Electoral Commission of Zambia-ECZ- Chairperson Justice Florence Mumba has challenged former ECZ Director Dan Kalale to report her to relevant investigation wings on alleged corrupt activities.
Justice Mumba has been accused, together with other commissioners of single sourcing KPMG to undertake consultancy services on the confidential audit system review for the ECZ for the year 2008 to 2009, at a cost of one billion kwacha.
Justice Mumba says she will be happy if the investigations are constituted for the truth to come out.
She says Mr Kalale’s allegations can be investigated because actions that were taken are documented.
Justice Mumba was speaking to Journalists today-Monday in Lusaka.
Mr Kalale on Sunday said he was not consulted over the decision to single source KPMG.
Mr Kalale said he then reported the matter to the Auditor Generals office who directed the contract be cancelled.
He also called on the ACC and DEC to carry out an investigation into the matter.
Mr Kalale who has worked for the ECZ for 20 years received his letter of summary dismissal on Friday.
Meanwhile Workers at the Electoral Commission of Zambia today-Monday staged a work stoppage demanding the resignation of ECZ Chairperson Justice Florence Mumba.
The workers are demanding the re-instatement of former ECZ Director Dan Kalale.
The irate workers who stood outside the ECZ Headquarters in Lusaka, vowed not to go back to work until Justice Mumba resigns.
The workers also accused Justice Mumba of failing to improve the workers conditions of service.
They have told ZNBC News that Justice Mumba and all the Commissioners should resign because they are not capable of handling the forth coming general elections.
The workers have also vowed not to handle the Mporokoso By-election scheduled for March 3rd, until Justice Mumba quits and Mr Kalale is re-instated.
And Justice Mumba says the workers had the right to express their grievances and maintained that all their concerns will be handled internally.
Justice Mumba who was reluctant to comment on the work stoppage maintains that the operations at the Commission are going on normally.
Mr Kalale received his summary dismissal letter on Friday, January 21st.
Theres no smoke without fire. And these workers are not all stupid to make such demands. Theres surelly something wrong with Justice Mumba
Lets hope the ECZ wont get into disrepute before the elections. We already have one institution that seems to lack credibility in the eyes of many.
I dont trust this ka woman.The ealier she resigns, the better.
First of all resign the both of you and report your selves to the ACC so that new people takes over. But again the problem is that the new appointees will have to serve their masters first so that they can make there own names.
Birds of the same feather, judiciary!!
Between Judge Florence Mumba who has distinguished herself as a legal mind and has risen through hard workand Dan Kalale the graduate of UNZA who has never worked anywhere else but ECZ for 20 years, I will side with Judge Mumba that she must have refused to look the other way while corruption went on. ECZ has been used by OP through Dan Kalale to rig elections for the MMD and in addition, Dan saw a weakness to operate a corrupt money making system for his benefit and those close to him. They have all lived lives beyond their means and now it is over, they won’t go away quitely, they like Gbabo will fight to continue their joy riding on our hard earned tax money.
“summary dismissal” is the dismissal of an employee on the spot and without notice. What is going to happen to the 20 donkey years he has served with ECZ. Surely, the Mumba should have looked into that, no wonder women rush to making mistakes each time they make a decision.
Haven’t she now seen what havoc she has made on the ECZ grounds – This is treason, in fact more than the mongu issue ( BA64 )!
Ecz workers just tel us u hav bn riggin elections
It is good that this Danny Kalale has been fired. He has failed the electoral system in Zambia by rigging elections for the MMD. Now he is feeling the heat. There is time for everything.
Donna Terpstra – I’ll be in Africa from the first of Nov through the 15th .most of the time in Zambia but a copule of days in South Africa .would like to talk with you guys forward your number when you can .love to you ~ donna
Ecz workers just tel us how u hav bn riggin elections
It seems not all is okay at the ECZ and an investigation is necessary especially that very serious allegations have been made and others suspect that it is a conspiracy to have justice Mumba replaced.
The protesting workers have a lot to reveal, let them be given a hearing.
Mumba go on leave for investigations to go unhindered. ACC can you quickly move in.
“…..The workers also accused Justice Mumba of failing to improve the workers conditions of service…..”
That is the real grievance for the ECZ workers and yet they hide behind the dismissal of Dan Kalale and alleged maladministration by Justice Mumba. As one blogger indicated yesterday, these workers are probably already overpaid and yet they want more.
Well, they can continue their strike, they should be made to stay home and we will invite workers from the “ECZs” of South Africa, Tanzania and Mozambique to come and fill in the gap, starting with Mporokoso bye elections.
Re-instating kalale at this 11th hour will only favour the opposition so the best MMD can do is to appoint the director and the chairperson for these seasonal sits. Infact these two jobs are not jobs you can even tell your mamas and papas that you have jobs. they should be for fresh graduates from versity.
So does Justice Mumba deny the accusations or just “dare” the former Director to prove what he says is true?
(….maybe he’ll double-dog dare her back next?)
And if she is happy for the truth to come out, then why not tell us something about the truth? It seems our faithful ZNBC reporter forgot to ask about that….
The judiciary is reeling from scathing accusations of miscarriage of justice, now its the ECZ. Is it our nature to be corrupt?
ECZ were used benefiting out of providing services at ECZ using proxies, one example would be hiring cars for voter education and conducting elections, if one looks at the companies involved in providing these service one will realise that ECZ involved a lot of small companies to offer these services, a close loook a the documents of these small companies each parting away with a minimum of 200 million kwacha will review that staff at ECZ are actually owners or closely related to the purpoted owners, another area is printing voter sensitisation materials, these are printed again by close alies to ECZ chaps. A close look at numerious part time staff employed to conduct elections will review that the staff is very close to senior staff. Work stoppage has been induced by senior staff.
#16, Yes, its human naturwe to be corrupt. Good laws and consistence in policing them reduces corruption. All countries have some level of corruption, its high in some and low in others. That includes developed countries like italy, uk etc
Let Kalale and his friends form another ECZ like in FAZ, Theres no smoke without fire, madam kuya bebele
Kalepuka pa ECZ. Lets wait and see how the drama unfolds. The questions, however, are will the elections be free and fair with what we know now? Will the DEC or ACC even respond or act? Will the Judge be investigated or resign? Will workers continue the work stoppage? Will Dan spill more bins? And will Dan even return to ECZ. I bet Kalu is dancing in Cape Town knowing the ECZ drama is taking away the attention from FAZ drama
No smoke without fire.but again why is kalale opening up only after he’s been fired?a thorough investigation is required at ECZ.
Dares and squabbles, that is all these people have to offer Zambia!
justice mumba volunteer to give the correct story to press or at least a denial of substance especially how kpmg was awarded the contract. this cannot be difficult in any way. kalale you should have a little bit earlier to acc.
After such unparalleled service and accomplishment in the legal fraternity, It will be a heartbreaking comparison if Justice Mumba would go down the same way Kalusha has gone down.
Whatever is going on Justice Mumba can’t say that operations are going on normally…sorry madam something is amiss
It’s actually wrong for a sitting judge to head the Electoral Commission of Zambia. That in itself is a compromise…The Judiciary in Zambia has been compromised big time with the judgements that have been passed in recent months. The more money you have the more invicible you’re before the Zambian courts…There is better justice under a Shariah court than the rotten Zambian judicial system. No wonder Zambia is not progressing because the most learned men and women career people and professionals in their chosen careers are the most corrupt and non-progressive thinking people.
i dont kalale, he has overstayed at ecz,its time for fresh blood, mumba shud also vacate her name is now dented
justice mumba volunteer to give the correct story to press or at least a denial of substance especially how kpmg was awarded the contract. this cannot be difficult in any way. kalale you should havereported a little bit earlier to acc.
Has the public media suddenly become objective or what? am getting the feeling that they are on the side of kalale. wasnt mumba and group appointed by RB? someone shed some light on this.
Do bloggers remember the letter from Sata to RB on his wife’s evacuation that was published in the Post recently? Remember that the letter referred to Sata’s “gratitude” in passing, and H.E.R.B. complained about that? Well yes the evacuation of Dr Kaseba was never meant to be the main purpose of the letter, it was just a camouflage for the bigger picture. Remember that the letter touched on ECZ and the need for the government to ensure that coming elections would be credible? Remember that some leaders’ reputation has taken a knock in recent weeks? Now watch this space…….don’t miss!!
Let the WHOLE lot get out we can get better staff to do the work.
This yr tulewina ….donchi kubeba
Ladies and gentlemen, i do not think its an issue of taking sides here. Her worship knows govt procedure and she jumped the director and made a decision. This is evident in black and white. There is some undermining going on somewhere. Unless we are all missing something here. As it always is in Zed, we can give our opinion all day about this issue ultimately its the most powerful person who will prevail. As for Kalale his allegations of corruption are unfounded. Maybe he is just a bitter man who has just lost his hustle.
its really their vommit they are enjoying.worse enough mumba seems to stink with corruption.our national is full of drama this year.if they cant apply their education in their proffession,then they are all educated fools.
its really their vommit they are enjoying.worse enough mumba seems to stink with corruption.our national is full of drama this year.if they cant apply their education in their proffession,then they are all educated fools.am better off with with a certificate.
Single sourcing, don’t we have a precedent which was overwhelmingly supported by government recently? This WILL be very interesting.
ACC swiftly investigate the matter. Don’t shy-off.
Fellow Zambians, Kalale was not stealing alone, he had a network at ECZ and all those striking workers know what they have been doing and do not want to bring in a new person. we know this kind of behaviour, the best is now to disclose the syndicates at ECZ so that all those workers including Kalale can be answerable. Lets not blame Judge Mumba, they knew very well that they needed to bring in independent people to fix Kalale and his tandem of thieves
The fact is that both Kalale and Mumba are corrupt. First, they rigg elections in favour of MMD thieves, second, they steal our tax money through fake jobs. let both of these thieves, corrupt useless and dull people go.
This year if you rigg elections you will be beaten guys. We are warning you useless people.
Kalale is answerable to the people that employed him and not to the workers. these workers are going to far, is what they are doing part of the collective agreement?? they are being used by Dan and his co-thieves to bring havoc and conceal their acts. Its important to remeber that when Dan was getting his money from corrupt practices some of those workers didn’t get even a cent and today they are aimlessly supporting him. if Dan has grievances, there are courts where he can appeal aganist his dismisal!! In the future we should avoid having the same people for 20 years in the same position their is need to rotate people especially in selected sensitive positions
Let the truth come out this year!
Justice Mumba who was reluctant to comment on the work stoppage maintains that the operations at the Commission are going on NORMALLY.
That so-called Justice, should for sure be fired, does her workers just hung around out buying tu chikanda and she call that kind of working as NORMALLY? What kind of MMD government is this where people are in streets and their bosses say “it is normal” for workers not to be behind their desks.
It’s either Kalale is back or we gonna rig for opposition this time around.
The auditor general has confirmed that the contract was wrongly awarded to KPMG by madam F Mumba.She was told to advertise the contract and she never did it.She is a corrupt person.DEC and ACC move in and arrest them,
I’ve never liked this Danny Boy ever since he was caught with Ballot papers at the airport in 2006,he has outlived his usefullness at ECZ,let him go somewhere else,maybe Principle of Evelyn Hone College,he had a reserved parking spot at one of the female hostels when he was just a roukie at ECZ
Elections in Zambia have never been free and fair.. too much rigging, corruption, wako-ni-wako, nidyelepo, tribalism, and worse of all witchcraft.. Ba Sata bena balifilwa. Nalimo limbi uno mwaka. Still more ninshi mupamba weka-weka. Ichalo chikabipa, tachakawame iyoo.,, ubonaushi weka-weka nisotambe…
Her heart must be uglier…..
Lesa ni malyotola Ms. Mumba. You will suffer worst than a former UBZ conductors who used to slap passengers.
I think I agree with Abwenzi #25. If a judge is heading the ECZ what happens when the numerous cases politicians are bound to bring to court after elections come before her? Didn’t whoever appointed her know this and thus decided to compromise the ECZ this way? Ma govt yapa Third World!!
With Kalale being on the MIGHTY PF – UPND Pact’s side we are unstopable. He knows all about the rigging and will give us all the information we need to block any possible rigging of this years elections, after which we will take him to Jail together with RB and his minions for having wasted our time by giving us a President who is a Jocker, but for now “DONCHI KUBEBA ba MMD”
Awe sure, this Florence Gbagbo Kalu Mumba should just leave, all people cannot be against you at the same time if you’re right. It’s just the audacity too of these wigged creatures of the bench, she can even dare the agencies to investigate her in such a manner, good lord. Had I been Kanitundila, I would immediately suspend her and institute an inquiry to investigate the allegations. Even when they made silly decisions that are devoid of any backing at law, this is the stance they take and if dared, bingo, they slap contempt of court on you.
Seniour Citizen, say something about this!!
Both Kalale and Mumba are corrupt. What can stop them from getting huge payments to rig elections? In any other country where morals are seriously upheld, Kalale would have resigned in 2001, while Justice Mumba should have resigned when the Auditor General wrote to her telling her she was wrong and she should advertise the audit job. We all know how people from the judiciary have been corrupted and are corrupt – does anyone remember a certain Chief Justice Mathew Ngulube? Let us not get hoodwinked by such titles as “Justice”.
Kalae must go! He must go, USELESS CHAP! If he is agreived let him not attract public attention. He should act like a professional: write to ACC and if he feels unfairly treated, go to industrial relations court!
The ECZ shud be headed by persons who elected by MPs or the public and NOT hand picked by 1 RB for it to work more independently. As it is, I don’t see any independence in ECZ. Between the 2, one’s bread is more battered.
Are the conditions of service at ECZ suddenly become bad after the dismissal of Dan to the extent that workers threaten to resign? How did the workers cope with the conditions of service all along, living beyond their means because of Dan and now they have to live within the means as per contractual terms? For now i side with the judge Mumba
No one has mentioned about the consequences with kpmg accepting the audit. As far as i know there are ethics to consider before accepting the audit, the audit fees is not the prime factor. Why did the partners accept to carry out the audit of ECZ if there were issues of procedures?
What audit report could KPMG have produced?. The internal controls of ECZ for awarding contracts were compromised as confirmed by Auditor General. Audit is about review of the internal controls sufficient and whether operating normally. This is the reason why there are alot of Financial crisises because of the failure of audit firms of their reponsibility. ZICA monitoring team should also investigate KPMG on this.
Its your time Kalale! uuurh! You must now dance to your tune. We shall see where you will take your foolish CV of rigging er/lections.
Kalale just go your time is up. Don’t be so pompous to think that elections in Zambia can not take plce efficiently without you.
Most people in Zambia are not ready to face the truth…if at all Floerence has been a bad person why was Kalale and other ecz workers quiet???have they just realised that they need better conditions after dannys dismissal?why now just after kalales dismissal they are not ready to work with Florence because they know she is not corrupt and will put a stop to alot of illegal dealings…just face it Danny you have been dismissed just be a man and talk less…you want to spill the beans when its too late no no no think again!!!
Let madam be suspended or go on leave and let DEC investigate the whole matter. We want the truth especially that we have elections in a few months (WHENEVER THAT WILL BE).
Zambia has become a nation of lynch mobs.
It does not matter wheteher you did it or not so long as someone cries ” Stop thief !” you are guilty. My view is that let the investigative wings do thier job then if Judge mumba is found guilty she should step down and face prosecution if not then Kalale should be prosecuted instead for slander. That is how it is done in the civilised world.
what else is new
For me the preoblm is not just that the bands I like make kids want to tear off their ears. My preoblm is that even if I like a band that a young person would give ipod room to that makes me seem somehow desperate (though not as desperate as the band is to have me move on and shake my booty to someone else).
on trials with first division club in england,hope i secure this one and show the zambian people that am not finished
Dan Kalale and Gladys Nyirongo (Former Lands Minister) are not different. Why now, remember Gladys blew the trumpet the loudest it deserved, but ended up at Chimbokaila. Dan be ready to rig your justice.
Zambia does not need the likes of Kalale. He is corrupt and a womaniser. The chap has cost us a lot as a nation. Let him feel the heat now. Foolish chap. Who is he to think anyone needs him or would sympathise with him? Only the ECZ fellow corrupt chaps would. Period.
Mr Kalale reminds me of one Mr Edward Mumbi former SG for PF they only difference is whilst Mr Mumbi is exposing personal bank statements and classified GRZ documents Mr Kalale on the other is using Auditor General’s correspondence to try and fix his boss and he appears to be panicking in anycase,KPMG where to do an Audit and Mr Kalale’s move is calculated confusion.
I listened to HER Justice and HER Auditor General on the news last night. I felt sorry for HER Justice.
she has to give us some truth over the kpmg issue.
Two wrongs never make a right….i see Danny Kalale being supported by ZNBC while the Judge seems to be a very powerful person…by the way when is Judge Enerst Sakala retiring? The problem is the lady knows the law but seems to have decided to play the trick of trying to get some kick backs i suppose because you cant tell me KPMG accepted a K1 Bn worth deal. I suppose KPMG should be cited and deregistered. Remember Arthur Anderson……….with the Enron Scandal and actually their previous dealing should be further investigated.
Ni pa zed chabe………but Kalale seems to have been a rigger………
I am of the belief that the good intentions for engaging KPMG have been masked by less important things here. I do not believe KPMG were hired with corrupt intentions. But I am surprised Auditor General can give directions, I wonder if it is in line with their mandate or profession. Theirs is to recommend or give their opinion. They seem to be acting from a higher power’s directive, could it be from state house, have they also been corrupted?
– *Oh my tears. My heart is so incredibly heavy after redinag this I am also in awe of your commitment and dedication to follow God to Tanzania to help. We can all do more and I although I truly don’t know you well..I am so proud to know you. God places different things on our heart and His plan is always the Best plan. I will be praying for your journey and will most definitely do what I can to help in any way. If you choose to set up another way to give like last year please let us know, as many love you and would love to support your family! I can’t wait to follow your new blog to see what God has in store for you! Love and blessings, sweet Lindsey! God could not be more delighted wow.