Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sata accuses govt of using underhand methods in delimitation exercise


The Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata has accused government for trying to use underhand methods in the delimitation exercise of constituencies.

Mr. Sata has told QFM news that there is need for the government to explain its move to delimitate the constituencies.

Mr. Sata says the one million increase in the Zambian population does not justify the need to have more constituencies and that government should clearly indicate why the country should have its number of constituencies increased.

Government has initiated a consultative process on the delimitation exercise of constituencies.

This is line with the proposal that has been enshrined in the draft constitution on the need to have the number of constitution increased.

And the foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has urged the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ)to clearly give the state of affairs on the constituency delimitation exercise.

FODEP executive director McDonald Chipenzi says currently it is not clear when the ECZ intends to increase the number of constituencies.

Mr. Chipenzi has noted that there is need for ECZ to state whether delimitation exercise will be done before or after the elections.

He added that increasing the number of constituencies will also require expanding the seating capacity of parliament to accommodate the new Parliamentarians.
[ QFM ]


  1. READ THIS : Note the inconsistency of Micheal Chilufya Sata.

    ”And Sata also said no matter what it took, there was need for the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to institute a delimitation commission to spearhead the delimitation exercise
    In 2009, there is supposed to be delimitation of constituencies. People have complained that some constituencies like Kasempa, Mfuwe, Kanchibiya, Malole and many more others are very vast. So, we are supposed to do delimitation but the President did not talk about it in his speech to Parliament,” complained Sata “Now with or without completing the work of the ‘corrupt’ NCC this year, delimitation should take off. Government should suspend NCC to pave way for delimitation because if we don’t do it now, it will be dragged to 2019 since it…

  2. Contineud from #1
    ”….. Government should suspend NCC to pave way for delimitation because if we don’t do it now, it will be dragged to 2019 since it has to be done every ten years.”

    Tuesday, January 20, 2009

  3. # 7 you are shallow minded. Why insult? You always accuse PF to insult whilst you provoke them? Its not you who is going to decide to vote for Sata its the electorates. If they decide otherwise who are you? Learn to respect elders.

  4. Sata PLEASE stop complaining and concentrate on campaigning!!! I have never heard Michael Chilufya Sata discuss a policy issue, or outline a clear sophisticated vision for Zambia. All I hear from him are the government-this, the government-that, EVERYDAY! We don’t want unnecessary noise finally when you lose due to lack of clear-cut vision. He is disappointing. I don’t support PF, but I still respect the Party and expect Sata to give RB/MMD a good run for their money – it is the only way to strengthen our democracy. The only way the opposition can win elections in Zambia is come up with an intelligent articulate President who has the power to inspire Zambians once again. Continuing with our old parents like Sata only ensures that MMD continues winning. Presently the opposition is dead!!

  5. 10.
    Kabimba can’t be trusted with Zambian affairs.

  6. Mr. Satana please give us a break. This type of inconcistence is embarassing to Dr. Kaseba. Sata niwe ulelwalika Ba Dr. Kaseba na ma BP. she does not know clearly where and when the goal posts will be shifted to. by now Sata has exhausted the whole stadium by pasting goal posts wittingly. next he is going to ask for 3D HD LED state of the art television so that he can continue pasting his goal posts in PRISMS. what type of a human being is this Lucifer who cant maintain a fixed goal post just for once. delimitation is long overdue and satana has echoed this several times. with or without increase in constituencies the exercise is long overdue. howelse can you explain the vastness of such constituencies like chimbamilonga mbala kanchibiya malole to mention a few no wonder there is no dev.

  7. # 1,

    Many thanks for data-mining done on confused and over distraught Sata. He is too confused for to reason hence flip flopping with impunity.

  8. Quarrels, name calling, court cases, insults, fault finding ………………………… the list goes on is the game for the PF President. Him is very perfect and does not make mistakes at all. A state president in him is a far fetched dream. ITS TOO LATE, old man go in the village and tell your grand children stories about freedom fighting, policing, Russian scandal, monkey tricks and many others. You have faught a good fight Mr SATA, you have run a good race and now is the time for you to rest. KALEBALIKA mwa chitulika village in MPIKA

  9. but this Man Sata,i dont know are these old men we who thinks like Sata who easily forgets the past,shame shame shame upon this man,remember the behaviour of a chicken and its thinking,old man the best for you is go to the village since you dont know farming try to care for your grandchildren coz this man has run out of ideas,he is blank more blank than a plain paper,PF look at your leader busy tying himself on his legs how will he walk…..come and join a group with a vision,a group with skills,a group with ideas,join the mighty UPND

  10. SATA needs to rest. His OLd age has caught up with him. He is too inconsistent for a presidential candidate. U can not trust this man. He 4gets easily what he used to oppose.
    1. He said he will chase the chinese
    2.He said he will 4give all plunder cases….then he changed that he will proscute chiluba
    3. He says he will reduce taxes….but he will build Universities in all the towns in one year
    4. he used to say MMD is the only credible Party and no other party has better Policies
    he now accuses MMD which he used to protect and praise……..
    This show that this money in your pocket crap in 90 days should be trusted……….Let him go and rest

  11. I can see that Sata gives you news all of you in the country and the need for him to continue I can see all the newspapers are full of Sata even the daily mail and times have realized that its the news about Sata that is worthy salt to read. Even Rupiah knows that he can’t miss anything about king cobra. He is really a king of Zambia waiting to be crowned at the end of the year. Plenty of resources in the land which is going into waste because we don’t have the right commander and worker who can command. Sata will definitely provide this gap which has been missing in the country for sometime now.

  12. # 20: I totally agree my bro with you. Most of the other guys above are blindly against King Cobra. And their arguments do not provide that strong alternative versus the King Cobra they are castigating. For me the people from whom we have to choose all do not meet the bill. But in this circumstance,right thinking people would opt for this devil, who clearly seems pro development, is straight, hard working (despite his age,Govt is not run by an individual, there are others, all a leader does is provide leadership and shows the way,other technocrats do most of the work!), pro poor, is not corrupt, selfless! He has one trait,though, which I too do not like, he’s some kind of autocrat but if this energy or trait can be channelled for the good of Zambia and its citizenry,so be it!HH not now!

  13. The problem in Zambia is because we dont really know how to READ! The text attributed to Mr. Sata says’ “Sata accuses govt of underhand methods in the delimitation exercise.” It does not says Mr. Sata is against the delimitation. Maybe some of these websites must consider reporting news in local languages….

  14. This Sata gay irritates me…the character is inconsistent.Plz sympathizers of this man wat do u c in him?plz enlighten us mayb we cn vote 4 him.The delimitation program is long overdue,our constituencies are too too vast.The govt shud be recommended for this exercise and i dot see in anyway how its going to favor the MMD.For example wat will profit the MMD to deliminate those vast constituencies were Sata is popular?nothing it will in fact be in his favor.
    This gay belongs to the archives.I cnt wait for him to be defeated this year so that he is condemed to the archives were he belongs.

  15. Sata is Gone in terms of politics, the tide has turned against him. He is now talking to the Finished politician Magande. Viva RB, Viva HH

  16. # 21 Ba uze because u speak sense!!!!! Tell us the alternative as at now? Obviously None! People every Zambian has a right to contest whatever post he so likes, no need to hate. God is the one who chooses leaders, 2011 Lets wait upon hmi to show us who it will be; STOP THE HATE!!! what u are doing is nothing but hate. Peace!

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