Saturday, March 29, 2025

Auditor General ‘investigates’ ECZ


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has announced that officers from the Auditor general’s office will at the beginning of March 2011 start auditing the commission’s 2009 and 2010 books of accounts.

And the ECZ says it does not hold any classified accounts that cannot be audited.

Responding to views and comment’s on last week’s “Let the people talk” programme on Radio Phoenix, ECZ public relations manager Chris Akufuna told the media today that all counts held by the commission have in the past been subjected to audits.

Mr. Akufuna said ECZ accounts have always been audited by ECZ and that the last audit was in 2008.

He said the K15 billion kwacha funding that the commission received from government, through the ministry of Finance and National planning early this week would be used to clear part of the K92 billion debt owed to various companies for the supply of goods and services.

Mr. Akufuna said ECZ was a transparent institution that did not have anything to hide from the public it serves.

He invited all stake holders with questions regarding the operations and dealings of the commission to approach the institution.


  1. So govt was lying that the 15billion was for the voter registration exercise because Akufuna is saying it is for clearing debts which the institution has.

  2. I will promote,you got my instruction,you are starting in much to give kalale and the driver thug(chikwela) to bury and burn evidence against them.thats why am winning this year again.Am the special one for Zambia,i like to rule Zambia,cause Zambians just talk,no action.Egyptians are brave.

  3. I will promote,you got my instruction,you are starting in march to give kalale and the driver thug(chikwela) to bury and burn evidence against them.thats why am winning this year again.Am the special one for Zambia,i like to rule Zambia,cause Zambians just talk,no action.Egyptians are brave.

  4. Robert: why would they be owing so much money, 92 billion?
    Teacher; Some of it will have arisen from buying inflated services from companies owned by employees.
    Sara: suppose they repay 10 billion debt and use the remainder for eletoral registration, can that help?
    Teacher: they are lkely to pay their own companies first and the genuine ones later.

  5. Jelita: so Mumba and Kalale must be having heart attacks, an audit finally?
    Teacher: They are not the only ones, they can only worry about the ACC. The audit only identies who stole and often nothing is done.
    Jelita: Lets wait for the ACC

  6. Past dissertations from our university have proved beyond reasonable doubt that nothing comes out of these audit reports.

  7. Can anyone tell me which region of Zambia had its own laws and international agreements? The answer is simple, it is only Barosteland.
    1. That Barotseland was a sovereign and autonomous nation for centuries before the coming to Africa of Missionaries and later Colonialists;
    2. That when the Missionaries and Colonialists arrived in Barotseland, the nation’s sovereignty was acknowledged, recognized and respected, leading to a number of Treaties – including the following:
    • The Lochner Concession of June 1890
    • The Lawley Concession (Concession A) of June 25, 1898
    • The Barotseland – North Western Rhodesia Order-in-Council of 1899
    • Concession B of 1900
    • Concession Agreement of August 11, 1909
    • The Northern Rhodesia Order-in-Council of 1911, which amalgamated North Eastern Rh

  8. Hehe these election riggers, the terms of reference were laid down by Mumba…so the auditor general must investigate even your pants.You guys have stolen a lot of zambian tax.

    How come you have so huge debt? You are heavly funded and one wonders how you contracted such a huge debt. We know that these huge debt is through corruption,the corruption Mumba wanted to investigate. You Vampires feeding on the blood of poor innocent Zambians, seasoned hypocrites destined for erternal destruction.


  9. Robert: why do the various treaties in post 8 carry only british names and no Lozi names at all?
    Teacher: Are you thinking about a horse and its rider again? Only in this case the horse is gratefull to the rider.

  10. But AG why wait until beginning of march? all loopholes will be sealed, take action now. The trend of giving people warning that we shall come and inspect makes them clean up and still continue doing wrong things. You should at times catch people by surprise.

  11. #5 Teacher,

    Which Mumba?
    If it is Justice Mumba she is the one who engaged the auditing of ECZ of which Kalale have been frustrating because he knows that his corruption and fraud will be finally exposed!!!!!!!

    Teacher analyze properly.

  12. #8 Cabbage Brain,

    Every Zambian Kingdom and Chiefdom was autonomous til the European arrival e.g. Mwata Kazembe, Chitimukulu, Mpezeni e.t.c and they had laws for governance.

  13. Am mouthless, its always sad to read about Zambia why? can Zambia go Egypt way? of course not coz we dont need it but we need serious leaders.

  14. I think it was very unprofessional for Anna Chifungula to make an opinion about ECZ before sending in Auditors to investigate. She made a careless statement based on a letter from Dan Kalale which caused Justice Mumba to resign. I take it Auditors will go to ECZ just to rubber stamp an opinion that has already been made. Its unethical on her part as an accountant to do that and she should step down. I hope ZICA are watching with interest what Anna has done. I believe the investigations that Justice Mumba called for wherein all round issues such as employment system and conditions of service is better than the financial audit she is instituting where she will just say that a lot of payments were not supported by documents. We need to replace the AG with a better professional.

  15. Let the law take its cause, Bena ECZ needs to be auditored in order for all to know what is happening. Audit in the end just comes up with an opinion but from there we will be able to have a feel of whats happeing especially with the recent events. The biggets probelm is mu Z we dont have access to Audit reports and those who do, donot read them and Government do not do much about the findings unless its Political but if its crushing them they simple ignore. awe we are tired mwe bushe uno mwaka wont we do sumthing please.

  16. #8 TRULLY U HV A CABBAGE BRAIN INDEED.The topic z not o about Barotse land twapapata read and undastand b4 commenting issue!my foot ukushishita no tulo pamenso

  17. The auditors needed to move in now. They should have sent all workers on leave, seal that place and let the auditing team do the job independently. This Rupiah way of doing things is very shocking and no wonder there will be no thieves caught during his term of office as republican President. Why waiting for March?

  18. # 15 Objective.

    Chi Senior ictizen you are an I.di.ot. Jsut because you know that your Dan Rigger kalale will be cornered,you want to start a smear compaign againt AG..Anna. You are very weaked and a big Basturd.MMD you are goin “remember Egypt”? Day of departure.

  19. I like Egyptians, they are brave and will get what they want. Zambia wake up! How long will rigging elections go on with one useless party MMD? I am tired of this enemy of the people. We need to move faster than Egyptians as soon as we suspect elections have been stollen. Viva Barotseland, we demand development….development….not stories of Mongu Kalabo road since Independence…shit!

  20. # 18 MUTUKA MWANSA…Just Shut Up..! # 8 is right in his own right…you don’t understand his feelings and I quote his words:Can anyone tell me which region of Zambia had its own laws and international agreements? The answer is simple, it is only Barosteland.
    1. That Barotseland was a sovereign and autonomous nation for centuries before the coming to Africa of Missionaries and later Colonialists;
    2. That when the Missionaries and Colonialists arrived in Barotseland, the nation’s sovereignty was acknowledged, recognized and respected, leading to a number of Treaties – including the following:
    • The Lochner Concession of June 1890
    • The Lawley Concession (Concession A) of June 25, 1898
    • The Barotseland – North Western Rhodesia Order-in-Council of 1899
    • Concession B of 1900

  21. # 18 why chikubaba….Bulozi kilifasi la ndate ( Barotseland is our fathers’ land). These st.upi.d elections by ECZ have affected us negatively since 1964. The B.A has to be restored like it or not…Egypt viva will continue, Southern Sudan congrats, Eritria did it. We are going to do it. The Agreement is real, if you did not know or you were cheated by the jackles, hyenas in your forest..go and get the details. It is not a song, but we are moving and it will be done according to the will of people of Barotseland.

  22. Dear friends has anyone noticed what is written here in terms of figures or it is me who is wrong?
    It is saying that the govt. gives 15 billion annually, but most of these money will go to clear the debts which is about 92 billion, where will they get all this money. so ecz has even more debts than it gets from the gvt. ?

  23. #23 FALIZOHO,

    You ignorant chap!!!

    Have you read the 1964 Barotse agreement properly? There is nowhere in it, where it states for the independence of western province, it talks about decentralisation. No wonder you ignorantly thinks that Lozis don’t steal, grow up man!!!!!

    Barotseland is a province of Zambia with a decentralised laws only not as you ignorantly think. Just as Copperbelt for Lamba people/ Luapula Province for Lunda, Ushi, Ngumbo/ Nothern Province for Bemba, Mambwe, Tumbuka, Namwanga/Eastern Province for Ngonis, Nsenga, Kunda, Tumbukas/ North Western Province for Lunda, Luvale and Chokwe e.t.c.people needs to be decentralised as well.

    If i was Zambian President now i would give your your Western Province back to you which is full of Sand and make Kaingu…

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