Thursday, March 13, 2025

Riots breakout in Mazabuka


Riots have broken out in Mazabuka district following the death of two people in a stampede after the police allegedly tear gassed a packed tavern were they were watching the English premiership match between Manchester united and Chelsea last evening.

The police have moved in the city center to disperse the unruly crowd forcing business in the Sugar town to come to a standstill.

Sources told QFM from Mazabuka that all trading outlets have been closed, after some shops were attacked by the rioters who broke windows.

The main police station in Mazabuka is also said to have been demolished by the rioters.

The death of two people happened around 23:00 hours last night when soccer fans gathered to watch the two English soccer giants at Social place tavern in Mazabuka.

Some eye witnesses who were found at the scene disclosed that some unidentified police officers allegedly tear gassed the tavern causing the death of two people who have been identified as Nasilele Kwalombota, 20 and Masauso Nyirenda, 21.

The incident sparked a lot of anger by the surviving soccer lovers who scampered to different directions for safety as residents of Stage two and overspill compounds joined them to protest against the act.

The residents who marched to Mazabuka police station around midnight demanded an address by Mazabuka district commissionner Tyson Hamaamba to explain what happened.

Mr. Hamaamba in the company of Mazabuka district police officer commanding Lizzy Machina controlled the situation and dispersed the angry mob so that the police could establish the cause of the deaths.



  1. MTSRIP>>>>>> too much Blood shed in this country!! Will someone pay for this oneday…..???
    God preserve the souls of innocent zambians being murdered like chickens!!!

  2. These police officers are behaving like dogs infected with rabies, they stopped thinking the day they were born. They behave like drug addicts. Let them go to hell

  3. The Problem is RB and kabonde has sent all the police officers to Mporokoso to help MMD win the by-election tomorrow. Mazabuka was left with trainee Police men without leadership. One Police Officer was a Man Utd Supporter. Was angered by the result and tear gassed the Chelsea Victory party, that it’s late disperse. This resulted in the two earlier deaths in the night. A Child has just died now due to careless teargassing.

    Zambia slowly turning into a failed Police State…. Now a child has just died in Mazabuka due to tear gass an hour ago. UPND this is your stronghold, arrest the situation. The Zambia Pilice should be stopped from Killing fellow Zambians.

  4. Lizzy Machina should cage cops who caused stampede immediately i guess cops were not under influence of alcohol, M.S.R.I.P to departed ones.

  5. Mpangula Mputyu you clown, why politicise everything? My condolences to the bereaved families. The men who caused these deaths should be visited by the law regardless of their status in society or political affiliation.

  6. What’s wrong with These police men these days. Please RB and your Gonv,nt Fire all the Police officers in Mazabuka at least those who were on Duty. Shame on You. Please Mazabuka Residents Update us.

  7. The Police officers involved must be caged.These are the people making it difficult for us to campaign for our president.I remember one time officers getting in a pub and arresting all for what they term shishita.Surely we cant have such indiscipline! Am sure they wanted to arrest people from the pub who refused hence the fracus,This same shishita is big business for these officers coz people are made to pay guilty admission fees upon release in the morning.Someone must put an end to this.The Police must escort those they suspect to be criminals to their homes as opposed to indiscriminate arrests.This must stop because it has the capacity to weaken our party and President’s popularity.

  8. Zambia police have never carried out their duties professionally, they are just a bunch of terrorists who believe in using their weapons in any way they please. Why did they tear gas people enjoying themselves watching a football match? The so-called inspector general is a total disgrace and why he still holds that position is beyond belief. A failed state indeed!

  9. Mazabuka district police officer commanding Lizzy Machina, you have been looking for the money to clean up and change the station in a short time u have been there. See what u have put your officers into? Heart felt condolences RIP

  10. I think the police are being torarete by Ruphia and his gvt because they did the same even in Western province why should they teargas jst innocent football supporters?

  11. the police officers wanted everyone to come out from the pub so that they get nabbed for shishita hence they used tear gas to disprse the crowd.
    i have lived in mazabuka for a long time and i stand in a position to say police officers are very big headed. i have had several encounters with them not because i commit crime, but because they see me driving my dad’s range rover. They try by all means to find the wrong in me so that my dad can sign a big cheque for them. i got so irritated by them such that i ended up assaulting one of them

  12. Reliable sources from the Vice-Presidency claim that George Kunda sees this as a continuation of the professionalism that has been instilled in the police force since 2008 under the wise leadership of Rupiah Banda. He has no problem with these ‘acts of professionalism’ as long as the police remain loyal to the current national leadership.

  13. #17 and #19 u have said it all. Renovating the Police Stations from shishi money and Traffic cash………..MTSRIP

  14. The people in the nation are seething with anger, it’s just below the surface. If the police continue with this brutality they will find themselves overwhelmed by the masses. This is exactly what happened in Ngombe a few years ago and in Garden compound a few weeks ago. GRZ be warned, another Egypt will not be far away if the trend continues.

  15. Lizzy Machina, the Officer Commanding has been sending police reservists to arrest people for shishita as a way of fundraising for renovations at the police station. Mazabuka Police is currently one of the few Police stations in zambia with floor Tiles. But see what Lizzy Bitch Machina has now caused. And that Head of Traffic(Fenete) should also follow Lizzy to hell before he causes an uprising due to his Traffic fundraising.

  16. Nkombo as MP were are you come and rescue your people and tell this tarven owner to create a more conducive atmosphere next time…

  17. Sad news.

    According to BBC WORLD, they’ve been charged.

    BBC World: Zambians die in stampede watching Man Utd v Chelsea

    Four Zambian police officers have been charged with murder after allegedly causing the death of two people watching the Chelsea v Manchester United football match in a bar.

    Police say the bar was staying open late illegally to show the crunch English Premier League game.

    Patrons refused to leave the bar and police threw a tear gas canister in the southern town of Mazabuka.

    This led to a stampede in which a woman of 21 and a man of 23 died, police say.

    The BBC’s Mutuna Chanda in Zambia says bars are only allowed to stay open until 2230 local time (2030 GMT) – half-time in the game between the defending champions and the current league…

  18. LT please dig up the facts, we cannot rely on rumour mongers.
    Anyway the main problem we face in this country now is that some politicians have bred a culture of no respect for authority. The only thing that people will respect from police is teargas and guns. Very dangerous culture which we have created for ourselves, all because some people want short cuts to Plot One at all costs.

  19. CONT. FROM #26

    English football is extremely popular in Zambia, as in many countries across Africa.

    Our correspondent says there were protests in Mazabuka, 100km (62 miles) south of the capital Lusaka, after word spread on Wednesday about the deaths.

    Protesters smashed windowpanes at the police station and burnt refuse bins.

    The protesters also blocked the Great North Road that connects Zambia’s tourist capital Livingstone to Lusaka.

    Extra police officers were sent to the town and calm has been restored. ENDS

  20. Why cant they watch footbal in their homes? What I know in Zambia is that everyone has a TV or at least a neighbour has. Law is law, Bars should be closed at 22:30 no compromise.But tear gasing is definately the wring way of doing things. What they should have done is charge the bar owner or close the operations of the bar for a month or so so that others not emulate that indispline.

  21. #29 Anne piliz, which zambia are you talking about. Satellite TV everywhere? You obviously out of touch.

  22. No.29 Anne

    ZNBC does not show EPL matches. So, you need to go to a place where you have DSTv (or what you call Cable in the West).

  23. No.30 Bwalya.

    Tribal chaps like you make me sick. I wont waste any more of my time on you. You are a sick bastard!

  24. Zambia Police needs reform. For a start why do they move with AK47s, Uzis and SMGs as if the country was at war? Now they move with teargas cannisters as well, at night!

  25. # 30 Bwalya.
    Senseless comments. Shut up.. Most sensable Zambians believe in One Zambia One Nation. Your tribilism will not produce anything good in Zambia’s 73 tribes.

  26. Tragic as this case may be, let us ask ourselves a few questions.

    1) According to the law, what is the latest hour that a tavern/bar should remain open?

    2) Did the tavern/bar owner break the law by remaining open after that hour?

    3) Are there any exceptions to this law, and if there are, is the watching of a football match part of the exceptions?

    4) If the law had been broken, then were the policemen not in order to force the closure of the tavern/bar so as to maintain law and order?

    5) Two lives were lost in a tavern/bar that was operating illegally, hence is it not the fault of the bar owner who should be held accountable and to pay damages for his illegality?

    6) Is it right to charge those police officers with murder for trying to implement the law and avoid anarchy?

  27. #40 Police officers are not expected to throw tear gas in a crowded place with no proper exits. Applying the law means they ought to use their brains. Granted, the bar was operating illegally, but they should have charged the owner. Use of force in this case was inappropriate.

  28. mass killing still on. for pictures of the riot add me on facebook, Ç?rï? Yasir Sïmütöwë II
    my pictures will really tell whats going on

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