Friday, October 18, 2024

MMD leaders welcome Mulongoti’s dismissal


Some provincial MMD chairpersons have welcomed the dismissal of Works and Supply Minister Mike Mulongoti for alleged indiscipline and open criticism of President Rupiah Banda and Vice-President George Kunda.

Mr Mulongoti was fired on Saturday for ridiculing Mr Banda and Mr Kunda while the national executive committee (NEC) suspended him for three months pending a review of his conduct.

Mr Mulongoti, whose nomination as member of Parliament was also revoked, was quoted in Saturday’s edition of The Post as saying he was ready to lose his ministerial job and further claimed that he was better than Mr Kunda for the position of party vice-president.

He also claimed that President Banda lacked appreciation for his failure to acknowledge that he allegedly owed his presidency to the now dismissed minister.

Southern Province MMD chairperson Edgar Keembe said the president’s decision to relieve Mr Mulongoti of his ministerial job was welcome because it would foster discipline in the top leadership of the party.
[pullquote]“A political party without discipline cannot stand. Mr Mulongoti knows what went wrong and I think he was wrong,” Mr Namakando said.[/pullquote]

Mr Keembe said there was need for order in the party because it was preparing for the national convention and the general elections, which required more discipline and unity.

Western Province MMD chairperson Simasiku Namakndo said the party needed order and unity, and it was under serious threat with the open attacks against the leadership.

“A political party without discipline cannot stand. Mr Mulongoti knows what went wrong and I think he was wrong,” Mr Namakando said.

He said people should check their conduct as they sought superior positions in society.

Copperbelt provincial chairperson Joseph Chilambwe said discipline was biblical and was meant to instill order in any grouping.

Mr Chilambwe said President Banda showed how much he appreciated Mr Mulongoti by appointing him as minister of Works and Supply, an influential position in the Government, but was surprised by his behaviour.

He said national executive committee members should lead by example and avoid openly attacking the leaders, who enjoy a lot of respect from the Zambian people.

President Banda said the decision to dismiss Mr Mulongoti should serve as a lesson to all in the party, particularly those who were not ready to conduct themselves in a disciplined manner.

And a Copperbelt resident, Elisha Matambo has commended President Banda for firing Mr Mulongoti.

Mr Matambo, who is United Party for National Development Copperbelt chairperson, said Mr Banda had done well to get rid of Mr Mulongoti who he alleged was not a sincere person.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. Utter rubbish from people who are afraid of using their brains. Ok Mike is not my favourite politician, but he was only execising his rights as enshrined in the MMD consititution which the UNIPISTS have decptated. What a shame. Those numbskulls are being insincire. Wait after elections when RB loses. They will blame him for the MMD loss.

  2. This year again it’s rain or no rain RB will win. Whether all 12million zambians (include RB) voted for sata or hh, rb will be declared winner. All these oppsition are wasting their precious time to compaign. RB will win. The ground may not be fertile for a win but they will rig the election result. Trust me on this. Mseveni has just won a landslide victory what more his age mate RB. No more comment…..niga elections smells rigging everywhere. Mugabe also won a land slide, gents surely… comment

  3. Poverty striken MMD Officials who are bought to support useless decisions by Nyamasoya who carries their future. What can you expect from such Rupiah worshippers who want jobs?

  4. Now when these hooligans gang up against Mulongoti, they make him look like a Saint o Hero! The cahap just stated facts as he saw them! We are back to the UNIP days with RB and his ‘preferred candidate” syndrome!! Viva Mulongoti 4 standing up for democracy in ur party

  5. Well back to the days of UNIP Mulilo waikatako wapya. Thats UNIP in MMD clothes. Sorry for Mulongoti but again as a democrat he should have championed the cause of competitive democracy even at MMD Presidential and PEC chairman level. Almost all PEC Chairmen went unopposed without a contest after MMD top leadership that included Mulongoti persuaded those who had wanted to stand against the preferred candidates to withdraw. Why wait until its his turn to shout loud the aspect of free competition in the party.

  6. It is a shame really – that in MMD what is called discipline is to be a “yes bwana” kind of character. You are not allowed to think independently of the president. Whether Mulongoti brought Ruphia in MMD or not he has a the right to contest against Kunda and he has a right to claim he is the best person for the job. Take it from me, I dont like Mulongoti, just like I dont like Shikapwasha and Dora and George and the entire MMD govt not because they are bad people, but because they have lost interest in developing Zambia. They are tired. They are making poor decisions and they are failing to behave in the way that would develop Zambia. But that does not take their right to contest any position they want- they even have a right to criticise Ruphia!!! Set the Zambian people FREE frm MMD.

  7. Both Nyamasoya and Mulongoti are i.d.i.o.t.s fit for the museum. Lets vote them out of our system and move on with real issues of development with the likes of HH.

  8. The Post does a disservice to his readers because their useful retards like Mpombo or Sata use the media coverage to denigrate the government instead of analytically addressing genuine issues affecting people. If the Post wish to offer constructive political advice, they should resist repeating tired, anti-MMD mantras about “corruption”. They are missing an obvious opportunity.

  9. The Zambian people need to stand up to RB and the MMD the way the North Africans are standing up to their tyrants. until then nothing will change

  10. Together we can.

    politicians should understand that politics is part of development, the unwise words they are speaking agaist one another shows how backwa Zambia is. we are one zambia one nation.Negotiation,compromise and nevigation shuld be applied’

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