Friday, September 6, 2024

Govt will only probe other councils after receiving complaints


Brian Chituwo

Local Government and Housing Minister Brian Chituwo has said that he can only institute special audit investigations in other council after receiving complaints from the public.
Dr. Chituwo has called on the public to report their complaints to his OFFICE to prove their allegations.

The minister has also said that there is no discrimination in the ongoing investigations of councils in the country.

He says it is cheap politicking for people to label government that it is only targeting councils that are controlled by the opposition political parties.

Dr. Chituwo adds that the local government Act cap 281, gives mandate to the minister in charge to institute statutory audits in all the councils in order to strengthen the systems in the local authority.

He says he should not be pressurized to audit all the councils as he can only institute a probe after receiving complaints.

Dr. Chituwo has further said that he wants to administer the local authority as a civic responsibility while prioritizing people’s interests.



  1. Yaba……. Chituwo probe Lundazi District Council. You have recieved this petittion on-line so do your Job.
    Dont say no one has complained.

  2. Useless minister. An audit is not for witch-hunting but a requirement in any establishment.
    No wonder people are calling for the MMD government to be kicked out.

  3. I respect Chituwo in many matters but on this one you have shown you biasness and unfit for the job. Because there some scams that are not known to the public. If you mean to investigate just go through all the councils, failure to that you are the one politiking in this matter. Hence, I can conclude that you are targeting opposition manned councils.

  4. #30 NALABILAKO TYALA, Don’t be surprised as some people only have brains for school activities to pass exams and non outside. Remember memory work?

  5. no curruption in councils be it by MMD or PF. so far PF has been exposed and will be delt with accordingly. anyone with evidence of corruption in other councils pliz report to ACC or police. Have facts not hearsay or rumors

  6. It doesn’t have to be that way, sir! Some of us from private companies working as Internal Auditors we don’t wait to be told that thing are going in the wrong but we systematically plan our way approaching investigations.
    You don’t have to be pressured then you investigate because doing so means that you have already made up your opinion. I think in these institutions there should be professionals I believe who can just let things go this way. Just get reports and see what has happened in the interim!

  7. Why should it only be the duty of ordinary people to find out about mismanagement in public institutions? What is the government managing? This is a clear admission that this government is useless. It is scarry to imagine we have ministers who have no idea what is going on in departments under their charge.

  8. Dr. Brian, katungeni abantu inyeleti kuchipatala cha UTH. thats not your field.

    ine kulasekakofye, yalizanda bane.. chinochalo need privatization. we have totally failed to govern it.
    let it be ZAMBIA PLC meaning Zambia Private Limited Country… and the money the government will realise from it will share and go in diaspora like other citizens @ zed… am sure China will be the first one to bid for it. good idea?

  9. #3 I was just thinking of the same thing – this is misplaced human resources especially when you think of a reality that Zambia has less than 500 doctors for a population of now 13million. But anyway he is free to chose what pleases him. I dont know what he is doing now at the Ministry of Local Government…

    Does anyone know if he goes to a hospital somewhere to practice his medicine?

  10. Dr. Chituwo with due respect we know that MMD have been working hard to find fault with PF held councils. We remember how one FTJ went around the Copperbelt accusing the PF held councils of failing to provide basics like water and good roads forgeting that these were a responsibility of other GRZ organizations. When that failed, the Mayor of Kitwe was accused of having stolen money to buy a suit for himself. By the way this same mayor has refused to use the money to buy a mayoral car. Instead he has put that money aside to buy a grader, with additional money coming from we residents. Iam sure ZNBC and Co will not even mention this, dear Dr.

  11. Mmm Chituwo really you have also become so insipid and dull like your fellow MMD thieves.

    What is your job? . Is it not your job to manage the councils? How do you expect people who have no access to the council files be able to report to you the corruption in these councils?

    You are there to monitor the councils sinceyou have direct acess to the files…why cant you probe their coruption?

    Already people have reported Kalulushi, Mansa, Mongu councils etc, but you have not acted.

    We know that all this is a ploy to decampaign PF and Sata but this plot will to work. People have already made their resolve to vote out MMD.

    This year MMD thieves kuyabebele bane.


  12. Surely do we have to write to the minister for him to find out what is going on in the councils? I thought it it routine for any supervisor to find out what is going on in the areas of his responsibility. No wonder Chiluba denied there was corruption in his regime until it was proved otherwise when LPM unleashed the probes. This is the sort of thing that makes people lose faith in public institutions.

  13. Dr. Chituwo! You are disgracing us who spent time ‘pounding’ and getting ‘educated’. Are you saying if the councils are too clever for you in MMD, then they are clean? Ever heard of Auditors and do you know why these guys are there? You are a disgrace! You so far have been an inspiration to my son who wants to be a doc just like you. You have let him down because he is old enough to ask me questions about your intergrity. I never knew you are what we call here on the CB a “SEBANA WIKUTE”- people who will do anything no matter how disgraceful it is in order to get a meal. You make me sick!

  14. You see now! even Dr Brian is being messed up coz of mixing with harlots and nincoomps in cabinet. I didnt its that contageous. Brian tizakuchinjila nzela inga ndiye vawayamba ivo. There are so many complaints in the public domain rite now, including audited reports for so many malfunctioning councils. Then you say unless sumbody complaigns!! CAREFULL KA. Dont be reduced like your predecessor aka one Benny Teta the late.

  15. Who has ever been punished after these audits? Govt has to modernise its institutions to help reduce corruption. Youn go to civic centre and its like you are at an ancient market. Please.

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