Thursday, March 13, 2025

Western Province fields six for NEC positions


File:Western province MMD chairman Simasiku Namakando greets President Banda

By Lusakatimes

The MMD in Western Province has disclosed that the Provincial Committee will field in six members to contest different National Executive Committee (NEC) positions during the MMD convention which is scheduled to take from the 5th -7th April 2011 in Kabwe.

Provincial Chairman Simasiku Namakando said the Provincial Committee is busy campaigning for the six candidates from Western Province because there are committed and hardworking members whom once elected will help enhance development in the party and country as a whole.

He named the six candidates as Michael Mabenga who be defending his position as MMD National Chairman, Michael Kaingu as National Treasurer and Geoffrey Lungwagwa as chairman for Education.

Others are Situmbuko Musokotwane as chairman for Finance, Austin Liato as Chairman for Labour and Sikwibele Mwapela as National trustee.

Meanwhile, Mr. Namakando said the party in the province is very strong on the grass roots and will rally behind President Rupiah Banda during elections.

He said that despite the confusions that took place in Mongu last month the party is still very popular and is ready for this year’s general elections.

“ Western Province is and will always be a MMD’s strong hold so it is a no go area for any other party” Namakando said

Namakando further said the people of Western Province are happy with the developments brought forth by President Rupiah Banda and his Government.


  1. bo namakando litumezi shame those pipo who want to take advantage of baroste issue. yes kimalozi are solidly behind RB and MMD. sata will come out with nothing from the west and without the west nobody gets the presidency. pipo might say aba lozi batulo but we decide who rules this country. when we say no to sata it means zambia has said no. HH isnt a factor its a spoilt vote to the cousin of lozis

  2. SURPRISE SURPRISE its like the bigwigs of western province are in support for rupiah banda and mmd. who said western province was no go area for mr banda and his party. This is food for thought for mr hakainde bcos I personall think mr sata has no political clout among the lozi pipo. They dont like him and regard him as munyukunyuku. mmr Hikainde sit up you losing your grip on lozis what with milupi lurking in the dark with his ADD

  3. It was at Banda’s behest that two lives were lost kwahae recently. This is what Panji had to say, MMD is doomed there: – “Human life has been lost. Some of our leaders are saying they are reverends; they go and preach on Sundays: ‘thy shall not kill’ and now the government through their agency have killed a person without explaining to the family how that person died. This evening when our leaders go to bed, Shikapwasha, Dora Siliya even the President, they will hug their children, their spouses will prepare dinner and eat and rejoice. But somewhere in Mongu tonight there will be an empty bed, at the dining table there will be an empty seat. Those people that were killed will never come back,” Col Panji said.

  4. why are they fielding 6..isn’t this tribal..they should just let those that are credible take Mr.CDF again..he has failed to lead ..HH will make a big day in WP..

  5. Let mmd pretend that they have support in western province but come what may mmd will dance to the tune in western province this year. Those thinking mmd has support there wake up before you are shocked this year. people are no longer sleepy there and they will never be taken for granted by cheap mmd promises.

  6. Namakando is lying to Banda but its up to Kanishamezi Bwezani to take the advise or not. I will ask him though to think of what happened to Mubarak hours before he was forced out of power, chased like a rabid dog – “Insiders spoke of fighting among Cabinet ministers over how great a threat the demonstrators posed, & of deliberate attempts by close aides, including Gamal Mubarak, to conceal from the president the full extent of what was happening on the streets.” The riots & subsequent killings Kwahae have poisoned the atmosphere for him & MMD. Nothing is further from the truth than saying ” the MMD kwahae is still very popular & ready for this year’s general elections.”

  7. #4 jackal HH was defeated by milupi charles in luena and only MMD came second while upnd was distant third. aya ma facts so were do you base your views on the popularity of HH in western prov. the vote will based between their own son milupi and popular leader RB. HH stands little chance HH isnt a factor in these elections. HH can only give back up support

  8. #6ngomambala muhapi in egypt the pipo got tired of mubarak after 30 years of rule they no longer liked him. In zambia the pipo like mudala RB man of the pipo a true parent so he is welcome were ever he goes. Get it right ngomambala RB is a very likeable person very humane and considerate we luck to have him as our leader banono

  9. In every society thre a pipo to betray you and Namakondo is no different. Wa mumona maoyo atunda kwanu walyambwa ni mwana na mukuka. What has Namakando got to point at when just last year he was almost SITUPU. SHA

  10. so many lady gagas on LT who is who the kaponya or the mmd cadre. thought the name to mmd die hard supporter but now some kaponya die hard has crept in. Guess I will also pick up the name so we see who is who

  11. I seriously thought he was going to come up with new names i have not head of considering that he says they are hard working blah blah blah heheheheh

  12. Namakando and his list of 6 intending to contest for NEC positions does dont reflect the mood of the pipo in Western Province.Its the likes of Namakando who are giving wrong statements. How can those guys be voted into NEC for what coz when it mattered pipo being arrested and killed by the police non of them ever stood to their defence. RB has lost it in Western Province. Chapwa.

  13. Southern Province provincial committee will field in 6 Candidates
    Eastern will field in 10 candidates
    Northern will field in 5 candidates
    Central ……………..7 Candidates
    N/Western………….12 candidates ……ETC



    WHY? Because the senior cadre in the name of William Banda has his own list.

  14. [-( I wonder what some people are still looking for in politics.It is very easy to please someone that the MMD is still popular in the Western Province.The blood that was poured out of the two lives is still groaning.People should not be cheated.This is a mere propaganda.What we hearing are only the last kicks of a dying horse….

  15. Gus you shu know barostland properly.Kaoma will still be MMD.Lukulu this time they will vote for MMD.Sehseke will vote for MMd.Shangombo will be MMD.The only districts which are trick for MMD is Mongu, Senenga and Kalabo.Kalabo is the centre of Barotse Royal Establishment.Which ever way the BRE will go definatley that party will get it in Kalabo.So Mongu is difficult.

  16. Namakando has only got one vote and that is all the MMD will get during the election and the rest of the votes will be for Milupi and his party. That is the Lozi way of doing things and an opportunity to teach Nyama soya a lesson

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