several government offices in the district.

Meanwhile, Western Province Police Commanding Officer Peacewel Mweemba has dismissed speculations that Police shot dead eight youths during yesterdays’ fracas.

Mr. Mweemba added that apart from the two who were reported dead, one unidentified man was found lying dead by police along Limulunga road around 19:30hours.

The Police Chief said the man was who killed by unknown people sustained a deep cut on the left side of his ribs with his hands crossed on the chest.

Mr. Mweemba said the deceased is believed to have been stabbed with a knife adding that his body is currently lying in Lewanika General Hospital Mortuary awaiting identification, postmortem and burial.

AND Mr. Mweemba has described the current situation in the district as peaceful and calm. He said things were back to normal adding that both shops and markets are open while people are moving freely on the streets.

A group of the Barotse activists yesterday rioted after government cancelled their meeting of the Barotse Agreement of 1964 which was scheduled to take place yesterday 14th January 2011.


  1. Where is KK? This is the time we need him the most! Why the silence? It is good this issue has been brought up when the old man is still alive. KK we need you now to tell us where we go from here.

  2. Every part of Zambia is still under development 46years after independence but the people in those areas have not resorted to violence.
    Governemnt should not give these “terrorists” a chance and should crush them witth maximum force.
    The so-called blackbulls need to be cas…trated once and for all.

  3. How can KK come out to tell us where we go from here when IT IS HIM WHO CAUSED THE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. KK is I.D.I.O.T number 1 and should be ashamed of himself. I have lost respect for him because of this chaos he planted without resolving long time ago. All along he has been hoodwinking us with his stupid one zambia one nation when he knew that it was false security and there was a problem somewhere. If zambia breaks up he will go down in history as one of the major causers. To me KK is bastard.

  4. ZP Service yesterday you served the nation with distinction. Imasiku Mutangelwa must be dumped in Mkobeko Maximum prison on treason charge for his insurgence against the republic of Zambia. We pardoned him last time but not this time.


  5. Lozis are the most arrogant people in Zambia, they think they can take the law in their own hands and form a country of their own…..that will never happen. Organize another meeting, this time we will come with the whole army and shoot you all. Useless chaps.

  6. Mr. Mweemba added that apart from the two who were reported dead, one unidentified man was found lying dead by police along Limulunga road around 19:30hours.

    Even One life is precious and to belittle a persons life just because of their ethnicity is really scandalous Mr Mweemba.
    The people of Barotseland will voice their displeasure with their Vote!
    Was it not RB who said that he did not ask for the Lozi Vote?

  7. For the first time since Francis Kabonde took over as police boss in Zambia, the police have done something sensible and commendable.
    The prevention of crime in western province on Friday was done very professionally.
    The situation in Western province is not complicated at all. There is just a group of bandits trying to make money out of the so-called Barotseland Agreement.
    Unemployed and unemployable people like Mutangelwa should not make their personal misfortunes national matters. The poverty and general lack of development in western province is not limited there. The entire country is reeling in poverty because wrong people are in power. zambian watchdog

  8. What is required in Zambia is not to divide Zambia into ethnic nations but to stand as one and remove the thieves that have been looting our resources since political independence.
    We need to do it the Tunisia way. Get on the street and demand justice and the departure of thieves.
    The people of Western province can’t succeed in seceding from Zambia because it’s only a few people in favour of this. The same people who have been dominating other tribes in the region want to have complete dictatorship over the other tribes. This is wrong. There are so many people in Western province who prefer to be part of Zambia other than a Lozi Kingdom that would take them back 400 years in history.

  9. Besides, even within the Lozis, there are so many people who consider this call to secede trash.
    Some people were killed in Mongu on Friday. Surprisingly, even people who have been supporting this nonsense are now condemning the death. There is an attempt to craftily blame the police for the deaths. Now, what were the police expected to do when faced with a mob that was burning property?
    What is happening in western province is not a national issue. It’s just a project by a few Lozis to make money. Unfortunately some people and their vuvuzela newspapers are trying to harvest political capital out of this.
    Now they are busy condemning what they have been supporting. In their quest to win power, they are ready to sacrifice anything including one province of Zambia. But people of Zambia…

  10. If the Lozis are ready to provide leadership in the emancipation of Zambia from the artificial poverty brought about by poor leadership, then they must make a national plan.
    They must mobilize everyone in Zambia to take part in removing the thieves who are currently running this country. Zambians should not allow other thieves to take over from the current thieves. We need to start afresh. Everybody in Zambia is feeling the pangs of poverty like their brothers and sisters in Western Zambia. But trying to cut Zambia will just delay the salvation of the country from thieves. Instead of dealing with national issues, we shall all be forced to focus on non-issues like Barotseland.
    When there is a genuine call to save Zambia from thieves, everyone will take part. It does not matter from what…

  11. When there is a genuine call to save Zambia from thieves, everyone will take part. It does not matter from what province of Zambia the call will emanate from. As long as it is an issue that affects all of us, we shall respond.
    When the entire country rises, even the police join in. They will fire a few shots but will eventually join. Tunisia has just done it. So why can’t Lozis stop wasting time and be nationalistic instead of tribalistic for once.

  12. coming back to i think its good that things have turned normal now they should not do such a thing again we may lose more lozi lives….muzachapa ise tiyenda tipaka ka!!!

  13. The BA has had four different govts handling it so far of which two former heads of their respective govts are still alive plus the current head.
    KK needs to tell what he did
    FJT must give his side of the story
    Rupiah can tell what late Levy did since he (rupiah) was his vice president.
    The fact that calm has returned does not mean that the BA issue has been resolved. It is very much there and the forces behind it are still scheming new strategies & plans

  14. # 7 John Phiri
    You omitted the most important part of the article and let me do it for you;

    “Thieves are running this country. But what is more unfortunate is that even those who want to take over are also thieves if not worse criminals.
    What is required in Zambia is not to divide Zambia into ethnic nations but to stand as one and remove the thieves that have been looting our resources since political independence.”

    I share the same worries with the Watchdog concerning the govt in waiting.A bunch of vultures and opportunists ready to rape mother Zambia.Sad indeed.

  15. Are you saying that the current rapists are causing no assault because you are part of them? You can’t call someone names simply because you don’t want him to disrupt your criminal activities

    Since 1991, Zambia has been run by corrupt pimps who also participate in raping the country

  16. Sharp Shooter, i omitted it coz its useless.
    its the mmd chaps raping our country from lift, right and center.
    VIVA SATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. # 3 Jackal whatever you call yourself you disappoint me. How can you from nowhere just raise and start calling our Father an I.D.I.O.T. were you taught manners by your parents. Even if someone is wrong and caused this problem, you do not say such a thing to the father of the nation. In fact you are the one who is an I.D.I.O.T. sTuupid man. you have no manners at all.

  18. #18
    I would wholeheartedly want HH to the President cos he is from the ptivate sector and will usher in new blood with his mix of intellectuals.Unfortunateky,reality on the ground does not favour him and that make one Michael Chilufya Sata the favourite.I have every problem with Sata cos of his CV and worse still the performance and scandals of his councillors and Mps alike is appalling.If you are not new with the politics in Zambia,I need not to mention the various misdeeds of MCS and I dont want to think about what will happen if(and NOT when) he assumes the executive powers vested in the presidency.

  19. #22 I do understand, but you know there are no “clean politicians” in Zambia. Even HH has not been spared.
    I would take you back to 1991 when FJT was ushered into office. Apart from Sata, he had very educated ministers, but did they deliver? Did their education help turn the country round? Their education only helped to scheme sophisticated criminal activities to improve their pockets and nothing for the country.

    Sata did a better job at the ministry of health than Katele Kalumba & Nkandu luo combined.

    Much as he may not be clean he can make things move, things that are tangible & benefit ordinary people of Zambia. That is what leadership entails and that is what Zambia needs now

  20. #1 and #3KK is a real factor in this. Just read Part 4 of the Barotse 1964 then you will wonder how this man signed such a document and then why he failed to honour it. By the Zambia is not the only country where such an agreement has been betrayed, It happened in Uganda where the Kingdoms of Buganda and Bunyoro and others were supposed to be semi autonomous but the then President Milton Appolo Obote decided to abrogagate the agreement and sent the leaders of these Kingdoms into exile

  21. #23
    Are you,for instance,insinuating that your are ready to sacrifice your human rights, freedom etc for development from Sata? To me ,its like moving backwards in long strides especially that we have candidate who can deliver development while upholding and respecting the rule of law which is not the case with one MCS.

  22. #25
    I am not advocating for that. Hear me clearly, even under the so called peaceful environment; Zambia has attained very little development compared to neighbouring countries coming out of civil wars.

    What is freedom without really being free from hunger, disease, poverty etc? While freedom is an essential part of democracy, it is meaningless if we have nothing to show for it. We had very high hopes from 1991, we had our relative freedoms of speech, association, press, restored but we have generally been disappointed on the economic front, no doubt about that. If sacrificing a little will help turn round things, yes I am ready my brother not for Sata but for mother Zambia

  23. I can only see a dump site for old Japanese cars in the picture, feel so sad that our beloved mother land has become a dumping site for old car without spare parts and they are all taxis

  24. The demonic forces @ Post shinda pepa are dancing they are almost winning Christians it is time to get to your knees and pray faithfully ,lets ask the Almighty God who has loved us all these years even when we have turned our backs on him to interven in His special manner.We need men and women of faith to lead this nation .May the Almighty God who has promised never to forsake show His Grace and favour on land in the name of Jesus.Amen.

  25. I will form a political part that will aim at sperahearding economical development. We are only 11 millon and fail to feed ourselves how and why. The answer is with the head. The people driving our economy are a problem. I believe Zambia can do very better like bostwana in a shorttime frame.
    What we need is a system of equal distribution of wealth in Health, education, social, And economical sectors. And puting up projects that would bring wealth to the people. A government of less talk and more action. These RB and others are wasting our time. Whatdevelopmet will RB bring to Zambia? A vote for RB will destroy this country further.

  26. I told everybody here that these were very small chaps. Troublemakers, so if they want independence let them shed more of their blood, cowards.

  27. John Phiri .Your contributions are becoming very interesting. Now you are doing very well , i think you have done your good research and understood the situation positively.
    You don’t think like disgrantle flip-flop lickers .You must be a true Zambian

  28. “No government should engage in a situation like this in this manner. The complaint which people in Western Province are putting forward is because of poverty and neglect of the province. There are no factories, no jobs. When people leave schools, they have nothing to do. Mr. Rupiah Banda and his ministers that come from Western Province have blood on their hands and they have to do something to wash off this blood.”

    Gen Masheke wondered how MMD Parliamentarians from the province would face the people whose children were being killed. He said it was not a question of cessation of Western Province, but people were expressing anger at the situation in the area.

    “Barotseland Agreement does not talk of cessation. People in Western Province have been the most humble since independence…

  29. :x

    How do u expect western province to develop when lozis there chase business men who non lozi from investing there. Lozis are just difficult people. We won’t allow u to divide the nation.

  30. So much hate here!! Zambians are not as peaceful as they claim to be. How can u rejoice when police open fire with live bullets on unarmed fellow citizens? Its Western Peovince and the Lozi people now, tomorrow it will be UNZA students, next Tongas in Southern Province and the list goes on…..

    Police brutality is like cancer, if u dont cut the infected part now, it will spread to the rest of the body! RB has blood on his hands.

    You maybe next if this is not stopped now.

  31. Leave KK out of this. The immediate cause is incitement through incessant careless talk by certain known politicians, clergymen and media all envious of how RB has performed in a short period of time. The evidence is there. ZP and government, you have handled this very well/excellent, but don’t stop there. You must stop this nonsense and selfish appetite for power, we cannot spend (waste) our precious time going backwards in order to satisfy their appetite. WE are in a hurry to develop and THEY should wait for the ballot.

  32. I am actually more than shocked, scared too at the level of hatred being exhibited here. Super Ken didn’t create this problem. We owe it to ourselves to amicably resolve the issue as zambians. I am proud to be a bemba but I refuse and disagree when any zambian espouses tribal/regionalism because I have childhood friends from western province. Dduring our upbringing we never cared about tribe or colour. It’s stupid and dangerousl for any zambian to blame my/our people from western province or Dr Kaunda without understand the BR issues. If it’s gotten people so angry, all the mo reason it needs to be resolved amicably. I refuse to believe the people of western province want to cease. Lets not preach hatred just because we hate lozis. Mind you, they are not the only tribe there.

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