Friday, September 6, 2024

The Litunga will work with RB


Vice President George Kunda listens to the Litunga at Limilunga.

THE Ngambela of Western Province has said the Litunga and people in the province are impressed with the development projects being undertaken by President Rupiah Banda’s administration and that the campaign to isolate the Government from the Lozis will not succeed.


In an interview at Limulunga palace in Mongu yesterday, the Ngambela, who is prime minister and holds the second-highest position after the Litunga, said attempts to drive a wedge between the Lozi-speaking people and the Government would fail.

He said the traditional leaders in the province would maintain the existing close relations they enjoy with the Government considering the many developmental issues it was tackling.

The Ngambela backed President Banda’s initiative to empower teachers and miners, as well as former miners occupying the former Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) houses.He said even though the directive did not affect the province in terms of mining houses, the Government should continue with any programme that seeks to empower Zambians.

President Banda on Saturday directed that all outstanding debts owed by sitting tenants of the former ZCCM houses be written off, and that teachers occupying Government and institutional houses should be allowed to buy them.

He also directed parastatal firms such as National Pensions Scheme Authority and Development Bank of Zambia to work towards offering their houses countrywide to sitting tenants for purchase.

The Ngambela said for the first time since independence, Western Province would have four district hospitals while Mongu-Kalabo Road was the most expensive project taking place in Zambia.

He also said the traditional leadership was considering holding a meeting with Mongu Diocese Bishop Paul Duffy because some of his statements sounded as though he was the spokesperson for the province and the Lozi people.

“We have never held an audience with Bishop Duffy but it is our plan to do so. We want to meet and understand in what capacity he speaks for the province and from there we will see what next,” he said.

The Ngambela said President Banda and his Government should not be discouraged by the negative campaign orchestrated by some Catholic priests such as Bishop Duffy.

It was not correct for anyone to suggest that a whole province could all at once be against the Government because people were at liberty to hold different opinions on matters of governance.

He said there was no gauge to show that the province was against the Government and that the traditional leadership would always work with the current administration for the benefit of the people.

The Ngambela said Zambia was one nation born in 1964 and was optimistic that unity would always prevail despite the pockets of campaigns aimed at causing divisions.[pullquote]The Ngambela said for the first time since independence, Western Province would have four district hospitals while Mongu-Kalabo Road was the most expensive project taking place in Zambia.[/pullquote]

He said campaigns, including a recent failed scheme aimed at having the Kuomboka traditional ceremony cancelled, were in direct conflict with the stand of the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE).

The Ngambela said he had to go on air to announce that the ceremony would take place and urged the people of Western Province to ignore the fliers that suggested otherwise.

He said the BRE had been engaging the Government on developmental issues and was happy that schools, hospitals, roads and farming inputs were being delivered to farmers in the province and the rest of the country.

The Ngambela said royal establishment had always been against calls for secession and that people who protested early this year in support of calls to separate the province from the rest of Zambia did not have any blessings of the Litunga who was a staunch supporter of the “One Zambia, One nation” motto.

He urged the people of Western Province to remain calm and support Government programmes to promote peace and co-existence.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. after killing and in-prisoning you subjects. that is a very wise move Mr Litunga. We will soon find out what has been given to you. Mwadya Mweka Daddy


  2. Of course the Litunga will work with RB while his subjects get shot, maimed, and some of them killed! Good Luck Litunga, enjoy it! 

    Wonder why your subjects largely boycotted the kuomboka this year???

  3. Good move Litunga. You have exhibited good leadership.You have remained calm in the midst of a storm.Out of what was potentially a volatile situation you’ve held the province together.I say if there’s development taking place in the province stick’ with the devil’ you know.A few disgruntled secessionists should not hijack the province neither should power hungry Kaponyas.

  4. #3 I guess you would have rather had a gas station blown up resulting in multiply fatalities than just one man die.The Mongu riot story didn’t even make headline news around the world because only 2 people died as opposed to 100s.The police handled it very well and whoever manned the operation should be promoted because many many more lives would have been lost.Remember that the lives of non lozis were threatened.

    • #6 you are a dog born from as dog . one of those who was shot is my brother and i get very offended stupid *****s like you open your mouths. did the police show you any fire that he was going to use to burn the filling station? masipa alinja together with corrupt BRE

  5. MMD is still not taking Western vote. However, had this man said he was working with PF or UPND GOV would have made the usual noise of chiefs to desist from politics. In this case MMD is so desperate for the Western vote they will do anything to please some of those docile voters. You are not a Litunga for the people, how I so much miss Ilute(MHSRIEP)

  6. Alas where does it leave pompous PF kaponyas now? What about their claim in their post tissue or tabloid about them being popular kwahae?

  7. “THE Ngambela of Western Province has said the Litunga and PEOPLE in the province are impressed with the development projects being undertaken by President Rupiah Banda’s administration…” going by that statement there’re two possible conclusions one can make 1. The Litunga sat down in consultation with ALL his subjects to which they ALL agreed that RB is the best thing that happened to the human race since the advent of cocacola; and 2. The Litunga KNOWS what’s in the HEARTS of ALL his subjects and after searching out their hearts he can safely conclude that they all just ADORE RB….puuliz!!

  8. In the post news paper you cant make comments contrary to their thinking. why dont they allow people to comment freely.

  9. Now I understand why lozis were killed,shot at,arrested and mistreated,without any apology from govt. Their leader is Rupiah’s cadre!! His subjects are saying Western is the poorest province in Zambia,their litunga is bragging about development, what abetrayer of subjects.
    Chi Rupiah chiliko bad kuma brown envelops, so these lozi leaders were given money to say that, poverty is really bad.
    Then Kunda was right to justfy the lozi killings.

  10. You cannot bite the finger that feeds you, can you? The man is speaking so that he feeds his stomach and I don’t think he means what he says. The fact is that Western and North Western are the least developed provinces and if the leaders act blindly, youths will take things in their own hands. The right thing to do for chiefs and other traditional leaders is to remain non partisan.

  11. Very sad Easter Message from the Litunga. Yo Highness do you preside over chickens and you did sanction some for slaughter and amputations for a feast in Kabwe? A King is for the people. Have you joined the 41 chief of Southern Prov echoeing the invisible developmental progrms. Now tell the nation what is the name of a university in Western prov, and how many industriests are there? How much revenue does the so called investors of WP do they contribute to the national treasury. Sad I thought WP is one of Expenditure Provinces, Wake up

  12. The Post is doing a good job. Imagine the situation where all media houses are praising Rupiah and MMD,would we know the wrong things which leaders do?
    Iwe wamene uzonda ba POST go to hell and hang yourself because they are here to stay.

  13. Ba Academic fimo fimo, the problem is not that we should expect the Post to oppose RB, that is normal. What is alarming is that a paper which we thought would stand for the truth, is siding with someone they were almost calling Satan yesteryear. What has changed? Are there promises somewhere or it is M’membe’s desire to crucify the Lazo, Chiluba, no matter who is on the throne? What about HH’s blackout, is that really being fair?

  14. “Afraid Mmembe” is a cheap coward. Together wit his paper they portray themselves as the knw it all,teaching everyone morals.I wonder what morals they can claim when yesteryear they call someone Satan,today he is the angel??

  15. One minute there is a cry that the province is the least developed and now we are told that the development in the province is satisfying to the people there! Sometimes it is better to say the truth is whichever manner so that the correct message is relayed, someone is not telling the mmd the truth.

  16. @8. Ilute Yeta IV was a Litunga to be remembered. This is a sign of Kufela kwa bulena mwa bulozi. Believe me all u pipo!

  17. Well done the litunga. But this time around its HH baaba, no doubt. where you like it or not he will command the lead. so far southern, central, n/western, western and parts of lusaka province. watch the space!

  18. This is an example of a wise leader. We all salute you the real statesman. Those that wish to bring enermity amongst the people of Zambia shall fail. They feed people with bad ideas and insite them and inevitably puting them in harm’s way. Viva the Litunga. Abash to those that seek to profit from misfortunes of others and those who preach hatread and backwardness.

  19. Never ever entertain Satan the devil. Satan is so clever, has a long tongue and tempts un suspecting citizens…just like he tempted the son of God. Those under the spell of Satan should seek prayers so that the vail of darkness, of anger, of desperation, of lies, of the serpent and of destruction should be removed permanently.

  20. We need more chiefs in Zed to be as progressive as the Litunga.No need to fight GRZ, you lose nothing.Its abominable for ‘Bo Mulena’ to align himself with kaponyas from kulima tower.May the good Lord add more years to the life of the Litunga and abash gays/mmembe/snake/demonic forces.


  22. Some leaders are busy hoping to profit from the unfortunate situation that happened in the Lozi land. They speak as if they care, as if they have the solutions for the poor people of the Lozi land. How come they talk as if they can resolve these issues with ease when they were running Government for a very long time. Some of these leaders were confidants of Zambia’s past leaders and should have been better placed to help resolve these sensitive matters. Abash double standards and abash cowardice. Abash cheap politics

  23. Western Province So shall your strangles continue The MMD will do everything make sure you like that Where is the Kalabo/Mongu Bridge the three times they defraunded the money under your very nose they know and understand the trick;Which is feed the litunga and you get your 10 % votes Eish Bukamushi nabwena bwafya

  24. This time no Kaponya mentality, no voting from the stomach…we will vote from a firm baisis of who deserves the people’s power based on charecter and capacity. So far, we have all seen the charecteristics of these politicians and their capacity. Out of the rotten bag of tomatoes, I will choose the better one for my cooking.

  25. # 17 Not a LOWyer
    The black out for HH is justified because his cadres wanted to kill Gorge Chela, a Post reporter.
    What about the black out for PF on ZNBC,Daily Mail and Times of Zambia which only talk about negative and lies about the opposition, is that what you call fairness?
    We cannot all be seeing things through your eyes.

  26. The people of Bulozi land, do not be driven apart from your King. The king is wiser than these polititians that vormit lies and tempt you with sweet talk. The Litunga is above cheap politics, he only wants the best out of a bad situation for his people. Zambia, this is not the time to go backwards…RB is not an Angel but they say that ‘ a one eyed man is king among the blind’ Hear my words!

  27. The ngambela sounds like a broken megaphone (to use Mpombo’s words). He and his litunga dont care about their subjects who are being persecuted, maimed and killed because they are well taken care of by the current corrupt regime. In fact just like rupiah, the current Litunga is so unpopular among this subjects. Its fine they can work with rupiah and MMD as an opposition party

  28. No 6 you were misinformed, Do not accuse a corpose, that man never wanted to set ableze BP, I live in Mongu and i know the trueth. the Gov has continueld to fed you with lies and you want to fed us with such, i have evidence of what am saying mind you. the Flyers about chasing non lozi speaking pipo were not from the Barotse Activits, no wonder some of the victims of the 14th are bundas and luvales, the same man you are reporting to have intetions of burning BP is Luvale. As for the Chief Litunga we wish him well but i think he felt the pinch of what happened during this year’s Kuomboka, he is yet to start pundling himself or RB will be doing it.

  29. If there is a person in Zambia today who speaks insanities and like a broken megaphone that bubbles incoherencies is Mpombo..the man Sata used to call…Impombo…do you remember? There is never a leader that is 100% popular with everybody, that is expected. What we refuse is to generalise the minority to represent the majority. There is a reason why some people urinate in humans……you are what you by what you do.

  30. Most bloggers here think and analyze issues with their kidneys, no wonder Zambia will remain a tail in terms of infrastructure development implementation as compared to most countries in the SADC realm. Most MMD supporters on this blog often accuse the PF supporters of being Kaponyas whilist it’s on the contrary, i’ve witnessed more PF and DPND (despite supporting an under five) making more sense than these MMD thugs. Any way one can just see from the way the they ( MMD) have been organizing and conducting themselves throuough william banda; i mean there is no opposition with a william banda cliber. Having said that it would thus be fitting to hand over the title of kaponya to where it belongs and that is, the MMD.

  31. Well, thank God the Litunga isn’t the Lozi people then. He is expressing the stance of the royal establishment. I say that with due respect. We the Lozi people are not swayed by whatever political deal MMD may make with the establishment. We see how MMD has neglected the province 20 years. And the wounds of the Barotse issue are fresh.



  33. If there was ever a master of Kaponyas Zambians know who without having a headache. When you say kaponya mentality, a straight thinking Zambian will know who is associated with Kaponya. William Banda is so dispicable that he is not worth talking about, he is a few centuaries behind. That said…who created Nakawala? Who created Kadobi?……these were chief Kaponyas created by you know who. RB is far from my ideal leader, but he is SADLY the best there is for zambians for now.

  34. This chief must go to Southern province and learn how to deal with politicians. You must be happy to see your subjects shot maimed and killed? Uh sad for the once respected position

  35. Zambians are trying to pick the best seed out of a deasesed bag. What most will agree with me is we don’t need a Lumpen for a President. This is the 21st centuary for God’s sake. Now, see how funny it is…I have said a Lumpen and I have not mentioned any name, but I bet that anybody who is not on a half-brain will know who the Lumpen is. Is this not fact?

  36. Zambia is a unitary state and it shall remain so. No government will ever entertain anarchy, It is unfortunate that there was violence that was and is still beeing fanned by irresponsible people. Thank God, we did not lose so many lives and any life lost is painfully regratable.

  37. looool everyone in MMD is trying to protect their jobs including LT very sad indeed. Why cant we just have clean politics in Zambia. Pipo want to remain in power forever and ever. They have even lost their good morals. MMD mwasebanya zoona i dont support Sata but really as a Zambian i think he is better……………………………………………..

  38. #41 do your homework. You undersstand nothing about the Barotse agreement. Since its a treasonable matter I leave it at that.

  39. Injustice should not be tolerated by people who are called leaders.If you are a leader ,and you condone injustice to be subjected to your people,then you are not worth being called a leader.A chief who subjects his people to cruelty is not fit to be a chief.The chief should side his people who have been inhumanly treated by a brutal regime.There is mayhem in your chiefdom and all you do is support a brutal government.What a shame!This government is so brutal and cruel.There is no difference between this government and previous goverments(UNIP and Kafupis).Another term for this government,there will be mayhem in Zambia.

  40. thats why traditional leaders must stay the h.ell outta politics. They are venerated figures. Now the Litunga and his Ngambela are being ridiculed like common party cadres. #44 We call that a Siziba.

  41. Sorry people to take off topic for a while it’s just that i have something about our president in waitingand i thought we might share it.
    Reknown Oxford University in England has invited PF president Michael Sata to present a paper on Socio and Economic issues of Zambia and Africa in general. The presentation will be on the 4th of May and Mr Sata is expected to leave some time next week. News just received has reviewed that Mr Sata will be accompanied by Bob Sichinga and a Dr Mutukwa.

  42. Heheeee…..All leaders are political. Infact, we are all political beings, the very moment you begin to affect other people by either what you say or do or not do, you start to politic. I don’t understand this thing that a leader can lead without being political……at what level are we looking at politics?

  43. @lasalasa monarchs must not be partisan. How do you think the Litunga’s statements make Lozi PF or UPND supporters feel? Doesn’t it alienate them from the King? He must be a unifyinf fator where after all the politicking every Lozi can feel a sense of unity with everyone in the Kingdom under the Litunga. He has the right to choose his favourites among politicians but not to air his views in the media. It divides his subjects.

  44. This is very embarassing for the Litunga to take up a political side. Does it mean the Litunga is the custodian of all Lozis’ brains? He can’t even be proverbial as the uneducated Mpezeni said without mentioning names, “Tifuna akulu Mphuno”, though both Sata and RB have big noses, but meant someone who understood eastern better, though they are in bad test now.

    If really Lozis can be stupefied by their Litunga and allow their right to life shred to pieces by one RB, and go ahead and support RB for a road MMD thugs have been enriching themselves on, then I can’t find a suitable word befitting normality.

    India builds highways on sea, google worli sealink-mumbai, and find out how long it took to construct that masterpiece, not the rubbish on Mongu-Kalabo Road. Very SAD..

  45. #48 Thanks for that good job.
    The truth is that donors and International Institutions want Michael Sata and Patriotic Front and that’s why they invite him to talk about Zambia’s economy. Few weeks ago China invited PF again and the Secretary General Mr.Kabimba and two others went. MMD thinks that China is behind them,work up from slamber.
    If Rupiah rigs his way to state house,most donors will pull out.

  46. Immedietly you disagree and you begin to look at ways of resolving the disagreement you begin to politic, you can not call it anything else…that is what politics about. There is no leader who can lead without being a political being. Politics is part of every living being..even in the Church there is politics as long as there is conflict and resolution of conflict. Mind you, conflict is not just the physical fighting, but can be of ideas, ideals and so on.

  47. Don’t be blinded by an invitation as a sign of support or an indication of knowledge. How many times have we seen many African leaders get invitations to read papers in front of students, and most get embarassed when they can’t answer questions from students because they are not just well read. Chamachakomboka could also have earned himself an invitation by mare fact that he was a political leader…nothing else. There are accomplished people in Zambia, very well read and attended powerful Universities abroad, but can not be invited because they are not known or are not political leaders. We will celebrate if Mr Sata will articulate matters intelligently, mind you, it will not be a Zambian press that he bullies arround!

  48. #31 … I note in your posting you used the word ‘wanted’… that means a kill was never effected as opposed to the Mongu Killings and Sata’s Chawama Massacre….Sata is Brutal killer.

  49. The Ngambela cannot seek for me on whether i am happy or not with the MMD. I know how much stealing these chaps are doing and the Ngambela and his Litunga should just eat what they have been given without irritating us further. What schools is he talking about. How sad indeed.

  50. No matter how disgrantled we may be, voting for a thug in the name of Sata is the worste thing we can ever do. Sata is not the change we want. He messed up the MMD for 10 years with his Chiluba, and then he can claim to say the party is bad, just to get votes from us. Mr sata you can cheat lumpens like you who think with the wind but not us who still have unwiped brains to remember the real you. PF is a branch of MMD period, and nothing can change that, actually the MMD of today is much better than the one from 1991 of Sata and Chiluba in terms of crime. We have not forgotten about the Chawama matchetes, pungas etc of Sata. To protest in the Sata regime, we are likely to be wiped out the whole province, if he did it on inocent Chawamas, what can meke him fail on us.

  51. MUSHOTA – Just yesterday, you were preaching the need to have African Names. Today you are back to where you belong. The kits they are wearing are traditional attire. I believe Scottish men were Traditional Kilts (Skirts) as well.

    Would you rather embrace Kilts due to the love of a White man & Scottish tradition and bash your own traditions attire

  52. MMD has lost elections despite the strong support of chiiefs. Remember Kasama and Mporokoso by-elections. So shall it be in Western Province. The Litunga is not the people of Westen Province. In any case the current Litunga does not wield so much influence over the people of Western Province. Those who are excited about the Litunga’s statement will be shocked come the presidential and general elections.

  53. The Ngambela is today regretting how his tongue could surely take control of his thinking. Traditional leaders must divorce themselves from partisan politics, yes they can appreciate Government efforts and not engage in been gov vuvuzela’s.

  54. On
    The Litunga will work with RB
    this title is misleading because the content of the news is simple “He said there was no gauge to show that the province was against the Government and that the traditional leadership would always work with the current administration for the benefit of the people” indicating that the BRE recognises that the MMD government is in control and BRE with its Western Province people have to support the government to effect the government’s efforts.

    Nothing more than the above submission but voting will be done by individuals to elect a new GRZ Administration in light of “It was not correct for anyone to suggest that a whole province could all at once be against the Government because people were at liberty to hold different opinions…

  55. Walasa #12:”Chi Rupiah chiliko bad kuma brown envelops…” KaKunda nama red lips kanamvera mushe ku western province after delivering those brownies. Poverty is a crime for sure.

  56. Strange,really strange the litunga says that he will support RB,western province is the least developed in the nation,but now look at the amazing pace at which CHIPATA is developing,and eastern as a whole,this is because RB has prioritised developing his area,mr banda is not a good leader as he simply wants 2 hold on to power so that he can travel more and give his children a more secure future,just look at the booming ZCON.Mr banda dosent mind being a minority leader,all he seeks is to win,but on the ground,there isnt any notable development,Zambia is still rugged and disorganised.Mr sata uses his ego to prove his worth and work hard,Zambia needs DRASTIC changes because in truth we have a disfunctional country,we cant boast of anything but just talking

  57. #27, if you cannot see all the lies that you have been fed on by the Post, then you are not only blind but your eye lids are sewn over your eyes.

  58. #27 Donchi kubeba, during the Pact era you buried your head in sand so that you don’t hear the truth. The Pact is now dead and you have buried your head in sand again, for the same reason. If you don’t want to learn, sorry we cannot teach you.

  59. #65 The Ngambela didnt say that the Litunga supports RB. He said the Litunga will ‘work’ with the govt. He will say the same whoever is in power. Most people on this thread are missing the point. There is nothing in this article that says the BRE or the Litunga are supporting RB. The point is they have to ‘work’ with the govt of the day. It could be Sata’s govt or ‘HH’s. The other thing is whatever is alleged to have been said by the Ngambela was in responsible to the well crafted MMD questions asked by the journalist. The man was just been diplomatic. Learn to read between the lines ! Dont be gullible by falling for cheap campaign propaganda! I expect some of you to have run mad by the time of the elections. Despite your loudness you seem to be intellectual simpletons!

  60. #68 you have provided clarity in a mature way in the first part but then you attack my intellect,why?Simply because i support mr sata?Please feel free to correct me when im wrong but abstain from character assasination,based on assumptions.Im a qualified engineer,but that dosent matter to you,does it?But anyway,thank for your degrading remarks!

  61. It’s amazing to read how some Zambians are advocating for violence.The MMD must be commended for the olive branch they are offering to the great Litunga and the humble people of western province.Fellow Zambians i don’t think the police were sent to go and deliberately kill innocent people.Lives were lost and it’s unfortunate and regrettable but lets look at the big picture of having a UNITED,PEACEFUL AND PROSPEROUS ZAMBIA.

  62. Indeed the Litunga will work with RB but the people will shame the entire Royal establishment by voting for the opposition.
    What development is the Litunga talking about when the masses are suffering in the entire province-can’t he see beyond his palace the suffering of his subjects? What about the butchering of the subjects by the MMD thugs-has the Litunga forgotten this just with Kunda’s visit. Its a shame!

  63. TheLitunga is the unifying symbol of the land.wen he speaks the subjects must follow.He knows sata-NYOKO,can never ne RB and the MMD.THE GREAT DECEIVER,LUCIFER SATAN will will have another HEART ATTACKwhen loses the ERECTIONS this year

  64. Ba JOBURG – To assume that you are cleverer than the Litunga (which may the case) may be pushing the truth too far. All successive Litungas have never exhibited acrimony with a seating Govt. in public – unlike vuvuzelas like Nalubamba. But I am very sure that when the Litunga meets RB he does not mince his words. In spite of his numerous weaknesses, RB has brought more development to Western Province than any of his predecessors. Poverty will always be there – even the richest countries on this planet still have backyards.

  65. Ako ka ngambela na ka litunga twasosa atuti ifwe ni pa nkoloko. efyochali nakulubemba ba chiti nabo ati nipankoloko yaba chi gbm elyo chabanyankula

  66. on the other hand, this is the litunga for the people and by the people of barotseland. i wait to hear from the natives of this land if at all the linyungandambo and mutangelwas of this world are in the same line? remember not long ago 14th jan to be specific, barosteland was on partial fire!

  67. strange indeed. i think the constitution must clarify this article on partizan politics by chiefs so that they are freed from this trap

  68. People should understand why Tongas say ifibalozi tafyakwata amano- ati iyo chimbuya fye. It is so obvious the Ngambela was given a fat brownie. What do you expect when Kafupi becomes your presidential consultant?

  69. Isn’t it strange that this article is being presented at a time when another article in the POST state that ‘Senanga is for regime change’. I am not sure whether the Ngambela has received a fat brown envelope for his personal use or for the Litunga or indeed the brown envelope for the people of WP – but, from the last tim the Ngambela spoke – he bemoaned the delays in GRZ to repsond to the submission on the BLA. His next statement should have been a follow up on the feedback from VP. Instead now he is saying something else. I think the Ngambela is losing his legitimacy as the Litunga ‘s key advisor. In his statement, there should have been a comment and sympathy regarding the poverty situation in the province. He needs to be consistent otherwise I d advise no one to trust his…

  70. Oh God!

    thank you for our litunga, i saw him front page in the Luena By-election, if my recollection serves me right, he only had one voters card.

    If the Litunga pledges in his person to work with RB, that is his GOD give right, otherwise, every other person in his Kingdom (Barotseland) has his/her own free choice to vote for whom ever they so choose.

  71. We need a revolution in the western province in order to change the status quo. Egypt,tunisia and the rest changed things!

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