Thursday, January 30, 2025

Invest in Zambia- RB urges the US


President Banda confers with US assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson (r) and American Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella at State House

PRESIDENT Banda has called on the United States of America to invest in Zambia because the country is one of the most attractive investment destinations in the world.

Mr Banda has also appealed to the United States government to help Zambia improve its infrastructure, especially the road network, to meet the demands of a growing economy.

The President was speaking at State House on February 7 when visiting Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jonnie Carson paid a courtesy call on him.

He called on the American business community to invest in sectors such as mining and agriculture.

President Banda said the country’s economy has continued to grow, and there is need to improve the road network.

“We would like to re-open the country to meet the growing economy,” he said.

Mr Banda said his government is grateful for the financial support the US continues to give Zambia from time immemorial, particularly that which has made it possible for Zambia to channel its resources towards other development programmes.

He said Government is particularly grateful for American aid in the health sector, especially in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

“This has made it possible for us to use our meagre resources for other development requirements,” he said.

Mr Banda also paid gratitude to the support the American government has continued to render to the Judiciary, which is held in high esteem.

“As a democratic country, we are proud of our Judiciary,” he said.

The President said the American government has continued to support Zambia in many sectors, and the Zambian government is looking forward to the warm relations, which have existed since 1964, to grow even stronger.

And Mr Carson said he is hopeful the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum scheduled to take place in June this year will attract a large number of the American business community.

He said the forum, expected to take place in Zambia, will put the country in the spotlight in particular, and Africa as an emerging market to invest and expand trade.

Mr Carson also hoped the forum will attract a large number of American officials.

He said America also looks forward to working with the Zambian government under programmes such as Feed the Future and Climate Change, which are important to both countries.

Mr Carson said the success of a nation depends on its commitment, which Zambia has shown.

He said Zambia must continue maintaining the strength of its democracy, and ensuring services are delivered to its people.

“The partnership between Zambia and America has been possible because of the excellent relations that have existed between Washington and Lusaka,” he said.
[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Kupempa masiku onse. Ba Alabee, give a chance and opportunity to Zedians to invest in their own country first before starting to ‘woo’ bazungu, tuma choncholi nabenangu. Atase.

  2. HERB when you ask you will be given. USA has heard you if not why do you think they have even built an even bigger embassy village if not to accomodate their ever growing american population. USA has seen how good zambia has become thats why the are building permanent structures they came to stay and invest in zambia. Zambia to USA is like a second home. yes HERB the yankees have invested and will continue to invest in zambia big time. your call is timely

  3. President Banda – please live up to your word and demolish that illegal compound “Kalale” just 1 km from the new US embassy complex. It could be used to attack the very generous Americans by elements sympathetic to al-qaeda interests in Zambia. You promised to restore all land illegally grabbed by MMD cadres to rightful owners.

    Ambassador Storella – please appeal to your hosts to ensure law and order; and respect for private property. There is an illegal compound just 1km near your new complex which was grabbed from investors despite having title deeds. The illegal dwellers are MMD cadres who were illegally given that land, by violence, by one William Banda. That compound can be used by criminal elements to attack your embassy. One German investor was even killed over that same land!

  4. No investor worth their money can invest in a country with no law and order. MMD party cadres, led by William Banda, are the ones ruling Zambia and can even grab land from investors with impunity!

  5. #1 moderator wyou stop being naive and stop hibernating in canada then you can talk but as it is you have no spine thats why you have gone to work for a small piece of silver as an alien. be brave come back to zambia and contribute to the welbeing of this great nation. dont be a spectator be like us abaume who will suffer for mother land till we make it better for our children. if we all run away who is going to look after zambia. if you are working doing a decent job in canada pliz send back some of your earnings to zambia. get involved in some kind of business then you are a sensible zambian. if you are just enjoying milk and burgers then too bad mubusha bwa mu town

  6. Any one here know that LuSe was up 2.37 yesterday higher than all other African Index such as SA, Nigeria, Uganda etc.
    To me that means money is flowing in i dont know what you people here keep arguing about

  7. H.E.R.B is always working. Even at this event, he is working for the betterment of the nation by urging investors to invest in Zambia. We need a president this committed for the nation.

  8. its true zambia has the most attractive investment destinations in the world, and with a wise president like RB the country is even in a better position now. Thats why RB has to retain power in this years elections for the good of our nation. we cant let those dicks from PF and them take over bcos they ll bring change to zambia and that change will be for the worst. Pa last they mbolos can even sell our nation.

  9. its true zambia has the most attractive investment destinations in the world, and with a wise president like RB the country is even in a better position now. Thats why RB has to retain power in this years elections for the good of our nation. we cant let those dicks from PF and them take over bcos they ll bring change to zambia and that change will be for the worst.

  10. Only the tribalists from PF who carry the post paper under their armpits want to make the rest of the world think zambia is lawless and broke. The onle problem they have is that the Zambian pipo are on the ground and can see the progress and they will vote RB.

  11. No4 Zonadi you are 100% wrong. zambia i recieving attention from real investor now than ever. western countries are broke but still there their business are entertaining zambia as country will potential. all gov needs is to do more on infrastructure, keep the cost of doing business low, work at reducing lending rates. many skilled zambia are going back home for employment and business. am sure when you come you will find we have done a lot of work.

  12. @ Shazza the US and even England need to pay a little more attention to Africa now since china has it’s paws in every nation of the ancient Land of Alkebulan.

  13. Empower your citizens to Invest in business, what incentives have you put together as government that will help Zambians run successful Businesses. Why does our government always think Foreign Investment is the Best tool to country’s economic development? Not all the time Mr. Banda.

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