Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Ikeleng’i upgrade cheers residents


Residents in the newly-created Ikeleng’i District in North-Western province are happy with the Government’s upgrading their area, District Commissioner (DC) Alex Mapapayi has said.

Mr. Mapapayi said yesterday that people’s aspirations in the area were high from the time President Banda declared Ikeleng’i as a district.

He said that his office, with the help of the provincial authorities, was putting up a district leadership that would spearhead development.

He said although there was need for more infrastructures such as a police station, and agricultural office, there were others already in place.

Mr. Mapayayi said as DC, he was happy that the provincial leadership and the neighbouring Mwinilunga District had promised to assist his new district to eventually run independently.

He was grateful to Mr Banda for appointing him as DC and pledged to ensure that he worked to fulfill Government’s desire of having Ikeleng’i as a fully-fledged district.

And MMD North-Western Province MMD chairperson Pinakin Patel said the party had already moved into the new district and set up constituency and district structures.

“As MMD we have beaten everyone and so far we have established structures in the new district and more members are being recruited,” Mr Patel said.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. Congratulations RB for making Ikelenge a district. This is good to spearhed development in that corner of the country. As for Mr. Alex Mapapayi, thats good for my former school mate. Alex has always been hardworking and determined. I urge the residents of Ikelenge and Mwinilunga to give RB a resounding victory coz Mwinilun’ga initially had two constituencies East and West. It was very difficult to campaign in East coz the area was vast. Now with Chibwika and Kanongesha being West it will be easy for those that are going to participate in contesting. Seeing is believing. Knowing how hard working the pipo of that district I see more development taking place at a fast rate.

  2. Another political move! wat is in ikelengi to make it a district. i ve bn there. there literaly nothing. Anyway this is RB at work.
    There are districts in zambia that are as big as a province but RB has done nothing.

  3. North Western certainly requires development not merely setting up districts. The Province should be a major beneficiary of the copper we are producing in Lumwana and Kasanshi. RB policies should benefit the locals. We hope the road into Angola through Ikelenge will be tarred to international standards to allow for trade with that country

  4. #3 you have never been there. that is near the source of the Zambezi. it is a beautiful place. Sakeji school with it’s airstrip is close bye and Kalene Hill is close bye. it is the home of pineaples etc and the gateway to both Angola and Zaire. RB has made a good move & he’ll have the support of the people.


  6. Even if there is nothing in terms of infrastructure development to talk about at least Govt has come close to pipo. Mind you Rome was not built in a day.

  7. zambia will do itself a big favour by voting MMD they have a clear economic plan. they are chaps have potential promises but no economic plan. this MMD devil is better than the others i surely dont know

  8. Alex,

    Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your recent appointment as District Commissioner for Ikelenge District. I just read the news today from some Zambia print media houses and I felt exceptionally excited to learn that my former classmate and schoolmate could occupy a high profile office and be part of the decision making body of a new district. I am aware of the challenges ahead of you and I trust and hope that the good Lord God Almighty will give you the wisdom to forge ahead as you spearhead development and community awareness in this district. Trust me, I am excited for you.

    Always remember that being appointed as District Commissioner is an honor in itself, not only to you but to the school where you went (Solwezi Boys) and to the people that you will be…

  9. I don’t get it. What benefit will this bring to the people? Nearly all district councils have failed to deliver so this will just be another one. A good sign of a failed government is a bloated one.

  10. Alex
    Nzambi akuhembi, this is politics and not development, you are tied in what you are able to do, a federation is the way forward, you make local decisions and technocrats like you might have the independence of setting policy and have the freedom of implementation.
    The best to all my Lunda folks and the wonderful people of the great Lunda Kingdom spanning Zambia,DRC and Angola, you are the source of a lot of Zambian tribes. w

  11. Mwana Ka Kalunda
    Mutendi weyi, your pro federal ideas will land you in problems. Moitse Chombe tried it in early 60’s but failed. Bwana be careful Julaki will crush you, he personally believes he influenced the Powers Be to create Ikelen’gi as a District and I can assure you EJ International will stand on MMD tickets running from Mwinilunga West where he has become unpopular. Moyu wenu.

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