Friday, October 18, 2024

Last Week/Wkend in pictures



A child waves the MMD party symbol at President Banda (not in picture) in Monze.


A child praying during a public meeting addressed by President Banda in Monze


Sudan national team waiting for their transport at Lusaka International Airport .They are in the Country for one week training camp ahead of hosting 2011 CHAN finals next months


Some Zambians going to Chipata captured at Mwami border


Some residents of Monze captured during a public meeting addressed by President Banda


Some of the estates constructed by National Housing Authority in Lusaka east


Some Monze residents going about their business


Some children try to get the attention of President Banda by raising the MMD party symbol in Monze


Science and Technology deputy Minister Daniel Munkombwe dancing during the MMD southern province conference


National housing Authority managing director Elias Mpondela and Labour Minister Austin Liato view the new houses erected by Mr Mpondela's company in Lusaka east


PLAYING? No, these kids were dragging their friend to school in Kuku Compound.


Kids watching movies as a way of entertainment in John Laing Compound


A woman hanging her clothes in Kuku Compound were most houses have being flooded


Defence force personnel pose for the photograph after a successful training course in Lusaka


An office block under construction at the Addis Ababa round about in Lusaka


An office block under construction at the Addis Ababa round about in Lusaka.


Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) director general Andrew Chipwende speaking during a Media breakfast meeting at Pamodzi Hotel.He is flanked by ZDA Export promotions director Glyne Michelo(L) and Director Research Planning Florence Mumba


President Banda 's motor cade arriving at Kasama Teachers Training College for the Provincial Conference.


Presidential motor cade arriving at Lusaka's Garden House ,This were President Rupiah Banda opened the MMD Lusaka' conference.


William Banda and his supporters after he went through unopposed for the position of Lusaka province MMD chairman.


Some MMD die-hards with a placard


President Rupiah Banda with Works and Supply minister Mike Mulongoti during the MMD provincial Conference in Kasama.


President Banda on arrival for the Lusaka party' Conference at Garden House.


President Rupiah Banda arriving for the MMD Provincial Conference in Kasama


Tourism minister and Natural resorces minister Catherine Namugala with Commerce and trade Industry Felix Mutati during the Kasama MMD Provincial Conference


Tourism minister Catherine Namugala at the Lusaka party confetrence .


Lusaka province district commissioner Christa Kalulu was among the delegates


Traitor?...Works and Supply deputy Minister Lameck mangani captured with Patriotic Front Member and former Lands Minister Judith Kapijimpanga during a 'secret' meeting at Mika Hotel in Lusaka


  1. One thing I have heard is that Mangani has an eye for very beautiful women and going by Kapiji’s beauty, this meeting might have been sexual rather than political. Aren’t they drinking beer as a booster? See their glasses!

  2. 28: lekani adwyeko Mangani, she is a nice girl !
    25: nabakota ba Namugala. she used to be a nice lady
    7,8: kuti walila. Zambia still looks like this??
    2: who told you that s/he was praying??

  3. If I were RB, I would make it a point to all parents or others involved not to be sending kids to any political gathering. Not even to go out there to parade and flash silly symbols. Let kids be kids. They should be left alone to enjoy their childhood rather indoctrinating them, worse, into something they can’t even comprehend at all. I thought UNIP days were over.

  4. Good pictures LT. RB is a serious and better candidate than Sata and Hakainde combined. Sata is a greedy person who will never rule the Zambian people. Hakainde is visionless. If i were the powers to decide on behalf Zambians, i would let Banda continue as president untill such a time when the opposition get serious. The opposition in Zambia is a joke. This is my perspective, what is yours?

  5. Pic #12 reminds me of the good old days of the 1979, 1980, 1981 when video was for the rich….ha ha ha memories, nice pictures but try and get a good covered of all political parties, you are rather pro MMD and reflects badly on you who are suppose to be neutral.

  6. Caption 27 can’t be correct.’ Lusaka province district commissioner’. Is it province or district? Surely cant be both!!

  7. 17 – Is this the same Florence of ECZ fame?
    11 – “I don’t want to go to school, I already went yesterday”‘

  8. good fotos especially of kids waving MMD symbol in tongaland not Upnd. mangani and judith getting drung at a brothel I wonder what their partners will say, i mean why meat at a bedroomed place and not in a public place. I wouldnt want my partner to go to a private lodge with a male bcos they can dissappear mu room

  9. Picture 11 is a classic,I did not know Christina Kalulu lusaka DC was an MMD cadre,just reminds me of her biasness on some debate we had before she was appointed

  10. #9! Shazza, ati why “meat at a bedroomed place and not a public place” What do you mean? Eeish. Guys mulasalula ichisungu.

  11. Secret meeting, mangani and judith over a glass of mosi reminds me of one song by Laban Kalunga: “balinwine brandy na bamukabene”

  12. Pic #28, During his days as home affairs minister Mangani was a disgraceful bootlicker whose only job was to harass Sata about his imprisonment before independence, now the same Mangani is hounded and loathed by his own MMD party, what a life!

  13. #27 Guys , Crista K is DC for Lusaka, when the President is having any function in her District she goes to receive the boss. Whats wrong with that??? LT grow up , how do u just arrive at such a conclusion that she was among the delegates??? Its one thing to be in such a place and and another to be a delegate

  14. Pic 11 why is that kid being drugged to school like that, I hope she is not being abused by the teacher, anyway the chick in pic no 5 behind the one with the wig, is hot!

  15. Pics 19 and 20. what a waste of tax payers, surely there is no need to have all those vehicles to escort a head of state.

  16. Secret meeting, why are people so intrusive? These are consenting adults and where they decide to meet is their business. Get your heads out of your butts!

  17. #20 nshimbi nyanga to be ‘ among delegates’ could also mean to be in the midst of delegates.Why so defensive is Christa your girlfriend?

  18. Not sure if number 11 is a bad picture but it breaks my heart….I can imagine my little all by her self like that… Not in a million years.. lets take care of our children guys.. Imiti iyi kula empanga!

  19. Hon. Mangani is Deputy Minister at Works & Supply. LT whats with you and Science & Technology its like every minister for you is at that ministry.

  20. @ Miss Daisy if that picture is exactly what is written in the caption below, then am concerned too. Where are the guardians of those children?

  21. this Namugala woman tomfwa mwe, now she is busy with Mutati, that’s my future president you whore! let him be free of your sexual harassment so that he governs this country properly

  22. Picture 10…managing director Elias Mpondela having a look at the national housing authority houses built by his company… was he given the tender?

  23. Pic 5 … see the man behind the lady in glasses. Nabbundwila zoona … even partly covering his mouth for fear of horrible stench!!!

  24. #34 Mpondela is CEO of National Housing Authority. This is not his company but a public institution. Unless of course they mean he offered a tender to his personal company, which can happen pa ZED!

  25. Picture 18:
    The Eagle emblem on the Presidential ‘Ground force 1’ 4×4 is disgraceful. It looks like it was painted in Matero!

  26. Pic 1 & 8 thats child abuse.Pic 5 wow the bull ladies looks so mwela onse…Pic 28 hope Mangani didn`t hit that.Pic 13 a typical muka bene…awe ni pa zed watmo.

  27. Pic 11 and 12 we passed through that some of us. I was draged to school several times when i look back now I understand why they did that!!!!!! If i forget u Zambia let my right hand wither!!!!

  28. Good works. I like the photos. BMW as motor ok indeed we gona be a middle income country by 2030. Contrary to my friends point of view us who grew in the ghetto we want to see the presidents who comes to our province once in 5 years at the campaigns.

  29. Wow pic #11 has touched me so much! Honestly how would our leaders feel if they had to see such a picture? Please if there is no hope for these kids the truth is there is no hope for the future.Great Pic. Nice nice nice……

  30. Wonderful set of pics.

    Quite interesting to see all the different faces and activities of the people. There also seems to be a lot of potential in developing living standards (see pics 6,15)

    Yes, it’s a hard knock life in Zambia, especially for the children but we will get there one day. We have the formula for survival – not even malaria, cholera or HIV/AIDS has been able to stop us or decrease our population. We keep our enemies wondering how we do it as our people excel and multiply…

  31. #47, You actually need benzos for your panick attack symptoms triggered by your phobia (or is it intolerance) of RB’s face.

  32. Its amazing that the presidential motorcade has BMW police vehicles yet the regular police live in substandard housing and have mediocre pay…. thank you taxpayers for the new BMW police cars!!!

  33. Our Phd students had researched and got people’s views that GRZ should through National Housing authority demolish township houses and build better structures similar to the ones in pictures #6 & 10 and let people buy or rent them. Some would of course be smaller. That will be the only way to end shantie compounds.

  34. Pictures #6 & 10, Congrats to Mr Mpondela’s company for constructing the beautiful houses. Our Phd students believe that Mr Mpondela should not be director of NHA to avoid conflict of interest.

  35. Pic#2, uyo umwana ne fiseseya mumutwe pamo na ba lunshi.. awe shuwa naumfwamo ububi mwee..

    Pic #11, what type of dragging to school is this ba L.T naimwee…
    Pic# 5, iyoo.. balisuba ifuta, nalimo ni jalibu..

  36. Picture number 5 the caption says “Some Zambians going to Chipata captured at Mwami border”

    You mean they were arrested?

  37. Pic 28 I hope Mrs Kapijimpanga moved to her new party together with her husband. Like the Wina’s do. Share ideals and move together.

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