Government has allocated about K1.1 billion for the rehabilitation and construction of office blocks and government guest houses in all the districts in Western Province.
Provincial Permanent Secretary Seth Muleya disclosed the development today during the official opening of the Provincial Development Coordinating Committee (PDCC) meeting held in the Minister’s conference hall.
Mr. Muleya said that part of the amount is meant for the construction of Shangombo district office block and the extension of Mongu district Commissioner’s office respectively.
He said other developmental programmes earmarked in the province is the provision of street lights in Kalabo and Sesheke districts at a total cost of K200 million.
The Permanent Secretary further said that a total sum of K1.5 million has been earmarked for rural water supply in the Province.
Mr. Muleya implored civil servants in the province to remain non-partisan during this year’s tripartite elections.
He noted the role of civil servants is to interpret and implement policies and programmes of the government of the day hence those wishing to be actively involved in partisan politics should offer to resign.
Meanwhile, Mr. Muleya has warned that his office will not shield anyone found to have misappropriated public funds meant for development in the Province.
He said the Province has previously had a lot of audit queries arising from unretired imprests and misapplication of resources.
Mr.Muleya this good development but advise ZESCO to avoid using those logs when street lighting, they make towns look dirty. Mongu looks like Mulaka (a kraal) of cattle just from the entry point. Does it mean pa Zed we can not afford smart poles for street lighting? We need to start manufacturing street poles in regional Hqs, its not complicated technology I believe. Make towns Clean and Green you will have people’s support my dear.
Government has allocated about K1.1 billion for the rehabilitation and construction of office blocks and government guest houses in all the districts in Western Province
The Permanent Secretary further said that a total sum of K1.5 million has been earmarked for rural water supply in the Province
Someone tell me this is a typo
This looks like healing gun shots the mongu residents were subjected to last month. It is yet another compaign gymic by MMD. Guys realise our friends in prison first.
It does not help/pay to present roses to someone nursing gun wounds in hospital caused by the person who shot the gun. This is what MMD is doing. You shoot innocent people for an INTENTION to express themselves and not even for an ACTION and later on you buy them healing roses while they are in hospital. To hell with your tactics.
The smartest thing RB has done this year to make Zambia’s neglected province be a good destination for public services.
But Bruce are sure these promised developments will ever take effect in your province? Let us wait and see. I like Charles Milupi for his programmes look attainable. Let us support him guys.
campaign tactic, by the time of elections, Mongu will have a university!
Charles Milupi NONSENSE! its just another tactic to prevent Lozi’s from voting for the Pact so the MMD would rather divert the votes to a Lozi than to Sata. we know these things
ITS LIKE educated people on this BLOG really understand DEVELOPMENT!! No wonder ZAMBIA is highly DEVELOPED…Unprecedented development indeed
Street lights in Kalabo, thank you ba government, thats exactly what we needed, the medicine in Sihole RHC are enough, we don’t need new methods of farming, we will going “pachilight” when we are sick and hungry!!!!
Ah! there is so much reverse gear now they want to do all those things they should have done a long time ago its too the dire is cast pple have already made up their minds too little to late!
Anyone noticed that the allocated “billions” is actually 1.1 billion…literally cheap propaganda geez.
I will be the last most useless and senseless person to give a vote to a system that used the stupid police to gun down my innocent brother for trying to cry out for improvement in the standards of our living. Mr permanent secretary, whatever your name is, i know u get your bread and butter from shielding villains. But let me warn you, those u are shielding will not be there to shield you when your time will come to pay back for those lives you took away from us. You can mention billions, or trillions, quadrillions, or indeed paradise, it wont work. Time is up for you and those you are shielding. How do you shamelessly accept to sell that propaganda without any remorse. hypocrites, go away, we do not need fake promises.
The Office blocks and Guest Houses are being rehabilitated in whose interest? In the interest of the MMD, for the purpose of the 2011 General Elections Campaign.
It has nothing to do with the uplifting of the people’s sorry living conditions.
K1.1 Billion and K1.5M for ALL districts!!!, for rehab. & construction – that is nothing, unless you use ‘madothi’ (Soil) Whoever did the costing is a nut.
K1.1 Billion to build/rehabilitate guest houses and GVT houses in six districts of western P,(ie Shongombo, sikongo inclusive). my foot!!! 1.1 billion is just 200,000 USD and can not even build a high cost house in Lsk.
Nyama soya’s govt is now in serious trouble and is scrambling to deceive the people of Western Province for political expedience knowing that this is an election year.
The facts on the ground are that: this is too little too late, Nyama soya the original monkey’s toilet is on his way out…..
Shame on you moral less old man
am always astonished to see how people react on this blog when a development project is mentioned … starting or finishing i would understand if its just on paper … you middle aged especialy ba above 35years ninshi mwafulwa
Y only western province this time? Even a small child is able to spot that its cheap politics.
I do not think the amount allocated for the mentioned projects is correct because it does not add up. I find it disappointing how government wants to announce every project even small projects like the ones mentioned in the article above. Building or construction of necessary infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, roads, buildings or even street lights does not even did to be announced, government or whoever is given the contract should just go ahead and implement. While it is welcome news for the locals, these are things that the government should be doing anyway. Maybe projects like the railway line that has been announced from North Western via Kaoma to Western then connecting to Namibian rail, such projects are worth announcing because that is significant development.
Zed really sucks to the bone, 1.1 billion kwacha,,,, hhmm nimasebela aya manyengwe. Is it because of the term billion that this should even recieve such a heading. RABISH. this is just imprest imwe ba pompwe.
1 Billion as Billions…a Billlion kwacha, how much can it do imwe sure!!!!
1.1 and 1.5 billion is a cost of a house in Lusaka. And this is the amount the grz will spend on poor lozi people of sesheke. A lozi chap just to see street lamps made in china in the street will definately vote for rb. Shame on lozi people if you forget about the mass killing and vote for mmd this time around. Lozi people are woodwinked people of Zambia. Milupi will never be president of Zambia but of western province.
Shame on the Lozis , shame on the toothless BRE. Shame on the HRC in Western province .The litunga gets free education for his family in the U.K and can not understand the meaning of poverty.BRE full of educated people who donnot understand the meaning of ubuchushi.Today they kill westerners tomorrow they’ll kill us in Northern province.Viva ArBe for denouncing live bullets
Bushe, do all provinces have to revolt or advocate for secession for govt to respond to the cries of the people for development? What a way to run the country…shame
I challenge govt to deny that this money was not going to be released to western province even if it was budgeted for, thanks to BA64
[-( The money is only a drop in the river.There is nothing much that it can do.Look out! This is just a campaigning propaganda.