Wednesday, January 15, 2025

ZCTU dismisses land scam


ZAMBIA Congress of Trade Unions secretary general Roy Mwaba addresses journalists while his deputy Alfred Mudenda listens during a media briefing in Lusaka
ZAMBIA Congress of Trade Unions secretary general Roy Mwaba addresses journalists while his deputy Alfred Mudenda listens during a media briefing in Lusaka

THE Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has dismissed media reports that the National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) is involved in a land scam with ruling MMD.

ZCTU general secretary Roy Mwaba said the congress instituted its own investigations following media reports implicating NAPSA in land financial irregularities.

Mr Mwaba said ZCTU held a forum with top NAPSA management and it has been discovered that the institution satisfied all channels when dealing with Meanwood Property Development Corporation Limited concerning land on Palmwood Drive.

Media reports recently alleged that senior members of the MMD had initiated an election campaign fundraising venture which involved NAPSA and Meanwood.

But Mr Mwaba said according to the investigations carried out, NAPSA and Meanwood are involved in a purely business deal which has satisfied all the channels.

He, however, said to monitor activities of NAPSA, ZCTU will continue sitting on the board of the authority.



  1. There are literally one too many organisation in this country

    Is there an umbrella that a lot of them fall under

    To refute reports mean nothing, I might as well, claim I am a white girl, when I am not.

    Proof and numbers is what people work under, numbers dont lie, I am afraid this Mwaba is talking nonsese

    I do not beleive my eyes watching the tsunami that happened in japan. That is so disturbing, I know here in the UK it is impossible for such a thing to ever happen, but it brings one’s life into perspective doesnt it?
    -2 degrees here in Glasgow :(

  2. ZCTU has lost focus on what its mandate is about. It is like a prostitute organization out to be screwed by the MMD.

  3. What reputable investigations can the current ZCTU which is an appendage of MMD carry out?

    Do not waste your time as the general public and workers in particular no longer respect your organisation.

    Mwaloba ilya uma.

    Keep you sleazy results

  4. Mwaba is a young brother to the late Joseph Mwaba Senior special branch officer and i’m not surprise for him not to be used to spy and act as the spokensperson for the govt. Roy eats with two fingers and he is the least person to make any well researched sound announcement. It is even said that ZCTU which suppose to protect the interests of the workers is used as a mouth piece of the govt. The reason doing so is to protect him from the govt to invistigate his dealing regarding his private school

  5. Just because Fred M’membe and his Post said there was a deal between NAPSA and MMD,it has become a fact.If we Zambians are not careful,Fred will lead you to a slaughter house and perish.The Post should be asked to publish documentary evidence to prove their point.Why trash what ZCTU has said following their independent investigation.Those disputing these findings should equally carry out their own investigations.TIZ should also help us on this.

  6. Where doez the late ZCTU come into this whole saga? Maybe it iz becauze they stopped reprezenting workerz and now they must “do something”?

  7. ZCTU definitely must be a department of the Ministry of Labour! After, Kafupi messed it up (having an inner knowledge of the woodwork) he simply dangled brown envelopes to chaps like Shamenda, Hikaumba! They are now zeeeeeeeeeee!

  8. i dont understand the connection between ZCTU and NAPSA. if ZCTU has investments with NAPSA why not through an investment company rather than ZCTU itself. zctu is about workers and not investmnts

  9. ZCTU who do you represent?!!! You are just banch of MMD cadres with no direction. So just shut Your stinking filthy mouth!!!!!!!!!

  10. ZCTU has lost its focus. It operates in the same realm as Lifwekeke’s Forum for Leadership Search, Chifire’s Citizens kaya and another one run by a Kalonde. They are all YemuYemuDi.

  11. Mwaba, how do you say this after being corrupted by the MMD? Surely you have confirmed Zambians fear that you are a stooge of the MMD just like the way they have made the ACC, DEC and Police to be!! For you to say that, you (ZCTU) will continue sitting on the board of the authority of NAPSA and denying the scandals makes every Zambian to see your corrupt element in you. You MMD vuvuzela, wait, we will prosecute you after Rupiah is voted out.

    This is very very revolting, can make Zambians to be hurt and act like the Tunisians and the Egyptians.

    Mwaba, from the way you are speaking you have become accustomed to corruption.

    You MAMBALA, kuipa pakamwa, s.tupid!!!!

  12. Hikaumba and Roy Mwaba speak under the influence of Rupiah’s brown envelops. Hikaumba was a man of substance in 2004,now reduced to an MMD cadre by corruption. Zambia workers have no representatives.
    IFWE NI PABWATO come 2011.

  13. Very very useless dundaheads, no direction. Wokers are perishing without their pensions, low wages and no acccess to quality services. The union leaders are busy Like snobow in animal farms lavishingly enriching the,selves through crorruption, directionless statements and stupid alignments. When did Roy become a land surveyor? What ivestigations can you make on dinner woth the investgaited criminal? The unions must get rid of these rotten union leaders. Sad to say the least

  14. Hikaumba is the most useless ZCTU president we have ever seem. This current bunch of ZCTU is a sham and the most useless. They have just been reduced to a branch of the MMD. Instead of focussing on workers’ rights, these burgers are busy siding with MMD on each and every issue – mostly way off workers’ rights. This ka Hikaumba has even grown fat despite carrying a body that is not suitable for one to be fat. Shame! It is better off to even dissolve the so called ZCTU. Unfortunately, the same bug has hit FFTUZ. And for this, Nonde Simukoko has been rewarded as board chairperson of the Zambia National Building Society.. The power of inducement by the MMD

  15. 15….Academic Worrior… does it mean that, if you support some transaction involving pf then you have been given brown envelop by sata or kabimba??

  16. If you are sober read the following facts and judge for yourself who is telling lies

    i) Amount of land 1,500 acres
    Amount allegedly involved in the transaction US$15,000,000.00
    Cost per acre = US$10,000.00 = K47 million @K4,700 per dollar
    One acre = 5,000 sq. m (approximately)
    Standard plot size in high cost areas of Lusaka or Kitwe’s Riverside (liberal estimation) = 40mx 40m = 1,600 sq m
    There are approximately three such plots in one acre or 5,000 sq. m
    Therefore cost per standard plot = K47 million divided by 3= K15.7 million
    Now that is what you pay for a plot in Kitwe’s or Lusaka’s medium or even low cost areas.
    That size of standard plot in the high cost areas of Lusaka (e.g. Thabo mbeki road) costs anything up to K300million market value (compared to K15.7 million).

  17. ii) M’membe and his Post should know this, after all they handle property sales adverts in their Sangwapo column.
    Now that is a damn good investment decision by NAPSA, so what is all the hullaballoo about? Guys, please let’s think about and analyse issues and not swallow everything that the PF and the Post try to push down our throats. Let us be alert that these people are twisting everything in their campaign of deception to get to State House.
    We will continue to challenge them with facts and expose them for what they really are. Let sensible people decide whether you want such people in your State House, and also imagine what they would do if they were there.

  18. Roy mwaba is an imbecile an ***** with no moral thinking..fools masquerading as UNIONIST under the umbrella of ZCTU..ZCTU is beneficiary of looting going at NAPSA and Zambians should not expect these criminals who still from workers contribution to stand up for what is right!what can we expect from Hikaumba who is also a beneficially from NCC allowances to tell us..Unionism has gone to the more vibrancy no checks,how does ZCTU support an institution like NAPSA spending 75Billion Kwacha to buy land from an individual?these same crooks don’t support the construction of Kulima tower bus which we can see with our eyes that a good JOB has been done by LCC PF council?if I was an employee with affiliation to ZCTU I could have renounced my membership way back!

  19. it is a shame for Roy Mwaba to come out in the open and declare the corrupt deal as a clean one.this man has no morals no wonder the MMD Govt did all wat it could to stop other people to contest at ZCTU elections it becoz they were trying to protect these cadres from been replaced. honestly u dont need any investigative agency to say that transaction was purely business.why should a quesi govt organisation single source a piece of land from a private organisation at such a price? why not even appeal to the president if the ministry of lands are not doing there job? and someone is now been paraded on ZNBC to claim that the transaction was ok. i mean we are not dull people we know wat is legitimate and which one is not.shame on you Roy u are let down to Zambian and to your family.

  20. # 21 I like people like you. You are the people make that make one realise it’s already midnight whilst in a pub!! Anyway back to the issue, you bring out very valid points. My question is this. Whats the return for Napsa for this land? Napsa say they do not have any immediate use for this land, so what is the opportunity cost of spending $15 million on land that you have no use for (what is the benefit lost). I believe investments are not to be ventured into purely on the basis of investing rather they should add value. Napsa is not a voluntary pension scheme rather a statutory one that every working Zambian has to contribute to. The fund managers owe the working folk an explanation to all these investments.

  21. LT more details please.There some people who haven’t been in Zambia for quite sometime.Who or what is Meanwood?Who owns Meanwood? Where is Palmwood drive located? Thanks.

  22. The NAPSA looks after workers’ pensions that is why ZCTU sits on the board of directors. I am satisfied that there was nothing illegal if the board members say so. What Zambians should understand is that The Post bosses already have assylum in US or UK or Holland by virtue of their fimo

  23. 25………..Zambia One……………answer this one…what is the most valuable asset in life??? is it wrong to strategically purchase land that you feel will cost 100 times as much if you purchase two years latter??? is it wrong to purchase land this year at US$15m and sell it two years latter at US$100m depending on the current land valuation (isnt this investment)????

  24. The reason ZCTU is involved in this matter is because one of parties involved (NAPSA) has a direct relationship with ZCTU. Workers, who are represented by ZCTU, make contributions towards NAPSA. Also the fact that ZCTU has declared the transaction clean does not clear NAPSA and Meanwood. Investigative wings such as ACC can carry out their own investigations. Moreover, even if there is nothing illegal about the transaction, it does not mean that there is nothing wrong with it. The people that have raised this issue are not necessarily contesting the legality of the transaction. Their concern is what the money in the transaction is going to be used for.

  25. you chap stop so if zctu said yes MMD influenced NAPSA then zctu is good. whoever agrees with MMD is wrong. at this rate if international investigator say the same thing as ZCTU you will say its because the want our copper mines. ha ha ha ha. have fair in something not just the post.

  26. cont 31: i suspose if chiluba says yes MMD has something to do with napsa he’ll saddenly be a hero, and if katele, william banda, katumbi, machungwa, richard sakala accuse MMD they you’ll say they are good principle men. no wonder micheal sata is a hero in my country

  27. Sata usually speaks when there is really something going on but so far I haven’t heard anything from the man who has ears to the ground. It means there is no problem, otherwise Sata would have got on to the charge! He would have written to RB and leaked the letter to The Post. That is how Sata works when a matter is serious.

  28. What investigations? ZCTU sits on the Napsa Board which, we are told, approved the purchase of that land. How can they investigate their own decision?

  29. #21: If it was that simple why did not meanwood keep the land?
    Land is valuable in Lusaka but not 20 kilometers alway from Lusaka.
    What price Meanwood paid for the same land and where did they buy it from, Michael Galaun or Ministry of Land or another entity?
    Till full details are given out, we will just be speculating and taking sides for and against depending upon which party we belong to. We need to avoid polarisation and insist a legislation – Information Act, whereby any citizen can ask for any information on a transaction conducted by government/parastatal/authorities……… This is happening in many countries and helps clearing the air. Can government take a lead and voluntarily start giving information to the public till the relevant legislation is drafted and taken to…

  30. It is foolish and outright loss of reasoning, facts and up to date information that today and on this blog #21seems to display, go thru and read again and again what you’re writing. Have u in yo life time ever purchased a piece of land? I doubt. Answer the question @ #25.

  31. Cant understand the standing of these f.ools. What are they up to??$%$. Just from without they start supporting matters beyond their ugly noses. Banadyako bafikili!!!
    Bamushota ndipo mwadyela ku Glasgow. Shower them sissy!

  32. H.H. SATA and THE SAINT,

    I think you are missing the point. Even if you can justify the cost of buying land from Meanwood with elaborate calculations and the fact ZCTU sits on the NAPSA notwithstanding, the fact still remains that NAPSA as a quasi-government institution can obtain land at virtually no cost from the Ministry of Lands or the Lusaka City Council. So why should NAPSA go to Meanwood to buy land they can freely obtain from the Ministry or the Council. Did NAPSA, for example, buy land from the Kalulushi Municipal Council for the housing complex they are putting up there?

  33. ZCTU is the most impotent labour movement in the entire Southern Africa, if not the whole world. I can liken it to a man with erectile impotency which is worse than a woman who has a sexual dysfunction as she can still permit penetration. I find it absurd that many workers die without their pension, & yet NAPSA goes to buy land from a private company, & yet it is a baby of the land owners. Workers are poorly represented, & the arrogance these f.o.o.l.s show is simply annoying. Will see when God reveals it all. Anyandule imwe, Nsanya, kupusa kweka kweka.

  34. #37 Max Mbizo, the first step was to put in context those monies which look scaring to you. Coming to the transaction itself, hasn’t NAPSA explained countless times the difficulties that they face in acquiring land in Lusaka, or the city council itself for that matter? You have probably not been following matters of land in Lusaka. There is a big shortage of land in Lusaka. You cannot sensibly compare Lusaka and Kalulushi. The Lusaka City Council as it stands now, for example, does not have land of that magnitude, even to create another cemetery. In short there is a big shortage of public land in Lusaka. As for someone’s comment that this land is 20 km from Lusaka, do you how large Lusaka is? Tell me how far the new American Embassy is from the city centre.

  35. #35 SHAKA OZ, if you want to learn something about land in Lusaka and who owns what, I suggest that we discuss that as a separate topic. We can even invite one Chilufya who has quite some experience in these matters both as a public officer and as a private person with interests in real estate including tracts of land. When we finish maybe then we can have a meaningful discussion on the transaction in question. In the meantime, let NAPSA build the houses that are required in Lusaka and elsewhere.

  36. 37…Max….i dont understand you!! dont you understand that it is not just a matter of getting land, but the the right choice of land, and if that right/suitable place is already in some private hands like meanwood, do you encourage the govt. to grab and alocate to a quassi-govt. institution??? what names will u call the govt?? if not coming headline on your god newspaper the post.

  37. #25 Zambia One, thanks for the compliment. NAPSA is currently running a Press Statement in the media on this episode. If you are not one of those who shun valuable information on national development from various sources, look up the Zambia Daily Mail of Thursday 10 march 2011, go to item (4) where NAPSA states and I quote “….NAPSA envisages putting up a modern housing complex to mitigate the critical shortage of housing in Lusaka and Zambia in general…”.

    Now as we all know, housing development is one of the important items in the Sixth National Development Plan, and NAPSA is one of the vehicles to achieve that. It may be that as usual some people do not want such plans to succeed as they think in terms of kudos and votes for RB rather than Zambia’s development.

  38. H.H. SATA and Real Issue Man,

    For your information, our family land is adjacent to the American Embassy in Ibex Hill. I agree with you that there is shortage of land in Lusaka. So why can’t NAPSA negotiate for land with Chongwe District Council at virtually no cost. Chongwe is as good as being in Lusaka. In fact, Lusaka International Airport is in Chongwe. I don’t think Her Royal Highness Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamaambo would be reluctant to give land for such a positive development. She is an enlightened leader who would support such an idea. I am not in any way encouraging the government forcibly grabbing land, but negotiating for it without any unnecessary costs, for the benefit of our people.

  39. #44 Max Mbizo, those are positive suggestions that can be explored, not by me but by NAPSA. We can float those ideas to them and see what they say, or what their difficulties have been if they have tried those avenues.
    My difficulty is the tendency by the Post to get some information and twist it in order to use it to destroy rather than to build, all because they favour a specific person who just yesterday the same paper called a criminal and they have not yet retracted those statements. And the gullible, instead of analysing issues and discussing to establish the truth as you, I and others are doing, they will simply swallow everything line, hook and sinker even when they know that some people are crafty and are biased for their own selfish ends.

  40. But you also know that it is a delicate balance between chiefs’ desire to have something under their control (sometimes for their future generations), and the need to foster national development. Remeber that once NAPSA acquires land, before long there will houses and these will be sold off with title to the buyers. It is indeed a delicate balancing act, but we can hear from Chieftainess Nkomesha herself..

  41. #44 you into free things ha. LCC will never give land free of charge not even to parastatals. and valuable land is one that you can hold tittle deeds. otherwise how do you borrow money to develop it


  43. #48, if you cannot make sensible and productive contributions to a discussion, you become irrelevant as no one wants to listen to you because you have nothing to offer or contribute. The more citizens can contribute positively to discussions and development issues, the more developed that society becomes. China, Japan USA, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Norway etc did not come to be what they are by accident.

  44. Vikawalala ivo vioneni! Vikawalala! ZCTU the most corrupt institution. Pure offsping of merciless mad dogs. These crooks out! Zambians, let us demand for Parallel Vote Tabulation (PVT). We need PVT in Zambia for transparency in the elections.

  45. @48 i wrongly attributed my comment to #44 H.H Sata it was actually intended for #38 &45 Max Mbizo. who seem to suggest that can be gotten free of charge just because NAPSA is a gov agent.

  46. max Mbizo i hope you ready the news about NAPSA purchasing land from minist of land. there is no free land unless the one given under customary law which has not real value as you can not exchange it for the money

  47. #21 your analysis, though looks sound on paper, USD 15,000,000.00 would have been a better investment for NAPSA if they had spent it in Florida or California, where investment holiday homes are going for a song, minimum would have been about 5, @ USD2M each, or 15 @USD1M each compared to the empty land they seem to have no ideas of what to do with.

  48. @54…..Kamwendo…………….its like you will never be convinced as you delight in negatives. surely ’21” has intelligently and non partisan clarified to only well meaning and upright thinking zambians to understand, but for people like who only sees success in your god vuvuzela post will only accept if your god post says so. surely if post changed position tommorrow and said napsa deal is legitimate, then u will all stop this subject. good example is your sata, two yrs ago your god called sata a thug and untrusted and you all supported and now your same god is calling him angel, you have again without question, you are supporting! i dont know who has bewitched you zambians i really dont know what is in this your god!!!!!

  49. The ZCTU is a real disgrace. To see Mwaba talking on things which he does not understand or improve the welfare of workers with such vigour brings tears to my eyes. Hikaumba himself has gone cold, yes very cold, especially after the NCC pay bonanza.Do the workers have a voice anymore in this country?

  50. I did not know that ZCTU had some investigative wing, competent enough to handle such proffessional matters not in their mandate. they are a bunch of shameless thieves and chancers who have let down the workers of this country.

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