Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Justice Mumba resigns as ECZ chairperson


Electoral Commission of Zambia chairperson Florence Mumba
Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) chairperson Justice Florence Mumba has bowed to pressure and tendered her resignation.

This follows allegations of corruption activities labeled against her and two other commissioners by dismissed ECZ Director Dan Kalale.

According to sources, justice Mumba tendered in her resignation letter to Republican President Rupiah Banda this morning adding that President Banda has not yet indicated his stance on the move.

This is a dent in a distinguished career that saw her as a judge at The Hague and United Nations and she is currently Zambia’s Supreme Court judge.

Justice is alleged to have single-sourced and awarded a K1 billion contract to KPMG without following tender procedures.

And the dismissal of Mr. Kalale prompted workers at the commission to stage a protest vowing not to return to work until Justice Mumba was removed from her position.

Meanwhile, Caritas Zambia Executive Director Samuel Mulafulafu has described justice Mumba’s resignation as mark of integrity on her career.

Mr. Mulafulafu says the former ECZ chairperson must be commended for taking a brave decision.

And Change Life Zambia Executive Director Fr. Frank Bwalya says it is regreteable that justice Mumba who he describes as a woman of integrity has resigned.

Fr. Bwalya adds that it is unfortunate that justice Mumba will not continue with her good works at the Commission and blames her resignation on government.



  1. This is Ruphias work and his OP boys, they plotted the all thing. She has been told to resign or else she will smell her fresh blood.

  2. The loss is for zambians and their govt, not this woman of integrity. Lets see where Mumbi, chifire nefyashala take this country to.

  3. So the POST was right to say MMD chaps feel uncomfortable with her. She has decided to go because she believes those in MMD are not supporting her during this period of squabbles at ECZ. There we go again to square one, in an election year the dept mandated to organise elections is in disarray. RB is working. he has just killed the lozis and arrested a very old and sick man over silly issue. What a govt we have!

  4. This is a very sad day for Zambian “democracy” and the credibility of elections. The independence of the Electoral system has been compromised. The Commission has legal power to hire and fire its employees – so why the fuss? If aggrieved, the dismissed director should have sought relief from the courts of law not “mob” justice. It seems the learned judge did not have “political” support hence her decision to resign. I trust she can continue her career on the bench without any more victimisation.

  5. It’s a pity that this has happened. we should not allow proffessinals to be frustrated like this, that is why a lot are not staying in Zambia. Who will develop the country if pros are frustrated and not backed for the right decisions they make to develop the country? I Hope RB will not agree to her request to resign.

  6. \9, It is outlawed in Zambia and most other countries. Its a serious offence, hence her resignation. She may not even work on the supreme court bench if indeed convicted by a tribunal. She is in hot soup and rightly so. I feel sorry for you if you call that integrity.

  7. The Government wanted her to go, that is why they haven’t protected her from the vultures at ECZ, Public Media Houses. It’s a shame, this year’s elections will be the worst when it comes to rigging. I hope Kalale is not reinstated, his dismissal must stand as he is the chief rigger. Such issues when people have no confidence in ECZ are the things that lead to civil strife. What is happening to our country? Govt intereference in the Judiciary, protection of corrupt elements will lead us into a worse situation. For this year, forget free, fair and transparent elections, and elections won’t be accepted. My question is, did she jump or she was pushed (as reported by the Post: remember the Post reported on plans to seize FBZ, and it came to pass, this has come to pass as well)

  8. zambians!,when she was chairperson you accused her of being compromised now that she has reigned you start regreting and calling her woman of intergrit even when the 1 billion issue has not yet been concluded.

  9. Your Excellence the President, Mr. Rubia B. Banda, your wish has been executed. Judge Mumba, has left her office. Kalala can now come back in peace and help MMD win the elections. You may wish to replace her with eitherJudge Chinyama, or judge Philip Musonda, all weather friends of government. Zambia, the Real Africa!

  10. She is a woman of admirable integrity and unblemished track record.

    You make the nation proud. We are with you Justice Mumba


  12. This is the beginning of the end.If Rupiah and red lipped snake dare re-instate Dane kalale,they should prepare to face us .We have been patient and tolerant .We have always wanted to use lawful means to remove the corrupt elements but if this fails,we will use the Tunisia formula .The same is being used in Egypt .
    Whats wrong with Africa ????
    Do we always have to do things in reverse ????????

  13. Mwebantu we all know what the rupiah banda grz are doing. Here is a solved puzzle at ecz.
    1. Kalale fired
    2. Grz organize funds and gave kalale platform to open the pandorra box
    3. Kalale organise a fellow work or compatriots in rigging to influence the rest to go on strike.
    4. The president knows, shows a blind eye on the justice lady as the appointing authority not even calling her to explain the situation at the commision.
    5. She tender the resignation and everyone is happy

    Now here is the catch point, Kalale is not going to be brought back, but he will be in the background to control and rule the one who will be appointed so that the rigging take effect, mark my wirlds.
    Among the striker’s workers others were on the side of the justice mumbe, but they were so intimidated to…

  14. Since when did single outsourcing became a crime in Zambia as vindicated by the Dolla Capital-Zamtel $2 million single outsourcing?

    Dolla single outsourced for $2 million and when Zambians cried , Kunda told the country that single outsourcing is allowed under the laws of Zambia.

    How come that Mumba’s single outsourcing for $250 thousand is a crime?

    You vippers of people, seasoned hypocrites, Vimpares feeding on blood of poor Zambians.

    Let it be put to your face that, this time Zambians will not allow rigging elections. We shall fight you RB and MMD with the spirit of the Tunisians.


  15. #7 Kashimani and others, open your eyes to the plot, see through what some media say, no names mentioned. This is intended to back up the rigging theory.

  16. ‘Justice Florence Mumba has bowed to pressure and tendered her resignation’ I do not think this sentence is fair. Please report properly. She resigned just to preserve her intergrity, she is a virtuous judge. Atleast she has done a commendable job by firing Dan. Go in peace and God bless madam. Muchalo tamwaba kuwamya kuti mafwilapo mayo.

  17. The Jackals and hyenas are celebrating the departure of this lady who refused to be used as a pawn in the voter registration exercise that saw urban areas for PF registering more numbers than other areas. They wanted her to divert resources meant for urban areas to their strongholds

  18. Good evening

    I thought she was one of those few incorruptible Zambian lawyers? Well, I must confess that I haven’t been following the events unfolding at the ECZ but a glance at the headlines on related news tells me that she has been on the chopping block for a while.

    Unfortunate for her to tender in her resignation under pressure. Let’s hope it wont have any negative side-effects on the oncoming elections. One might dare to ask though: if the allegations are a plot by her opponents to remove her from the ECZ, then why did’nt she just laugh in the face of her enemies and say: “Haha! You think you can break me with your false allegations?! I am an alpha female, the Hague, United Nations… I’ve been there, done that… Awe, keep on trying but I will get the job done!

  19. Father Bwalya, everyone knows him now. His pretence to priesthood when he is actually an aspiring politician (PF to be exact) was exposed unceremoniously. We should ignore his comments on Justice Mumba, he actually means the opposite, he thinks the plot has worked but it will register as just another dismal failure in the same fashion as the red card rubbish. Justice Mumba has resigned precisely because she has learnt that this is no ordinary matter, people like father bwalya and his forces of darkness would like to use (or is it misuse) her for their strategies. And she will not allow that. The biggest loser in all this are the likes of father bwalya and his camp, because she has effectively removed the carpet from under their feet. Smart lady, Florence, what next father and the vuvuzela?

  20. In the aftermath of the 2008 elections, people called for her blood. Today she is a woman of integrity and every Jim & Jack trying to stand up for her. The Auditor Generals comments on the audit transaction is being overlooked. Eish… bloggers!

  21. #27 Chale, sure many people don’t know if it was a plot or not, but the problem in most Zambian management style is that no boss what to hear or advised by “juniors”, subordinates. She could have worked it out with CEO-Kalale, but instead she fired him. From a distance she sounds like an “iron” woman, same as inkaka. That is why she is not even married.

  22. She had to resign and preserve her life. Remember that the Political Technical Advisor to HERB presided during a time when we saw questionable assassinations of political opponents. This is a very tricky year, let her save her life and continue providing for her family.

    Now that the Govt hasn’t threatened striking workers with salary cuts, LET ALL HEALTH WORKERS WHO HAD THEIR SALARIES DEDUCTED DUE TO THE STRIKE ACTION GO ON STRIKE AND DEMAND THEIR MONEY FORTHWITH, AS THE DOUBLE STANDARDS OF HERB’s MMD GOVT HAS BEEN EXPOSED. This strike favoured their interests, hence, they have remained mute, and found an opportunity to fire the Judge. People Power is what is needed now, ground GRZ, and force them out, period.

  23. Who does not know father bwalya? His pretence to priesthood when he is actually an aspiring politician (PF to be exact) was exposed unceremoniously. We should ignore his comments on Justice Mumba, he actually means the opposite, he thinks the plot has worked but it will register as just another dismal failure in the same fashion as the red card rubbish. Justice Mumba has resigned precisely because she has learnt that this is no ordinary matter, people like father bwalya and his forces of darkness would like to use (or is it misuse) her for their strategies. And she will not allow that. The biggest loser in all this are the likes of father bwalya and his camp, because she has effectively removed the carpet from under their feet. Smart lady, Florence, what next father and the vuvuzela.

  24. Zambia has no shortage of leaders. Public resources are not for abuse with impunity in disregard of procedures and internal controls. A precedence of now incarcerated Alfred Funjika and other Generals exists. If General can be in jail for abuse, who is an ECU Judge not to be scanned and arrested if found wanting? Gladys Nyirongo is there waiting for buddies. Let’s get any deserving Zambians from a nationa poll of experienced and educated.

  25. What a loss. one wonders what is wrong with this country. i cant believe that the government chose Kalale at the expense of the honest woman.

  26. It’s events like these that necessiates the calls for the opposition to unite and dislodge this corrupt govt. The ball now is in Sata’s hands to humble himself and accomodate the wise proposal from HH/UPND to work together. As long as Sata continues being big headed and continue listening to misguided, inflated, egoistic..suggestions from the Post and some deluded bloggers on this site that he can win on his own we will continue with this type of madness. The danger is that one day his(Sata’s) followers who are mostly kaponyas will decide to take the law into their own hands and cause chaos in Zed.

  27. The Eligible Voters – Part of the reasons why she was forced to go:

    The Census results further show that there
    were 6,069,753 total number of eligible voters
    (i.e. any person aged 18 years and above) in
    2010 representing 47 percent of the total
    Zambian population. Results show that
    Lusaka Province had the highest share of
    eligible voters at 19 percent followed by
    Copperbelt Province at 17 percent whereas
    Northern and Eastern provinces had 12
    percent of eligible voters each. Southern
    province had a share of 11 percent; Central
    province had 10 percent while Luapula and
    Western provinces had 7 percent each. The
    province with the least share of eligible voters
    was North-western Province with 5 percent.

    Still more tulebafumya bakapala; they wanted to manipulate her but …!

  28. How can the whole of a justice make such a blunder of failing to abid by the rule of law. she has done well to resign for there is no one above the law!

  29. Oh la le ololwanya.Government machinery at its best.The system has managed to get rid of her.Shi Mpundu must be smilling.

  30. #12 I feel sorry that you do not understand that there are exceptions to geneeral rules! This woman will die on the Supreme Court bench come rain or shine.

  31. The most important Zambian judge has been reduced to such low class politics. Zambia always finds a way to destroy its most distinguished citizens. I hope they will leave it at that instead of going after everything that she has ever stood for.

  32. Bafikala Buutiiiiiiiiii!!!!!, just disband this ecz nonsense and hire a commission elsewhere, not matuvi aya. Panji’s prediction is begining to show sum symptoms. This year kukaba ukwiiponona chachine. I can foresee machetes cuming from china so that our farmers can grow more food. Next year it will be once upon a time in zambia. Anyways its good for the lady now elo yalabipa league.

  33. @27, 33 H.H. Sata, who tells your empty head that the clergy can never be politicians? Christians stand for the people and politics are about people’s lives. This means they are free to join politics or not to. I wonder what exposure you are talking about.

  34. As outsiders, we will probably never know the fine details on what exactly transpired at ECZ. We can only speculate. But suffice to say its normal for a professional worth their salt and who take pride in their work, to resign once they feel their position has become untenable. Its called integrity. We all recall how LPM resigned as VP of the Country.

  35. @45 lots of sense professionals are different from scam-bugs like Dan who hold tight even unto corpses that die on them. Look how he is screaming to get back, no pinch of integrity or self worth malabish

  36. The truth will come with time. It is all about evidence and remember politics is a dirty game. You have to watch your back and never to trust anyone. Remember that we are all human and no one is perfect. We learn from such experiences and some can be really painful. We can make mistakes however it is the magnitude and frequency of our mistakes that matters most. Our positions come with power, authority and responsibility. We only get one chance and in case of Zambia, people are now awake. Accountability and transperancy can be learnt.

  37. It is only in Zambia a thief is hero. The dishonourable justice is a thief to have single sourced beyond her prescribed authority. She should also be taken to court to test her innocence. The fool should be in prison where she belongs. Zambia has no shortage of pipo to replace a thief.

  38. More rigging for the MMD. I think its time we just “put pressure on our politicians”. I mean the Tunisian way.

  39. Bloggers do not be too emotional, people come and go, let us just enjoy the peace we have in our country. Nostradamus #31, have your facts – Ba Florence is a widow, her husband Ba Flemming Mumba died in 2008, how can you say, “That is why she is not even married.”

  40. # 38 M M 2011 Chola Muka,

    Some of us really sympathize with your cadre mentality. You really think your PF would trounce MMD at national elections? Mufulira does not make up national aggregate votes.Keep cheating yourself while we laugh at your zealousness of vanity.

  41. Ooh-wee, ooh-wee, ooh-wa!)
    See them fighting for power (ooh-wee, ooh-wee, ooh-wa!),
    But they know not the hour (ooh-wee, ooh-wee, ooh-wa!),;
    So they bribing with their guns, spare-parts and money,
    Trying to belittle our
    Integrity now.
    They say what we know
    Is just what they teach us;
    And we’re so ignorant
    ‘Cause every time they can reach us (shoobe, doo-wa)
    Through political strategy (shoo-be, doo-wa);
    They keep us hungry (shoobe, doo-wa),
    And when you gonna get some food (shoobe, doo-wa),
    Your brother got to be your enemy, we-e-ell!

    Ambush in the night,
    All guns aiming at me;
    Ambush in the night,
    They opened fire on me now.
    Ambush in the night,
    Protected by His Majesty.
    Ooh-wee, ooh-wee. Ooh-wa-ooh!
    (Ooh-wee) Ooh-wee, ooh-wee (ooh-wa), Ooh-wa!
    Ooh-wee, ooh-wee,…

  42. Zambians, enough is enough let us fight for our freedom ….Tunsia has shown us the way. Peace they always preach while many poor people are dying due to lack of food, no employment, no medicine while the MMD and Kalale have enough even to throw.

    Let the MMD thieves be warned that if Kalale is brought back then Zambians will rise against the MMD gvnt. Enough is enough , Zambia is for all the Zambians and not the selected few…no no.

    This year if you rigg elections you will be chased you MMD thieves.

  43. No 31, don’t. mislead people she was married and the husband died, Flemming Mumba, you must be a kid not to know him. Read Exodus 22:22-24 your and your MMD will be dealt with by God.

  44. No 31, don’t. mislead people she was happily married and the husband died. Read Exodus 22:22-24 your and your MMD will be dealt with by God.


  46. I can see MMD going thru a terrible time before the elections. More is to come and its exit is becoming more definite by the day.Change HAS come !

  47. Zambia is increasingly becoming a difficult Country to manage. This is sad. Allegations are consdered as gospel truth. If one is not street wise one is doomed in Zambia.

  48. If Mumba resigned of her own accord, that is to say without pressure from the Government, one can only say that this woman has conscience and integrity, unlike the likes of Dora Siliya.

    There was pressure from the workers, yes. However, it only takes people who are strong to see their mistake or to accord the desire of others, right or wrong.

  49. In 2008, PF cadres were out calling her names and wanted her blood. Today she is a woman of integrity. I guess it is true what they say, you PF guys are flip flopping Kaponyas (for lack of a better term). You guys are something else.

    You will forever remain throughout history as the joke of Zambian politics.

  50. #66 The Man You are 100% correct allegations in Zambia is gospel truth and this where the Vuvuzela Shinda pepa thrives,because we as Zambians we hate people in power we always think of them as thieves even without proof.That vuvuzela could have not survived if were in other countries The Mail and Guardian paper in RSA almost went under of such careless peddling in lies at the expanse of the truth.Fred Mmeembe’ demons blessed by such headless fathers like Bwalya are having a field day ,but remember this your day is fast approaching when you face the music sung by yourself.Let us wait for the truth to come out.Judge Mumba has little to lose but Dan Kalale you are finished ,i do not know how you’ll look after those multiple girlfriends dotted around Lusaka.

  51. #60, good suggestion, now pour petrol on yourself and strike a match to kill yourself so that you can spark the revolution just like in tunisia. Go on!

  52. #69 Capitalist,

    You have lost even all sense of shame. You supported Mumba for firing Kalale, what has changed now that you support Kalale instead of Mumba?

    Man know that the time for you guys to go out of state house has come. You cant take Zambian for f00ls always. We know what is going on at ECZ. You MMD thieves a preparing for a massive rigging of 2011 elections. But this year you will meet Zambians with their wrah.

    You useless vampires who have sucked poor Zambians blood, hypocrites.

    Just know that this year Zambians will fight if you rigg elections, enough is enough. Zambia is for all Zambians and not few individuals no no.

    Zambians are now tired of you MMD fo0lsh manupulation of elections. We are going the Tunisian way this year, just try to rigg.

  53. Zambia a country of people who do not seem to appreciate critical thinking on issues affecting the nation. No objectivity in your comments people.

  54. Opposition have lost their argument again. Because they are trying to portray Mumba as having integrity they are now in a position where they can NOT blame the MMD government of pushing her to resign. If she had integrity to begin with then she wouldnt have succumbed to being pushed, right? So she must have resigned by her own choice since she has all the integrity, leaving MMD passive and clean.

    MMD 1 : O Opposition

  55. @ #72 Kambongolo

    Produce a quote were I supported Justice Mumba for firing Mr. Kalale. Go on….I’ll wait.

    Secondly, there is no evidence that shows that the MMD is preparing for a massive “rigging” of the 2011 elections. It looks more like the opposition knows the Pact wont work and are looking for an excuse when they go for their third and fourth defeat at the ballot.

    Thirdly, how many Zambians have you consulted pertaining to your statement and I quote, “Just know that this year Zambians will fight if you rigg elections” end quote and this statement, “We are going the Tunisian way this year, just try to rigg.” end quote. I would like to know how many Zambians out of the 13 million+ Zambians have been consulted towards your outburst. [tbc

  56. cont from #75

    In order for you to go the Tunisian way (of which I do not know how many Zambians have been consulted), you would have to prove the elections have been rigged. In all of Zambia’s history starting from 1991, Zambia has never had a rigged election and until anyone provides evidence to the contrary, elections have always been free and fair.

    So you would have to prove the elections were rigged but seeing that Zambia has never had a rigged election, your whole statement is as credible as ECOWAS threatening Ivory Coast with military intervention.

    You PF guys are consistent and being inconsistent. You hated Justice Mumba in 2008 and now she is a woman of integrity. If elections have been rigged as you claim, then the whole “integrity” argument becomes rubbish.

  57. Capitalist,

    There is nothing like consulting here…you think Zambians are f00ls whom you can always sheet on at will? Gone are those years when Zambians were taken for granted.

    You have been rigging elections through Kalale thats why you want to maintain him.

    Just know that this year is different, we will not let you rigg elections. Continue cheating those who are dull, who can not read in between lines , man. You are terribly mistaken man, did the Tunisians consult for revolting? Is it no that it just happened for the time was ripe?

    This is what will happen this year if you rigg elections. Tempers in Zambia are rising , so just respect yourselves you MMD thieves.

  58. Every human being has skeletons.Therefore don’t judge Justice Mumba.
    Fellow Zambians we should not allow Kalala at ECZ he does not mean well.Can some one in Zambia push for a private bill that will empower an independent body to appoint COMMISSIONERS to run ECZ affairs?

  59. If Mumba has had Integrity for some time then the 2006 and 2008 elections were not rigged, otherwise she would have blown the whistle as a woman of integrity.

    If I was in the opposition, I would create a convenient argument in the lines of: Mumba only had a bleep of integrity lasting between the time she suspended kalale to about 2 days ago. Reason: Before suspending Kalale she has perpetually rigged elections and in the last 2 days she has succumbed to prerssure from MMD to resign.

  60. If RB won’t dissolve the all ECZ then he is the worst leader ever shall be. Where is the Attorney General to protect the government? And where is Minister of Justice Kunda in this case?

  61. #4 & #83, In english the phrase is ‘the whole’ not ‘the ALL’. Sorry just being picky again lol

  62. One wonders why Hon.Dora, and Hon.Gen.Sikapwasha have not commented on this hot issue there is definitely more to this than meets the eye

  63. Zambia the real AFRICA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. THE COUNTRY WITHOUT DIRECTION. This why I like Mugabe, the man has openly told the world that Zimbabwe is my country and no one shall take it away from me. MMD should just declare the same other than playing with people’s minds. I have no comments for Justice Mumba only to recall that she was blamed for every outcome of elections and I dont know how she can now be a woman of substance. The whole episode is actually irritating and confusing.

  64. 2008
    Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka today, Ms. Mumba also said that the commission has been operating under pressure especially with accusations and suspicions from various stakeholders.
    She however said that ECZ will continue to perform its duties within the provisions of the law despite the pressure from stakeholders.
    Justice. Mumba said the commission also values the observations made by the stakeholders of the electoral process adding that ECZ remains open to address any concerns raised by the stakeholders.
    And the ECZ Chairperson has also disclosed that the extra ballot papers will only be dispatched to polling stations in need of them with the consent of all the four participating political parties.
    She said the decision follows consultations with the participating…

  65. On 5 Nov 2008, the Electoral Commission said that only a verification exercise, not a recount, would be conducted. It said that the verification exercise was a matter of standard procedure, but that a recount would require a court order.[45] Within two days, the verification exercise was suspended in Lusaka after a physical altercation between members of the MMD and the PF. A member of the MMD alleged that Sata punched him during this brawl, but the PF disputed that claim.[46]
    Catholic priest Frank Bwalya was arrested on 12 November and charged with incitement of violence based on a broadcast on Radio Icengelo, which discussed matters related to the election; he was arrested after refusing to halt the broadcast. In response to the arrest, PF supporters in Kitwe protested violently; they…

  66. @ #79 Kambongolo

    Concerning your statement, “You have been rigging elections through Kalale thats why you want to maintain him.” end quote, where is your evidence??

    The reason I was asking for consultation is because you are trying to speak on behalf of Zambians. The Tunisian situation is different from the situation in Zambia. Minority disgruntled voters cannot and should not have the right to try and forcefully remove a government elected by the majority. That defeats the whole essence of democracy.

  67. Iwe # 90, the evidence of rigging has been their all along, why is that your foolish MMD doesnt want to have an independent Judiciary? Isnt rigging when ballots boxes are transported from one polling station to another for so called counting? Isnt it rigging when the party in government is using state resources to campaign? Isnt it rigging when your president becomes sugar daddy by bribing people with sugar to vote for his party? Isnt it rigging when you MMD cadres collect voters registration cards from poor villagers who dont know whats going on. Need i go on? And i am one of those Zambians who will support the Tunisian way of things should you guys rig the elections. Dont think Zambians are dull my dear, those days of sleeping are over. Kuya bebele! Zambia is for all of us not just YOU!

  68. “rigging” is not always based on Election Day activities…getting more people registered in a party’s stronghold is a powerful means. It was not working this time around when you look at the numbers.

    In reality proving rigging will always be a challenge. Absence of evidence does not necessarily mean innocence. With the powerful resources and machinery behind the ruling government, its always a challenge to prove occurences of rigging.

    Perhaps electoral malpractice (broadlly speaking) is what we should be talking about. Rigging is a bit narrow. Evidence of electoral malpractice exists e.g. Leader distributes items (food stuffs) to voters, voters are threatened with violence; oppostion parties are not occured with equal access to state media etc…

  69. on another note….WHERE IS THE AUDIT REPORT? Single sourced or not, where is the audit report? What were the findings?

    Money has been spent already, the more important question is the report? Pity that organisations like Caritas, Fodep, TIZ are not demanding to see the report.

  70. @ #91 Kaponyas!!!

    That is not rigging plus most of those incidents you have stated are simply allegations. They have not been proven.

    Concerning your statement, “And i am one of those Zambians who will support the Tunisian way of things should you guys rig the elections.” end quote. How will you know if elections have been rigged? Like I said, you first need to prove elections have been rigged if you plan to infringe on the rights of majority of Zambians who have made their decision on who wants to rule them through ballot.

    Zambia has never had rigged elections. All elections have been free and fair.

  71. Whatever happen in Zambia, one thing those in leadership should know is that “whatever goes up one day must come down” After 21 years, Tunisia experience must be a reason to Zambians, politicians and government workers who are thieves…….

  72. #56 & 61, It could be a problem that she lost a wonderful husband, she may need a break from high-demanding jobs. And don’t ask me to read Exodus, I finished reading that book, there is no where it says people shouldn’t remarry. If you need to expand you weak on easy ECZ mind try : Quatrains 6:10

  73. # 95 homeless Capitalist, how can you say there has never been rigging is Zambia? Have ever tried to talk to primary school teachers who conduct elections, have you have engaged a traditional chief in Zambian politics? They will tell you that they only support people who BUY them something. Bankrupt Capitalist like you can’t even ,make it to a ward chairman, if you even know the difference between ward & constituency.

  74. The country where they dont appreciate proffessionals and think any and every quack can deliver in that country,its not possible.pipo who work hard to be where they are easily resign because they know that what has built their career is integrity.only bootlikers hold on to such issue.What else can dan kalale do if fired from the post he was given when he was in his teenagehood?Nothing.Shame ba fikra pa Z.No common sense!

  75. Let the other commissioners go/resign too. Chi Chuulu no munankwe. We don’t need these old finished character who were a big dissappointment where they are coming from to head ECZ. Abash…

  76. @ #98 Nostradamus

    I’m sorry but testimonials is not necessarily hard evidence. What I want is someone to prove beyond reasonable doubt that elections have been rigged. Mr. Sata failed on more than 3 occasions to prove that elections have been rigged. Do you honestly expect me to rely on aimless emotional non-substantiated barking from a perpetual loser like Mr. Sata and his cadres. Give me a break. Send me hard evidence and not testimonials. Those are as objective as someone who claims inflation has no effect on our economy.

  77. #101 Mr. Capitalist, people like you will never accept your own death. Do you want me to show you evidence that you will die? Or you can still accept testimonials? Mr. Sata has seen people rig, normal people have witnessed rigging in Zambia just as much has they attended funerals. What evidence do you want, is it to hear from the dead. Elections will never be free & fair in Zambia, too corrupt.

  78. @ #102 Nostradamus

    Were has Mr. Sata seen people rig elections and which people have witnessed rigging in Zambia?? These are the type of empty statements that do not give the “rigging” allegations much substance. If this was in court, do you honestly believe you can win a case based on what you have posted? Maybe this is why PF don’t understand why court cases turn out a certain way.

    As for your “death” analogy, that is like comparing apples and oranges. Death is an assurance. It is assured that one day you’ll die. You cannot escape that. Election rigging is totally different from that. It is most likely synonymous with stealing because with stealing, you have to prove someone stole.

  79. People of Zambia can someone tell me who was wrong between Kalale and The Justice. I cant comment before I analyse the situ. Kabili tulimitwe shamano

  80. #98, you are blind!! Are you one of the riggers?

    The rigging takes place during transfer, may be in helicopters by replacements of boxes, so how come you are advising to ask teachers who may be innocent?

    The only people who knows much are the SHUSHUS at the Red brick house in Lusaka like Former Director Generals of Intelligence Chungu, Vernon Mwanga and even Dan Kalale.

    Vernon Mwanga may end up telling Zambians more of this election riggings, as he did during Chiluba’s corruption trial, he gave us a TIP OF ICEBERG of what goes on during election time, when he testifies as a witness in court. He testified that Chiluba’s organised election for Mwanawasa were rigged. HERE IS A GOOD TESTIMONY OF ELECTION RIGGING!!!!!

  81. Sorry #98 i meant # 103.

    #103 (Mr. Capitalist), you are blind!! Are you one of the riggers?

    The rigging takes place during transfer, may be in helicopters by replacements of boxes, so how come you are advising to ask teachers who may be innocent?

    The only people who knows much are the SHUSHUS at the Red brick house in Lusaka like Former Director Generals of Intelligence Chungu, Vernon Mwanga and even Dan Kalale.

    Vernon Mwanga may end up telling Zambians more of this election riggings, as he did during Chiluba’s corruption trial, he gave us a TIP OF ICEBERG of what goes on during election time, when he testifies as a witness in court. He testified that Chiluba’s organised election for Mwanawasa were rigged. HERE IS A GOOD TESTIMONY OF ELECTION RIGGING!!!!!

  82. #44 Tim, and who told your empty head that clergymen can never be politicians?
    Everyone knows about this father of darkness and how he wanted to manipulate the church for his selfish interests. That is what is wrong, please fill up your skull with something useful.

  83. Florence Mumba is not an angel and neither is she indispensable. The serious allegations levelled against her by Kalale could be founded or…not. Let us not be quick to vilify her because at the time Kalele made his allegations, he had just been dismissed and it is natural that people sometimes feel disgruntled when they are dismissed. Secondly, Kalale was not longer bound by ethics governing the commision’s employees and therefore could make any comments he wished about the internal affairs of the commission in the public media. Mrs Mumba on the other hand was until now still bound by those ethics. Now that she is not longer bound, she may address those allegations to clear her name. Lets wait until then.

  84. #108 Shaka OZ, I guess it is you who is blind and have no idea how tight our electoral system works. Sad that you believe the myopic reasons the illiterates in PF give you as reasons for losing an election.

    Let me educate you for free. This is what happens

    1) All parties are allowed to place elections agents at the polling stations and that includes independent monitors
    2) The counting is done at the polling station and each election agent/monitor records the total and results are published outside a polling station
    3) The boxes are then take to the central place for tallying and details or numbers from each polling station are made public and agents can verify.

    So how is your helicopter ballot swapping comes in? Is that how PF will be rigging elections if they came into…

  85. Hope PF is happy now since ths is the lady they accused of having rigged the election for bwezani ndalama banda. let them nt complain but win the elcection without her. chief bootlicker danny will be back.

  86. Gentlemen and Ladies,
    after a lot of thinking, i have decided the best party to would be the PF/UPND pact. my apologies to every person that i have offended. lets face it MMD is going. VIVA pact.

    Time to move is now gentlemen and Ladies, So long Bwezani.

  87. # 31 Nostradamus:

    Justice FlorenceMumba is a widow. She was married to Mr. Flemming Mumba who died in a car accident a few years ago. The late Mr. Mumba was a prominent member of the Zambia Motor Sports Association. She is not inkaka as you suggest, but a very humble but firm woman.

  88. A very sad day for mother Zambia! I’d urge RB to not accept her resignation letter. She did no wrong and actually tried her best to bring sanity, accountability and transparency to the ECZ. This is a woman of integrity, competence and good standing in the international community. Twits like Kalale and his supporters come nowhere near her high standards! I understand her resignation is due to not wanting to be tarnished by continued association with these clowns but we badly need her to remain at ECZ!

  89. @ #108 SHAKA OZ

    Pay attention to your statement, “The rigging takes place during transfer, may be in helicopters by replacements of boxes, so how come you are advising to ask teachers who may be innocent?”

    Firstly you do not know for sure were the rigging takes place so how am I supposed to trust your statement. Do you have evidence to back it up.

    Secondly, at what point did I advise on the asking of teachers? I never did such a thing. My advice to you however is to take out your note book and take down some notes on the free lesson you have received from #111 MMD Chief Bootlicker

  90. I think now that I can see the whole picture clearly, the resignation of this noble lady is a tragic event for the whole electoral system of Zambia. With George Kunda, one is left but wondering just what this man is up to? You know, we can all see without doubt that he is busy dying of HIV-AIDS(ya ku iletelela umwine) and for all intentions and purposes, he should not be trying to draw a road map for a future he will not be alive to witness. Our judicial system is now in tatters and you bet he and his stinking monkey toilet will now proceed without any shame to appoint their discredited judge Phillip Musonda to take over from Mumba and set a rigging machine in motion that will only place us on the route to Gbagbo’s Yamoussoukro. Some people deserve to be shot!

  91. She single sourced. Equally Dora single sourced. Dora is back in power and heavily protected when the whole country rose up. Justice Mumba was left to fend for herself, because it suited Red Lips George Kunda & RB.

    The MMD Plans seem to be nicely falling into place. They kicked out Mbulu and prevented him from challenging the MMD stooge Hikaumba. Ha … nkani yapa Zed.

  92. #116, Could you please tell us a little more about that $8Million (K40Billion) contract, plz. Was it by ECZ to whom, for what? By Mumba? Plz, educate us!

  93. Has it occured to anyone that maybe Mr. K.. was to be the focus of the audit that was to be undertaken and his opposition to it was to hide his misdeeds. The K1bn audit fee K708 plus VAT seems a lot but taking into consideration the reputational risk profile of such an assignment it may be justified in fact the majority of international audit firms would have kept away from this assignment even if it had been taken for tender due to it’s high risk nature.

    So now that Justice Mumba has gone is the tender for the audit going ahead I’m sure by now who ever was the target of the audit has had enough time to clean up thier tracks

  94. Bloggers stop dreaming nobody knows the truth in this case, only the workers at ECZ, Judge Florence Mumba and kalale knows the truth. So lets wait and see.

  95. From the Grape vine, I’m reliably informed that Xaviour Chungu will have a role at ECZ and VJ will be the technical adviser.

    I think the people power sweeping Tunisia and Egypt very soon will sweep through Zambia. Elections in Zambia do not reflect what is on the ground. There is too much rigging in Africa and due to high poverty levels rural votes manipulated to suite those in power.

  96. Justice Flora Mumba is a casualt of political manupilation. The learned was exposed by the Public Media without cover from the Executive. Women movements were equally quiet when their fellow woman was being attacked centre right. Dan Kalale should never be allowed at Election House. The chap is very corrupt and has properties all over Lusaka. Lets wait and see how things move. The resignation of Justice Flora Mumba is a sad development but has left her with great pride. How many of us out there can do the same?

  97. To succeed in the Zambian environment you need your principles compromised, unprofessional, stupid and especially a severe lack of morals. With a background like that you can prosper.



  99. One thing I have noticed is that as president , you can never develop this country if you listen to what people say. Just look at how petty people are even on these blogs. How can Justice Mumba’s scam be pollitical? Is it MMD who told her to single source an auditing firm which clearly is against rules and regulations? Its MMD which told the workers to protest against her?

    I admire Rupiah. He has turned a deaf ear to lunacy and concentrated on developing this country because listening to you lot one can go mad. Today justice Mumba is MMD, tommorow MMD want him out? Learn to have a stance in life.

    As for me and my party we have work to do. We are in a hurry to develop this country. All the best in your talk but just remember, talk is cheap.

  100. Red Lips akaleta ichimfulunganya mu Zambia. Honestly, no state department or agency should run independently? Professionals will just be frustrated like that? I cant wait for the Tunisian wind to blow here. Lets just wait and see there next step, then the people will speakout. If ala bee is not careful he will go out of state house b4 elections by the power of the people’s voice, like his Tunisian friend. Red Lips is misleading him a lot!

  101. let her go she thought she is more clever than us zambians we will see comes next.for dan never should step at ecz it is not mothers village.

  102. VIVA MMD – MMD is a party of the people. What is happening in North Africa will never happen in mother Zambia. The few Lozi people have been arrested. We will enjoy people forever.\:d/

  103. #31, please you must get your facts right before writing on issues. Thanks to #56 and 61 for educating #31. There is a lot that Dan and his backers are afriad of being brought to the surface. Dan is just being used to forment chaos and hide the dirt under the carpet. A just govt would have moved in to correct the crisis especially that this is an election year.

  104. It is unfortunate that ECZ has become another shell of an institution.People have lost faith and confidence in the institution.Confidence can only come in when polical hands are removed in appointment of Chairperson of ECZ.An independent body should be mobilised with a sole aim of appointing ECZ chairperson.Why should RB be involved in selection of the chairperson because he is an interested party.
    As for Dan Kalale,he should not celebrate much.His days are numbered.The best he can do is not to accept reinstatement and concentrate on other issues apart from elections.Zambians know him more than he knows himself.Should he become funny,he will be dealt with ruthlessly.He is a political stooge of MMD.We do not want his nose to be poked in this year’s elections.

  105. 136 Deliverable
    You are spot on.The problem with this country and its so called multi party politics is YAP YAP YAP.Talking and opposing all the times. The role of the opposition is to give alternative ideas and actually advise and lobby with the government for the benefit of the country.When Mwanawasa implemented some UPND ideas, he was accused of copying or rather stealing ideas. Now common, when a president is sworn in he/she becomes President for everyone not just his/her party. He is at liberty to get ideas from anywhere including opposition for the benefit of the country.We dont need to shift gears every 5 years..Look at China, no elections and yet it is lifting Millions out of poverty every year. We also need to strenthen regional co-operation.we need bigger markets for our goods

  106. This mistaken view of thinking that when you change Governments then everything will be rosy is misplaced. You just create more problems like what happened from UNIP to MMD. We thought everything UNIP was bad and we had turncoats, the same UNIP people jumping to MMD and now they have jumped to PF etc.
    Lets build a country based on agreed strong systems like USA…there is OBAMA but have you noticed any significant shifts in policy?
    Even the LOZIS are mistaken to think that when they secede, then all will be rosy when it could be worse.
    We need to have common fundamentals as a country. No single political party has all the answers.
    Constructive critism is however welcome but in this country Political parties dont talk to each other in an open manner..

  107. Let us call a spade a spade, the only good thing she has done is to resign rather than being fired although being fired is questionable.

  108. #119, Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth says.

    I wrote that, former Director Generals of Intelligence Vernon Mwanga and Chungu have testified how the MMD consultant former President Chiluba rigged election (using the SHUSHUs) to install the late Mwanawasa whom they mistook for a puppet.

    Take a note book and research what Mwanga and Chungu did.

    Hope this can open your eyes and see, unless you have chosen to ignore this like Gbagbo’s supporters in Ivory Coast.

  109. #119, Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth says.

    Mr #119, Mr. Capitalist, have you heard of late President Banda has changed his foreign Minister’s condemnation of Ivory Coast’s Gbagbo unlawful government, he is now saying that he wants to study the issue because Zambia is a landlocked country.

    Sound like because the MMD interfered with Justice Mumba’s work at the ECZ, now President Banda knows that he is going the GBAGBO’s way in Ivory Coast. WINNING THE ELECTIONS AT ALL COASTS NO MATTER WHAT IT COSTS!!!!

  110. A play boy…..his eyes only for women and girls…………no agenda for Zambia……..dressing tells it all……great womaniser. No wisdom. Greedy people surrounding the playboy who accepts Justice Mumba’s resignation without care in the world is the beginning of chaos in this country. KK new them well and put them at the distant to save this country from going into flames.

  111. #111, MMD Chief Bootlicker says, where did you show off your head.

    Anyway, unless you have chosen to be ignorant, vote counting does not take place at the point of voting all the election ballot boxes are transferred to a central place and during transfer the elections agents and independent monitors does not use the same vehicle transporting the ballot boxes. This is the lop hole used to rig elections and many more.

    You language sound like Mumbi and Lifwekelo. Are you one of the MMD image builders?

    Am not a PF supporter but a true Zambian with a heart for all Zambians unlike you who is a partisan MMD supporter and can cause civil war in Zambia just because you want MMD to win at all cost no matter what!!!

    Blind disciple!!

  112. if she single sourced a major contract worth a billion kwacha, then there are no two ways about it-she goes. laws are very clear on that, nothing political about the whole issue

  113. #144
    Bondix – We want to change the government for a simple reason. These chaps(MMD) are like ba koswe nga abelesha apita nakasuba.They have become so pompous that we are not free to enjoy our beer in clubs. Every time they come from their binges, they come in boasting BOMA ni BOMA etc.We know nothing will change, but let others also go and enjoy state house, then others next time etc.

  114. Zambians be ready to sacrifice a little of your blood. Desired change sometimes calls for blood loss. The happenings especially in zambian political circles……..mhhhh……God help the down trodden crying people.

  115. # 23 Kambongola, you are a man of very sound mind! How come it is alright for Dora Siliyato single source RP Capital for Zamtel Evaluation @ US$ 2 million and it is not ok for Judge Mumba not to single source for a very security sensitive audit for ZmK1 billion equivalent to US$ 200, 000?
    # 31 Nostradamus, you are a pathological liar, Judge Florence Mumba was married to the late Mr. Flemming Mumba of Zesco who paased on in 2008 in a road traffic accident!
    In the words of # 36 Futubola, who is next to be destroyed in the devilish schemes by the MMD to stay in power beyond 2011? # 20 Yaya, very interesting! Ofcourse The Post was on very firm ground that MMD wanted the judge out!
    # 75 Capitalist, we will definately fight if elections are rigged!

  116. Listen you GULLIBLE *****S. The other day when Kalale was yapping rubbish everyone on here was baying for Justice Mumba’s blood and now that she’s decided to step down it becomes a sad day?? How did we arrive here??

    I told you chaps the other day, lets not allow kalale to hoodwink all of u, this chap is a criminal and he knew that the KPMG independent audit was going to reveal a load of rubbish at ECZ and he had to go on the offensive to divert attention. FOCUS YOU BUGGERS.

  117. #144 Bondix, you would be right if the MMD had the political will to build strong intitutional systems for good governance, accountability and transparency. Within the last 2 years they have bungled up our constiutution making process, have sold Zamtel against all protests and contracted a huge loan from China to purchase mobile hospitals! Why should we continue with these lunies!
    Judge Mumba was a definate stumbling block to the dreams of the Movement for Mad Dogs! We the people are watching and we will defiantely react if the electral process is bungled like the constitution!
    Dan Kalale is a man of no integrity at all not even a little. He has employed unqualified staff, given contracts to his clonies and avoided audit by the auditor generals office for 2 years! NO NO NO TO DAN AT ECZ


  119. One thing is for sure MMD is desperate to win these elections at all costs and that is very sad especially when they tamper with govt systems.

  120. Easy is back it is election year and the anfolding in that country are worrying beyond reasonable mind. Everyday resignation and immediation. Where ZED? Us who know this woman and admire her we are you sure and certain of what is cooking in 2011. Everywhere it unopposed elections one can smile a rat. Our president RB must be sincere with himself not to up like Kaunda or Chiluba.

  121. Zambians….especially those of you who take the POST and MMEMBE as saints,have you asked yourselves why your angel NEVER showed any pictures of the ECZ workers who had downed tools!! Is it possible that GRZ hoodwinked all the rank and file at ECZ to rally behind Kalale?…Today Justice Mumba is being shown as an angel by mmembe ,the same mmembe who labelled the poor woman a sellout after the last presidential elections. The learned judge messed up FULL STOP!! If Kalale was fired because he refused to sanction the 1 billion scum then he should be re instated, mmembe and his GHOST SOURCE want us to believe there is something else…well why didnt mumba say it ,why didnt they inform the striking workers who still believe like the rest of us that Danny got the sack coz of the 1 billion scam..

  122. BEN you have analysed well but unfortunately you are talking to brain dead PF kaponya’s. Sata has kept quiet because it will be difficult for him to reconcile whats happening today with the things he said in the past about justice mumba. She also said that Mr Sata was seeking an order of recount upfront, before calling any evidence, a procedure that had never been used in the trial of any election petition.

    She said just like in the Mazoka and Mwanawasa petition, Mr Sata had not called witnesses to testify because what was contained in the affidavits was not evidence.

    And Mr Sata has abandoned the presidential petition against President Banda’s election following the dismissal of his application yesterday.

    Mr Sata had petitioned the October 30, 2008 elections seeking a recount

  123. PATRIOTIC Front (PF) president, Michael Sata has ruled out the possibility of an electoral pact with the United Party for National Development (UPND), saying his party is strong enough to win the presidential election on its own.

    REMEMBER IN 2008
    Speaking on a live Radio Phoenix programme in Lusaka, Mr Sata said he could not support UPND leader, Hakainde Hichilema, for the Republican presidency because he had enough young people capable of taking over from him within the PF.

    Mr Sata also accused the UPND of desperately trying to show that it had a lot of support by stealing pictures of PF supporters who attended one of his recent rallies and using them on UPND’s website to show that it was working with the PF. “Our supporters out there should know that there is no pact between us

    He said the people of Zambia set their priorities when they made him come second after late Levy Mwanawasa in the 2006 elections and he was confident that he would win the elections this time around.

    He said his mission was to change the face of Zambia and reiterated his 2006 campaign promise that if elected, the people would start feeling the positive impact of the change of Government within 90 days. He said the PF would bring development and Zambians abroad seeking greener pastures would return home.

    Asked what would happen if he lost the election, Mr Sata said he would then get back to reorganise the party for 2011 elections because Zambians did not even anticipate that an election would be held this year.

  125. He also justified his recent change of heart regarding Chinese investment, saying he had decided to do so because the Chinese authorities were now working with authorities in Taiwan.

    The PF leader said it was surprising that a lot of people had condemned him for aligning himself with the Taiwanese when the Government of China was also dealing with Taiwan.

    He said he was grateful to the late Dr Mwanawasa for having sent him to South Africa for treatment and he was now very fit to run for the presidency.

  126. Sata is compromised, says Hichilema
    By Chibaula Silwamba
    Saturday June 14, 2008 [04:00]

    UPND president Hakainde Hichilema yesterday said some people that have been flown to South Africa for medical treatment by the government have been compromised. And Hichilema said Zimbabwean authorities must not shift their problems to Zambia by attacking President Levy Mwanawasa.
    Hichilema described the reconciliation between Sata and President Mwanawasa as circumstantial.

    “We welcome those that have now realised, though late in the day. I am sure you remember one of the politicians used to laugh at two other politicians. One of them; when late UPND president Anderson Mazoka fell ill, may his soul rest in peace, one politician was laughing at Mr Mazoka, ridiculing Mr Mazoka,

  127. “When President Mwanawasa was ill, the same politician was calling for a presidential by-election and calling people vegetables or all that stuff; even producing them in the mouth I feel ashamed of. Now this politician fell ill.

    He realised, ‘ooh! Being ill is an act which is beyond one’s control, you don’t have to say the trousers of the late Mazoka were dropping, you don’t have to agitate for a presidential by-election because illness can take anybody.”

    Hichilema said that was how some characters were because they mature late.
    “I called the reconciliation circumstantial because of what I have explained, because this individual Sata used to ridicule his colleagues and unfortunately some Zambians were clapping and praising him when he was doing that.

  128. I found that ridiculous, I couldn’t understand how a population could clap when someone ridicules other people like that, but thank God this politician is alive and we wish him the best,” Hichilema said.”



  130. Wel theres one point everyone is missing here, guys, look the question is why did kalale rushed to the media to denounce his boss, all this time where was he, its like in a marriage wen pipo divource alot of things are exposed, now if kalale claims the commissiners were corrupt as he claims ,they hired private auditor to do the claen-up ,why not wait for outcome of the audit if you are not corrupt, to me it like feared something would be exposed , all those contractsthyey used to give to themselves , the PAJEROS uesd in the election may be there are some which belongs to himand other big fishes thats why before the aditor could begin quickly went to the media, of course it needde tender procedures , but to me it seems that he knew what was at stake. period Suntwe……..

  131. There will be war in Zambia if elections are rigged this year. Zambians are ready to die since already they are dead. Zambia is for all Zambians and not for a few individuals. All Zambians should have a share of the nainal cake.

    Tunisia wave has gone to Egypt, to Yemen and in october it will be in Zambia. Take my words you MMD thieves, Vampires feeding on blood o poor Zambians, seasoned hypocrites.


  132. KAMBONGOLO. It will never happen my friend. who is going to die for the sake of a buffoon like sata and his kaponya’s. forget it people like you have been predicting such since 1991 and it has never happened. just continue sweeping in sweden and blogging nonsense

  133. Zambia is all comedy, i just wonder y u all people are getting surprised and not getting surprised, the moment we will do anything sensible is when MMD will realise that they cant have it their way all the time. Anyone can manage to fool some people sometimes,but one cannot manage to fool all the people at all times. Zambia is a place where people cannot even afford to cry, because there is actually no time to cry no matter the demand, but there is all the to laugh about, becoz we have a bunch of clowns for leaders in the name of MMD.

  134. #95 Mr Capitalist, didnt the post publish pictures of your president distributing sugar during election period in eastern province? Didnt the post publish pictures of your president’s image builder being transported in Ministry of Health Vehicles? Didnt VJ Mwanga testify that rigging took place during the 2001 elections? How much coverage is allocated to the opposition as opposed to the ruling party on ZNBC during election? So what evidence are you asking for? Unless you are trying to say that those pictures and VJ’s testimony in court was bogus…????

  135. We knew that government would not let go of the ECZ chief rigger Kalale. Kalale is one person who let us down in all these elections, he and vj have been working together to rig elections. Who does not know this plain truth? As for Justice Mumba, God bless you, actually it’s been long overdue coz I wonder how you fitted among these electoral jackals and hyenas. These can mess you up. Let them Hire Judge Musonda and the other acquittal judges who belong to this jackle, hyena family.

  136. kaponya’s how much coverage is given to PF versus MMd or even UPND?? you want your cake and you want to eat all at the same time. you cannot have it both ways. and VJ never said there was rigging, never. all he talked about was the support provided by FTJ to Levy. If he had confessed such a thing how come mazoka lost the case

  137. Iwe Truuuth lie # 184…It is written on the wall for all to see that VJ meant rigging the help given to Levy. So you are still blind of this fact! No please, Know the

  138. Madam Anna Chifungula, please move in and audit ECZ and as usual tell us the findings through your usual reporting. Your are a respected professional accountant. If some shameless, devils come into your way just tender a resignation letter to Rupia.That is how ethical professionals operate. ACC (though I have so much reservation with ACC where integrity and professionalism are concerned) should also move in or do it at the same time. Now that the contract with KPMG to audit ECZ has ‘disappeared’ will another audit firm carry on the planned work by judge Mumba? The reasons given in The Post for ECZ not audited over two years are ridiculous.

  139. The country is full of fools, any headline from the Post becomes your opinions, how does GRZ or Rupiah come in, when it’s the Judge who started the fight with Kalale, she fired him so she thot he will quietly leave with a fight…………use your heads she’s not a saint as you probably think she just very human. by the way she is a close old family friends with RB check your data………………

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