Friday, March 7, 2025

Maamba Collieries to resume operations


Maamba Colliries (MCL) coal processing plant
Maamba Colliries (MCL) Coal Processing Plant (CPP) which is being replaced for a modern one

Maamba Collieries (MCL) in Sinazongwe district in Southern Province is expecting machinery to start arriving in the country in the first week of March to resume mine operations.

Chief Executive Officer Kalunga Mumba disclosed this when Vice President George Kunda toured the mining area today saying the thermal power plant had been earmarked to start operating after 29 months.

Mr. Mumba said the Chinese contractor would work on the thermal power Plant and about 600 people would be employed.

He explained that within six months the contractor would be on site to start working on the thermal power plant that would use coal to generate power.

The Chief Executive officer also pointed out that U$20 million had been planned for environmental protection which would include tree planting around the open pit area and for recycling water.

He added that U$6 million would be used to expand the water treatment plant for both domestic and commercial use.

Mr. Kalunga further informed the Vice President that the company had also planned to build 600 houses for its employees at the Council and Kabula areas reapctively once negotiations were completed with local leadership.

The Vice President was accompanied to Sinazongwe by Southern Province Minister Elijah Muchima, Sinazongwe District Commissioner (DC) Oliver Pelete and other senior government officials.



  1. $20 mil for trees and a water treatment plant.

    But another $6 mil for turning that into drinkable water.

    I see most of that 20M going into pockets.
    Water treatment plants in my shire here cost $4.5m and feed 60,000 homes.
    So what are they going to spend the rest of the 20mil on?

    Timber Mansions more like it.

    • Audit pleaseRead the article again because you don’t understand it clearly you from another world if you can’t understand what this article tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But let me help you this $20 is for a power plant………………………………………………………………………….. and all going with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Maamba Colliries (MCL) Coal Processing Plant (CPP)

  2. Audit please

    Read the article again because you don’t understand it clearly you from another world if you can’t understand what this article tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But let me help you this $20 is for a power plant………………………………………………………………………….. and all going with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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